find Ann Diamond--she's also done some great interviews--I'm thinkin' she wuz a SRA victim herself--it's been a while (years) since I read all this--but many of the paperclip nazis worked in Canada an' went back & forth from US to California experimentin' on children AND adults--memory erasure too-- Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron worked "on" Cohen--Ann Diamond has been revealin' lots of stuff--NWO stuff, etc--for at least a decade :-) I recall my friend tellin' me Cohen had literal "lost weekends" where he had NO IDEA where he was, what he did. how frightening... again, I find his songs amazin'--I think he was a tortured soul literally...
Ann felt Leonard was tryin' ta warn folks--even tho he may have been "controlled" to do some very dark horrific stuff (ya know MK Ultra "soldiers" have NO CHOICE--they don't even know even after the event)...
In 2006, Diamond published a memoir, My Cold War, where she claims to be a victim of secret mind-control experiments, allegedly sponsored by the American CIA.[1] The book was republished under the title A Certain Girl in 2011.
In 2014, Diamond published The Man Next Door about her friend and neighbour Leonard Cohen.[4] Since then Diamond has made claims that Cohen was a CIA and Mossad agent who warned of a genocide of non-Jews planned by an unnamed cabal.[5] [6]
Would be a shame ta lead folks to "hate on" a man who wuz a victim an' really was tryin' ta help folks--even as he wuz tortured (remotely an' for "tune ups" etc)
Also--in Jewish SRA programmin' they use the "inverse" Tree of Life an' inversed Kabbalah (don't ask me HOW they reverse stuff but they do)--an' bein' the child of Orthodox scholars / rabbis, Cohen was the perfect victim... just as in Catholic programmin' they reverse bible... it's very dark stuff...
from Ann's site (written much later it appears...)
"His personal life was an astounding mess, which is what one would expect of someone with multiple personalities, a few of which were capable of murder and espionage. You don't get far in a marriage if you're constantly switching alters, and disappearing to go on missions. But when you're Leonard Cohen, your relationship failures end up looking glamorous and evoking envy.
So in the end, Leonard Cohen's most lasting achievement might be fulfilling Dr Cameron's specifications to the letter. Not only was he a controlled public figure throughout his life, but he turned his own slavery into a powerful form of Mastery, through music. We'll be listening to his songs, and absorbing their deep messages, for the rest of our lives. His dark, Satanic programming - courtesy of the CIA -- is now mainstream culture. Hallelujah! "
it's a purdy deep rabbit hole--remember, Ann too is "compromised" and an' SRA victim herself--don't believe all at face value, read between the lines, as "they" also pit one operative against the other--"they" also can implant "false" memories--an' also if alters are involved, some lie--or are given instructions to lie--it'll be a long dive!
I think the truth lies in "which" Leonard Cohen is the baddie / CIA-Mossad agent an' which one(s) are tryin' to do good--doin' battle in one (not very tall) body. Ann was both a jilted Cohen lover & a less famous writer--she simultaneously praises & backstabs him--I think his talents are "his" (no ghost writers or performers as some have)---I'm still a huge fan of his music--given his trauma, I won't write it off--his true character remains a mystery (even to those that knew him well) Happy diggin'--by all means post yer findin's!
Sir, that's a quote from Ann Diamond, not me. Yer attack is not founded an' it's fairly rude. Look, I'm jus' copyin' what Ann (former girlfriend of Cohen--also a "chew" too I believe) said about what he revealed. I already said here in the comments that she too is a SRA vicitm an' not all her own comments are reliable. Sharin' what Ann said Lenny told her is not defamatory--it's simply her own story.
Tellin' me I'm spoutin' baloney or that I don't know squat 'bout Kabbalah ain't true. I do not know a ton about Kabbalah (that' true) but I don't diss it. In fact, I respect many who study it seriously (includin' the late Zev Zelenko's brother--no not Madonna & the hollyweird crowd.) BUT I do know a thing 'r two about SRA. They use the FAITH (honest faith) of the victim to program them--usin' this technique for ALL FAITHS.
For example--in the daytime the Catholic SRA kids have normal church--at night it's all INVERSED & REVERSED in the basement--white pope vs black pope, wheat wafers vs blood wafers, rightside up jesus vs upside down. They do the SAME dang thing for all faiths, joos included. Do yer own homework there ta see how religions are inverted for programmin'--didn't make it up, nope it HARDLY would be propaganda--geez.
If you think there are no programmed "chews" ya gotta thing comin'--there are many. One wuz on Oprah (fer gawdsakes).
But it's a FACT in SRA programmin' that they DO use anti-tree-of -life programmin'. I've heard it MANY places from many victims who try ta help others by recallin' an' sharing what they went thru. Whistleblowers.
Lookey, I'm a chew, I'm pro-Israel meanin' I don't want the entire country RAZED (anti-NetAnYoohoo tho--ugh). I even have skin in that game fambly wise. fwiw I do not think what's goin' on there IS genocide (I think Michael here might respectfully disagree?) but I DO think BBGun is a rotten murderous globalist who sacrificed the entire state ta green pass & poison jabs. Fine if ya disagree (respectfully I'd hope)
BOTTOM LINE--I'm not "spoutin' utter bullshit"--I have not read "bad" propaganda. I know far more about how people are programmed an' mebbe you need ta read more about THAT.
The whole point is to "inverse-reverse" all that's good. If the Tree of Life is GOOD then invertin' it for bad--IS BAD. So.... THIS is why the satanists wear inverted crosses. Cross "good" inverted cross "bad"-- that's how they do it--jews are not exempted--Cohen is a good example of this. As I SAID he was also a jewish SCHOLAR an' wanted to honor the faith but it was used AGAINST HIM in his programmin'... that is how they do it.
I'm not makin' it up... hope this'll git ya ta simmer down an' not accuse me of sumthin' I didn't say at ALL. (I own ta bein' a crackpot tho'!)
ANY good info kin be twisted--THAT is what the Cabal duz (I use "the cabal" as the baddies, not as those that study kabbalah fergawdsakes). Read what I wrote agin'--I'm not dissin' chews OR Kabbalah. I'm dissin' the TWISTIN' of what would be otherwise "good"--
I am merely pointing out the extremely damaging popular propaganda
And I am NOT pro Israel - it’s not about pro or against countries or sides
I am pro people to be educated so they rise above the orchestrated conflicts and obvious lies that we are fed daily and are spread by ignorants or by intentional means
I just point out to the anti semites that Jews are getting blamed for everything without any evidence -
Israel murdered its Jews on the altar of Pfizer . So to talk about - Jews as being the super race that is “committing genocide” is frankly idiotic ! So this Ann character is either stupid or trying to push the Jesuit agenda - of blaming Jews for every ill throughout history
Again, ya missed my point--I'm not talkin' Anti-Semitism nor is Ann Diamond.
Nor am I blamin' ordinary "chews" for anything at all (that's why I stated where I wuz comin' from / whom yer talkin' to when you made yer 100% incorrect accusations not usin' yer indoor voice--because they were patently untrue an' as a chew I'm the LAST PERSON on Earth ta sling dung where it don't belong--not on innocent chews, that's fer sure).
Many rotten leaders have "(mis-)led" Israel fwiw--this isn't antisemitic ta say so unless the ADL is watchin'. I now know about the dishonest doin's behind the scenes that led ordinary / decent/good Jews (many I'm related to fer gawdsakes) to settle there--in good faith. Most of them STILL don't know this stuff--it's not what we were all taught, that's for sure. They wouldn't know Balfour from a petifour.
So when I mentioned that I'm "not for" turnin' Israel to rubble or destroyin' it--that WAS what I said meanin' I'm "for" Israel--for it to exist--which is not what many today think. Some do so thoughtfully--I respect all views even those with which I disagree. When I said "for Israel" I added that BBGun is a criminal (guilty--but not of genocide) an' I don't want it to "not exist" even given the regrettable dark state stuff there. I'm from the US thus I'm "for" the USA, an' I similarly don't wanna see America (now AmeriKa) die either--just as much darkness under the hood here too.
THUS I fully agree with ya re the "altar" of Pfizer. Thus you DO appear to agree with me that some globalist jews have done serious wrong...yes? Like those that got the puppets there to push Green Pass an' Clot Shots an' the Sharin' of DNA an' all personal info? Right...
SO if so, then why the heck accuse ME of anti-semitism? WHERE did I state that Jews are or think they are a super race (never stated this) OR that they're committin' "genocide?" I did NOT. An' I clarified that I was statin' the opposite--that even vile BBGun wuz not guilty of genocide--maybe "gaza-cide"...
