Usually the articles in this publication follow the structure of:
What is the truth?
Proof that this is indeed the truth.
What you can do about it?
This article is going to be different.
I’d like to start with what I feel we not just can but need and even must do. Then, I will explain why this is a course of action we must take and provide proof to the arguments I make.
Let’s jump in.
“No Taxation Without Representation!”
The above is one of the most seminal political slogans in human history!
In just four simple words, the people of what was then the british colonies in North America were able to express perfectly their primary grievances with what was back then still their government in Great Britain.
The argument was brutally simple which is what made it so incredibly effective:
The people of the british colonies in America did not have representation in the British Parliament.
Therefore, any taxes said Parliament imposed on the colonists were unconstitutional.
This concept that the government should not tax a populace unless that populace is represented in some manner in the government, which was first articulated during the English Civil War when the Parliamentarian John Hampden refused to pay ship money taxes, is now self-evident (or at least should be!) in every free, fair and civilised society.
In the context of British taxation of its American colonies, the slogan "No taxation without representation" appeared for the first time in a headline of a February 1768 London Magazine printing of Lord Camden's "Speech on the Declaratory Bill of the Sovereignty of Great Britain over the Colonies”.
When the British government refused to address the legitimate grievances of its subjects in North America, said subjects decided they will not pay taxes anymore and specifically the taxes on tea introduced in 1773.
This gave rise to what is now known as the “Boston Tea Party” which led to the American war of independence and eventually the rise of a new nation we now know as the United States of America.
How is this relevant to the present day?
I think you can probably see where I am going with this but in case you need me to spell this out for you:
The governments of all nations of the former so called “free world” no longer represent the wishes and best interests of their constituents.
Instead, they are working to advance agendas and interests of so called ‘elites’ and the various international organisations they control or even own outright.
These organisations include the likes of:
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and its parent entity the UN;
The World Economic Forum;
The ‘unholy trinity’ of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the World Bank;
A labyrinth of foundations such as the Gates Foundation, The Open Societies Foundation (George Soros), Open Philanthropy (Dustin Moskovitz), Clinton Foundation, Obama Foundation, Bush Foundation, Wellcome Trust and the ‘grandaddies’ of the so called not-for-profit/charitable foundations, the Rockefeller Foundation and the myriad organisations associated with the Rothschild Family.
There are obviously others but these are the main players. If you want the rest, you can find them here.
If you read any of our work and that of many other independent media outlets, you will know this to be true without a shadow of a doubt.
Even if you don’t, the events that transpired since the start of this decade and are still taking place every single day, should make it abundantly clear to you on their own that this is indeed the case.
We all know. Now what?
Simple: it is time to ACT!
As our governments in the west no longer represent the collective will of the majority of the population, there is no reason we should continue paying for their actions and even mere existence!
“But what about elections? They are still happening aren’t they?”
Yes, officially elections are still being held.
However, it is becoming increasingly evident that the ‘winners’ of said elections are being selected instead of elected.
The documentary 2000 mules by Dinesh D’Souza is probably the most detailed and ‘polished’ attempt to prove the above in the context of the 2020 US Presidential elections.
I am not going to make any commentary about the doco itself except saying that it does show some things that warrant further investigation, at the very least.
This interview D’Souza gave on the Rubin Report provides a good summary of his findings. The full documentary itself is behind a paywall.
Watch either and make up your own mind.
The above is especially pertinent given what are effectively irrefutable facts about the collusion between the US intelligence apparatus and Twitter before, during and after the 2020 Presidential elections.
The elections in Brazil last year also raised a lot of concerns. The concerns were so widespread that a formal investigation into the voting process was held by the country’s ministry of defence and the Brazilian military.
While they did not find any evidence of outright fraud and rigging of votes, they did also say:
“It is not possible to guarantee that the programs that were executed in the electronic voting machines are free from malicious insertions that alter their intended function.”
The ministry of defence also called on Brazil’s Electoral Court to carry out its own investigation to which the country’s chief electoral officer replied:
“The court received with satisfaction the final report from the Ministry of Defense, which, like all other supervisory bodies, did not point out the existence of any fraud or inconsistency in the electronic voting machines and in the 2022 electoral process.
The suggestions forwarded to improve the system will be analyzed in due course”
Whether you’re convinced or not, the World Economic Forum and those they serve (remember that the WEF are mere pawns in this grand game of chess), have already moved on and are now mobilising their minions and mouthpieces to float the idea that the whole notion of elections is redundant and even “dangerous”.
So we go back to square one:
Our governments do NOT represent us and therefore have no right to demand we pay them taxes.
Furthermore, it seems that our so called ‘leaders’ have a completely twisted idea about how the power balance between us and them works. Namely:
They work for US!
We are their bosses/employers and they are mere tools/servants whose sole purpose is to serve us! There is a reason why they are called “public servants” after all…
Over the last three years, said ‘leaders’ really got accustomed to the perverse idea that they can boss us around including telling us when we can and can’t leave our houses, where we can and can’t go and even what we must wear on our faces and inject into our bodies.
