Humanity has arrived to a fork in the road.
It is my personal opinion that we have faced such forks many times before in our history (which is much much longer than what we have all been led to believe).
This is another one.
It could be the most important one yet but I’m just not sure to be honest as I believe we are a species suffering from a very severe case of Amnesia or even an outright memory wipe done deliberately (but that’s a discussion for another time).
Just like with any fork in the road, the option to keep going straight on the same road is simply not available!
To put it more bluntly: our life as we all knew it in 2019 is OVER and it is NEVER (ever!) coming back!
So now what?
The choices we are facing could never be more stark
Option 1: “Imagine a boot stomping on a human face…forever!”
If we allow ‘them’ to continue taking us on the current path, the endgame couldn’t be clearer and is expressed brilliantly in this BBC docudrama about the life of George Orwell, the author of 1984 and Animal Farm, two of the most monumental literary creations of the 20th century!
The most critical elements of the infrastructure required for a 24/7 ‘digital gulag’ run by AI and robots who never get hungry, never get tired, never feel any emotion, can’t be negotiated or reasoned with and never ever (ever!) stop is already in place!
The ‘end game’ of this particular choice (and it is a choice!!) is as clear as it gets:
Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Worse
As far as who is the enemy pushing us aggressively towards this path, this is also pretty clear and it is not some amorphic monster.
They have faces and they have names…and they have been planning and preparing for this for a long time while all of us went about with our daily lives!
Who are "THEY" exactly?
Option 2: A complete paradigm shift in ALL aspects of human existence
While there is no denying that our enemy is powerful, have a very well formulated and ruthless ideology/religion and almost limitless amount of material and monetary resources, at the end of the day, I believe we have no one else to blame but ourselves for the collective state of affairs we’re in.
We’ve allowed ourselves to be distracted and dumbed down with menial things that make absolutely no difference like sports and other forms of silly entertainment.
This is just a modern day version of what Juvenal, a Roman poet active in the late first and early second century, referred to as "Bread and circuses" .
We have allowed our schools and universities to become places of indoctrination instead of places of learning, discovery and scientific and intellectual excellence.
We have allowed our healthcare industry to be transformed from one dedicated to actually healing people while following the most fundamental and ancient aspect of medicine which is “first, do no harm!”, to one focusing on long term ‘disease maintenance’ for the benefit and ever-growing profits of the Pharma industry, the most corrupt and evil industry mankind has ever created!
We have allowed our financial system to become a system based on what former US Congressman Ron Paul referred to as:
The deceitful and evil process of inflating and borrowing.
A system based entirely on trickery and lies and whose eventual demise (which I believe we are witnessing right now) is a mathematical certainty!
So what do we do now?
Well, as the famous saying goes:
The first step to getting out of a hole is to stop digging
Or as author Leigh Hershkovich put it even more starkly:
You spend your whole life trying to get out of holes.
The hole you're born into because of who your parents are.
The hole you dig yourself trying to get out of that first hole.
The hole your children are born into is the saddest hole of all.
The practical meaning of “to stop digging” in this context is that the world as we knew it in 2019 must die!
We will have to build a completely new society with completely new structures and ways of doing things.
In that sense, it is not dissimilar to what our opponents want to achieve. They also want the world as we knew it in 2019 to cease to exist.
A “Great Reset”.
The big difference between us and them though is what we want to come next!
They want a world that is much more centralised with a:
One world government.
One world army.
One world central bank digital currency (CBDC) operated by a one world central bank.
One world health system and vaccination agenda; and
One world religion.
Well, as the famous catchphrase goes:
"When they go low, we go high"
There are many ways to interpret the above sentence but the one I think is most relevant in our context is to basically aim for the exact opposite of what the enemy wishes to achieve which is a much more DE-centralised world.
Another suggestion I’ve come across and really like is this one by
as an alternative and antithesis to the UN’s “sustainable development goals”, a crucial part of their 2030 Agenda.How a decentralised world looks like in practical terms
Let’s look at a few examples.
A decentralised political structure
This is pretty obvious.
All multinational/global institutions must go!
Global institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank of International Settlements (BIS), World Trade Organisation (WTO), Interpol and first and foremost the United Nations, and all of its myriad agencies including the World Health Organisation must be dismantled.