Kindly refrain from lumpin' me in with those you find ignorant or lackin' in critical thinkin' at least UNTIL you fully, carefully read what I said. Cuz it sounds like ya jumped the gun--an' just "went off" seein' red (or whatever)--
BOTTOM LINE--Ann Diamond is not tryin' to blame "jews" for anything OR make any blanket statements. AFAIK--she is a jew herself. She & ex boyfriend BOTH were manipulated an' she just told what ex boyfriend heard. She's allowed ta say it. There are more plots goin' 'round --so many you could plotz! (sorry I didn't resist that'un). But really--she just repeats with NO ILL INTENT.
In between the lines I recall she was also in awe of Lenny.... but what she conveyed had jack-all to do with her "beliefs"-- HONESTLY we have NO IDEA who told one of Leonard Cohen's MANY alters about that "plot" but it perhaps was useful if he felt torn between "saving the world" an' bein' part of the NWO/destruction. How could we know? I'd avoid finger pointin' an' let these tortured souls speak from what they know--there are truths we all can glean from their whistleblowin' --from two joos that were harmed / manipulated--mind-controlled. Both talented sentient souls--messed up by outside controllers (eg. Ewan Cameron) that were out ta git ALL humanity--of all faiths.
As I wrote, Leonard Cohen was USED (an' arguably abused) since childhood--he had many "alters" an' one told Ann (also a SRA victim) that there was this plot--NOBODY (includin' Ann Diamond) wants to accuse Jews of anything-- you totally misread this.
Sadly, ABUSERS (top down MKUltra ones) come in all faiths--yup, some were "chews"--Kissinger may have been the handler for Lenny as I read. Whether the "cabal" or anyone in it (the Cabal I mean) has or didn't have such a plot--or if such a plot wuz used for programmin' is MOOT. Again, you have a man that is split inta more facets than a Diamond (Ann too, likely) an' he tells his girlfriend he's worried about a plot. NOBODY knows what is true.
If this is what he told her, do not forget, he loved the chews! He was a serious torah / talmud student! ALL his songs are informed by his faith--even tho' he bemoans what a man of clay he wuz. Lenny NEVER gave up on Israel or his Jewish Faith--SO whatever ya feel bout Leonard Cohen or his lady-loves, the truth is that some (of all faiths or no faiths) did him wrong--an' may have programmed HIM to do wrong.
I know no more--but I can say I don't say anythin' bad about any religious doctrine mentioned in my comments--including' about Kabbalah--but I DO speak truth that all such doctrines are used "against" SRA victims--in fact they tend to program kids from families that have a religion--because it allows them to "inverse it" (for dark reasons!)
Okay--said my piece--read first 'fore puttin' poison in that pen--sometimes you'll find that folks ya go after have more in common with ya than ya might think. Peace out!
More than disturbing! They have been and still are trying to kill us! I am Christian, but a fairly new Christian, I do believe we are in End Times, even though I don’t want to believe it. Things are going to get a lot worse. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to do anything I can against these creatures who are trying to play God.
None of us on Earth know exactly when our Lamb without spot will come back. We will endure, at the very least. I’ve heard it said so many times, that we are all here at this point in time for a particular reason.
We have been told what to do - study the Word diligently while asking God to show us His truth, remain separate from the world and sin, demonstrate Christian love for our neighbor, share the gospel, believe what the Bible says not what others teach, and pray (Ephesians 6). You are identifying yourself as a Christian. Take every opportunity you have to do that, and the Lord will bless your faith (Matt 10:32).
I think those in charge are playing up the end times to make us all worked up. They’ve done it before.
Beware of holographic images in the sky .. coming soon via the govt .. they also have voice to skull technology that can infiltrate your brain with “talk from god” …
Please dig dip into these horrible things the deep state has done to confuse the religious..
You’re not alone though .. almost everyone I know thinks it’s end times
excellent post, very inspiring, great links. And 100% agree the entire deception is centered around our consent. We have tremendous power, granted us by our Creator. The enemy desperately wants us to never realize that potential.
I may not agree on the reason you suggest for "Revelation of Method" to be part of their M.O., - I suspect it may be for another reason - they have discovered that revealing the intent and the method to the victim amplifies the power of their spellcasting, it doesn't so much matter if it done through subconcious conditioning (symbols, gematria, layered narratives), predictive programming, or even literally telling the victim exactly what they are going to do- they have learned that all of these approaches have the same potential. If a victim can be decieved/ manipulated into being afraid, they can be controlled- that is the great secret of Satanic sorcery.
The dive on Cohen (note etymology is similar to con or grift) especially timely - note in his own words the smoking gun linkage to Zionism -the central motivating force- the deep, ancient ethnocentric racist hatred and resentment that drives the cabal= pure evil
Cohen was a monster. He knew exactly what he was doing.
I think Cohen is the reincarnation (figuratively but maybe even literally, who knows) of the self-proclaimed Jewish "Messiah" Shabtai Zvi or his disciple Jacob Frank who was one of the 'founding fathers' of the Illuminati!
who knows, as crazy as that sounds at first, at this point in my journey that seems entirely plausible! similar energy. He was fully conscious and committed to his dark path, that much is self evident.
I’m only part way through this Michael, will resume later-but what struck me was the opening ceremony of London Olympics-I had never watched it, now I’ve seen some, I am horrified. I like to think that if I had watched it I could see some of the symbolism, but I don’t know.
I know a fair bit about freemason/illuminati symbolism, but I’m sure to be surprised/shocked as I read on.
The 2012 Olympics is a good example of disclosing what they're going to do in 2020, floating spike proteins, grim reaper pulling people out of hospital beds, choreographed dancing dr.s and nurses.
I see this wave of revealing, and it truly is ugly, as just that, a burgeoning force wave, so many of us dropping the shackles of controlling beliefs. Awakened we are no longer slaves.
Beliefs in how our world works, beliefs in the partisan BS that we are generationally programmed with, beliefs that we are faulty, beliefs in what we can/should aspire to - there are so many.
Thank you for all your research. I see that a number of people who have commented here are Christians, while others are not. It is with sadness that I feel an obligation to point out that, even with the best of intentions behind what you write, the solution to "propagate the truth like a mantra" and to identify the solution as human resolve to demand truth and peace bears close resemblance to an approach that is itself occult - because that is what reliance on self-will and the repetition of mantras is. Just because one identifies occult forces and takes a stand against them does not mean one is on the side of truth. It is, instead, more like a Hegelian dialect, where both narratives are wrong and come from the same fundamental error. I would urge you to reject this approach.
Jesus Christ said "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6a). We do not demand truth of others. We cannot force peace. To pretend we have that power is to deceive ourselves because it has not been given to us by our Creator. Instead, we humble ourselves before the Son of God so that truth will be revealed to us, through the Word of God. We have the peace that God places in our hearts.
We already know that occult forces wield power in this world: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12). So while the details might be brought to light through research, God has seen to it that every believer who studies the Bible already knows the nature of power in this world.
Christians will be persecuted in this world. Christians have been and will be martyred for their faith. We persevere in order to obtain eternal life. It is important to recognize that part of the ultimate truth is that we prevail when we remain faithful to our Lord through the events that take place in the world and in our lives, not by wielding power or by expecting to change events that have been decreed by God Himself. We each make our commitments in this world based on what our treasure is - either what the world offers, or mercy and justice through Jesus Christ. It is not a collective process. God works in each one of us through the Holy Spirit. We pursue love of God and love of our neighbor. God can take care of the rest of the world according to His own timing. See Luke 3:8b "for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." and Proverbs 21:1 "The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes." We cannot do these things. And things will not "work themselves out." Rather, God's plan will continue until its completion when this world is destroyed by fire and those who die in Christ enjoy eternal life and a new heaven and a new earth.
This is important. Time is growing short. We need to make our commitments and strengthen our resolve. We confess our sins, ask for instruction as we read the Bible, take up our cross and follow the Son of God who died for our sins, persevere in the faith, and grow to be more like Jesus Christ thorough the work of the Holy Spirit. It is very important that those who choose this path not contaminate their faith with belief in the power of self-will and the repetition of mantras. These things must be rejected and, if they have been adopted, confessed as sin. Please consider this alternative to the approach you now take as you engage in your excellent research.
I really appreciate your comment and detailed explanation. I genuinely do.
However, I think we have to agree to disagree on that one.
God (whoever or whatever that is for you) only helps those who help themselves!
Praying is great and if that makes you feel better and soothes your soul then by all means go for it but that in itself will not get us out of this...even if all of us do it in unison!