Think about it for a second:
Would you accept orders from your hammer or your toaster? Will you allow these tools to dictate how you live your life?
This is no different!
This is INSANITY and it must END, now!
Our own governments are hard at work trying to deny us the most basic human rights every human being has in a free and open society and which are summarised best in the American declaration of independence: "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
All three are currently under aggressive and relentless attack by those who have been specifically hired by “we the people” to, above all else, defend those three unalienable human rights.
Instead of defending these with every tool at their disposal, they are doing the exact opposite! The tools have turned against us and it is time we fix this!
“There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part!
And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels…upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop!
And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!”
It is time we “stop the machine” until it succumbs to the wishes of its only true masters:
We the people!
Stop paying taxes!
You may have thought that our world is comprised of and governed by nation states. I know I have definitely thought that until very recently.
However, like many of our other strongly held longtime beliefs, this one also is not supported by the facts and is therefore not true by definition!
The reality is that our world is actually an interconnected network of corporations and most nation states (and especially those of the former “free world”) are run and very much governed like corporations.
The segment below from the movie “Network” made all the way back in 1976 explains this much better than I ever could:
The World Economic Forum and their masters want to take it to the next (and final!) level which they call “stakeholder capitalism”.
According to their own website (and the book Klaus wrote in 2021) said “stakeholder capitalism” entails the following:
To ensure that both people and the planet prosper, four key stakeholders play a crucial role. They are: governments (of countries, states, and local communities); civil society (from unions to NGOs, from schools and universities to action groups); companies (constituting the private sector, whether freelancers or large multinational companies); and the international community (consisting of international organizations such as the UN as well as regional organizations such as the European Union or ASEAN).
In simple terms, Klaus is advocating for the merger of governments with corporations on a global scale.
We have a name for this proposed merger: it’s called Corporatism which is a form of fascism.
Corporatism is defined as:
The basic idea of corporatism is that the society and economy of a country should be organized into major interest groups (sometimes called corporations) and representatives of those interest groups settle any problems through negotiation and joint agreement. In contrast to a market economy which operates through competition a corporate economic works through collective bargaining.
Under corporatism the labor force and management in an industry belong to an industrial organization. The representatives of labor and management settle wage issues through collective negotiation. While this was the theory in practice the corporatist states were largely ruled according to the dictates of the supreme leader.
I’ll let you “compare the pair” of the definition above to what Klaus proposes for his “stakeholder capitalism” for yourself while I move on to my main argument.
Every corporation needs revenue
The state is a special kind of corporation though.
While the ‘traditional’ corporation derives revenue from providing goods and services for a fee and/or from investment activities, the corporation that is the government doesn’t actually produce anything and contributes very little to the overall economic activity and to a nation’s overall GDP.
Your local Government Corp. relies almost exclusively on one source of revenue: TAXATION.
If they don’t bring enough in taxation to pay for all their programs and liabilities, they borrow by issuing government debt in the form of bonds.
The primary reason why people, investment funds, large corporate entities and other nations are happy to buy these bonds and loan money through that process is because they know that the government issuing these bonds has a population it can tax!
It also helps “investor confidence” if said nation also has a large military and law enforcement/intelligence apparatus through which it can ensure said population pays up. I’ll touch more on that shortly.
In the commercial open market, if a customer engages a corporation to provide them with a product or service, the corporation they contracted is obligated by law in most jurisdictions to ensure:
The product or service is fit for the purpose a reasonable customer will use it for; and
The product or service is as described (i.e. “it does what it says on the tin”).
If one of the above is not met, the customer has the right not to pay and is even entitled to a refund in many cases.
Well, the corporations known as the government in pretty much all the former “free world” clearly haven’t kept the two obligations outlined above when it comes to providing its “customers” (we the people) with the primary product/service they have been contracted to provide.
I am not advocating for a refund (no western government has the ability to provide it anyway) but I am advocating we stop making further payments until a list of demands is met that will publicly demonstrate to any reasonable person that the local affiliate of Government Corp. is again committed to providing the primary product/service it was created to provide:
Facilitating and supporting “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" for its citizens.
They start adhering to their end of the deal and we’ll start adhering to ours once again.
Till that happens:
No income taxes
No sales taxes
No property taxes
No payroll taxes
No road use & vehicle taxes
In practical terms this means:
We don’t file income tax returns anymore
Those of us who employ people stop withholding income tax from their paychecks. This may involve switching to paying salaries in cash or other means that don’t involve a bank account (e.g. crypto).
Those of us who sell goods or services stop adding any GST/VAT/Sales tax to the sale price and remitting it to the government.
No more paying land taxes.
No more paying for vehicle registrations and driver’s licenses.
“This seems a bit extreme and also illegal”
Yep, correct on both accounts!
However, what is the alternative?
We have tried to be respectful and law abiding citizens over the last three years and where did it get us?
Have things gotten any better since the injection mandates were dropped and Tedros the terrorist officially declared the COVID-19 “health emergency” to be over?
Is your government listening to any of the very legitimate and serious concerns raised by the citizens (read: its employers/bosses) about things like the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR), the slow but steady elimination of cash and the rollout of CBDCs, as well as the sexualisation of children?
