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A bit more to add Michael. I’m grateful that you discussed keeping masses of people on the move, as opposed to replacement migration. I had not thought of the agenda of keeping people moving so heaps of people can’t settle in one country/state/area, whatever. It makes sense. I also think this is why HAARP and chemtrails are stuffing with our weather so much. They are trying to make people so miserable by weaponising the weather, to the point that people get so sick of it they want to move somewhere else. In my case it would be to move somewhere warmer, but wherever it is, I would definitely be at a disadvantage by not knowing the terrain, people, etc. I’ve even considered moving overseas. But that would be plain dumb. Unless I go to Israel, where I’m sure Bibi would love to have me, considering I found from your research that I’m an Ashkenazi Jew, by the basic definition. I do seriously wonder if I could get some sort of “immunity” from the globalists in Israel-he wants jews to come home from the 4 corners of the Earth! (That statement was for flatearther’s benefit-but don’t be offended please, anyone.)

Yeah, so we know the weather is being manipulated to cause never ending floods, golf ball sized hailstorms, dry lightning storms to take out electricity from homes, never ending howling wind where I am, freezing nights, global boiling and droughts, hurricanes, cyclones (in N.Z.!), waterspouts, temperature records (highs and lows)-everyone, help me out-add to the list! And it’s all being done by HAARP and the ionosphere. It’s possible to direct lightning I saw last year, in Switzerland (!) I think it was. Of course, this causes people to think so called climate change is the culprit, but naah, it’s just HAARP, up to its old tricks. Who wouldn’t want to move away from horrible weather, but where to go?

I saw that you mentioned managed retreats in AU, but in your research, I couldn’t locate it. I think you said the gov’t is trying to move people from the country into managed retreats, aka smart cities. But I think you also said the illegal immigrants being flown into here will happily settle into smart cities, or something to that effect. Tell me if I’m wrong. But I’m perfectly happy for the illegals to settle into the managed retreats.

Of course, earthquakes can also be triggered by HAARP, and tsunamis can be staged by underwater bombs, so there’s plenty of scope for killing off more people. I think it was last year, or early this year when Türkiye (I think Türkiye) had 2 major earthquakes on the same day in 2 quite large cities. What are the odds of that? I know-God can do anything (of course I know-I’m a Christian, young in Christianity, but I’m also Ashkenazi Jew, who never got fooled by the Schofield Bible, don’t go to any corporate church, meaning I don’t go to church because they’re all corporate and/or off the rails with problems I’m not allowed to speak about, so how are you going to know what I’m talking about if I can’t speak about it? I’ve never looked at a Talmud, but I’ve been accused of being a Zionist, even though I only found out I’m Jewish a few days ago, but I’ve also been accused of being a Christian Zionist !! for goodness sake! Can I report myself for being antisemitic? I think I should, even though my family ties don’t show that I’m descended from the Semitic area. But that could be wrong-Jews moved around a lot according to The Bible. And Palestinians and Arabs have Semitic blood in them-more so than most jews in Israel today. Jews from the real Israel, from Biblical times, were mostly Hebrews-at least that’s what it says in the Bible! Do you see my problem? Anyone?) where was I? Ah-earthquakes. Yes HAARP can do all this and more, and people will say it’s Revelation coming true. And it may well be-God and Jesus and the other main people in The Bible never said the earthquakes and other extreme phenomena couldn’t be made by man!

A problem that I think a lot of Christians and Jews, and maybe Muslims have, is that they’re expecting a rapture before the Tribulation. In all my (2) years of reading the Bible, and trying to do Bible study, I do not believe this. Jesus said a rapture will take place, but not a “total” rapture. This is the only place I have seen a rapture mentioned, except by Paul the Apostle, twice. If such a grand thing is going to happen, surely it would be given more than 2 mentions by Paul. I have to say I’m not sure what it says about the rapture in the Old Testament. I am highly suspicious that this rapture (not the one mentioned by Jesus, that is completely different), may have been inserted by some nefarious people, so Christians think they won’t have to go through all the world’s hard times, and therefore ignore all this New World Order stuff. This is not what I believe. I am trying to help avert the NWO. There will be a rapture after the events in Revelation unfold, I believe.

I have been following a certain substack where the pastor only a couple of years ago, referred to the rapture mentioned by Jesus as a separate ‘partial’ rapture. Saying something like this partial rapture will occur, as well as the main rapture, before the great Tribulation. But it hasn’t happened in these few years. The Tribulation is supposed to be one of the most difficult times ever experienced by mankind. So, quite scary. But!! Said pastor now believes the great Tribulation is almost over! What about the rapture, taking us Christians away from all that! What about the worst time experienced by mankind? Things have been difficult, sure, but worst times ever? No way! This to me, is an example of Church gone Corporate woke.

I’m saying this, in case people encounter Christians who don’t seem bothered by events happening now, if they are awake to what’s happening. Christians who won’t take events unfolding seriously. They’ve really been led astray by bad preaching/bad churches. If you come across such people, just politely ask them why they’re not worried. You probably can’t change their minds, but not all Christians think like this. Even though I’m a relatively new Christian-I know reality, I know things will get hard-thanks mostly to people like Michael who put in the hard work. I’m trying to help.

We may really see a lot of supernatural stuff, regardless of whether people like Bibi Netanyahu are trying to bring about Biblical prophecy. (Which he is trying to do!) We’re told by Jesus to not be afraid. God never gave us the spirit of fear! I hope this makes sense!

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