I have heard (and read from various people), that praying in unison can do wonders! I understand you’re not wanting to believe in God, Michael. I’m not trying to change anyone’s beliefs, I’ve got about 40 years of not believing in God behind me. It’s been hard for me to change, and that is an ongoing work in process. That’s all I’ve got to say about that.
It's not a matter of whether I believe in god or not. The notion of "god" is a very very deep rabbit hole (almost certainly the deepest of them all!) and all the work that was done to-date on this topic is merely scratching the surface imho.
Ultimately, what we are going through is a process of forced evolution, or a "test from god" if you prefer a more religious term.
In order to survive this process of forced evolution (or "pass the test") we must take certain ACTIONS and I am fairly certain that praying (even if it's in unison) is not the most important one of those.
The most important one is actually change the way we THINK and the way we STRUCTURE OUR SOCIETIES.
This is the next evolution of our species and the reason why it is forced on us is because our current thinking and societal structures have reached their use-by date and can no longer serve us.
We have arrived to a dead end if you will and the only way out is to change how we think.
If you want a more 'spiritual' manifestation of that, I think this video does a great job at that:
I can’t watch the video just yet-I’ve a problem with my ear! I will watch later. But I think the way our society needs to change is stuck going the way of the evil ones, globalists, cabal whatever. Who can physically/practically challenge them, when they have all the cards? It’s been 4 1/2 years, and “their” plans are advancing, yes, just like they tell us!
Now the C.O. is ubiquitous, who can we trust? I trust you, and others showing they are willing to “walk the walk”-there seems to be quite a few of us, as I’ve said, but will they do what’s required?
I’ve read your previous articles about taxation, etc but I don’t think some people will do that unless they’ve got six people holding their hands, all doing it together. People are losing everything-living on the street etc, their kids dying from the jab etc, etc, but still nothing happens!!
I’m rural also, fairly isolated. No friends, family don’t think anything is happening! Even though I’ve shown them. Do people realise what will happen to them and their kids/grandkids if this mess keeps going? They don’t seem to.
I became Christian, as I have been convinced we are in End Times, all the things point to it. I’m not a great Christian, I’m trying though. It’s really hard. I used to be the complete opposite of Christian, only about 3 years ago. Someone I am close to knew about this bad stuff, years before it happened. Not exactly what was going to happen or when. I mocked that person, not so long ago. Not any more!
I suppose I really want it both ways-to have what I thought was a great life, and to be saved by the blood of the lamb. I’m saying you don’t have to treat me as a person who only believes Christian stuff.
But my previous great life was a lie! Allowed to happen by the cabal ! You say we are going through a forced evolution, do you think of Dr Nixon and his colleagues when you say that or is it something else?
I know what comes from the sky and gets into everything. We have to change how we think, I will watch the video, soon I hope, maybe it explains what you mean by saying we need to change how we think. I’ll get back to you on that. I’ve got about 500 million emails, but they can rot for now, as this is the most important topic in the world, right now!!
Something else, different again, when people do the satanic sign of forefinger & thumb around their eye, to highlight one eye, they are also holding up their other three fingers, to make 3 sixes. I saw Ralph Babet do that sign in some conference a little while back, not over his eye, but out to the side of his body, to show someone maybe? It’s a hard thing to do spontaneously. I helped get him in the federal senate here in Vic. How to vote cards. All gov’t are corrupt, I say, ALL of them. I’ll watch the video and get back to you.
Found an old pair headphones, watched video twice. Amazing that the words were recorded so long ago, and must have been enunciated even more long ago!
But how do we change our thinking, and attract others to do same? I really am stumped. Some people “need” leaders, to tell them how to do almost everything! Some seem to be “born” leaders, and can be too bossy. Life for some is so bad, they let alcohol and other drugs take over their whole being. Big confession here, I know how that is, because I had a big alcohol problem. Key word is HAD, because my problem has gone now.
Whatever is mandated in the near or far future, I plan to not comply. I say plan, because I can see bad people making me take something by force, etc.
Even though I’m rural, the council suddenly decides to put up new brand light poles, at a street corner near me, you know, the one with those “little” black cameras on them. I don’t know if people “near” me-I can’t say neighbours, as we live quite far apart-I don’t know if they even know about the cameras on the light poles! I don’t know what they know, and I can’t just come out and ask them! They really may think I’m completely mad! Eagerly awaiting your reply, when you can, thanks Michael. At 5 pm I’m on the clock, can’t come back until about 7-7:30pm.
Michael - As it goes atm the 99% do not want anything outside of their immediate fish bowl necessities , and you can’t go against such odds
That’s why my enlightened peers decided to drop out of it all and spend their millions in savings in places like Phuket (appropriately sounding place ) - while their immediate relatives think they have gone of the deep end
How’s AUstralia - I was going to move there but then I saw the country bend it’s everything to Covid scam tyrants
The one thing that is missing in a lot of teachings is that God cannot be in the presence of sin. When we come to Jesus, God only sees His blood shed to bring us to Him. We have no condemnation, no sin. We are filled and overwhelmed by God's pure love.
For those who see, there is a passion to help others also see. And for the very few who are like me and have the benefit of being with God and having a conversation with Him, it's human nature to want that for everyone.
Jesus of Nazareth was definitely a real person. However, not everyone believes He is the messiah. I believe He is the messiah, but you do not have to if you do not want to. No one is forcing you.
You are right and it's true that there are different versions of the Bible and one in particular (the Schofield Bible) is extremely evil leading to terrible wars and corruption with the explicit purpose of propping up Zionism and turning Christians away from Christ and into old testament legalists.
Also the fact that the vast majority of churches have been corrupted. Christ has been waiting 2,000 years for Christendom to unite and unfortunately that just happened - they united and sang the song of Satan with the jabs that change the DNA of humanity. A tiny remnant of Christians now have front row seats to watching the churches lead the charge in torching the human race.
All of this was written and forewarned in black and white in the New Testament - all of it. Unfortunately, people simply do not read their Bible anymore with discernment. Please know there are Christians out there who understand perfectly well what is happening.
I don't know if the Bible is real, the king james or others, but I live just outside of one of the most beautiful places in the country, traveled by people all over the world. I believe only God could create places like this. It's common sense to me that everything has an opposite, hot/cold, batteries have a negative/positive, and certainly with all of the evil existing in this world, there is an opposite to that as well.
Prove existence of your mythical babble bs figure why don’t you
As far as educated scribes writing whatever they were told into a book that was commissioned by the elites of the (pick a time frame ) as a tool of control
That needs no proof it is evident throughout history
There is no further point to this. You don't know what you are talking about, your comments don't make sense and, apparently, you don't care. That is your choice.
I agree, no one can prove that God exists, as no one can orove He doesn't. My theory is opposites, hot/cold, negative/positive, evil/good. Maybe I'm wrong and if we die and it was all a "myth" no skin off my hide, BUT, if you're wrong, eternity is a long time.
You might as well read a fiction novel your “Bible” is utter myth and stories written for fearful children with no ability to critically think That’s why masses are attracted to its baseless nonsense as they like the idea of some higher power to make all things better
As the enemy gets bolder, we too must match that - and raise it up a notch.
The darkness is from principalities and rulers of the darkness who seek only to kill and destroy.
The battle is for souls and where they will spend all their eternity, in the presence of God or separated from Him.
I am blessed that after spending 12 years bedridden with a traumatic brain injury and dysautonomia/POTS, God healed me and allowed me to live so that I could proclaim Him as the Healer of all sickness.
We need to stop thinking that every sickness has a pill. And go to God for not only our salvation, but to help others come to Him as well. Thank you for speaking frankly and sharing the message.
I’ve been through your article as closely as I can Michael. Absolutely terrific research! Only trouble I find, is if I go to youtube via your links, I sometimes get distracted by other videos! That’s my fault though. Also, I’m more of a reader than one who watches videos, but I think I listened to them all.
I couldn’t get any sound on the video connected to hollywood, the one that had Hebrew subtitles. I tried twice.
There is so much going on today, it’s almost impossible to keep up. The world is stacked against us. I’ve been doing all I can-talking on internet to wake people up, writing to our politicians, signing petitions. Reading articles like yours-I’m a big fan of your work. I wonder how much you know of Dr Nixon’s work. And if you follow what his colleagues are saying.
That Cohen creature is awful. I’d heard of him, but until seeing your article, I didn’t really know what he was about. Berlin, huh? If I’m still around, I’ll be looking out for that.
