I believe it would also help if the real boogeymen were identified individually verses referring to them as the cabal, the deep state, the Zionists, etc. Do we really believe that gates, soros, barry, musk, and the like are calling the shots or are they simply visible, effective tools?

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You make an excellent point!

The people you mentioned are "project managers" at most. There are at least TWO levels above them.

Many many people wrote about this previously. This is my take:


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Frances Leader has done great research on the "Black Nobility"--cuz nope (as likely YOU know, most of the loudest anti-zionists do NOT--it ain't the chews--sure, some were up on the higher rungs but nope--ZERO at the top!)


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1. yup, the Black Nobs & other puppeteers are runnin' the show--an' rotten tho' he is (imho) BBGun is just a weapon--willin' ta kill as many of his own as those in Gaza (and he did!) HOWEVER, yer right in stating that the "Zionists" are not the real boogeymen--heck we can only guess at the real ones--I've seen a few lists but many hide in the shadows (includin' behind rotten folks like Soros! he too follers orders / odors!)

MOST ordinary "zionists" (many I know!) just want a place to live in peace an' be joos--YES, there is some messed up stuff in Israel--plenty!--with how Arab Israelis receive some diff. treatment such as in bringin' in fambly--but 20% of the Israel professors in the Universities there are Arabs, IDF army commanders TOO (yeah yeah, I know IDF has issues as well) an' a good portion of the population are Arab Israelis an' prefer it warts-and-all. That's a reason to WORK on these issues--not deem all of Israel illegitimate / not de-legitimize "all" zionists--just the evil globalists ones--cuz most are regular folks tryin' ta survive. ALL joos in Israel & I'd argue people livin' in Palestine have major PTSD an' stay scared sh*tless outta fear, anger, they don't know what the heck. We need ta cut 'em ALL slack as humans before we go on vilifyin' "only" or mainly zionists (Frankly Michael, we all may need Israel--you haven't been to the USA recently...my own city, NYC, is now a mine field fer joos...).

2. (less to this above comment but more in general...) IMHO EVERY nation wuz founded on dishonesty & subterfuge--sadly Israel was no exception--nor wuz the USA--heck Ben Franklin wuz a Hellfire Club Mason with dead kids' bodies buried in his yard--hundreds! But, too, there have ALWAYS been decent people involved with the foundin' of ALL nations, workin' among the corrupt & selfish, no matter how much double-dealin' lurked under the surface. Decent folks an' in the matter of Israel, some related ta me (skin in this game here).

SO yer vilifyin' "all" zionists is like hara-kari Michael (a velly much misplaced code of honor). I give this postin' of yers a "like" cuz I know ya mean well, yer a mensch--but be careful who ya diss--cuz the quiet hiss will turn inta a snake that'll bite ya in the u know what--there is POISON in some hearts & minds even tho' the have pleasin' faces & demeanors... quite a lotta cobras out there (male & female)

SIDE with peace, with love, with no more divisions--but this anti-zionist thang is really a GAME, a con. Don't fall fer it--like Webe1 here sez--identify the REAL baddies individually.

Sidin' with the anti-zionists will buy ya temporary street cred on substack but NOT fer long.

(Take a gander at Unz or some of the other popular sites--many have gone full out anti-chew, no Longer just Anti-zionist! Some are sites you yerself visit--just careful who ya git cozy with--I won't name names. These popular voices are callin' fer blood now--anti-zionists are no longer safe--these nazis -- whatever ya name 'em--are callin' fer the heads of Max & Aaron an' Glenn--it ain't purdy. The rest of us'll come soon--even if ya say NOTHING about Israel (poor Jane Ruby's name is gettin' smeared as is Naomi Wolf's...)

Nobuddy is sayin' censor anything 'cept the ADL an' they are an OP (awful what they do..). And OF COURSE there were rotten "political" zionists--but my decent-human relations that wandered there mebbe a century ago to escape the pogroms (Litvaks we... so that wuz under the Czar) simply heard "This Land is Mine" and said "let's go before they burn us!" (the song came later but let's say the British composed the lyrics early fer 'em) and decent folks walked right in an' worked their tushies off.

This is what I know, I know what you know and have seen (bad as it is--it ain't worse than what goes on here in the USA--an' not ONLY in the military); an' erasing "all zionists" is notta good idea because...

3. in doin' so yer sidin' with those who will want all us chews dead--yer cherce not ta believe me. DEAD wuther yer an Anti-Zionist or not! (indeed some of the folks mentioned on this long-but-excellent postin' -- some perhaps yer "pals"-- are workin' on "the jooish problem" as we speak--they totally buy inta the Protocols an' yer just a BEARD for 'em--OH but I have a joo that agrees with me!