Are our elections really “open & fair”?
Are our governments abiding by their obligation to listen and address the grievances of a big portion of its population, something that is specifically required (not optional!) by many of our constitutions, chief amongst them the First Amendment to the US constitution.
With regards to this being illegal, that may technically be correct (although there is an ongoing and longstanding debate on whether taxing income is constitutional) but as we all should know by now after the events of the last few years, something being illegal, does not by itself make it the wrong thing to do.
We have all lived through periods recently where it was illegal to leave your house unless it was for specific purposes and specific times (none more so than the people of Melbourne in Australia).
Did that make it the wrong thing to do?
Both Canada & Australia have banned their citizens for an extended period of time from leaving the country if they did not take a C19 injectable.
Did the fact it was a government decision by itself make it the right thing to do?
Hopefully you catch my drift.
If not, the video below by Topher Field, the Director of the excellent “Battleground Melbourne” documentary, will hopefully drive this point home for you.
Our non-negotiable list of demands:
Ok, so hopefully you can see my point so far (even if you don’t necessarily agree to it yet).
Before we embark on a large scale “tax strike”, we also need to figure out what is it that we want from our local Government Corp. affiliate.
Specifically, what do we want them to do (not just say as talk is cheap) in order to demonstrate they finally understand who is the boss of who and how the power dynamic is to play out going forward.
I propose the following at the bare minimum:
Immediate and complete withdrawal from the World Health Organisation (WHO). This must happen by December 1 this year (2023) as this is the deadline to reject the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments which will kick in by June 2024 which is when they will become binding, without ever having to be ratified by your local Parliament or Government Corp. affiliate. The WHO is a very dangerous and outright murderous organisation who are in the midst of not just rolling out the regulatory framework to take over the world (in the most literal sense!) but also the technological framework to enable them to do so. There can be no negotiations with this organisation headed by an actual terrorist. The government MUST formally and completely depart. No ifs, no buts. There is obviously a process to do so but it is definitely not too onerous (yet) as this research paper by the US Congressional Research Service prepared for the Trump administration demonstrates very clearly. I covered the process from the Australian perspective in this interview I did with Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts who was truly ahead of the curve on this topic, advocating a departure of Australia from the World Health Organisation and the UN as far back as 2016 in his maiden speech as Senator.
also outlined the practical actions steps here.Immediately stop the administration & manufacturing of all the C19 injectables (regardless of brand)! In addition to that, a formal moratorium should be legislated so that manufacturing or administering these weapons of mass genocide becomes a very serious criminal offence resulting in lengthy prison sentences…or worse! This is the absolute minimum but I think that these other things should also be at least considered as part of our collective demands given the gravely serious threat posed by the advanced nanotechnology found in these (and many other) products.
Legislate a formal moratorium of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) while mandating (yes, I used that word and as much as I hate it, it is warranted in this instance) all businesses to accept cash as the official legal tender of the nation. A business going “cashless” should formally be made a criminal offence carrying heavy fines at the very least. As far as a legislated formal ban for CBDCs or other digital-only currency issued by the government or central bank, the legislation recently introduced in the US state of Florida can be used as a guide, especially when it comes to the basic guiding principles.
Immediately stop the aggressive promotion of gender ideology and ban gender reassignment/transition surgery, or any related treatment (e.g. puberty blockers) for minors unless written consent is given by their parents or legal guardians.
You may think the above list is lacking but I think this is a reasonable starting point, especially given all of the above should be non-negotiable (i.e. we don’t end our “Great Tax Strike” until the government actually takes concrete steps to do all of the above).
A plea from the heart to members of the military and law enforcement
Before I say anything else, I implore you to watch this 50 second clip taken from the “Battleground Melbourne” documentary I mentioned previously.
Can you identify with what you just watched?
Maybe you faced the same situation yourself or very similar to it?
How do you feel as a member of the human family about your actions over the last few years? Would you do anything differently given the opportunity?
Did you make your family proud?
Well, whatever you did (or not do) during your service since the start of this decade, this is your opportunity for a clean slate!
This is your opportunity to do the right thing by your fellow humans if and when the government and/or your superiors in the chain of command give you the order to “crush the protest”.
I hope and pray it doesn’t happen but there is no denying that this is very much a possibility. After all, it has happened before….and very recently too!
The French polymath Gustave Le Bon wrote in his seminal 1912 book “The Psychology of Revolution”:
Governments are not overthrown, they commit suicide.
If the government decided to “commit suicide” by ignoring the very legitimate grievances of a big portion of its constituents, let it!
Don’t go down with a sinking ship!
You may have not been quite sure what was going on and what is the big picture in 2020 and 2021 (and maybe even still last year) but surely that is no longer the case, right?
Furthermore, you have likely faced the full brunt of the injection mandates and maybe even have experienced first hand an injury (or worse) amongst your colleagues, family members or even you personally.
“I have a family to feed and other financial obligations”
I get it. We all do!
However, please consider the following:
What is most important for you to understand about the collective enemies of humanity we are fighting against is that they absolutely hate uncertainty!