J. P. is correct with what they say about Christians and God’s plan. I know this. We are spirits in a human (hopefully) body. I expect anything and everything-supernatural stuff may already be happening. Remember that satan is also known as Father of Lies. Be wary of everything! Michael you are good in this regard ! God does have His plan, it will happen. I’m not really 100% or 60% sure of when it will happen, so in the meantime I just do what I can. I have a small family-we have problems, but we are aware of the evil ones who follow satan, and what they do. There are many satanists in this world, people just can’t see it.
On a different note, you had the symbol for CERN under the Indian goddesses symbols-CERN symbol is also 3 x 6’s. Forgive me if you know that.
It seems that Aussies are asleep, I have “acquaintances” who are fully awake. I keep trying to raise awareness….. I think there are more of us awake than we realise, trouble is we are so spread out!
Better stop now. Thanks again for a great article-keep at it! Oh, one thing that gets me, is our gov’t. They are all fully captured. It’s impossible to get a gov’t who care about us! This worries me a lot, but short of the B Side of Hey Jude, what can we do?
Oh, right-it may have been before I subbed to you. I made another comment about it above, just disregard that. Sorry about that. I don’t sub to Dr Nixon, (paywall, unless it’s gone), but to Karl C and Matt j.a.o.b. and Sylvia (SAM substack) Synthetic red cells. Yikes!
Sorry, above, I meant the Indian god shiva, not goddess. I have a terrible memory-must be all the Aluminium I’m eating! No offence meant to anyone who has problems because of aluminium.
I’m offline for a few hours now. Oh, I meant to say, I like Fritz’s answer to all this! Easier said than done!
Why were several known Freemasons commissioned to write the KJV of the bible- like King James himself
Bible was oral and passed on from generation to generation as a game of “broken telephone”
Who put it in writing ? Educated Scribes who were payed by aristocrats -
Most of the biblical events have their counterparts in Sumarian texts that predate the bible - like the story of Moses and Noah - why is that ?
Why is everyone stuck on a made book especially on this chapter of revelations- it’s not gods words by any means not even by stretch of imagination , if not written specifically as a revelation of method it’s a predictive programming for the ages. Why would a Bible be placed in every hotel room including the ones in United Nations New York headquarters ?
Biggest hoax is the bible and all the religions surrounding it
And the absolute worst remedy to thirds events is “trusting god” and praying and waiting - none of that BS ever worked throughout history as it id exactly what the elites count on for sheep to do !
Waiting is the most dumbest choice to do or wait in trust! I am totally agree about this! k*ll this m*therf*ckers elites! No mercy! Be a real.... If nothing happend good, direct action! They do not like this advice to you all!
100% agree on the cabal havin' ta use symbolism an' reveal "the method" to us--needin' our tacit or overt permission. 100% agree on McAffee--sad they took 'im out. BUT....
100% disagree on the late (great) Leonard Cohen.
First, he wuz an MK ULtra'd mind-control victim from an early age when his parents got him "tested" at McGill an' fer a few years (from age 7?) he went back weekly for testing (enhancements?). Later needin' money in college--he went back of his own accord--that's when the worst wuz done ta him. He had memory lapses, migraines, etc.
One of his ex girlfriends Ann Diamond (sorry no link handy, she has a site out thar) would talk 'bout how he was such a nice guy an' then boom--became robotic, creepy--1 phone call would come in an' he went full Manchurian Candidate--without a word, he'd just up an' leave.
From not only his own work and Anns but from other stuff I've read (and a personal contact), he had splits / alters so ta judge him on some of his seemingly callous/dystopian words cherry picked from interviews seems a mite unfair.
I'm not SURE if he wasn't actually tryin' to let folks know -- a dark sort of warnin' that would "work" for his own Masters (see below) or if he wuz just dealin' with programmin' that he wuz some kinda superman in at least one of his alters.
I have a friend (an artist, far younger than Cohen) who used ta date him long time ago in Montreal (in the 70's I believe...). He wuz troubled--deeply--about everything! He would drive himself ta distraction 'bout the women he loved--wantin' ta honor Torah an' be faithful--while doin' the opposite an' cheatin' like the dickens! But his conscience bothered him--unlike many who are cavalier 'bout such stuff. He drank (lots--Chivas I hear!) to stop the headaches an' the voices in his head. FWIW, I hear they started groomin' him in Greece (long story but it wuz 'bout the time of "Suzanne"--there wuz a Rothschild connection too--in gettin' him from bein' a poor but brilliant poet to a famous performer--something he never envisioned himself!) but he wrote The Master about his bein' subject a mind control--ongoing--his Master controlled him.
Some say it could've been Kissinger. I do not know, it's a rumor. I find him brilliant (he wuz imho) an' mysterious an' full of contradictions. He did study talmud sincerely (however ya feel about it) an' wuz conflicted about his faith (genuine) an' lack of moral rectitude--just about everything else in his life. He went from hermit to extrovert--the "masters" never let him go. Thus I mark him as a equal parts talented artist an' tortured soul. Yes, lyrics are prescient--but he's on only telling us imho. Those that would think he was only a ruthless (nay, dangerous) Tavistock puppet or a NWO propaganda man would only be seein' one facet of his many personalities. You'd miss the good he had ta share. Much of it. I also heard-- that in spite of his many infidelities with the ladies--he was a mensch--a good person on an individual basis, a good listener, a good father (when not called away by his own masters), one who'd help friends, family. He may have hit some dark depths--but he also had depth himself. Just a fyi for those who might reconsider (on either side). I only have cracked the surface I think...
Another "Revealing the method" or genuine unauthorised disclosure?
What do you think?
find Ann Diamond--she's also done some great interviews--I'm thinkin' she wuz a SRA victim herself--it's been a while (years) since I read all this--but many of the paperclip nazis worked in Canada an' went back & forth from US to California experimentin' on children AND adults--memory erasure too-- Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron worked "on" Cohen--Ann Diamond has been revealin' lots of stuff--NWO stuff, etc--for at least a decade :-) I recall my friend tellin' me Cohen had literal "lost weekends" where he had NO IDEA where he was, what he did. how frightening... again, I find his songs amazin'--I think he was a tortured soul literally...
Do you have any links to some specific stuff you recommend? Keen to dig deeper into this and maybe do a follow-up post.
Thanks again! 🙏
here's a start...
found her blog--Mother of Darkness--search fer Lenny there:
just found these--haven't listened to 'em yet... (seems to continue here:
Ann felt Leonard was tryin' ta warn folks--even tho he may have been "controlled" to do some very dark horrific stuff (ya know MK Ultra "soldiers" have NO CHOICE--they don't even know even after the event)...
Early Life
In 2006, Diamond published a memoir, My Cold War, where she claims to be a victim of secret mind-control experiments, allegedly sponsored by the American CIA.[1] The book was republished under the title A Certain Girl in 2011.
In 2014, Diamond published The Man Next Door about her friend and neighbour Leonard Cohen.[4] Since then Diamond has made claims that Cohen was a CIA and Mossad agent who warned of a genocide of non-Jews planned by an unnamed cabal.[5] [6]
Would be a shame ta lead folks to "hate on" a man who wuz a victim an' really was tryin' ta help folks--even as he wuz tortured (remotely an' for "tune ups" etc)
Also--in Jewish SRA programmin' they use the "inverse" Tree of Life an' inversed Kabbalah (don't ask me HOW they reverse stuff but they do)--an' bein' the child of Orthodox scholars / rabbis, Cohen was the perfect victim... just as in Catholic programmin' they reverse bible... it's very dark stuff...
from Ann's site (written much later it appears...)
"His personal life was an astounding mess, which is what one would expect of someone with multiple personalities, a few of which were capable of murder and espionage. You don't get far in a marriage if you're constantly switching alters, and disappearing to go on missions. But when you're Leonard Cohen, your relationship failures end up looking glamorous and evoking envy.
So in the end, Leonard Cohen's most lasting achievement might be fulfilling Dr Cameron's specifications to the letter. Not only was he a controlled public figure throughout his life, but he turned his own slavery into a powerful form of Mastery, through music. We'll be listening to his songs, and absorbing their deep messages, for the rest of our lives. His dark, Satanic programming - courtesy of the CIA -- is now mainstream culture. Hallelujah! "
My god!!
I am pinning your comment. It's too important to be missed!
it's a purdy deep rabbit hole--remember, Ann too is "compromised" and an' SRA victim herself--don't believe all at face value, read between the lines, as "they" also pit one operative against the other--"they" also can implant "false" memories--an' also if alters are involved, some lie--or are given instructions to lie--it'll be a long dive!
