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"Revealing the method" supercharged

The enemy MUST indicate their plans as well as how they intend to achieve them. This is one particularly potent example.

The above video can also be viewed on Rumble or Odysee.

The full text can be found here.

The document itself was originally published on this website. It can no longer be found there but can be downloaded from HERE and is also included below:

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
528KB ∙ PDF file
Operations Research Technical Manual TW-SW7905.1 May 1979 #74-1120

As you will notice, this document was created in 1979 and mentions that:

This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the "Quiet War", being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with "silent weapons."

Interesting, isn’t it?

What is even more interesting is that if you subtract 25 from 1979, you will get that the start year for the “Third World War”, called the "Quiet War" is 1954.

Let’s see if anything of potential significance has happened in 1954:

Hopefully you know by now dear reader that there are NO COINCIDENCES!

They MUST tell you their plans in advance!

You may ask yourself why such a document as the one being read in the video above was prepared and even more importantly:

How was it allowed to become public?

(Hopefully you don’t think that someone just accidently ‘forgot’ the document and it has fallen into the wrong hands as a result, right?)

Well, the answer is quite simple:

The enemy has their own structured and quite rigid belief system/religion.

One of the most important tenets in their belief system/religion is the acknowledgment that their victims (us!) have:

  • Soul; and

  • Free will

As such, they MUST (it is not negotiable) indicate their intentions in advance which include:

  1. What they want to do? and

  2. How they are going to do it?

They cannot proceed towards the actual execution of their plans unless they fulfilled the above requirement.

It’s a core tenet of their entire ideology!

While they MUST indicate in advance what they intend to do and how, they are allowed (and even encouraged) to use symbolism to do so.

The above video and the document being read there are an example where such symbolism hasn’t actually been used and it is more an “in your face” situation but there are plenty of examples where they have used symbolism, including very very recently as well.

One form of symbolism our adversaries are especially fond of is what’s called “Predictive Programming”.

This term has many definitions. Here is just one which is especially relevant for the examples mentioned below:

Predictive programming at its core is a tactic to reduce resistance by introducing concepts that seem far fetched and continuously reintroducing them to make these concepts appear more likely or at the very least acceptable.

Before we move on to some examples of symbolism, I also want to add this core principal the enemy has been using for literally centuries and without DEEP understanding of said principal, one has no chance to understand their modus operandi, not to mention even trying to beat them.



They do not want an end to conflicts and their ideal situation is endless wars where we fight and kill each other while they make all the money (by funding ALL sides of each conflict) and further cement their global control grid.

Examples of “revelation of the method” from recent times

Here are a few great examples for “revelation of the method” from recent times.

Most are also examples of Predictive programming but not all.

There are NO coincidences!

The TV show "Utopia" was first aired in the UK in January 2013 on Channel 4. An American remake of this series was released in September 2020 on Amazon’s streaming service Prime Video.

The segment speaks for itself:

Another very recent example from Cinema is the Netflix movie “Leave the world behind” which is dissected in great detail in the following two articles by the


Digital Rebel
Netflix: Leave the World Behind
You’ve probably heard of this new film on Netflix making the rounds on social media last week. This is a brief synopsis from IMDB: A family’s getaway to a luxurious rental home takes an ominous turn when a cyberattack knocks out their devices - and two strangers appear at their door…
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Digital Rebel
Follow-up: Leave the World Behind
Just a few weeks ago I made a post about a fairly new and popular film on Netflix titled, Leave the World Behind. I did a scene-by-scene breakdown of all the hidden messages and symbolism that I could find in the movie. That post is below…
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This video also does a great job at analysing the predictive programming aspects of this movie produced by the Obamas:

Another symbol that is quite commonly used by the enemy in various opportunities is that of the Hindu God Shiva which is an especially potent (and thus popular) symbol for the enemy:

Shiva Symbolism is everywhere

The British Royal Family (the Windsors or in their previous name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) had a LOT of very intricate symbolism associated with them recently.