These "pun-ditz & writers" are just as bad as the globalists wantin' all joos dead or at least not allowed ta hold office, run a bizness, vote (lobby) or practice "our" faith...no matter how frum or not ya are... a joo is a joo... I'll post 'bout the Khazarian malarkey just fer help--sure the "Sabbateans" were rotten--but they were not Khazarians (that's a territory not a race or heritage--joos ain't Turks or Ottomans...the gene tests I'll post in a seccy prove it!)--sadly, joos too, even the Rothschilds--a "shame ta the race" --are just joos--but if we OWN our internal enemies--perhaps we can OWN our heroes too!

peace out--an' (I'm gonna say it...) Am yisrael chai! (warts 'n all--an' may their swamp git drained along with the one here in the US...lotta rot but a LOT worth savin' too!)

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Took me a while to read it but that was an excellent article, taught me some things I didn’t already know and I even got a shoutout.

And I totally agree. Like the end of many crumbling empires we now have two main groups (left wing woke v right wing anti woke for simplicity) with the people in the middle (ie branded the “conspiracy theorists”) getting hated on for trying to bring people together by pointing out our common enemy (the system) is lying to us and we should stop fighting one another.

Even families are being torn apart now. Mostly because a “conspiracy theorist” or “wokey” thinks a bit differently to them. Add in all the religious stuff you excellently explain and we have the mother of all tinderboxes.

You may find this interesting. It’s from one of the authors of “don’t look up”, David Sirota:


“There’s optimism in the idea that in our tribalized politics somebody would say, “Wait a minute, I am being lied to, and this is not acceptable.” Right now it feels like we are locked in this forever battle between one set of politicians and their followers, and another set of politicians and their followers. And no one wants to look at inconvenient truths that may dispel or debunk what the leader is saying.”

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BRILLIANT quote and super timely as well!

Thank you.

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Outstanding post. Clarity, compassion and sanity in equal measure. The best expose I have seen yet on the complex and confusing issue of Jewish identity and how "antisemitism" has been manipulated into an absurd and dangerous sword waved in two opposite directions simultaneously. Good analysis of what is going on in the UK right now. Also excellent links, including the classic clip of Bill Cooper, the brief excerpt from My Dinner with Andre, and Bill O'Looney's speech. Likewise your homage and recognition paid to Maajid Nawaz. As for taking action and stirring up the "normies" to be less... erhem... "normal", this is obviously a slippery situation since psyops and synbio-ops are cross beamed to increasingly full effect on what is left of grey matter. I hope this post stimulates action as straightforward as Mr. O'Looney's counsel.

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Outstanding comment Dr Corrin !

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Aug 19Liked by Michael Ginsburg

So many words and so much valuable information. Thank you for your hard work. As you say, the big picture is important. A couple of big picture points that occurred to me that I don't think you mentioned are

1. Blockchain. Blockchain has been called a pillar of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. There is a lot of talk about CBDCs but what if the aim all along was to bring in community currencies? CBDCs would be in the background but if the plan is to control us like in a video game, (by setting rules then standing back and using AI), there will be a nudge towards communitarinism. Community currencies could be used to create a circular economy where we would get a UBI if we did our bit eg 'voulunteered' to do something or had a medical procedure.

2. Governments. They are becoming unpopular so are ripe to be replaced by a World Governance system. Central dictats will be enforced on the ground in smart cities. Many people will accept a digital open prison as they feel safe or helpless.

It is the UN's sustainability goals that will open the door to smart city infrastructure with facial recognition, cashless economies, big data analytics and AI used to implement broad threat assessments; the threat of natural disasters as well as threats posed by individual dissidents and groups.

Eventually the hedge funds and their partners/owners, will be able to farm millions of people as domestic livestock data commodities. Hence another reason for the mass migration that you wrote of. People = profits in the impact finance world.

As for this elite group that you once said you hoped would not have more children, is there a chance that they are actually largely a system? Do you think there is an actual group or is there a convergence of interests across the world who benefit from the system. If you took out individual families would not somebody who is not related, pop up to take their place? Maybe in the future, machines will replace individuals, even at the top of the power pyramid.

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Aug 20Liked by Michael Ginsburg

Again, I say great work on your part Michael. You are trying so hard to get as many people as possible “on” this.

I think the non payment on mortgage would work best in city/suburbs, as there are so many people around who can help each other. I reckon this is a great idea, but if it went far enough to collapse the banks, wouldn’t “they” just leave everyone with no money, and roll out the defence forces? I realise this collapse would take place hopefully worldwide, and every country’s response would be different. I also get that it would be our timing, not theirs, and I wonder how long a global banking collapse would take. And we’re all in different time zones, so whatever happened in response to a banking collapse would be seen first in N.Zealand, then AU, then S.E. Asia, etc etc. So people living in say, America would be able to monitor any response from gov’ts, banks, WEF, police/defence forces and maybe even those at the very top.

Now whatever happens in each country would obviously be a response to banks suddenly having no money, or maybe it would be over a long period of time. Maybe it would affect the world’s different bank funds differently. Maybe “they” would shut down the internet, and put us under house arrest. That wouldn’t be too good for any of us! I think that in a co-ordinated force of banking collapse, they would definitely shut the internet, maybe even turn off the power, until people started to pay their mortgages again. And if that happened, there would also be penalties from the banks, different from each different bank.