I think the truth lies in "which" Leonard Cohen is the baddie / CIA-Mossad agent an' which one(s) are tryin' to do good--doin' battle in one (not very tall) body. Ann was both a jilted Cohen lover & a less famous writer--she simultaneously praises & backstabs him--I think his talents are "his" (no ghost writers or performers as some have)---I'm still a huge fan of his music--given his trauma, I won't write it off--his true character remains a mystery (even to those that knew him well) Happy diggin'--by all means post yer findin's!
“In my secret life “
Sorry ? A genocide of non Jews? Crackpot bullshit , considering it’s the Jews who are aka ways on the chopping block first
How do you fall for such oversimplified malarkey ?
Sir, that's a quote from Ann Diamond, not me. Yer attack is not founded an' it's fairly rude. Look, I'm jus' copyin' what Ann (former girlfriend of Cohen--also a "chew" too I believe) said about what he revealed. I already said here in the comments that she too is a SRA vicitm an' not all her own comments are reliable. Sharin' what Ann said Lenny told her is not defamatory--it's simply her own story.
Tellin' me I'm spoutin' baloney or that I don't know squat 'bout Kabbalah ain't true. I do not know a ton about Kabbalah (that' true) but I don't diss it. In fact, I respect many who study it seriously (includin' the late Zev Zelenko's brother--no not Madonna & the hollyweird crowd.) BUT I do know a thing 'r two about SRA. They use the FAITH (honest faith) of the victim to program them--usin' this technique for ALL FAITHS.
For example--in the daytime the Catholic SRA kids have normal church--at night it's all INVERSED & REVERSED in the basement--white pope vs black pope, wheat wafers vs blood wafers, rightside up jesus vs upside down. They do the SAME dang thing for all faiths, joos included. Do yer own homework there ta see how religions are inverted for programmin'--didn't make it up, nope it HARDLY would be propaganda--geez.
If you think there are no programmed "chews" ya gotta thing comin'--there are many. One wuz on Oprah (fer gawdsakes). Vicky Polin
But it's a FACT in SRA programmin' that they DO use anti-tree-of -life programmin'. I've heard it MANY places from many victims who try ta help others by recallin' an' sharing what they went thru. Whistleblowers.
Lookey, I'm a chew, I'm pro-Israel meanin' I don't want the entire country RAZED (anti-NetAnYoohoo tho--ugh). I even have skin in that game fambly wise. fwiw I do not think what's goin' on there IS genocide (I think Michael here might respectfully disagree?) but I DO think BBGun is a rotten murderous globalist who sacrificed the entire state ta green pass & poison jabs. Fine if ya disagree (respectfully I'd hope)
BOTTOM LINE--I'm not "spoutin' utter bullshit"--I have not read "bad" propaganda. I know far more about how people are programmed an' mebbe you need ta read more about THAT.
The whole point is to "inverse-reverse" all that's good. If the Tree of Life is GOOD then invertin' it for bad--IS BAD. So.... THIS is why the satanists wear inverted crosses. Cross "good" inverted cross "bad"-- that's how they do it--jews are not exempted--Cohen is a good example of this. As I SAID he was also a jewish SCHOLAR an' wanted to honor the faith but it was used AGAINST HIM in his programmin'... that is how they do it.
I'm not makin' it up... hope this'll git ya ta simmer down an' not accuse me of sumthin' I didn't say at ALL. (I own ta bein' a crackpot tho'!)
ANY good info kin be twisted--THAT is what the Cabal duz (I use "the cabal" as the baddies, not as those that study kabbalah fergawdsakes). Read what I wrote agin'--I'm not dissin' chews OR Kabbalah. I'm dissin' the TWISTIN' of what would be otherwise "good"--
I am merely pointing out the extremely damaging popular propaganda
And I am NOT pro Israel - it’s not about pro or against countries or sides
I am pro people to be educated so they rise above the orchestrated conflicts and obvious lies that we are fed daily and are spread by ignorants or by intentional means
I just point out to the anti semites that Jews are getting blamed for everything without any evidence -
Israel murdered its Jews on the altar of Pfizer . So to talk about - Jews as being the super race that is “committing genocide” is frankly idiotic ! So this Ann character is either stupid or trying to push the Jesuit agenda - of blaming Jews for every ill throughout history
Again, ya missed my point--I'm not talkin' Anti-Semitism nor is Ann Diamond.
Nor am I blamin' ordinary "chews" for anything at all (that's why I stated where I wuz comin' from / whom yer talkin' to when you made yer 100% incorrect accusations not usin' yer indoor voice--because they were patently untrue an' as a chew I'm the LAST PERSON on Earth ta sling dung where it don't belong--not on innocent chews, that's fer sure).
Many rotten leaders have "(mis-)led" Israel fwiw--this isn't antisemitic ta say so unless the ADL is watchin'. I now know about the dishonest doin's behind the scenes that led ordinary / decent/good Jews (many I'm related to fer gawdsakes) to settle there--in good faith. Most of them STILL don't know this stuff--it's not what we were all taught, that's for sure. They wouldn't know Balfour from a petifour.
So when I mentioned that I'm "not for" turnin' Israel to rubble or destroyin' it--that WAS what I said meanin' I'm "for" Israel--for it to exist--which is not what many today think. Some do so thoughtfully--I respect all views even those with which I disagree. When I said "for Israel" I added that BBGun is a criminal (guilty--but not of genocide) an' I don't want it to "not exist" even given the regrettable dark state stuff there. I'm from the US thus I'm "for" the USA, an' I similarly don't wanna see America (now AmeriKa) die either--just as much darkness under the hood here too.
THUS I fully agree with ya re the "altar" of Pfizer. Thus you DO appear to agree with me that some globalist jews have done serious wrong...yes? Like those that got the puppets there to push Green Pass an' Clot Shots an' the Sharin' of DNA an' all personal info? Right...
SO if so, then why the heck accuse ME of anti-semitism? WHERE did I state that Jews are or think they are a super race (never stated this) OR that they're committin' "genocide?" I did NOT. An' I clarified that I was statin' the opposite--that even vile BBGun wuz not guilty of genocide--maybe "gaza-cide"...
Kindly refrain from lumpin' me in with those you find ignorant or lackin' in critical thinkin' at least UNTIL you fully, carefully read what I said. Cuz it sounds like ya jumped the gun--an' just "went off" seein' red (or whatever)--
BOTTOM LINE--Ann Diamond is not tryin' to blame "jews" for anything OR make any blanket statements. AFAIK--she is a jew herself. She & ex boyfriend BOTH were manipulated an' she just told what ex boyfriend heard. She's allowed ta say it. There are more plots goin' 'round --so many you could plotz! (sorry I didn't resist that'un). But really--she just repeats with NO ILL INTENT.
In between the lines I recall she was also in awe of Lenny.... but what she conveyed had jack-all to do with her "beliefs"-- HONESTLY we have NO IDEA who told one of Leonard Cohen's MANY alters about that "plot" but it perhaps was useful if he felt torn between "saving the world" an' bein' part of the NWO/destruction. How could we know? I'd avoid finger pointin' an' let these tortured souls speak from what they know--there are truths we all can glean from their whistleblowin' --from two joos that were harmed / manipulated--mind-controlled. Both talented sentient souls--messed up by outside controllers (eg. Ewan Cameron) that were out ta git ALL humanity--of all faiths.
As I wrote, Leonard Cohen was USED (an' arguably abused) since childhood--he had many "alters" an' one told Ann (also a SRA victim) that there was this plot--NOBODY (includin' Ann Diamond) wants to accuse Jews of anything-- you totally misread this.
Sadly, ABUSERS (top down MKUltra ones) come in all faiths--yup, some were "chews"--Kissinger may have been the handler for Lenny as I read. Whether the "cabal" or anyone in it (the Cabal I mean) has or didn't have such a plot--or if such a plot wuz used for programmin' is MOOT. Again, you have a man that is split inta more facets than a Diamond (Ann too, likely) an' he tells his girlfriend he's worried about a plot. NOBODY knows what is true.
If this is what he told her, do not forget, he loved the chews! He was a serious torah / talmud student! ALL his songs are informed by his faith--even tho' he bemoans what a man of clay he wuz. Lenny NEVER gave up on Israel or his Jewish Faith--SO whatever ya feel bout Leonard Cohen or his lady-loves, the truth is that some (of all faiths or no faiths) did him wrong--an' may have programmed HIM to do wrong.