Many people still think that the UN is effective in preventing conflicts around the world and the death and destruction associated with this but that is actually not true.
The UN, like the league of nations that came before it, is completely ineffective in preventing conflicts (the league of nations was created after WWI to prevent future world wars but we all know how that story ended).
This has a lot to do with the fundamental flaw in its structure whereby the five permanent members of the security council hold veto power which allows any single one of them (and without the cooperation of any others) to block any resolutions they don’t like, even if they have overwhelming support from all other members of the security council and the UN General Assembly.
Supranational structures like the EU have also proven to be a complete failure as is clearly evident even to the most untrained eye today.
There are many reasons for that but chief amongst it in my opinion is the fact that the individual nations within such structure inevitably lose control of some of the most fundamental aspects of national sovereignty such as control over currency and trade relations with other countries.
A decetralised political structure must therefore be built according to the following principles:
There is no ability by one nation to coerce another to do anything.
There is no ability by any organisation/think tank (e.g. WEF)/corporation to dictate anything to a sovereign nation.
ALL international relations between sovereign nations should be based solely and purely on the concept of mutual benefit (“what’s in it for my people?”).
Supranational structures like the EU, BRICS and ASEAN should be opposed vigorously.
The concept of democracy should be refined and redefined more along the lines of a constitutional republic. Currently democracy is essentially a “majority rule” and while the basic rights of the minorities who disagree with a certain course of action are meant to be respected and defended, the last few years have proven definitively that this simply doesn’t always happen, or even happen in most cases. Instead, what we need is a set of commonly agreed upon basic rules which are very rigid and impossible to change unless such change has huge support across society (say over 75-80%). We already have such concept. It’s called a constitution.
The best political ideology to ensure the ongoing freedom of everyone is libertarianism. You (and you alone) are responsible for your own actions and are essentially free to do whatever you want as long as you don’t impede on the right of another person to do whatever they want. Here are two short videos which explain that further and do so very well.
A decentralised financial structure
The Euro experiment has shown us what happens when nations lose control over the issuance of their own currency.
Meanwhile, the events around the Canadian Freedom Convoy in 2022 have shown us how easily a government can weaponise the national currency against its own people.
A decetralised financial structure must therefore be built according to the following principles:
The first principle:
The most important principle of all is that no one person, organisation or nation can be allowed to control the issuance of currency and how it is subsequently used by the people. Period! The best way to achieve that is to abolish and outlaw the concept of central banks and central banking whereby the monetary policy of a nation is determined and controlled by an unelected group of bureaucrats. This is not a new idea at all but is rather almost 200 years old.
While many people are proponents of transacting using precious metals such as gold and silver or using currencies that are backed by precious metals, I personally feel that this approach is not feasible and is doomed to fail and here’s why:
Transacting directly with precious metals and other commodities was OK a few centuries ago when most people were living in small communities, knew each other and had very little contact with the outside world but is not really possible in modern society. Nowadays, we need to be able to transact with people and organisations separated from us by distance and do so quickly. sending silver or gold coins in the mail is just not going to cut it.
A national currency backed by precious metals or other commodities is a brilliant idea. There is only one ‘slight’ problem: governments and other rulers have never (ever!) been able to resist the temptation to fiddle with it…going back all the way to the days of the Roman empire.
If you agree with the two points I made above, we can deduce that we need a financial system based on a currency that can be easily transacted with even if the two parties are not in the same room or town (or country, or continent and maybe even the same planet in the not too distant future).
All that while having a very strong built-in mechanism which protects said currency from debasement and other fiddling by governments, corporations, groups or individuals that can result in terrible things such as runaway inflation (looking at you Venezuela and Zimbabwe) and then lead to some horrific political outcomes.
The only viable solution I’m aware of which meets both criteria is what’s called Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT in short).
Many people use the term DLT and blockchain interchangeably these days but that is a mistake.
Blockchain is just one of the types of DLTs similar to how email is one of the protocols or use cases of the Internet.
DLT is a lot more than Blockchain and Bitcoin (which is the most well known type of blockchain) just like the Internet is a lot more than email.
Another similarity between the Internet and DLT is the fact that both can be used for good as well as evil.