I don’t think people would be able to sustain this. Psychologically it would be difficult for people to stop paying mortgages, and more difficult to keep doing it. Sure, it might work in some areas, say for one block, or half a street of people, but everyone would have to trust everyone else implicitly. I don’t think it would work in country areas, like where I am. People are away from their houses very frequently, or they are tending the farm, which may stretch for a mile or more. Imagine a sheep or cattle station. I never see my neighbours, not even to say hello. To stand and talk to them would take a brief encounter in town, and we’re not likely to talk about anything like this. I don’t even know if my neighbours know about the whole covid fraud! Then there’s my spouse to think about-I know he wouldn’t be in on this.

Bank runs sound good, if done quickly enough. Again though-time zones. Major countries first again-N.Z., AU, S.E.Asia, etc-banks would be alerted before they even opened in Eastern Europe, Middle East, etc, so these banks would not open, and probably no reporting on it would be allowed. Internet shutdown? Landline phones cut off? I’d be in on a bank run though, even though I’ve not got much money in there!

I also agree that they couldn’t do CBDCs without dig.ID. I have a myGov account, which I have to have because of needing Centrelink. I’m going to do my best at not linking anything else to myGov. But I worry that one day they’ll say-you have to have digID to get your gov’t benefit. I can see the CBDCs coming after that. Then houses/property you own would be reduced to “tokens”. I’m also going to check up on my digital house title-that will be interesting.

Waking people who don’t know what’s up is an ongoing challenge. I cannot even get my sister(she’s not stupid) to listen to me-for 4 years now! I agree any method of scaring asleep people into not getting digital ID is fine. We are at war-I say anything goes-the enemy wants to kill us! And I’m Christian! (And not caught up in the Schofield Bible mess!)

I’ve heard of a unique way of trying to awaken people can be as simple as the writing on the wall. I’ve seen it done, over a few visits, at different places.

That’s all I can say right now, I need to go over some parts of your article, share it to certain people, make sure I haven’t missed much of your work. Very excellent work indeed. Thanks for explaining the Jew factor Michael. I’ve always known I have Jewish blood in me, from the mother principal, but I didn’t realise I am actually a Jew, an Ashkenazi Jew at that-going on the fact that my great grandmother on my mother’s side was a German Jew! Unless that’s all wrong!

Sorry if I sound negative-I just try to think what would I do, and since I was about 30, I’ve kept very much to myself, not even knowing neighbours even when I lived in blocks of flats in capital cities in AU. All this may work very well with people who are community minded, and I hope it does work.

We all have to realise that soon we’ll be in a position of having nothing to lose, and people with nothing to lose do desperate things. Material things are just that, but what will we do to keep our families, and friends? We have to awaken the sleepers, and get them to realise that this is a cold hard fact-“DO SOMETHING”, the words shouted by VFL coach Ted Whitten, when his team was losing badly.

We have to DO SOMETHING.

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Aug 19Liked by Michael Ginsburg

Thank you for posting this excellent article. The goals you give are excellent. The key question is... HOW to accomplish these kind of goals? Considerable effort has been put into examining that question. You may want to explore this Substack, particularly the first articles, before the enemy succeeded in infiltrating it and destroying it.


The enemy infiltration and sabotage was evident in the first article post.


You may also want to consider WBAN wide body area network expert SABRINA WALLACE and what she discloses about how far the enemy is already along in its goal to either murder or mutate all life on the planet into remotely controlled SCADA slaves.



Thanks again.

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I will have a look at your links Larry, when I’ve got time. Thanks.

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One thing you’ve got in the substack that I reckon is really important, is how the useful idiots, in gov’t or wherever, all around the world, are doing WEF/UN work for them, and they think they’ll be given special treatment when they’re no longer useful!

I bring this up a lot-they are deluded! Maybe it’s money, blackmail or plain stupidity that makes them keep on doing what WEF/UN tells them. Mostly they are gov’t actors, they don’t care about us, they only care about what they “get” from doing what they’re told.

One thing I really hate, is all this talk about net zero. “Climate change” is such a fraud! Do they not know this? Gov’t types I mean. Are they so dumb? Or just doing the “Paris Accord”, because they’ve been told to?

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Very good article! Jews are not the problem, but Satanic Secret Societies such as freemasonry!

There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?


Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


The way out of this mess:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, that Lucifere is not "the great architect" (then who?). If he refuses, then he’ll know he is serving Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW.

Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:









Almost all anti-viral vaccines and all COVID vaccines were abortion-linked (using cell lines from aborted babies, i.e. butchered-alive delivered babies). Abortion is one type of ritual murder: Satan’s most wanted human sacrifice. Abortion-laced vaccines have the same effect of hexxed food: sharing in the Satanic chalice of blood, just the same as when they drink the blood of their children/virgin/human victims in their ritual murders.

With your prayers, I’ll post more lifesaving articles, like the cures for cancer and dengue:


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This is fantastic work Michael. I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment, and need to go over a few things, but I’ll try to post a useful comment tomorrow or later this week! Thank you for all this work!

Not many people have answers to survive and conquer “globalism”-thanks so much for do-able suggestions!