I suspect this is due to what has almost certainly happened to Kate but I am not 100% certain as there could be other things at play as well.

There is also plenty of symbolism around ritualistic child abuse (and that’s the best case scenario!) that is out in the open.

This is one particularly potent example but there are many others that are even more gruesome.

Here is another one located outside the “Home Of The Arts” in my own hometown (together with the fella who ‘created’ it):

Yatala lights, silver ferns, HOTA statue: Gold Coast's controversial ...

This so called ‘art’, together with the entire “Home of the Arts” it is located in, is funded by my local council and our collective ratepayer money!

‘Lovely’, don’t you think?

One particularly potent example of “revealing the method” using symbolism

While the document being read in the video above is very much an ‘in your face’ example of “revealing the method”, this is an exception rather than the norm.

Usually, the enemy prefers to use symbolism as it then also serves as a form of ritual for them. A ‘double whammy’ if you will.

This performance from the "Na-Siensie" TV show on February 17, 1988 is one example I want to spend some time on.

Now remember that this is 1988 so before the fall of the Berlin wall and the unification of East and West Germany.

"Na-Siensie" was a show on West German TV. The Capital of West Germany at the time was Bonn, not Berlin.

The Eastern Part of Berlin was the Capital of East Germany.

As I said in the note above, this video has been very carefully and meticulously choreographed.

Also, the two ladies in the video are not actually singing. They are just lip syncing. The support singers are two other women and their voice has been added later.

I suggest that you watch the clip below carefully from start to finish and then I will highlight a few things for you to pay attention to.

You can then go and re-watch the video to spot the things I mentioned.

There is A LOT of symbolism here (too much for one article). I have watched this clip for well over 30 times now and consulted several other people and I still don’t think we collectively managed to spot everything.

Here’s an easy thing to spot…but also easy thing to miss if you don’t pay attention (or get distracted by the two ladies…😉).

In case you don’t already know this, covering one eye (or the “one eye” symbol) is one of the most potent symbols of the occult.

Its use is not just encouraged by the ‘disciples’ but is outright mandated.

Pin by Eric Blair on All Seeing Eye (With images) | Occult, Occult ...
The Powerful Use Esoteric Knowledge While Keeping it from Humanity ...

Here are several other specific examples that are a bit more ‘advanced’ and where I needed the help of other people (who chose to remain unnamed publicly) in order to figure this out properly.

“20 years or boredom”

Cohen sings about being:

“Sentenced to 20 years of boredom for trying to change the system from within”

He then says:

“I’m coming to reward them. First, we take Manhattan. Then, we take Berlin!

Now think about what happened in Manhattan on September 11, 2001…

Outrageous? Far Fetched?

Ok then. Let’s have a look at what happened before the “20 years of boredom” started and go 20 years back from that to 1981.

The NY Times published this article on February 27, 1981:


Here are a few videos about the story of Argentine Flight 342:


You should know the answer yourself by now!

This is also not the only ‘interesting’ incident involving a plane crashing into a stationary structure…although it is definitely the most potent in the context of “20 years of boredom” (remember that the Cohen music video above is from 1988 so seven years after this incident).

You can look at a list of all the incidents that happened in 1981 here and here and there are a few other (more minor) rabbit holes you can embark on from there.

This one is especially interesting in my opinion.

“The beauty of our weapons”

Cohen sings about being:

Guided by the beauty of our weapons

Well, if you watched the video above (or read the document) then the meaning of the above sentence should be fairly obvious to you.

To add even more context I suggest you watch the following two “recruitment videos” released by the 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) of the US military which describes itself as follows in its own words:

4th PSYOP Group Soldiers are experts in all functional aspects of tactical, operational and strategic level inform and influence operations.