I know no more--but I can say I don't say anythin' bad about any religious doctrine mentioned in my comments--including' about Kabbalah--but I DO speak truth that all such doctrines are used "against" SRA victims--in fact they tend to program kids from families that have a religion--because it allows them to "inverse it" (for dark reasons!)
Okay--said my piece--read first 'fore puttin' poison in that pen--sometimes you'll find that folks ya go after have more in common with ya than ya might think. Peace out!
Please quit spouting utter bullshit about Kabbalah - 1 . tells me you fell for a multitude of badly revised propaganda
2 you know nothing about what Kabbalah teaches
3 you have collected of collage of half lies and half rumors and based an unfounded “theory” on it which you propagate as gospel
Critical thinking teaches discernment which in turn teaches at its basics - not to propagate unfounded rumors
Useful, but disturbing that our government has been doing this to us. Repent, cause JESUS IS COMING BACK
More than disturbing! They have been and still are trying to kill us! I am Christian, but a fairly new Christian, I do believe we are in End Times, even though I don’t want to believe it. Things are going to get a lot worse. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to do anything I can against these creatures who are trying to play God.
None of us on Earth know exactly when our Lamb without spot will come back. We will endure, at the very least. I’ve heard it said so many times, that we are all here at this point in time for a particular reason.
We have been told what to do - study the Word diligently while asking God to show us His truth, remain separate from the world and sin, demonstrate Christian love for our neighbor, share the gospel, believe what the Bible says not what others teach, and pray (Ephesians 6). You are identifying yourself as a Christian. Take every opportunity you have to do that, and the Lord will bless your faith (Matt 10:32).
Thanks for that J.P.-I don’t even go to church, as I can’t find a decent one in my area! Bible for me!
You're not the only one who has had that problem. Stick with the Bible and the Lord will bring genuine Christians into your life.
Thank you!
I think those in charge are playing up the end times to make us all worked up. They’ve done it before.
Beware of holographic images in the sky .. coming soon via the govt .. they also have voice to skull technology that can infiltrate your brain with “talk from god” …
Please dig dip into these horrible things the deep state has done to confuse the religious..
You’re not alone though .. almost everyone I know thinks it’s end times
I know about holograms and voice to skull, but you say they’ve done it before-what do you mean?
Check out the Nonvaxer420 channel on Rumble .. he posts a ton of original source videos on the technology 🤯 ..
Ok, thanks.
Please keep the Jesus fairytale out of it
You are a victim of predictive programming
Did I mention Jesus?
excellent post, very inspiring, great links. And 100% agree the entire deception is centered around our consent. We have tremendous power, granted us by our Creator. The enemy desperately wants us to never realize that potential.
I may not agree on the reason you suggest for "Revelation of Method" to be part of their M.O., - I suspect it may be for another reason - they have discovered that revealing the intent and the method to the victim amplifies the power of their spellcasting, it doesn't so much matter if it done through subconcious conditioning (symbols, gematria, layered narratives), predictive programming, or even literally telling the victim exactly what they are going to do- they have learned that all of these approaches have the same potential. If a victim can be decieved/ manipulated into being afraid, they can be controlled- that is the great secret of Satanic sorcery.
The dive on Cohen (note etymology is similar to con or grift) especially timely - note in his own words the smoking gun linkage to Zionism -the central motivating force- the deep, ancient ethnocentric racist hatred and resentment that drives the cabal= pure evil
Cohen was a monster. He knew exactly what he was doing.
I think Cohen is the reincarnation (figuratively but maybe even literally, who knows) of the self-proclaimed Jewish "Messiah" Shabtai Zvi or his disciple Jacob Frank who was one of the 'founding fathers' of the Illuminati!
who knows, as crazy as that sounds at first, at this point in my journey that seems entirely plausible! similar energy. He was fully conscious and committed to his dark path, that much is self evident.
Cohen is just a pathetic leftist jew and coward and a … tool
I’m only part way through this Michael, will resume later-but what struck me was the opening ceremony of London Olympics-I had never watched it, now I’ve seen some, I am horrified. I like to think that if I had watched it I could see some of the symbolism, but I don’t know.
I know a fair bit about freemason/illuminati symbolism, but I’m sure to be surprised/shocked as I read on.
Thank you for all you are doing!
The 2012 Olympics is a good example of disclosing what they're going to do in 2020, floating spike proteins, grim reaper pulling people out of hospital beds, choreographed dancing dr.s and nurses.
Yeah, I agree Steveo! That’s why I was horrified when I first saw it here on Michael’s stack!
I see this wave of revealing, and it truly is ugly, as just that, a burgeoning force wave, so many of us dropping the shackles of controlling beliefs. Awakened we are no longer slaves.
Good, what do you mean by “controlling beliefs”?
Beliefs in how our world works, beliefs in the partisan BS that we are generationally programmed with, beliefs that we are faulty, beliefs in what we can/should aspire to - there are so many.
well said
Belief in the Bible that is in itself the worst predictive programming scam in worlds history
Ahh, yes, thanks for that Good, I agree, but we all have our faults.
Best of them all are always religiously inclined —- like the belief in afterlife 🤪reward for turning the other cheek 🐑💩
Or the 99 virgins if you don’t cut off the head of unlike minded cultists
Be good slaves do as the big book tells you - heavenly reward for you awaits 😂
Cohen sure knows a thing or two - the future - it is MURDER
You shall find out
You sure will
Thank you for all your research. I see that a number of people who have commented here are Christians, while others are not. It is with sadness that I feel an obligation to point out that, even with the best of intentions behind what you write, the solution to "propagate the truth like a mantra" and to identify the solution as human resolve to demand truth and peace bears close resemblance to an approach that is itself occult - because that is what reliance on self-will and the repetition of mantras is. Just because one identifies occult forces and takes a stand against them does not mean one is on the side of truth. It is, instead, more like a Hegelian dialect, where both narratives are wrong and come from the same fundamental error. I would urge you to reject this approach.
Jesus Christ said "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6a). We do not demand truth of others. We cannot force peace. To pretend we have that power is to deceive ourselves because it has not been given to us by our Creator. Instead, we humble ourselves before the Son of God so that truth will be revealed to us, through the Word of God. We have the peace that God places in our hearts.
We already know that occult forces wield power in this world: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12). So while the details might be brought to light through research, God has seen to it that every believer who studies the Bible already knows the nature of power in this world.
Christians will be persecuted in this world. Christians have been and will be martyred for their faith. We persevere in order to obtain eternal life. It is important to recognize that part of the ultimate truth is that we prevail when we remain faithful to our Lord through the events that take place in the world and in our lives, not by wielding power or by expecting to change events that have been decreed by God Himself. We each make our commitments in this world based on what our treasure is - either what the world offers, or mercy and justice through Jesus Christ. It is not a collective process. God works in each one of us through the Holy Spirit. We pursue love of God and love of our neighbor. God can take care of the rest of the world according to His own timing. See Luke 3:8b "for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." and Proverbs 21:1 "The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes." We cannot do these things. And things will not "work themselves out." Rather, God's plan will continue until its completion when this world is destroyed by fire and those who die in Christ enjoy eternal life and a new heaven and a new earth.
This is important. Time is growing short. We need to make our commitments and strengthen our resolve. We confess our sins, ask for instruction as we read the Bible, take up our cross and follow the Son of God who died for our sins, persevere in the faith, and grow to be more like Jesus Christ thorough the work of the Holy Spirit. It is very important that those who choose this path not contaminate their faith with belief in the power of self-will and the repetition of mantras. These things must be rejected and, if they have been adopted, confessed as sin. Please consider this alternative to the approach you now take as you engage in your excellent research.
I really appreciate your comment and detailed explanation. I genuinely do.
However, I think we have to agree to disagree on that one.
God (whoever or whatever that is for you) only helps those who help themselves!
Praying is great and if that makes you feel better and soothes your soul then by all means go for it but that in itself will not get us out of this...even if all of us do it in unison!
Really getting tired of the brainwashed religious brainwashed sheep
You don’t need to be here.
Neither do you , sheep
Guys, keep it civil please. Happy for passionate debates as long as they are cordial and ideally factual.
Sorry Michael.
I have heard (and read from various people), that praying in unison can do wonders! I understand you’re not wanting to believe in God, Michael. I’m not trying to change anyone’s beliefs, I’ve got about 40 years of not believing in God behind me. It’s been hard for me to change, and that is an ongoing work in process. That’s all I’ve got to say about that.
It's not a matter of whether I believe in god or not. The notion of "god" is a very very deep rabbit hole (almost certainly the deepest of them all!) and all the work that was done to-date on this topic is merely scratching the surface imho.