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Good points but I am wary of trusting Derrick Broze as he thinks blockchain technology might be the answer rather than part of the problem.

If crypto currency along with blockchain, is leading us into a one world digital, cashless system and the banksters are allowing us to go all in and embrace it with passion, before they step in and take control of it, why would he promote it at all?

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It's not about trusting any one person on anything (myself included)!

As I keep saying to anyone who will listen (as well as many who don't):

Personalities do NOT matter. Only the TRUTH does.

Blockchain is a technology and like most, it is neither good or evil. It's just a tool, like a hammer.

The thing that makes technology good or evil is what PEOPLE do with it.

Blockchain can absolutely be used to significantly diminish the power of government, corporations or any centralised authority through disintermediating most or all of their functions.

It can also be used to run CBDCs (a.k.a. the "FINAL enslavement").

This is no different than how a hammer can be used to build and fix things as well as smash someone's skull.

The tool is not the problem. Its use for nefarious purposes is.

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Sep 17Liked by Michael Ginsburg

Agreed but the reality is that the internet is a controlled space and all the talk of CBDCs could be a distraction from the community currencies that will used in token economics. Unless we talk about blockchain technology and human capital markets, we are missing the real issue. Impact investing.

The new economy is being rolled out while we speak and most people will accept it as they will be initially content with their role in it and what it gives them.

The likes of Broze are working for the establishment whether they know it or not, so I don't want to do what he suggests nor promote it. Whether we can build a new economy without using the centralised internet I don't know, but it will mean getting a shift in attitude from the younger generation.

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on the Khazarian baloney sandwich....

David Duke, possibly the biggest chew-hater in America, wanted ta prove joos had no origins in the Levant i.e. in Israel—and to his full dismay LEGIT 12 Studies from Universities an' Medical Insty-2-shuns proved him wrong. I.e. they proved jews were NOT Khazarians...AND all of us are related to each other on the father's line at very least. I'm so tihared of hearin' we either a) do not exist—we all died out or NEVER existed at all (oy) or b) we all all Khazarians and Ashkenazis have no jooish genes at all. Bollocks—I tell folks ta believe what they will—believe the whole-cloth-fantasies of Mister chip-on-his shoulder who couldn't master Hebrew—brilliant nutbar inventor-schpook Arthur Koestler (worked for both CIA & MI6, some say Russia too…?) sure. But me, I'm just showin' 12 (like the tribes!) studies that "some" may find credible as did the (Evil) White "Duke," to his own dismay!

…with apologies for the messy cut 'n paste:

First--there's this one:

Nature Communications 5, Article number: 4835 (2014)


Sequencing an Ashkenazi reference panel supports population-targeted personal genomics and illuminates Jewish and European origins Nature Communications 5, Article number: 4835 (2014)

EXTENSIVE footnotes at the end of this reference study cite many other "chewish" genetic tests

An' here's more entitled Part I: The Scientific Evidence—Twelve DNA Studies Which Disprove the “Khazar Theory” (comments are Dukes but I include them in case helpful)

1. A 1999 study titled “Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes” (M.F. Hammer et.al, Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences 6769–6774, doi: 10.1073/pnas.100115997) found that:

“[D]espite their long-term residence in different countries and isolation from one another, most Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level.

“Admixture estimates suggested low levels of European Y-chromosome gene flow into Ashkenazi and Roman Jewish communities . . . Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations were not statistically different. The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora.”

2. A November 2001 study titled “The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East” (Almut Nebel et. al., American Journal of Human Genetics, Nov 2001; 69(5): 1095–1112) found that in most Jewish populations, male line ancestors appear to have been mainly Middle Eastern.

The study found that Ashkenazi Jews in particular “share more common paternal lineages with other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than with non-Jewish populations in areas where Jews lived in Eastern Europe, Germany and the French Rhine Valley. This is consistent with Jewish traditions in placing most Jewish paternal origins in the region of the Middle East.”

3. A September 2006 study titled “European Population Substructure: Clustering of Northern and Southern Populations” (Michael F Seldin et.al., PLOS Genetics, DOI: 0.1371/journal.pgen.0020143) found that both Ashkenazi Jews as well as Sephardic Jews showed more than 85% membership in the ‘southern’ European group which made their results “consistent with a later Mediterranean origin of these ethnic groups.”

4. An April 2008 study titled “Counting the Founders: The Matrilineal Genetic Ancestry of the Jewish Diaspora” (Doron M. Behar et.al., PLoS ONE. 2008; 3(4): e2062. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002062) found that about 40% of Ashkenazi Jews originate maternally from just four female founders, who were of Middle Eastern origin.

5. A January 2009 study titled “A genome-wide genetic signature of Jewish ancestry perfectly separates individuals with and without full Jewish ancestry in a large random sample of European Americans” (Anna C Need et.al., Genome Biology, 2009; 10(1): R7. doi: 10.1186/gb-2009-10-1-r7) found that “individuals with full Jewish ancestry formed a clearly distinct cluster from those individuals with no Jewish ancestry.”

This study showed that in DNA terms, Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazim, cluster as a distinct group—something that, if the Khazar theory was true, would be impossible.