You can use the Internet to find information, connect with people or shop for goods not available in your vicinity but a malicious (a.k.a “black hat”) hacker can use the Internet to break into systems, scam people and steal their money or even bring down a nation’s critical infrastructure.
DLT can be used by individuals to transact with others in a completely anonymous manner without any fees or restrictions by banks and governments but it can also be used by governments to roll out Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) or as I prefer to call them: the final enslavement.
The reason why I gave the examples above was to demonstrate that a technology by itself is not good or evil.
Rather, it’s a matter of what people do with it and what people allow their governments and big business to get away with.
The basic concepts of DLTs and their potential use cases is a massive topic in itself so I will not get into that here but if you want a good understanding of that, the video below does an absolutely stellar job explaining it in layman terms that anyone can understand:
Before I move on I just want to say that I personally am not a big fan of the particular cryptocurrency discussed in the last part of the video above.
While it has some very good technical benefits which open up very diverse use cases, I don’t think it is actually truly decentralised.
Same goes for Bitcoin or Ethereum (the two largest cryptocurrencies by market capitalisation as measured in US Dollars) but that’s a discussion for another time.
The second principle:
Free choice and competition between various financial structures and monetary systems
That’s the only other principle that is crucial in my opinion and I would argue that this one is even more important than the first one as without it, it is highly likely that eventually a group of people, organisation or government will be able to exert undue influence.
Free choice and genuine competition is not just a key concept in capitalism but is also the single most important value of libertarianism as already discussed above.
In order to guarantee the long term survival of a decentralised financial structure, it is imperative in my opinion that multiple decentralised DLT-based currencies co-exit and compete with each other at all times.
Eventually, one or two (ideally two) will emerge as dominant because they offer better features (easier to use, more anonymous, cheaper to transact on etc) as well as due to network effects.
Elimination of the most serious rival to CBDCs currently underway
A decentralised healthcare structure
I think we have all seen what happens when a ‘single source of truth’ is allowed to dominate in matters of science and especially in healthcare.
Unless you’ve spent the last three years in a coma, you will need no further explanation.
One thing I heard last year which really resonated with me was the idea that there is actually no such thing as “public health”.
It’s an oxymoron as the only way to achieve public health is to ensure that the individuals comprising said public are healthy.
In order for individuals to make good decisions about their health, they need three things:
Clear information that is easy to understand even for a layman;
The ability to trust that information and know that it only has their benefit and wellbeing at heart rather than corporate, political or any other agendas; and
Free choice to do with that information whatever they please. They can act on all of it, part of it or just ignore it altogether and are solely responsible for the outcomes of any such choice.
Nothing guarantees the above more than a decentralised healthcare structure whereby different and opposing voices are allowed with each presenting their own arguments and people then making the choices on what is right for their own bodies and personal circumstances and lifestyles.
One potential such decentralised healthcare structure is called: A BETTER WAY.
This structure is being built by an organisation called
and may potentially work out as a good alternative to the one created by the WHO and the evil pharma industry which is controlling it.One of its co-founders is a British medical doctor by the name of Tess Lawrie. Below is a message from her that will hopefully resonate with you:
A decentralised education structure
This is another big one!
In my opinion, one of the key reasons why the infamous ‘they’ were able to do to us what they did over the last three years was a catastrophic decline in people’s ability to think critically and independently.
This was without a doubt intentional but the perpetrators were not the teachers and support staff at the ‘coal face’ so to speak of education.
No, the people who methodically steered towards this outcome were much much higher in the food chain and are basically the same people and organisations who orchestrated the plandemic, together with their puppets in government.
The most powerful tool these people and organisations used to achieve their desired outcome was the so called “national curriculum” whereby a set curriculum is created by a central government body and then mandated (this word should have a much more ominous sound to it by now hopefully) on all the schools.
All teachers now have a program given to them which not just tells them what to teach but also when, how and how much.
This includes topics that may have very little interest for students and/or very little relevance to their life in the ‘real world’ once they are done with the education system.
A key aspect of this set national curriculum is examinations. This by itself is not a problem but it does become a problem when the key to success in such examinations is giving the one answer that is designated as being the right one.
Furthermore, success in such examinations also often requires memorisation and regurgitation by students during the prescribed exam time.
Finally, teachers and schools are directly rewarded based on how well their students performed in said exams.