They understand full well that their biggest weakness is their numbers and the fact they are in the absolute minority. No one knows for sure how many actual individuals are on the enemy side (knowingly and willingly) but the common assumption is that it is no more than 2000-3000 people in total globally!
Therefore, they will always go for the sure thing (regardless of its cost as money is a mere tool for them) which from their perspective involves removing the human element from the equation altogether!
From their perspective, the ideal “law enforcement professional” or soldier looks like this:
This is because they are guaranteed it will follow all orders to the letter, no matter what they are.
It also comes with the fringe benefits of not needing to be paid, clothed, provided with medical care or rehabilitated if injured physically or psychologically.
It also ties in closely with their ideology and ultimate utopia.
While they may still need you for now and are therefore happy to keep you employed, they are dedicating significant resources to getting rid of you as soon as possible with the deadlines being as tight as just two years from now.
Before they get rid of you though, they will make you train your robotic replacements. If you refuse, they will just bring cheap and more obedient labour from overseas to do that instead.
Finally, do you think you will be able to protect your loved ones from their AI and robots when they eventually come for them after they don’t need you anymore (which they definitely will because for them all of us humans are the same: cattle and ‘useless eaters’)?
As the current ‘enforcers’ of Government Corp, you are the single most crucial deciding factor on whether humanity will win or lose this epic battle!
Losing is not an option so please (please!) don’t let your fellow members of the great family of humanity down when and if the time comes!!
What if ‘the machine’ refuses to stop?
To start with, I genuinely hope that this won’t happen.
I hope that our governments will come to their senses once they see our collective resolve and act in self-preservation, if nothing else.
After all, our ‘elected’ officials and senior bureaucrats in the public sector have it pretty good at the moment.
However, we must also accept the idea that our governments are too far gone and will simply refuse to address (or even listen to) the very legitimate grievances of the people.
Remember the Canadian Truckers and the myriad other freedom convoys they inspired all over the former ‘free world’? Most of them ended pretty much the same.
This time though, we don’t ‘go home’! There is no point as we need to understand that if that is the case, we no longer have a home to go back to so to speak and must all build a new one together.
To quote from the speech of Mario Savio above, the existing ‘machine’ must be “prevented from working at all!”
“Sometimes you gotta tear it all down. Start Over again!”
Earlier this year, country music singer and songwriter Jayme Knyx uploaded a new music video for his 2018 song “Just Drive” to commemorate the first anniversary of the Canadian Freedom Convoy.
I have no doubt that this convoy in January-February last year will go down in history as one of the most important events of the 2020s as it marked the “end of the beginning” of our collective global nightmare and the ‘official’ start of what will be known in future history books as “The great awakening”.
Seeing the brave Canadian truckers and their countless supporters descending on their nation’s capital in the middle of the deep freeze that is the Canadian winter was also what changed everything for me personally. I will never forget it!
Below is the full 2023 music video of “Just Drive” by Jayme Knyx.
Please pay close attention to the lyrics. They are truly profound!
The new world awaits…we just need to stop being afraid!
“Heading for somewhere…leaving something behind. Just drive!”
A Great Reset is INEVITABLE!
Whatever happens, I am confident humanity will prevail as long as we maintain our resolve…and even more importantly, our courage.
As this guy from Perth in Western Australia put it best:
Fear is the virus and Courage is the cure!
I want to end this section with the closing 6.5 minutes of “The Big Reset”. I previously called it a documentary but I now regret using this term.
Instead, the way the narrator refers to it in this closing segment is a much more appropriate description:
This that you have just watched is not a movie, not even a documentary.
It’s a warning message to humanity!
Time for ACTION!
If you understand the gravity of our collective situation and why desperate times call for desperate measures, there is nothing more I have to say to you.
Talk to your family, your friends, your neighbours and your community and go DO!
Let the “Great Tax Strike” begin!!
Please share this as widely as you can and make sure you include the hashtag #GreatTaxStrike on any social media platform which supports them.
If you’re sharing this on Musk’s X (formerly known as Twitter), please use the following link instead as that platform clearly has a permanent beef with Substack and is restricting the reach of any link that includes in it:
If you’re still not entirely convinced that the course of action I propose in this article is warranted, keep reading.
Why we must ACT and why we must do so NOW?
As I said before, we tried to be law abiding and respectful citizens but as I will show with the examples below, this appears to have made absolutely no difference and a solid argument can be made that things have actually gotten even worse!
The enemy is becoming increasingly brazen yet governments continue to do nothing
As I have made the argument previously, we are currently in a brutal global war against a small but very well resourced group of people who will stop at nothing to achieve their objective.
Worst yet, it is blatantly obvious that most of our governments are colluding with them and also working in lock-step with each other to ensure the enemy is successful in achieving their objectives.
Bioengineering on unprecedented scale
As I explain in this detailed exposé, the enemy has unleashed highly advanced artificial organisms against all of us and not only our governments do nothing but they actually assisting this effort (even if unwittingly) and none of their so called “health authorities” are even willing to listen, not to mention actually do something about this.