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6. A December 2009 study titled “Genomic microsatellites identify shared Jewish ancestry intermediate between Middle Eastern and European populations” (Naama M Kopelman et.al., BMC Genetics. 2009; 10: 80. doi: 10.1186/1471-2156-10-80) found that :

“Jewish populations show a high level of genetic similarity to each other, clustering together in several types of analysis of population structure. These results support the view that the Jewish populations largely share a common Middle Eastern ancestry and that over their history they have undergone varying degrees of admixture with non-Jewish populations of European descent.”

7. A December 2009 study titled “The genome-wide structure of the Jewish people” (Doron M. Behar, et. al., Nature 466, 238–242 (08 July 2010) doi:10.1038/nature09103)

Analyzed individuals from 14 Jewish Diaspora communities and compare these patterns of genome-wide diversity with those from 69 Old World non-Jewish populations in order to “provide comprehensive comparisons between Jewish and non-Jewish populations in the Diaspora, as well as with non-Jewish populations from the Middle East and north Africa.”

The results identified a “previously unrecognized genetic substructure within the Middle East” and that “Most Jewish samples form a remarkably tight subcluster,” and that “trace[s] the origins of most Jewish Diaspora communities to the Levant.”

8. A June 2010 study titled “Abraham’s children in the genome era: major Jewish diaspora populations comprise distinct genetic clusters with shared Middle Eastern ancestry”

(Atzmon et al., American Journal of Human Genetics, 2010;86:850-859) refuted the idea of large-scale genetic contributions of Central and Eastern European and Slavic populations to the formation of Ashkenazi Jewry.

This study found used genome-wide analysis of seven Jewish groups (Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Italian, Turkish, Greek, and Ashkenazi) and “demonstrated distinctive Jewish population clusters, each with shared Middle Eastern ancestry, proximity to contemporary Middle Eastern populations, and variable degrees of European and North African admixture.”

This paper specifically excluded the “Khazar theory” as an origin for present-day Jews, saying “the genetic proximity . . . is incompatible with theories that Ashkenazi Jews are for the most part the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazars or Slavs.”

9. A March 2012 study by Steven M. Bray et. al., titled “Signatures of founder effects, admixture, and selection in the Ashkenazi Jewish population”

(Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences, 16222–16227, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1004381107)

found that the “Ashkenazi Jewish (AJ) population . . . has a common Middle Eastern origin with other Jewish Diaspora populations” while concluding that the Ashkenazi Jewish population has had the most European admixture.

10. A March 2012 study by Christopher L. Campbell et. al., titled “North African Jewish and non-Jewish populations form distinctive, orthogonal clusters” (Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1204840109) found that genome-wide analysis of five North African Jewish groups (Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian, Djerban, and Libyan) “demonstrated distinctive North African Jewish population clusters with proximity to other Jewish populations.”

Furthermore, the study showed, the Sephardic Jewish genome is “compatible with the history of North African Jews—founding during Classical Antiquity with proselytism of local populations, followed by genetic isolation with the rise of Christianity and then Islam, and admixture following the emigration of Sephardic Jews during the Inquisition.”

Finally, this study added “These populations showed a high degree of endogamy and were part of a larger Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish group.”

(*Endogamy: the practice of marrying within a specific ethnic group, rejecting others on such a basis as being unsuitable for marriage or for other close personal relationships.)

11. In his book, “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People” (Oxford University Press, USA; May 2012), Harry Ostrer, a professor of Pathology and Genetics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Director of Genetic and Genomic Testing at Montefiore Medical Center, Medicine, concluded that “Jews exhibit a distinctive genetic signature.” (Jews Are a ‘Race,’ Genes Reveal–Author Uncovers DNA Links Between Members of Tribe, The Jewish Daily Forward, May 04, 2012).

Ostrer, who is also director of genetic and genomic testing at Montefiore Medical Center, said in his conclusion that “Jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what we used to call a race.”

Ostrer also deals specifically with the Khazar theory. He pointed out that the findings from the Jewish HapMap Project (see below) completely refute “the theories that Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of converted Khazars or Slavs.” (Jews: A religious group, people or race?, Jerusalem Post, 8/26/2012)

12. The Jewish HapMap Project, a joint project of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and New York University School of Medicine, was created to “understand the structure of the genomes in Jewish populations” and is an outgrowth of the Human HapMap Project.

According to this project, “Jewish populations are remarkable for maintaining continuous genetic, cultural, and religious traditions over 4000 years, despite residence all over the world.”

Its findings, based on first hand DNA studies amongst Jewish populations around the globe, found no evidence to support a Central Asian DNA origin for Jewry.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the “Jewish HapMap Project in New York City has so far shown “in exquisite detail what had been conjectured for a century. Jewish populations from the major Jewish Diaspora groups – Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi – form a distinctive population cluster that is closely related to Semitic and European populations. Within this larger Jewish cluster, each of the Jewish populations formed its own subcluster.