Ultimately, what we are going through is a process of forced evolution, or a "test from god" if you prefer a more religious term.
In order to survive this process of forced evolution (or "pass the test") we must take certain ACTIONS and I am fairly certain that praying (even if it's in unison) is not the most important one of those.
The most important one is actually change the way we THINK and the way we STRUCTURE OUR SOCIETIES.
This is the next evolution of our species and the reason why it is forced on us is because our current thinking and societal structures have reached their use-by date and can no longer serve us.
We have arrived to a dead end if you will and the only way out is to change how we think.
If you want a more 'spiritual' manifestation of that, I think this video does a great job at that:
I can’t watch the video just yet-I’ve a problem with my ear! I will watch later. But I think the way our society needs to change is stuck going the way of the evil ones, globalists, cabal whatever. Who can physically/practically challenge them, when they have all the cards? It’s been 4 1/2 years, and “their” plans are advancing, yes, just like they tell us!
Now the C.O. is ubiquitous, who can we trust? I trust you, and others showing they are willing to “walk the walk”-there seems to be quite a few of us, as I’ve said, but will they do what’s required?
I’ve read your previous articles about taxation, etc but I don’t think some people will do that unless they’ve got six people holding their hands, all doing it together. People are losing everything-living on the street etc, their kids dying from the jab etc, etc, but still nothing happens!!
I’m rural also, fairly isolated. No friends, family don’t think anything is happening! Even though I’ve shown them. Do people realise what will happen to them and their kids/grandkids if this mess keeps going? They don’t seem to.
I became Christian, as I have been convinced we are in End Times, all the things point to it. I’m not a great Christian, I’m trying though. It’s really hard. I used to be the complete opposite of Christian, only about 3 years ago. Someone I am close to knew about this bad stuff, years before it happened. Not exactly what was going to happen or when. I mocked that person, not so long ago. Not any more!
I suppose I really want it both ways-to have what I thought was a great life, and to be saved by the blood of the lamb. I’m saying you don’t have to treat me as a person who only believes Christian stuff.
But my previous great life was a lie! Allowed to happen by the cabal ! You say we are going through a forced evolution, do you think of Dr Nixon and his colleagues when you say that or is it something else?
I know what comes from the sky and gets into everything. We have to change how we think, I will watch the video, soon I hope, maybe it explains what you mean by saying we need to change how we think. I’ll get back to you on that. I’ve got about 500 million emails, but they can rot for now, as this is the most important topic in the world, right now!!
Something else, different again, when people do the satanic sign of forefinger & thumb around their eye, to highlight one eye, they are also holding up their other three fingers, to make 3 sixes. I saw Ralph Babet do that sign in some conference a little while back, not over his eye, but out to the side of his body, to show someone maybe? It’s a hard thing to do spontaneously. I helped get him in the federal senate here in Vic. How to vote cards. All gov’t are corrupt, I say, ALL of them. I’ll watch the video and get back to you.
Found an old pair headphones, watched video twice. Amazing that the words were recorded so long ago, and must have been enunciated even more long ago!
But how do we change our thinking, and attract others to do same? I really am stumped. Some people “need” leaders, to tell them how to do almost everything! Some seem to be “born” leaders, and can be too bossy. Life for some is so bad, they let alcohol and other drugs take over their whole being. Big confession here, I know how that is, because I had a big alcohol problem. Key word is HAD, because my problem has gone now.
Whatever is mandated in the near or far future, I plan to not comply. I say plan, because I can see bad people making me take something by force, etc.
Even though I’m rural, the council suddenly decides to put up new brand light poles, at a street corner near me, you know, the one with those “little” black cameras on them. I don’t know if people “near” me-I can’t say neighbours, as we live quite far apart-I don’t know if they even know about the cameras on the light poles! I don’t know what they know, and I can’t just come out and ask them! They really may think I’m completely mad! Eagerly awaiting your reply, when you can, thanks Michael. At 5 pm I’m on the clock, can’t come back until about 7-7:30pm.
Michael - As it goes atm the 99% do not want anything outside of their immediate fish bowl necessities , and you can’t go against such odds
That’s why my enlightened peers decided to drop out of it all and spend their millions in savings in places like Phuket (appropriately sounding place ) - while their immediate relatives think they have gone of the deep end
How’s AUstralia - I was going to move there but then I saw the country bend it’s everything to Covid scam tyrants
Praying in unison works so well because of the "mastermind", the Law of Intention is a incredible resource.
You are quite polite and I see your points.
The one thing that is missing in a lot of teachings is that God cannot be in the presence of sin. When we come to Jesus, God only sees His blood shed to bring us to Him. We have no condemnation, no sin. We are filled and overwhelmed by God's pure love.
For those who see, there is a passion to help others also see. And for the very few who are like me and have the benefit of being with God and having a conversation with Him, it's human nature to want that for everyone.
Some people are mad they came back to earth. Not me - I want to help as many as I can for as long as I can.
Jesus is a myth - please educate yourself
Jesus of Nazareth was definitely a real person. However, not everyone believes He is the messiah. I believe He is the messiah, but you do not have to if you do not want to. No one is forcing you.
You are right and it's true that there are different versions of the Bible and one in particular (the Schofield Bible) is extremely evil leading to terrible wars and corruption with the explicit purpose of propping up Zionism and turning Christians away from Christ and into old testament legalists.
Also the fact that the vast majority of churches have been corrupted. Christ has been waiting 2,000 years for Christendom to unite and unfortunately that just happened - they united and sang the song of Satan with the jabs that change the DNA of humanity. A tiny remnant of Christians now have front row seats to watching the churches lead the charge in torching the human race.
All of this was written and forewarned in black and white in the New Testament - all of it. Unfortunately, people simply do not read their Bible anymore with discernment. Please know there are Christians out there who understand perfectly well what is happening.
Well said Excess! Thank you.
New restatement is the freemasonic perversion
How predictable of you
Enjoy the predicament that was laid out for you by the so called New Testament 😂😂😂
My friend, I am definitely not enjoying this.
I don’t know why you’re laughing, bad stuff is happening and worse is coming worldwide!
How come you know so much about The Bible anyway, if you reject it?
I don't know if the Bible is real, the king james or others, but I live just outside of one of the most beautiful places in the country, traveled by people all over the world. I believe only God could create places like this. It's common sense to me that everything has an opposite, hot/cold, batteries have a negative/positive, and certainly with all of the evil existing in this world, there is an opposite to that as well.
Maybe because this fairy tale is promoted in every hotel room including UN headquarters
Pls use your brain 🧠
I understand you are very passionate about this topic but let's keep this civil please.
Many thanks.
Btw your Bible has been written and rewritten by paid scribes who were all connected to Freemason cult
Please prove that.
Prove existence of your mythical babble bs figure why don’t you
As far as educated scribes writing whatever they were told into a book that was commissioned by the elites of the (pick a time frame ) as a tool of control
That needs no proof it is evident throughout history
Your timeline is way off, Truth101. What you say applies to neither the Masoretic text nor the Septuagint.
Nonsense - there is zero proof of anything you refer to in your “holy text”
All texts written by educated men -
None of the commoners knew how to read or write - so the “Bible” was oral and therefore none of you believers have a grip on what actually took place
There is no further point to this. You don't know what you are talking about, your comments don't make sense and, apparently, you don't care. That is your choice.
Something along the lines of talking to a cultist that can’t prove existent of deity or anything factual for that matter
You are no different than the brainwashed masses that believe the news
Have a nice day!
I agree, no one can prove that God exists, as no one can orove He doesn't. My theory is opposites, hot/cold, negative/positive, evil/good. Maybe I'm wrong and if we die and it was all a "myth" no skin off my hide, BUT, if you're wrong, eternity is a long time.
Maybe it doesn’t make sense to a cultist programmed sheep like you
“there is zero proof of anything you refer to…” Have you read the whole Bible? Wow
You might as well read a fiction novel your “Bible” is utter myth and stories written for fearful children with no ability to critically think That’s why masses are attracted to its baseless nonsense as they like the idea of some higher power to make all things better
You didn’t answer my question
As the enemy gets bolder, we too must match that - and raise it up a notch.
The darkness is from principalities and rulers of the darkness who seek only to kill and destroy.
The battle is for souls and where they will spend all their eternity, in the presence of God or separated from Him.
I am blessed that after spending 12 years bedridden with a traumatic brain injury and dysautonomia/POTS, God healed me and allowed me to live so that I could proclaim Him as the Healer of all sickness.