Further discussion can also be found in the below article by the
.Since writing the above article, the findings continue to come thick and fast and only seem to be getting worse.
The Maui fires
On August 9, wildfires started on the Hawaiian Island of Maui which have quickly gone completely out of control, causing significant loss of life and property, including absolutely decimating the township of Lahaina, a place of deep historical and spiritual meaning for the native people and the first capital of Ke Aupuni Hawaiʻi.
As the days gone by, what initially seemed like a terribly tragic but pretty straightforward natural disaster, got a very sinister twist to it.
Below is some of the best material I was able to collect for you to review on your own without any further commentary from me.
Now regardless of whether you agree that highly advanced ‘exotic’ weaponry has been used to either start or amplify the Maui fires, there can be no doubt really that the local county and state authorities have acted in willful negligence which has resulted in many deaths, especially amongst children!
If you need even more proof, have a listen to this interview with Edward Dowd, an investment analyst who gained global prominence with his book about the consequences of the C19 injectables and who also happens to live in Maui (Kihei, a short distance from Lahaina).
He provides commentary in this in-depth interview he gave to
based on his first hand account as well as that of his neighbours and friends.This can’t and should never be acceptable!
WHO is taking over
One can argue quite convincingly that as things stand at present, the US government is the most dangerous national government in the world today.
However, even they pale in comparison to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the agenda they are working very hard to implement on a global scale.
The Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate goes GLOBAL - our "do or die" moment
More and more people around the world are starting to finally see this, including even some prominent sitting politicians.
However, despite all that, the WHO’s relentless march towards global tyranny seems to continue unabated while they engage in a multitude of stalling tactics such as keep changing the wording on their pandemic treaty and amendments to the international health regulations.
Keeping track of all of this has become a full time job and while the likes of
are doing an outstanding job keeping track of all of that, the fact that is even necessary is absolutely ridiculous if you ask me.It is time we “Decapitate The Serpent” (literally) as the late Dr. Vladimir "Ze'ev" Zelenko put it in his book. We have very little time left to actually be able to do this!
Finally for these section, please listen to this 8 minute speech by
, a true hero of humanity.Anything I add to the above will only distract from the potency of the message so I will leave it at that.
They are going to try again with ‘Plandemic 2.0’
This almost seems like insanity but then again, who said our adversaries are sane.
If anything, they are most likely not!
On August 19, Alex Jones broke the news on his show that he was informed by a “TSA insider” that a decision has already been made to bring mask mandates for airport and airline staff by mid September and this will be extended to the entire traveling public a month later.
Now, Mr. Jones is without a doubt a highly controversial figure and may even seem to many as ultra paranoid.
However, as the saying goes: “just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me!”.
There is also no denying the fact that Jones was spot on about many things over the years (but also completely wrong on many others).
Putting all that aside, the fact that the so called “fact checkers” jumped on this straight away should definitely give us all a pause and a reason to be concerned.
Regardless of what these self-appointed ‘authorities’ on what is true have to say, there is no denying the irrefutable fact that things on the ground have definitely started to change since (and even before) August 19 and these changes seem to indicate that something indeed is afoot with extensive mask mandates being introduced (or at least attempted) across the US.
The notion of the US government attempting to roll out more ‘vaccines’ and even lockdowns also does not appear as far fetched as it did a mere few weeks ago.
Meanwhile in Israel (the ‘official testing ground’ for the new world order) the local health authorities are starting to make familiar (and very ominous) noises as highlighted by Israeli citizen journalist and freedom activist
here.Furthermore, a few days ago on September 3, the Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) issued the following circular to all the hospital heads in Israel:
This circular is in Hebrew (obviously) but as a native Hebrew speaker, I am providing the full and as-is translation below:
"Over the last month we have seen an increase in corona cases, both in the community and in clinical settings.
Currently most cases are detected using either home test kits (comment: they are referring to RATs here) or clinical diagnosis without lab tests
This makes it difficult to determine the actual level of disease in the community and makes it obvious the current picture is of underreporting.
In order to assess more accurately the extent of the current cases and to enable us to determine the correct health policy, we are asking that all patients admitted to your internal medicine wards in the next three weeks between September 3 and September 24 undergo a PCR test.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Head of General Medicine division
Ministry of Health”
So far it seems like the hospital heads have no intention to comply and are speaking out publicly referring to the new MoH guidelines as "unwarranted and causing unnecessary fear" and that “there is no epidemiological justification to resume regular PCR testing”.
Make of all of this what you will but one thing is certain:
Any new ‘variant’ your local Government Corp affiliate will try to scare you into submission with, is definitely either:
Made by them; or
Made and released with their knowledge, consent and even support!
The ‘Final Enslavement’ is progressing well ahead of schedule & Financial Tyranny is already here
In case you don’t know, I am talking about Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) when referring to the “Final Enslavement” and here’s why.
Together with the global takeover by the WHO, it is blatantly obvious to anyone bothering to pay attention that this is the other area where the enemy is putting in the bulk of its effort.
This by itself should make it abundantly clear what their actual priorities are…and what are mere distractions.