In case you didn’t know “inform and influence operations” is simply military jargon for Psychological Operations (PsyOps):

Now if you think this is all just crazy conjecture on my part and I am putting way too much meaning into Cohen’s video above, the video below should hopefully give you a whole new perspective on one Leonard Cohen. You can also watch that video on Odysee.

I will openly admit it blew my mind when I was first introduced to it by

(thanks mate!) and this is what prompted me to go down the rabbit hole of the particular video of Cohen’s performance discussed in this section:

Now that you are hopefully convinced that I am not giving this video by Cohen more attention than it deserves, let’s get to the final (and most disturbing aspect in my opinion) of Cohen’s video above.

“You know the way to stop me…but you don’t have the discipline”

The enemy has never been overly secretive about neither their agenda nor their endgame and the warnings have been in our faces for literally decades.

As I already said above:

The “Occult” is “Hidden” not because it actively tries to hide but primarily because we refused to see!

Bill Cooper knew and could not have possibly spoken more clearly and bluntly.

Have a listen:

Do you understand now why things have ended for him the way they did? He was ACTUALLY over the target. Like properly!

He was also very clear about what we need to do to win:

Another person who understood the ‘great game’ on a very deep level and much earlier than Bill Cooper was Smedley Butler:

This article by

does an especially good job in my opinion in illustrating the above ideas in a very potent and optimistic way:

A Lily Bit
The Pointless War of the Ideologies
Beneath the rough waves of every global socio-economic and political event, a relentless, yet often unnoticed, battle rages. This war is not fought with traditional weapons, but with narratives and facts, with journalistic warfare and silent individual acts of defiance. It is a conflict defined by two factions, philosophically and spiritually poles apar…
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So this is what Cohen means when he sings:

You know the way to stop me

He then proceeds to mock us all by saying:

you don’t have the discipline

We MUST prove him wrong!

There is simply too much at stake if we don’t!

“It’s fathers day and everybody’s wounded, First we take Manhattan, then we take BERLIN!

As I hopefully demonstrated to you by now, a lot of the lyrics (not to mention the symbolism) in this famous song by Leonard Cohen should be taken very seriously as well as literally.

He is literally spelling out the plan and its stages!!

Given that and the fact we know without a shadow of a doubt that the “taking of Manhattan” was a false flag, it is very safe to assume in my opinion that the “taking of Berlin” will be a false flag as well!

Given the current tensions between NATO & Russia, I think you can see where I am going with this…

As far as the timing of said false flag, here are the dates for “Father’s Day” (Vatertag in German) for the next two years:

Remember that Cohen said that “everybody’s wounded” already by that time. Make of it what you will!

The Path forward

Everything I provided above is not meant to scare or demoralise you!

As a matter of fact, I am hoping to achieve the exact opposite!

There is only ONE word being said by Neo in the entire scene shown below. It is being said right at the very beginning so it’s easy to miss.

Listen carefully:


It is literally THAT simple!

We say NO, the nightmare ends and the Matrix finally comes down!!

There are billions of us and only a few thousands of them. This is OUR world and it’s time we took it back from those bastards!!!

Let’s prove Cohen and his masters that we DO “have the discipline!”

This HAS been done before. We can do it again!

What comes next?

It’s entirely up to us!

After all, this is OUR world.

However, before we can make the transition, we must internalise properly the fact that our world as we knew it is GONE…and it is never (EVER) coming back!

I made a few specific suggestions for what comes next here, here and here which you can agree with or completely disagree with.

Either is perfectly fine provided you understand that what has been (and is still the case now) cannot continue!

I also think this is something we must consider seriously as far as how we structure our governments in the post-war world:

The two fundamental and non-negotiable rules in the post-war world:

  1. Demand (not request!) TRUTH; and

  2. Demand (not request!) PEACE.

That’s it!

If we have these two, everything else will sort itself out by definition!

Once the full and unconditional capitulation or total annihilation of the enemy is secured (and ONLY then in my opinion), we can grieve properly for our fallen.

Lest we forget!!

What we do in life echoes in eternity!

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