Again, this by itself is not an issue and is actually a good idea BUT there is major problem with the fact that these schools and individual teachers had no say whatsoever in designing the curriculum they teach and test on.
Also, the reward is not tied at all to real life outcomes for students after they graduate.
Here is what we should do instead (this is definitely not my idea but am happy to ‘steal’ it):
The government stops funding schools altogether and stops creating the travesty known as the “national curriculum”.
Instead, every school aged child gets an annual voucher for their education. The child and their parents than redeem the voucher at a school of their choice.
The school is then able to redeem the voucher they got from the child for cold hard cash from the government and this is how they fund all or part of their operations.
This opens up the education system to be governed completely by free market forces and in this case, the child and their parents will look predominantly at whether they find the curriculum relevant and interesting and whether they like their teachers and fellow students, as well as the school environment as a whole.
Schools or teachers who don’t deliver on that will not get students.
No students = no vouchers.
No vouchers = no $$$.
As Einstein famously said once:
Everything should be as simple as it can be, But not simpler
I think the above structure meets that to a tee!
A decentralised agriculture, food production and manufacturing structure
For a very long time, a concept called “Just in time” (or JIT in short) was applied around the world when it comes to both manufacturing and inventory management.
This is definitely an efficient and highly profitable way of doing business and has worked well for many decades.
However, the onset of the ‘Pandemic’ and the recent and very rapid geopolitical changes occurring in the world have exposed two key weaknesses:
Supply chain breakdown including empty shelves at supermarkets (a.k.a the toilet paper wars). Those empty shelves were mostly not due to lack of product but rather there were no drivers available to deliver them (because they needed to ‘isolate’ as they were ‘sick’) or there was a shortage in the fuel required to power the trucks, trains and planes. This leads us directly to the second key weakness.
Over reliance on a single country or geographic area to supply the rest of the world. Two prominent examples were the global shortage in PPE and ‘testing’ kits for Covid which all come from China. Another prominent example was a shortage in various consumer electronics items which were also coming from China. This was especially noticeable during the lockdowns in Shenzhen, a city in southern China with 17 million people where most of the consumer electronics used in the west is made.
Such global ‘choke points’ cannot be allowed to emerge again.
Ideally, each country in the world should be completely and entirely self-sufficient but this is obviously not feasible unfortunately.
What is feasible though is for the leaders of each country, as well as their citizens, to be acutely aware of the potentially catastrophic risks of ‘choke points’ not just for their prosperity but even for their very survival.
If a nation needs to source resources, goods or services from outside its borders, it is imperative it ensures it always has at least two (and ideally more) reliable sources for what their people need.
When it comes to agriculture and food production, the case becomes even stronger as the implications of a ‘choke point’ for an essential food item are almost always deadly!
A perfect example for that was the shortage in grains due to the Russia/Ukraine conflict as Ukraine was a major supplier of that to the rest of Europe and was colloquially known for many years as “Europe’s bread basket”.
Because a choke point in the production and supply of essential food items (e.g. bread, fresh fruit and vegetables) has the potential to be outright deadly, a three pronged approach is required in my opinion:
Nations should ensure they are as self sufficient as possible when it comes to producing the essential food items their population needs. What is considered “essential food item” can vary based on geography, climate and the cultural preferences of the people in each nation or region (e.g. Rice is considered essential in most southeast Asian countries whereas corn and beans is more important for people in Latin America).
Governments should ensure that essential food items are not grown just in one or very few geographic areas within their borders but are instead as distributed as the local conditions allow (climate, soil and access to water).
Governments should ensure that the production of food, and especially essential items, is not controlled by large corporations, entities or wealthy individuals. For example, it must NEVER EVER allow this to ever happen again under any circumstances. No ifs, no buts, no exceptions! Instead, governments should actively encourage and support people to grow their own food either individually or as part of local food collectives/community gardens/farms.
Addressing Food Shortages, GMOs and upcoming rationing
A decentralised consumption structure
This ties in directly to the previous point but is also part of a much bigger phenomenon.
It is very dangerous for our freedom to get all of our ‘stuff’ from a few large suppliers/providers who completely dominate the market.
This applies to getting all of our groceries from several large supermarket chains, our electronics from a few large electronic chains and our money from a few large banks.