“A high degree of mixing of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Italian and Syrian Jews caused them to become more closely related to each other than they were to Middle Eastern, Iraqi and Iranian Jews. This genetic split seemed to have occurred about 2,500 years ago.” (Jews: A religious group, people or race?, Jerusalem Post, 8/26/2012)

DNA Studies Find that Ashkenazim Jews have 30% European Admixture

Both the Behar study (section 7 above) and the Atzmon study (section 8 above) were commented upon by the British former deputy editor of the journal Nature, and currently the scientific correspondent for the New York Times, Nicholas Wade, in an article in that newspaper as follows:

“Jewish communities in Europe and the Middle East share many genes inherited from the ancestral Jewish population that lived in the Middle East some 3,000 years ago, even though each community also carries genes from other sources — usually the country in which it lives,” adding that a “major surprise from both surveys is the genetic closeness of the two Jewish communities of Europe, the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim.”

Wade pointed out that the two studies “refute the suggestion made by the historian Shlomo Sand in his book ‘The Invention of the Jewish People’ that Jews have no common origin but are a miscellany of people in Europe and Central Asia who converted to Judaism at various times.

“Jewish communities from Europe, the Middle East and the Caucasus all have substantial genetic ancestry that traces back to the Levant; Ethiopian Jews and two Judaic communities in India are genetically much closer to their host populations,” Wade wrote.

“The shared genetic elements suggest that members of any Jewish community are related to one another as closely as are fourth or fifth cousins in a large population, which is about 10 times higher than the relationship between two people chosen at random off the streets of New York City.

“Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews have roughly 30 percent European ancestry, with most of the rest from the Middle East, the two surveys find. The two communities seem very similar to each other genetically, which is unexpected because they have been separated for so long.” (Studies Show Jews’ Genetic Similarity, Nicholas Wade, New York Times, June 9, 2010).


So FWIW, I have a KKK man ta thank fer his research. Mister David Duke didn't make these up as some say tellin' me that anybuddy that'd "quote" David Duke" needs their head examined (an' whaddaya take me fer, a crackpot? lol) but ALL THESE he CITED are from fairly "legit sources"--Again, none created by Duke himself--just researched an' found BY 'im--

All who wish ta kin dismiss some or all if ya like--many were DNA blood sampled studies (I know even DNA is controversial today!). FWIW I checked out most of his links myself when possible--an' they DO check out. (natch, don't trust me, you kin all look fer yerselfs an' decide)

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I fear the train has already left the station and we are in fact too late to prevent their next big moves. There is such a high chance of that happening (concluding from the failure of humanity to achieve any wins during the covid psyop) that we must prepare for it eventuating ("it" = temporary failure). Therefore, in addition to your suggested actions we also need allied people to infiltrate 'their' ranks or we must 'convert' people already within (at the lower levels of their pyramid at least among the otherwise useful idiots and order followers who implement the controllers' plans). We need men and women on the inside ready to do things such as eventually protect innocents from forcible vaccination, and many others to engage in 'simple sabotague' (see James Corbett's Solutions Watch https://corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-sabotage/). If you can't beat 'em, join 'em (and beat 'em from the inside).

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How do you suggest we "infiltrate" and "convert"? Please be as specific as possible.

Would that be faster than the methods I suggested? Time is of the essence here imho.

Thanks for the link to the Corbett report episode. Will definitely check it out.

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“Converting” or “waking up” is a process and will vary from person to person. I’m sure the enemy has playbooks and instruction manuals on it. My own real life attempts at it have not been greatly successful. But even many triple jabbed covidians I know are waking up to something being very wrong. I don’t know how to get them over that last hump and realisation that the people in control want to and have very detailed plans in place to kill us. Sorry. I even think many of the ‘awake’ crowd who turned up to covid protests need to be woken up again (they think or act like everything is back to normal) - although they are probably an easier market to tap than joe normie who willingly took 3 jabs during the peak of the covid psyop.

As far as we can “infiltrate” that’s a little simpler to explain. Of greatest importance is that we have allied nurses, doctors, pharmacists to get themselves into job positions where they will be able to administer the next round of magic potions. When the time comes they need to administer them to willing participants and squirt the contents into the sink but still ‘stamp’ the vax passports for any unwilling participants. They ideally need to be working in teams because the controllers will probably require witnessing to help guard against this kind of corruption of their passports. And be warned there will be double agents looking to catch out such angels - loose lips sink ships. Others can get jobs in the police, military, local councils, any state or federal government departments or private contracting businesses whose work substantially contributes to building or maintaining the control grid. They can work on the inside to put wrenches in the gears (a la Simple Sabotage). They can also act as canaries in the coal mine. For example a police officer or military man could warn others about upcoming operations or enemy movements - important if for example the military are used for door-to-door forcible jabbings. Discussions beyond this should probably be conducted in private (including no publicly visible call-outs). In short: we need to prepare The Resistance.

I very much agree time is of the essence, that is why I believe we need to plan for (hopefully temporary) failure. There hopefully are other ways to prepare too.