Elimination of the most serious rival to CBDCs currently underway
CBDCs are coming. Time to ACT!
Meanwhile the banks are giving us all a taste of how life will look like in a world where everything you say or do is monitored and directly affects your financial standing and ability to access banking services.
Here is a very recent one (this week) from the UK:
There is also this absolutely crazy story of what happened to
, a customer of another major UK bank.Things are also afoot in the “land down under” where the government is pushing some very orwellian laws and a major bank decides on their own accord to act as judge, jury and executioner without the customer having any recourse whatsoever.
And all this even before any of these countries have a fully functioning CBDC implemented.
The so called ‘Free World’ is anything but!
If you’re living anywhere in the English speaking world, in Israel or in any EU country, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that things have changed for us…and not for the better!
Here are a few prominent examples, none of which are from the US (as I think I gave that nation enough ‘air time’ in this piece):
Canada is truly on a league of its own and the ‘poster child’ for how things can go horribly wrong in a well developed liberal western democracy as well as how quickly this can happen.
Since the Freeland Regime has taken power in Canada in late 2019, Chrystia Freeland, a proud member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum and a Bilderberger, together with the help of her frontman and other puppets, has really done a number on the people of Canada and has brought a once proudly free nation to its knees!
Personally, I do not think Canada can survive the last three years in its current form as a single political entity.
There are various possible scenarios of what will happen next with the one below being one of the most plausible in my humble opinion.
The EU
The European Union has a very interesting history going as far back as just before the surrender of Nazi Germany and the end of WWII in 1945.
Things have really picked up steam though in 1951 when France, Italy, the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) and West Germany signed the Treaty of Paris which created the European Coal and Steel Community.
Things have moved quickly following the fall of the Warsaw Pact military alliance and the USSR in the early 1990s and with the aggressive push by the Bilderberg group meddling behind the scenes, the EU has finally emerged to what it is today:
A supranational and highly corrupt body comprised mainly of unelected bureaucrats and career politicians telling the people of the member nations how to live their lives, whether they like it or not.
And now, they have taken it to the next level and much closer to their endgame: total control over every aspect of the people’s daily lives!
Just have a listen to this interview
gave to Clayton Morris of Independent Media outlet Redacted.David provides further context about the EU Digital Services Act and some additional resources in the post below:
Australia where I live is quite an ‘interesting’ place these days.
To me, It seems like the land down under is either stuck in the twilight zone or in a clown world. Not sure which one is more accurate.
They say that “numbers don’t lie” but they also say that “there are lies, damn lies and statistics”.
So which is it?
Well, as a certain famous ad for mexican food suggests: “why not both?”
Well, when it comes to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) at least, they are definitely releasing a lot of numbers (this is what they are paid for after all, right?) but when it comes to any numbers relating to the rollout of the C19 Injectables in this country and their aftermath, they have been trying their very best to indeed make those lie, or at least obfuscate the truth.
However, despite their best efforts, they are starting to really struggle with obfuscating the truth and dribs and drabs of it are coming out on a regular basis now…and as you’d imagine, they are not good (unless you think mass murder of innocent people is cool and normal that is)!
Australian independent journalist
is doing an excellent job keeping track of all the latest data that is coming out.Even Australian legacy media can’t ignore the ABS figures anymore and are starting to ask questions (albeit mostly all the wrong ones).
You’d think that what is now irrefutable data that shows there are many more Australians dying now compared to even during 2020 (when we already had the ‘virus’ but not the injection) will prompt the ‘authorities’ to investigate that, right?
After all, that’s their freaking job!!
Well, a small minority of brave Australian Senators who still remember what their role is in a democracy and who they need to answer to, have been calling for the government to immediately do just that, including Senator Malcolm Roberts who I interviewed earlier this year.
What did the Australian Senate do when a formal motion was put in to conduct an inquiry as to the reasons for the excess deaths?
They voted NO (with a majority of one)!
Australian Pharmacologist
provides some further coverage on this:To add further insult to injury, official data from the state government of Western Australia has made it abundantly clear beyond any reasonable doubt that the spike in adverse events (including the ultimate one: death!) has a causal link to the rollout of the C19 injectables.
The reason why it’s a definitive causal link is due to the very unique circumstances in that state which completely locked itself from the rest of the world and the rest of Australia for an extended period of time during the ‘Pandemic’.
Again, I’ll let
elaborate further as she is much more across the numbers than I am and also happens to live in that state.Meanwhile and while all of that is happening, shocking revelations have come out how the federal Department of Health approached the Department of Home Affairs to use its powers in order to force social media platforms to censor posts they didn’t like, including those made by sitting members of Parliament, in what is effectively the Australian edition of the Twitter Files.
While all that is happening, executives from both Pfizer and Moderna have made an absolute mockery of Australia’s Parliament, its committees and its procedures (and thus indirectly of all of its citizens!) and not a single one was fined, arrested or jailed.
Told you it was a clown world!
New Zealand
So far in the 2020s, New Zealand has shared many similarities with Canada…none of them good!
