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1. yup, the Black Nobs & other puppeteers are runnin' the show--an' rotten tho' he is (imho) BBGun is just a weapon--willin' ta kill as many of his own as those in Gaza (and he did!) HOWEVER, yer right in stating that the "Zionists" are not the real boogeymen--heck we can only guess at the real ones--I've seen a few lists but many hide in the shadows (includin' behind rotten folks like Soros! he too follers orders / odors!)

MOST ordinary "zionists" (many I know!) just want a place to live in peace an' be joos--YES, there is some messed up stuff in Israel--plenty!--with how Arab Israelis receive some diff. treatment such as in bringin' in fambly--but 20% of the Israel professors in the Universities there are Arabs, IDF army commanders TOO (yeah yeah, I know IDF has issues as well) an' a good portion of the population are Arab Israelis an' prefer it warts-and-all. That's a reason to WORK on these issues--not deem all of Israel illegitimate / not de-legitimize "all" zionists--just the evil globalists ones--cuz most are regular folks tryin' ta survive. ALL joos in Israel & I'd argue people livin' in Palestine have major PTSD an' stay scared sh*tless outta fear, anger, they don't know what the heck. We need ta cut 'em ALL slack as humans before we go on vilifyin' "only" or mainly zionists (Frankly Michael, we all may need Israel--you haven't been to the USA recently...my own city, NYC, is now a mine field fer joos...).

2. (less to this above comment but more in general...) IMHO EVERY nation wuz founded on dishonesty & subterfuge--sadly Israel was no exception--nor wuz the USA--heck Ben Franklin wuz a Hellfire Club Mason with dead kids' bodies buried in his yard--hundreds! But, too, there have ALWAYS been decent people involved with the foundin' of ALL nations, workin' among the corrupt & selfish, no matter how much double-dealin' lurked under the surface. Decent folks an' in the matter of Israel, some related ta me (skin in this game here).

SO yer vilifyin' "all" zionists is like hara-kari Michael (a velly much misplaced code of honor). I give this postin' of yers a "like" cuz I know ya mean well, yer a mensch--but be careful who ya diss--cuz the quiet hiss will turn inta a snake that'll bite ya in the u know what--there is POISON in some hearts & minds even tho' the have pleasin' faces & demeanors... quite a lotta cobras out there (male & female)

SIDE with peace, with love, with no more divisions--but this anti-zionist thang is really a GAME, a con. Don't fall fer it--like Webe1 here sez--identify the REAL baddies individually.

Sidin' with the anti-zionists will buy ya temporary street cred on substack but NOT fer long.

(Take a gander at Unz or some of the other popular sites--many have gone full out anti-chew, no Longer just Anti-zionist! Some are sites you yerself visit--just careful who ya git cozy with--I won't name names. These popular voices are callin' fer blood now--anti-zionists are no longer safe--these nazis -- whatever ya name 'em--are callin' fer the heads of Max & Aaron an' Glenn--it ain't purdy. The rest of us'll come soon--even if ya say NOTHING about Israel (poor Jane Ruby's name is gettin' smeared as is Naomi Wolf's...)

Nobuddy is sayin' censor anything 'cept the ADL an' they are an OP (awful what they do..). And OF COURSE there were rotten "political" zionists--but my decent-human relations that wandered there mebbe a century ago to escape the pogroms (Litvaks we... so that wuz under the Czar) simply heard "This Land is Mine" and said "let's go before they burn us!" (the song came later but let's say the British composed the lyrics early fer 'em) and decent folks walked right in an' worked their tushies off.

This is what I know, I know what you know and have seen (bad as it is--it ain't worse than what goes on here in the USA--an' not ONLY in the military); an' erasing "all zionists" is notta good idea because...

3. in doin' so yer sidin' with those who will want all us chews dead--yer cherce not ta believe me. DEAD wuther yer an Anti-Zionist or not! (indeed some of the folks mentioned on this long-but-excellent postin' -- some perhaps yer "pals"-- are workin' on "the jooish problem" as we speak--they totally buy inta the Protocols an' yer just a BEARD for 'em--OH but I have a joo that agrees with me!

These "pun-ditz & writers" are just as bad as the globalists wantin' all joos dead or at least not allowed ta hold office, run a bizness, vote (lobby) or practice "our" faith...no matter how frum or not ya are... a joo is a joo... I'll post 'bout the Khazarian malarkey just fer help--sure the "Sabbateans" were rotten--but they were not Khazarians (that's a territory not a race or heritage--joos ain't Turks or Ottomans...the gene tests I'll post in a seccy prove it!)--sadly, joos too, even the Rothschilds--a "shame ta the race" --are just joos--but if we OWN our internal enemies--perhaps we can OWN our heroes too!

peace out--an' (I'm gonna say it...) Am yisrael chai! (warts 'n all--an' may their swamp git drained along with the one here in the US...lotta rot but a LOT worth savin' too!)

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