And there’s no reason these activities can’t proceed simultaneously with your suggested actions and any others. Of them all I genuinely believe the mortgage strike will be the most difficult to initiate. I for instance don’t know a single person willing to risk their home and ‘greatest investment’ without a high degree of certainty they will win. Of all the people I know perhaps 5% are ‘awake’ and see the need for such an action, but even most of them still won’t risk it all… again (many lost their careers, homes, etc during the covid psyop and are scarred). I’m also not fully convinced the powers-that-ought-not-be haven’t prepared for such a financial collapse in their many scenario plans and simulations. One posibility is they will try to initate a collapse of their own in order to provide the excuse for their new programmable currency system (be it through centralised banks or through the big commercial banks).

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Thank you very much for this thoughtful comment. Lots to contemplate on there.

With regards to:

"One possibility is they will try to initiate a collapse of their own in order to provide the excuse for their new programmable currency system (be it through centralised banks or through the big commercial banks)."

This is not a "possibility" imho. It is a 100% CERTAINTY. It WILL happen (100%), the only question is when.

The infrastructure to do so is complete in most of the 'free' world and definitely in Australia where I am. It is literally a matter of giving the order.

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A bit more to add Michael. I’m grateful that you discussed keeping masses of people on the move, as opposed to replacement migration. I had not thought of the agenda of keeping people moving so heaps of people can’t settle in one country/state/area, whatever. It makes sense. I also think this is why HAARP and chemtrails are stuffing with our weather so much. They are trying to make people so miserable by weaponising the weather, to the point that people get so sick of it they want to move somewhere else. In my case it would be to move somewhere warmer, but wherever it is, I would definitely be at a disadvantage by not knowing the terrain, people, etc. I’ve even considered moving overseas. But that would be plain dumb. Unless I go to Israel, where I’m sure Bibi would love to have me, considering I found from your research that I’m an Ashkenazi Jew, by the basic definition. I do seriously wonder if I could get some sort of “immunity” from the globalists in Israel-he wants jews to come home from the 4 corners of the Earth! (That statement was for flatearther’s benefit-but don’t be offended please, anyone.)

Yeah, so we know the weather is being manipulated to cause never ending floods, golf ball sized hailstorms, dry lightning storms to take out electricity from homes, never ending howling wind where I am, freezing nights, global boiling and droughts, hurricanes, cyclones (in N.Z.!), waterspouts, temperature records (highs and lows)-everyone, help me out-add to the list! And it’s all being done by HAARP and the ionosphere. It’s possible to direct lightning I saw last year, in Switzerland (!) I think it was. Of course, this causes people to think so called climate change is the culprit, but naah, it’s just HAARP, up to its old tricks. Who wouldn’t want to move away from horrible weather, but where to go?

I saw that you mentioned managed retreats in AU, but in your research, I couldn’t locate it. I think you said the gov’t is trying to move people from the country into managed retreats, aka smart cities. But I think you also said the illegal immigrants being flown into here will happily settle into smart cities, or something to that effect. Tell me if I’m wrong. But I’m perfectly happy for the illegals to settle into the managed retreats.

Of course, earthquakes can also be triggered by HAARP, and tsunamis can be staged by underwater bombs, so there’s plenty of scope for killing off more people. I think it was last year, or early this year when Türkiye (I think Türkiye) had 2 major earthquakes on the same day in 2 quite large cities. What are the odds of that? I know-God can do anything (of course I know-I’m a Christian, young in Christianity, but I’m also Ashkenazi Jew, who never got fooled by the Schofield Bible, don’t go to any corporate church, meaning I don’t go to church because they’re all corporate and/or off the rails with problems I’m not allowed to speak about, so how are you going to know what I’m talking about if I can’t speak about it? I’ve never looked at a Talmud, but I’ve been accused of being a Zionist, even though I only found out I’m Jewish a few days ago, but I’ve also been accused of being a Christian Zionist !! for goodness sake! Can I report myself for being antisemitic? I think I should, even though my family ties don’t show that I’m descended from the Semitic area. But that could be wrong-Jews moved around a lot according to The Bible. And Palestinians and Arabs have Semitic blood in them-more so than most jews in Israel today. Jews from the real Israel, from Biblical times, were mostly Hebrews-at least that’s what it says in the Bible! Do you see my problem? Anyone?) where was I? Ah-earthquakes. Yes HAARP can do all this and more, and people will say it’s Revelation coming true. And it may well be-God and Jesus and the other main people in The Bible never said the earthquakes and other extreme phenomena couldn’t be made by man!

A problem that I think a lot of Christians and Jews, and maybe Muslims have, is that they’re expecting a rapture before the Tribulation. In all my (2) years of reading the Bible, and trying to do Bible study, I do not believe this. Jesus said a rapture will take place, but not a “total” rapture. This is the only place I have seen a rapture mentioned, except by Paul the Apostle, twice. If such a grand thing is going to happen, surely it would be given more than 2 mentions by Paul. I have to say I’m not sure what it says about the rapture in the Old Testament. I am highly suspicious that this rapture (not the one mentioned by Jesus, that is completely different), may have been inserted by some nefarious people, so Christians think they won’t have to go through all the world’s hard times, and therefore ignore all this New World Order stuff. This is not what I believe. I am trying to help avert the NWO. There will be a rapture after the events in Revelation unfold, I believe.

