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Again, I say great work on your part Michael. You are trying so hard to get as many people as possible “on” this.

I think the non payment on mortgage would work best in city/suburbs, as there are so many people around who can help each other. I reckon this is a great idea, but if it went far enough to collapse the banks, wouldn’t “they” just leave everyone with no money, and roll out the defence forces? I realise this collapse would take place hopefully worldwide, and every country’s response would be different. I also get that it would be our timing, not theirs, and I wonder how long a global banking collapse would take. And we’re all in different time zones, so whatever happened in response to a banking collapse would be seen first in N.Zealand, then AU, then S.E. Asia, etc etc. So people living in say, America would be able to monitor any response from gov’ts, banks, WEF, police/defence forces and maybe even those at the very top.

Now whatever happens in each country would obviously be a response to banks suddenly having no money, or maybe it would be over a long period of time. Maybe it would affect the world’s different bank funds differently. Maybe “they” would shut down the internet, and put us under house arrest. That wouldn’t be too good for any of us! I think that in a co-ordinated force of banking collapse, they would definitely shut the internet, maybe even turn off the power, until people started to pay their mortgages again. And if that happened, there would also be penalties from the banks, different from each different bank.

I don’t think people would be able to sustain this. Psychologically it would be difficult for people to stop paying mortgages, and more difficult to keep doing it. Sure, it might work in some areas, say for one block, or half a street of people, but everyone would have to trust everyone else implicitly. I don’t think it would work in country areas, like where I am. People are away from their houses very frequently, or they are tending the farm, which may stretch for a mile or more. Imagine a sheep or cattle station. I never see my neighbours, not even to say hello. To stand and talk to them would take a brief encounter in town, and we’re not likely to talk about anything like this. I don’t even know if my neighbours know about the whole covid fraud! Then there’s my spouse to think about-I know he wouldn’t be in on this.

Bank runs sound good, if done quickly enough. Again though-time zones. Major countries first again-N.Z., AU, S.E.Asia, etc-banks would be alerted before they even opened in Eastern Europe, Middle East, etc, so these banks would not open, and probably no reporting on it would be allowed. Internet shutdown? Landline phones cut off? I’d be in on a bank run though, even though I’ve not got much money in there!

I also agree that they couldn’t do CBDCs without dig.ID. I have a myGov account, which I have to have because of needing Centrelink. I’m going to do my best at not linking anything else to myGov. But I worry that one day they’ll say-you have to have digID to get your gov’t benefit. I can see the CBDCs coming after that. Then houses/property you own would be reduced to “tokens”. I’m also going to check up on my digital house title-that will be interesting.

Waking people who don’t know what’s up is an ongoing challenge. I cannot even get my sister(she’s not stupid) to listen to me-for 4 years now! I agree any method of scaring asleep people into not getting digital ID is fine. We are at war-I say anything goes-the enemy wants to kill us! And I’m Christian! (And not caught up in the Schofield Bible mess!)

I’ve heard of a unique way of trying to awaken people can be as simple as the writing on the wall. I’ve seen it done, over a few visits, at different places.

That’s all I can say right now, I need to go over some parts of your article, share it to certain people, make sure I haven’t missed much of your work. Very excellent work indeed. Thanks for explaining the Jew factor Michael. I’ve always known I have Jewish blood in me, from the mother principal, but I didn’t realise I am actually a Jew, an Ashkenazi Jew at that-going on the fact that my great grandmother on my mother’s side was a German Jew! Unless that’s all wrong!

Sorry if I sound negative-I just try to think what would I do, and since I was about 30, I’ve kept very much to myself, not even knowing neighbours even when I lived in blocks of flats in capital cities in AU. All this may work very well with people who are community minded, and I hope it does work.

We all have to realise that soon we’ll be in a position of having nothing to lose, and people with nothing to lose do desperate things. Material things are just that, but what will we do to keep our families, and friends? We have to awaken the sleepers, and get them to realise that this is a cold hard fact-“DO SOMETHING”, the words shouted by VFL coach Ted Whitten, when his team was losing badly.

We have to DO SOMETHING.

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