While the local equivalent of Chrystia Freeland is nowhere near as ‘accomplished’ as “Frida”, she nevertheless proved to be as ruthless and has no doubt made her Professor proud.
After Ardern left the Prime Minister’s office for a sweet gig with the British royal family as well as officially becoming the censor in-chief, her minister for COVID-19 response (who also happens to not be quite sure what a woman is) took over as ‘supreme leader’ in the land of the “long white cloud”.
The new guy, who is obviously not very bright and definitely not as much as his predecessor, (I wonder if he could define what gender she is if asked) has recently made the very audacious move to try and deny the fact that New Zealand ever had any kind of mandates in place when it comes to the C19 injectables!
These are the very same mandates he himself was responsible for enforcing a mere 12 months ago…and did so very enthusiastically.
If that’s not trying to deny gravity, I don’t know what is!
Clearly the current NZ government has decided to take its own people for fools!
If you happen to live there or are a Kiwi expat, how does that make you feel?
Ok, after this brief comic relief from the current New Zealand ‘Crime Minister’, it is time to get serious again.
DEAD serious as a matter of fact!
Make no mistake: Compliance means DEATH!
I think the headline below is an excellent way to start this section which is quite morbid albeit necessary.
It was first published by the Associated Press but was quickly re-published/syndicated across many other legacy media outlets in the US.
After all, this is how legacy media operates as explained here.
Next I want to include this 5.5 minute segment of an interview with an Australian lady by the name of Tabita.
Tabita is a migrant to Australia (like myself) and is originally from Romania. She grew up under the communist regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu and lived through the revolution in 1989 when the brave people of that country finally freed themselves from this brutal regime.
There are two quite well known quotes about history that I’d like to quickly mention before you watch the video below:
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” - George Santayana; and
"History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes." - Samuel Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain)
Think of Tabita as a time traveler from the future that has come back in time to tell you what will happen (make no mistake about it!) if we stay on our current trajectory and do nothing!
Nothing more I can or want to add other than saying you can watch the full 30 minute interview here.
The enemy doesn’t see us as being the same species as them!
You will often hear comments on some independent media outlets that the enemy we are fighting against is not human.
Many of the people saying this are referring to it in a religious sense (i.e. we are fighting against “demons” or “devil worshippers”) or extraterrestrial sense (i.e. we are fighting against “aliens” or “reptilians”).
While that may also be true in the literal sense, it is definitely & absolutely true in the figurative sense and is therefore crucial for our understanding of what we’re up against.
After all, you have no chance to ever defeat an enemy you don’t even understand, right?
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
In 2015, a Historian and Professor at the Department of History at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem published a book in Hebrew titled: “The History of Tomorrow”.
This Historian’s name is Yuval Noah Harari (who incidentally I went to high school with but didn’t know personally at the time even though he was in my year group).
You may have heard of him…. ;)
A year later in 2016, Harari’s book was translated to English because the publisher thought it had a good chance of being as popular as Harari’s previous book called Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (originally published in 2011 in Hebrew under the title “A summary of human history”).
The English version of this new book was titled: Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow.
Here is how Harari himself describes his own book on his own website:
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow examines what might happen to the world when old myths are coupled with new godlike technologies, such as artificial intelligence and genetic engineering.
Humans conquered the world thanks to their unique ability to believe in collective myths about gods, money, equality and freedom – as described in Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. In Homo Deus, Prof. Harari looks to the future and explores how global power might shift, as the principal force of evolution – natural selection – is replaced by intelligent design.
What will happen to democracy when Google and Facebook come to know our likes and our political preferences better than we know them ourselves? What will happen to the welfare state when computers push humans out of the job market and create a massive new “useless class”? How might Islam handle genetic engineering? Will Silicon Valley end up producing new religions, rather than just novel gadgets?
As Homo sapiens becomes Homo deus, what new destinies will we set for ourselves? As the self-made gods of planet earth, which projects should we undertake, and how will we protect this fragile planet and humankind itself from our own destructive powers? The book Homo Deus gives us a glimpse of the dreams and nightmares that will shape the 21st century.
A bit out there, don’t you think.
What’s most telling is the “Homo Deus” bit Harari chose to add to the title of the English version of his book.
“Homo Deus” literally means a “god-like human”!!
Homo refers to human (like in Homo Sapiens or Homo Erectus) and Deus is "god" or "deity" in latin.
In his book, Harari writes that the creation of Homo Deus will likely be the result of a small, elite group of people upgrading their bodies and brains with biotechnology, creating a more powerful biological caste.
If this comes to pass, the experiences of Homo Deus and Homo Sapiens (which is us) will be inherently different and unrelatable.
For example, if a Homo Deus has a chip implanted into their brain that allows them to access data from the internet, the way they experience the world is going to be completely different from the average human (a.k.a Homo Sapiens).
Harari predicts that biological enhancement will just be the first step toward the god-like status of Homo Deus.
Cybernetic augmentation will likely follow biological manipulation. Cybernetic augmentation is the combining of organic and inorganic materials in the human body. This would allow people to remove parts of the body that are threatened by decay and replace them with more durable material.