We need to stop thinking that every sickness has a pill. And go to God for not only our salvation, but to help others come to Him as well. Thank you for speaking frankly and sharing the message.
Wow, you are indeed blessed to have been healed by God from that awful illness of 12 whole years!
Thank you for sharing that extremely powerful event! And thanks for your encouragement. Especially because of the times we are living in.
Absolutely we need all the validation and encouragement we can get from one another! You sharpen my sword, and I hope that I also sharpen yours:) 🙌 🙏!
I’ve been through your article as closely as I can Michael. Absolutely terrific research! Only trouble I find, is if I go to youtube via your links, I sometimes get distracted by other videos! That’s my fault though. Also, I’m more of a reader than one who watches videos, but I think I listened to them all.
I couldn’t get any sound on the video connected to hollywood, the one that had Hebrew subtitles. I tried twice.
There is so much going on today, it’s almost impossible to keep up. The world is stacked against us. I’ve been doing all I can-talking on internet to wake people up, writing to our politicians, signing petitions. Reading articles like yours-I’m a big fan of your work. I wonder how much you know of Dr Nixon’s work. And if you follow what his colleagues are saying.
That Cohen creature is awful. I’d heard of him, but until seeing your article, I didn’t really know what he was about. Berlin, huh? If I’m still around, I’ll be looking out for that.
J. P. is correct with what they say about Christians and God’s plan. I know this. We are spirits in a human (hopefully) body. I expect anything and everything-supernatural stuff may already be happening. Remember that satan is also known as Father of Lies. Be wary of everything! Michael you are good in this regard ! God does have His plan, it will happen. I’m not really 100% or 60% sure of when it will happen, so in the meantime I just do what I can. I have a small family-we have problems, but we are aware of the evil ones who follow satan, and what they do. There are many satanists in this world, people just can’t see it.
On a different note, you had the symbol for CERN under the Indian goddesses symbols-CERN symbol is also 3 x 6’s. Forgive me if you know that.
It seems that Aussies are asleep, I have “acquaintances” who are fully awake. I keep trying to raise awareness….. I think there are more of us awake than we realise, trouble is we are so spread out!
Better stop now. Thanks again for a great article-keep at it! Oh, one thing that gets me, is our gov’t. They are all fully captured. It’s impossible to get a gov’t who care about us! This worries me a lot, but short of the B Side of Hey Jude, what can we do?
Thanks for your kind words.
Yes, I am well aware of Dr. Nixon's work and have been following it closely pretty much since he started.
His substack is one of my recommended ones.
Ok, so you know about the blood?
Wrote about it extensively:
Oh, right-it may have been before I subbed to you. I made another comment about it above, just disregard that. Sorry about that. I don’t sub to Dr Nixon, (paywall, unless it’s gone), but to Karl C and Matt j.a.o.b. and Sylvia (SAM substack) Synthetic red cells. Yikes!
Sorry, above, I meant the Indian god shiva, not goddess. I have a terrible memory-must be all the Aluminium I’m eating! No offence meant to anyone who has problems because of aluminium.
I’m offline for a few hours now. Oh, I meant to say, I like Fritz’s answer to all this! Easier said than done!
Thank you for laying this out so nicely. There are so many layers, and they are so coordinated. Discipline. Truth and peace.
Great article, thanks Michael. Totally agree - I always thought the revelation of the method was about erasing their 'karmic debt.'
Did you know that the pale horse from Revelation is not really 'pale' but green?
We have to go back to the Koine Greek as written by St John on Patmos.
Word: clwroj
Pronounce: khlo-ros'
Strongs Number: G5515
Orig: from the same as 5514; greenish, i.e. verdant, dun-colored:--green, pale. G5514
Use: Adjective
Heb Strong: H2682 H3418 H3836 H3892 H6168 H6212 H7879
1) green
2) yellowish pale
'They' just changed it to more pale/dun-coloured over the years because 'green' was too if Revelation isn't weird enough.
So the horses of the apocalypse are: white, red, black, and green. How's that for some Middle Eastern symbolism?
I did not know any of this. WOW!
I was thinking of writing a little article on it because it is so fascinating. Do you think people would like it? I never know.
Can't speak for anyone else but I'd LOVE to read it!
I’d definitely read it Excess!
Please write the article 🙏
Who wrote the New Testament ?
Who translated it and how many times ?
Why were several known Freemasons commissioned to write the KJV of the bible- like King James himself
Bible was oral and passed on from generation to generation as a game of “broken telephone”
Who put it in writing ? Educated Scribes who were payed by aristocrats -
Most of the biblical events have their counterparts in Sumarian texts that predate the bible - like the story of Moses and Noah - why is that ?
Why is everyone stuck on a made book especially on this chapter of revelations- it’s not gods words by any means not even by stretch of imagination , if not written specifically as a revelation of method it’s a predictive programming for the ages. Why would a Bible be placed in every hotel room including the ones in United Nations New York headquarters ?
Biggest hoax is the bible and all the religions surrounding it
And the absolute worst remedy to thirds events is “trusting god” and praying and waiting - none of that BS ever worked throughout history as it id exactly what the elites count on for sheep to do !
Waiting is the most dumbest choice to do or wait in trust! I am totally agree about this! k*ll this m*therf*ckers elites! No mercy! Be a real.... If nothing happend good, direct action! They do not like this advice to you all!
It's a sickly pale green like crops that aren't thriving.
100% agree on the cabal havin' ta use symbolism an' reveal "the method" to us--needin' our tacit or overt permission. 100% agree on McAffee--sad they took 'im out. BUT....
100% disagree on the late (great) Leonard Cohen.
First, he wuz an MK ULtra'd mind-control victim from an early age when his parents got him "tested" at McGill an' fer a few years (from age 7?) he went back weekly for testing (enhancements?). Later needin' money in college--he went back of his own accord--that's when the worst wuz done ta him. He had memory lapses, migraines, etc.
One of his ex girlfriends Ann Diamond (sorry no link handy, she has a site out thar) would talk 'bout how he was such a nice guy an' then boom--became robotic, creepy--1 phone call would come in an' he went full Manchurian Candidate--without a word, he'd just up an' leave.
From not only his own work and Anns but from other stuff I've read (and a personal contact), he had splits / alters so ta judge him on some of his seemingly callous/dystopian words cherry picked from interviews seems a mite unfair.
I'm not SURE if he wasn't actually tryin' to let folks know -- a dark sort of warnin' that would "work" for his own Masters (see below) or if he wuz just dealin' with programmin' that he wuz some kinda superman in at least one of his alters.
I have a friend (an artist, far younger than Cohen) who used ta date him long time ago in Montreal (in the 70's I believe...). He wuz troubled--deeply--about everything! He would drive himself ta distraction 'bout the women he loved--wantin' ta honor Torah an' be faithful--while doin' the opposite an' cheatin' like the dickens! But his conscience bothered him--unlike many who are cavalier 'bout such stuff. He drank (lots--Chivas I hear!) to stop the headaches an' the voices in his head. FWIW, I hear they started groomin' him in Greece (long story but it wuz 'bout the time of "Suzanne"--there wuz a Rothschild connection too--in gettin' him from bein' a poor but brilliant poet to a famous performer--something he never envisioned himself!) but he wrote The Master about his bein' subject a mind control--ongoing--his Master controlled him.
Some say it could've been Kissinger. I do not know, it's a rumor. I find him brilliant (he wuz imho) an' mysterious an' full of contradictions. He did study talmud sincerely (however ya feel about it) an' wuz conflicted about his faith (genuine) an' lack of moral rectitude--just about everything else in his life. He went from hermit to extrovert--the "masters" never let him go. Thus I mark him as a equal parts talented artist an' tortured soul. Yes, lyrics are prescient--but he's on only telling us imho. Those that would think he was only a ruthless (nay, dangerous) Tavistock puppet or a NWO propaganda man would only be seein' one facet of his many personalities. You'd miss the good he had ta share. Much of it. I also heard-- that in spite of his many infidelities with the ladies--he was a mensch--a good person on an individual basis, a good listener, a good father (when not called away by his own masters), one who'd help friends, family. He may have hit some dark depths--but he also had depth himself. Just a fyi for those who might reconsider (on either side). I only have cracked the surface I think...
Wow! Amazing insights.
Didn't know anything about that.
Incredible article. This is like the starter set. I have not seen all of this stuff, and I look forward to watching it.
(By the way, you I'm sure have seen the Blacklist clips where he's talking about snake venom. Interesting.)
I have indeed 😉