The same goes to buying stuff online where Amazon, eBay and China’s Alibaba dominate completely in many countries.
It’s interesting to note in this context that in some countries, the dominance of big supermarket chains is slowly being diminished but unfortunately the ones picking up the slack at the moment appear to be the online grocery delivery services of which Amazon Fresh is one of the dominant players.
We all must make a conscious choice to support smaller retailers and also source food from our local farmers markets and even farmers directly.
This becomes more feasible to anyone with the emergence of direct farmer-to-consumer platforms.
A decentralised religious structure
I personally never really considered myself being overly religious as an adult, despite growing up Jewish.
As a matter of fact, for many years I considered the whole concept of religion as quite archaic and even detrimental to human development and evolution.
I no longer think this way.
The last few years have shown me how important religion and spirituality in general can be for the human experience and overall well-being.
The lack of religion or some other form of spirituality can lead to the emergence of someone like Yuval Noah Harari, an Israeli Jew who is openly atheist, although he does say he practices Vipassana meditation regularly:
So no, I don’t think religion and spirituality is a problem. On the contrary.
However, what is a problem in my opinion is the organised religion and more specifically, the religious institutions that sit at the top and dictate to the practitioners of said religion or spiritual movement the ‘right way’ to practice their faith or spirituality.
This is often referred to as the religious dogma or doctrine.
This in my opinion is a BIG problem and going forward cannot be allowed to exist.
There are plenty of examples from pretty much any religious denomination and subgroup of how religious dogma or doctrine has corrupted the practice of religion and spirituality and poisoned the minds of those who practice it, often resulting in them doing unspeakable things to people of different faiths or even to people of their own faith.
The way forward for human spirituality is described best in my opinion in this famous speech by Jiddu Krishnamurti given all the way back in 1966:
Here is the part that really resonated with me:
Because in this there is no teacher, no pupil.
There's no leader, there is no guru, there's no master, no savior.
You yourself are the teacher, and the pupil, you're the master, you're the guru, you are the leader, you are EVERYTHING!
You MUST make a choice. Doing nothing is choosing option 1 by default
We are all living in the era of fifth generation warfare which is the type of war the enemy is waging against all of us.
One of the most fundamental things to understand is that in the era of fifth generation warfare there is no such thing as a civilian or non-combatant so to speak.
There is also no defined front.
The war is against everyone and is happening everywhere.
Even if you don’t care about politics, don’t want to fight anyone and simply prefer to sit and do nothing, the other side still sees you as their enemy and will wage its “unrestricted warfare” against you nevertheless, as well as against all your loved ones, including your kids and even infant children!
There is no ‘bench’ in this battle for life and death and no one gets to sit this one out!
We either all fight together and defeat the ruthless enemy we face or we all become their slaves…..FOREVER!
I want to end this post with a movie quote which I think is very appropriate in this context.
Remember that while Hollywood was created to provide entertainment for the masses (the ‘circus’ part in “bread and circus”), its primary objective is, as it always was:
There are so many examples to this and the one below is just one of them.
We’ve been fighting a long time and we have all lost so very much.
So many loved ones gone…
You are not alone. There are pockets of resistance all around the planet.
We are at the brink.
Above all: Stay alive!
You have no idea how important you are.
If you’re listening to this. You are the resistance!
Actionable Truth Media is 100% Independent and does not receive any support from governments, political parties, advertising or sponsorships.
To allow me to continue this work and expand it further and in pursuit of the mission to “propagate the truth like a MANTRA”, your financial contribution is greatly appreciated.
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What do you think about the ideas discussed in this post? Leave your comments below.
Good post, Michael. I largely agree with what you say. re the ‘free market’ version of education, I’d prefer to be free of Gov intervention altogether, tbh. Without tokens, just cash (or gold!). Escaping the national curriculum is possible, as can be seen in the growing ‘unschooling’ movement. See Gatto’s classic “Weapons of Mass Instruction” for an overview of the philosophy.
Nice post. I should have read this prior to the previous one I commented on. (I read fast) I agree with most of your points. I hesitate to push for vouchers in education though. Currently we homeschool our children and I see most voucher programs as a recuperation scheme. But that is a long conversation with significant nuance.