The one single most important sentence from this book that really sums up Harari’s way of thinking perfectly is this one:
“Human history will end when man becomes god!”
Here are few short sound bites from Harari in his own words:
What a truly ‘outstanding’ member of humanity he is, isn’t he?
Now, if he was just some eccentric Professor who wrote a book that became somewhat famous and got him a bit of international fame and fortune and that’s where the story ends, I would not have mentioned my former schoolmate in this article.
However, as you probably know, this is definitely not how the story ends!
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow caught the attention of a lot of very prominent international ‘figures’ who already had Harari on their radar after his previous book (Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind ) came out in English.
These include Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Barack Obama amongst others as well as another fella by the name Klaus Schwab.
The German ‘Dr. Evil’ (whose father made his fortune from collaborating with the Nazis) was especially impressed with the Israeli Jewish Historian.
So much so that he included a lot of his ideas in his own book he published in 2017 under the title “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” and appointed him as one of his most senior advisers (and some even claim the ‘heir apparent’ to the WEF throne).
Now, unlike Harari, the ‘Schwabenator’ isn’t really an author per se. When he writes a book, it is more like a statement of intent and a program of work to execute.
This was the case with that book as well and I go into this in much more detail here.
Their ‘Endgame’ is as simple as it’s brutal
The enemy’s endgame for all of us can be best summed up in two things:
Depopulation; and
Our adversaries have made it crystal clear over many decades that they feel there are simply too many of us currently on this planet and said publicly that something must be ‘done’ about this.
One of the most ‘in-your-face’ examples of this is this 2 minute segment from an interview with a fella by the name of Dennis Meadows where he calmly and politely makes the argument that there should be no more than a billion people on Earth. Eight or nine billion people can also be ok according to him but only if we also have a “very strong dictatorship that is smart” which he acknowledges is unlikely to happen.
At the very same breath and without even flinching he then says:
“We’re now at seven so we have to get back down”
If you want further context and explanation you can find it here.
Now, unlike Harari, these people are not just ideologues and academics. They mean business and are working hard every day to make their ‘vision’ a reality.
One of their primary tools is Vaccines and any other injectable pharmaceutical as I discuss here and here.
Furthermore, they are trying their very best every day (and using all of their very considerable resources for this purpose) to be more efficient and effective with this ‘task’.
After ‘they’ successfully reduced the population to a more ‘manageable’ size, they are still far from being done.
You see, they may say that population numbers need to come down for the benefit of our planet and its fragile ecosystem but in reality, they couldn’t care less about the environment!
What they do ultimately care about is one thing and one thing only: CONTROL!
Other than turning themselves into gods (Homo Deus), the other thing they obsess about is being able to entirely control the planet and anything that grows and lives on it.
The primary mechanism to be used to achieve the level of control outlined in the video above, after the population has been reduced to more “manageable levels” is Transhumanism which I already discussed extensively here.
What you need to understand that in the context of Transhumanism, our adversaries want to achieve two things:
Make themselves “human gods” (Homo Deus); and
Make you a mindless drone or as one of the interviewees in The Big Reset put it best in this segment:
“It is much easier to get a human to behave like a robot than it is
to make a robot behave like a human”
Make no mistake: this is really what they want…and they are serious about it!
Someone who just bluntly tells it like it is
Since my own awakening, I have really grown to respect Catherine Austin Fitts.
Catherine has a very interesting history, including a stint as Assistant Secretary of Housing as well as Federal Housing Commissioner in the Administration of George H. W. Bush.
One of the things I like the most about Catherine is the fact that despite being obviously incredibly accomplished professionally and super intelligent, she is able to explain highly complex things in very simple terms and most importantly: doesn’t mince her words and always says it like it is, as unpleasant as it may be at times.
Earlier this month, Catherine gave an interview in the context of the events that transpired in Maui recently.
However, the interview ended up being much more broad and Catherine ended up dropping some major ‘truth bombs’ that, as unpleasant as they are, must be said!
Amongst them:
“We are building & financing the machine that is doing this to us. Real solutions are possible if we stop supporting building the machinery. We need to come clean!”
“Ultimately, there is NO solution that you can implement on an individual and personal level that is going to work. The human race has to fight for a human future or we’re all going down! I can only be free if everyone else is free & this is why I do what I do.”
You can listen to the full interview here or by clicking the image below:
We are ALL in this TOGETHER and no one is coming to save us but ourselves.
It is time we put a line in the sand and HOLD it, no matter what!
Talk to your family, your friends, your neighbours and your community and go DO!
Let the “Great Tax Strike” begin!!
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If I stop paying taxes there will be only one certainty - jail
They will still print money and it really will not make a dent for them but it will bury me and my family for sure! IRS is a militant organization ! If you fail to pay they can go after you in a million ways - it’s designed to do so.
That’s unfortunately is the Truth.
They don’t need our money they need us busy working and enslaved to the system . Yes the only possibility is to go off grid and live like rambo -survivalist -
And over 99% of the people can’t do that !
The "fact checkers" said there is nothing to worry about. Now I am truly horrified!