Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Worse
A glimpse into our collective future if we lose...
Below is my personal adaptation of the 2016 ‘opinion piece’ written by WEF mouthpiece and graduate of their Young Global Leaders program, Ida Auken.
Before I get to that though, I would like to ‘set the scene’ so to speak and the video below is in my opinion the absolute best one ever made for that purpose!
The main ‘character’ in the video above is a clever adaptation of the actor used for the “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” slide from the now very infamous and viral video the WEF posted on their official Twitter account (and since deleted) in the very same year as Auken’s ‘opinion piece’ was published (2016).
My adaptation of one of the most ‘in your face’ propaganda pieces of the enemy
Welcome to the year 2030.
Welcome to my city - or should I say, "their city."
I don't own anything: I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes. ‘They’ own everything!
It might seem absolutely crazy to you, and it is!
Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives…provided we behave obviously!
One by one all these things became impossible, very expensive or even illegal to own.
Communication is completely monitored and privacy is completely illegal.
Any service or platform which attempts to offer a private way to communicate is shut down immediately, those who attempt to use it are punished with points deducted from their social credit score and a fine deducted automatically from their CBDC wallet.
Those who try to create such tools are jailed.
When the energy shortages came and blackouts (both planned and unplanned) became commonplace, things started to move quickly.
The use of any transportation became dramatically restricted.
Every person has an annual allowance of Kilometers they are allowed to travel and said allowance is directly tied to their social credit score.
If you run out of kilometers, you can purchase more provided you have the money and (and this is the most important thing), your social credit score is high enough to unlock this option in the first place.
Now the notion of congestion and traffic jams is a thing of the past, but at what cost? What were we thinking to even allow such a thing to be done to us in the first place?
If my credit score allows it, I can use a bike to travel which gives me bonus travel kilometers but I have to pay a rental fee in 5 minute increments in order to use it.
The ride itself is pretty depressing as I am not allowed to leave the confines of the concrete jungle that is my smart city and can’t travel further than a 10Km radius from my designated residential pod.
It makes perfect sense to most people I know but gets me personally quite depressed which is why I hardly ever do it these days.
In our smart city we don't have any single family homes or even low rises.
Everyone lives in massive high-rises comprised of tiny residential pods consisting of a sleeping area, living area and eating area.

Showers are communal and all showers are strictly timed to conserve water. If your social credit score allows it, you can purchase more shower time but baths are a thing of the past, as are public swimming pools.
We all pay rent weekly for our individually assigned pods and that rent is determined directly by our social credit score. If my social credit score gets too low, I am evicted by a robot and my access to my residential pod is automatically disabled.
I am also not allowed to have any art or personal belongings in the pod other than what is issued by the state. If I am caught with ‘unapproved items’, my social credit score is affected and a fine is deducted automatically from my CBDC digital wallet.
Everyone lives alone and the family as we’ve known it no longer exists.
Cooking is no longer allowed and any stoves or cooking utensils are strictly banned except a standard microwave oven issued by the state.
My weekly allowance of protein is delivered once a week by drone and is made predominantly of crushed insects and GMO corn fortified with a synthetic mixture of vitamins and minerals that is “perfectly balanced” to meet the requirements of the World Health Organisation’s global food standard.
EVERYTHING in our smart city operates according to the principles of the circular economy as defined by goal 12 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, including the recycling of sewage water back into drinking water and using the cremation of dead people as an energy source to heat the water used in the communal showers.
The air is carefully filtered to remove any CO2 generated by humans breathing from the atmosphere as it is now officially considered as a poisonous gas.
Trees and parks in the smart city are carefully managed as space is at a premium and access to these spaces is strictly controlled and dependent on having an appropriate social credit score.
Shopping? I can't really remember what that is.
For most of us, we have no say in what we buy with things the government deems as necessary provided to us by an AI-powered fulfillment service and the cost deducted from our CBDC digital wallet balance automatically.
Anything the government does not deem as necessary is officially designated as “luxury goods” and access to these is only available to people with social credit scores in the top 5% and provided they have enough balance in their digital wallet to pay for it.
When AI and robots took over so much of our work, the majority of the population became unemployed.
The government is providing the unemployed with a monthly allowance directly into their digital wallets in the form of Universal Basic Income (UBI), provided they are well behaved obviously.
Said allowance must then be used within that very month and any unused balance automatically ‘expires’ and disappears from the digital wallet as a new month commences.
These people spend most of their days wearing their their virtual reality suits and plugged into the Metaverse, spending their UBI allowance on virtual goods such as outfits, foods and ‘experiences’, most of which revolve around living out their most perverse fantasies (sexual and otherwise).
Sometimes I think about all the people who do not live in our smart city.
I haven’t met any in years but heard they live in the open air, grow their own food, practice religion and spirituality, concepts which are completely foreign to me, and govern themselves following this very strange concept known as libertarianism whereby every person is allowed to do whatever they want as long as they don’t impede on the rights of other people to do what they want.
It’s all very bizarre and foreign to me. I don’t quite understand how these people managed to survive all these years yet somehow they do (from what I hear at least).
However, judging by what I see in the news reports, it seems like they live in squalor and are in a permanent state of Malnutrition.
Why would anyone want to live like that, especially when they can just join us in the smart city?
Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy.
Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded.
I just hope that nobody will use it against me.
(the paragraph above is the only direct quote from the article).
All in all, it seems to me like a pretty good life but I have to admit I don’t remember much from the “before times” so don’t really have much to compare this against.
The world government is saying that the current way is much better than the path we were on.
I believe them but don’t really have a way to check things for myself, even if I wanted because access to historical records of any kind is not really possible for average citizens like myself.
The government is saying that this is for our own good as human history is full of perverse ideas and outright evil that may affect our emotional and even physical well-being.
They are my government so I trust them unconditionally and even if I didn’t, I don’t have much choice on the matter.
Besides, I want to make sure I keep my social credit score high enough so that I can buy extra 5 minutes of shower time next week.
Also, they will be rotating people out of their pods on a shift basis. So at least two people per pod. Stack and pack baby.
It's like what a comedy written in Hell might look like. The absolute worst imaginable dystopia that can only elicit laughter, it's so insanely diabolical.