I have been following a certain substack where the pastor only a couple of years ago, referred to the rapture mentioned by Jesus as a separate ‘partial’ rapture. Saying something like this partial rapture will occur, as well as the main rapture, before the great Tribulation. But it hasn’t happened in these few years. The Tribulation is supposed to be one of the most difficult times ever experienced by mankind. So, quite scary. But!! Said pastor now believes the great Tribulation is almost over! What about the rapture, taking us Christians away from all that! What about the worst time experienced by mankind? Things have been difficult, sure, but worst times ever? No way! This to me, is an example of Church gone Corporate woke.

I’m saying this, in case people encounter Christians who don’t seem bothered by events happening now, if they are awake to what’s happening. Christians who won’t take events unfolding seriously. They’ve really been led astray by bad preaching/bad churches. If you come across such people, just politely ask them why they’re not worried. You probably can’t change their minds, but not all Christians think like this. Even though I’m a relatively new Christian-I know reality, I know things will get hard-thanks mostly to people like Michael who put in the hard work. I’m trying to help.

We may really see a lot of supernatural stuff, regardless of whether people like Bibi Netanyahu are trying to bring about Biblical prophecy. (Which he is trying to do!) We’re told by Jesus to not be afraid. God never gave us the spirit of fear! I hope this makes sense!

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Michael, I just wanted to add a couple of things that I didn’t have time for last night.

About not paying mortgages-some people have holiday homes, so that adds a bit to the equation. It would be hard to keep an eye on both places-even if the holiday home, or whatever is paid off-I’m sure banks would think they’ve got the right to take possession of another property-I could be wrong, I don’t know the underlying legalities.

And what if there’s a rental property involved? Perhaps the renters would be in on protecting the property, perhaps not. We don’t want to hurt (emotionally) people like this, but we are ALL in this, whether or not renters understand or not. It’s something to think about though.

Also, if not paying on the mortgage-there’s also insurance involved-most financial institutions won’t lend money on a property without the property being insured. So, I guess probably the bank would tell the insurance company about non payment of mortgage, and the insurer would pull out, effectively making the person(s) ability to get insurance in the future very difficult indeed. But perhaps insurance could be another mob to target-we all know they overcharge heaps on their premiums, and take ages to fix things, or pay out, especially at the moment with life insurance and funeral insurance at an all time high! Of course we know why.

I pay flood insurance, and I’m nowhere near a floodplain. They’d be a good mob to tackle, but how, I’m not sure. If we stop paying premiums, then something happens to whatever property it is, I guess the property is stuffed. Or, maybe, if a whole lot of us cry to the insurers, saying we can’t afford the premiums (usually monthly)- can we work out a payment plan (so a lot less money given to insurers than what they’ve been used to)-that may collapse the insurance industry, cos they would really want money flowing in now. I’d be in that-dunno about my spouse though! Might be worth a shot.

I see you’ve spoken to Don Finlay from “Gratitude” substack. He’s all for doing things like this! I’m not sure if he’s American or Canadian. I think it was his latest substack where he wrote about not voting. I think this is a good idea-all we have to do is get our names crossed off, and do what we like with the forms, as long as we put them in the boxes. I looked up what is a donkey vote a while back, and that is when a person puts the numbers in the boxes 1,2,3,4, etc straight down the page or across the page for the senate. Those actually count as votes. But if you do anything else, like write all over the forms, or write nothing (not recommended)- that does not count at all for a vote for anyone. If we could get a heap of people to do that, maybe the gov’t just wouldn’t know what to do, or maybe they’d just rig it all to get the selected P.M. in anyway. I like the idea, but I can’t trust the powers in or not in this country to not rig for the selected PM. (Which must be Dutton’s turn at the next selection). As you’d know Michael, he’s an ex cop. One could say “he’s got form”.

Another idea is to write our own constitution, give it to our fed/state/council members and relevant senators, and say here-we don’t need you anymore. An American fella, Jake Jackson has spent a long time working on exactly this. He says America would only need about 10% of the population, or a bit less maybe, to pull this off, and make government irrelevant. He says if it happens in America, other countries’ people would do it too. I agree. I’ll see if I can post his stuff here. He has a series of videos about this, I ‘ve watched some, and told him I’d get back to him, but I haven’t yet. He’s also got a substack “Kaizen and the pursuit of Truth” but he’s broke, and is doing YouTube fitness videos he’s said. I’ll try to post that link also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuCmPjYsQVk&list=PLL9k0AzoWmbX41jXSV0730C20DXCWKChY&index=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ2BniCrrE4 https://jakejackson.substack.com/p/hurricane-beryl-preparedness-and

The hurricane Beryl substack is the one I should have posted first-it’s got all of Jake’s videos there, I believe. I’m not great with posting links, so this is a bit messy. He’s very approachable, so maybe you could talk with him.

Anyway, that’s all I can do right now, I hope it turns out ok. Jake’s stuff is all based on “Natural Law”.

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