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“Converting” or “waking up” is a process and will vary from person to person. I’m sure the enemy has playbooks and instruction manuals on it. My own real life attempts at it have not been greatly successful. But even many triple jabbed covidians I know are waking up to something being very wrong. I don’t know how to get them over that last hump and realisation that the people in control want to and have very detailed plans in place to kill us. Sorry. I even think many of the ‘awake’ crowd who turned up to covid protests need to be woken up again (they think or act like everything is back to normal) - although they are probably an easier market to tap than joe normie who willingly took 3 jabs during the peak of the covid psyop.

As far as we can “infiltrate” that’s a little simpler to explain. Of greatest importance is that we have allied nurses, doctors, pharmacists to get themselves into job positions where they will be able to administer the next round of magic potions. When the time comes they need to administer them to willing participants and squirt the contents into the sink but still ‘stamp’ the vax passports for any unwilling participants. They ideally need to be working in teams because the controllers will probably require witnessing to help guard against this kind of corruption of their passports. And be warned there will be double agents looking to catch out such angels - loose lips sink ships. Others can get jobs in the police, military, local councils, any state or federal government departments or private contracting businesses whose work substantially contributes to building or maintaining the control grid. They can work on the inside to put wrenches in the gears (a la Simple Sabotage). They can also act as canaries in the coal mine. For example a police officer or military man could warn others about upcoming operations or enemy movements - important if for example the military are used for door-to-door forcible jabbings. Discussions beyond this should probably be conducted in private (including no publicly visible call-outs). In short: we need to prepare The Resistance.

I very much agree time is of the essence, that is why I believe we need to plan for (hopefully temporary) failure. There hopefully are other ways to prepare too.

And there’s no reason these activities can’t proceed simultaneously with your suggested actions and any others. Of them all I genuinely believe the mortgage strike will be the most difficult to initiate. I for instance don’t know a single person willing to risk their home and ‘greatest investment’ without a high degree of certainty they will win. Of all the people I know perhaps 5% are ‘awake’ and see the need for such an action, but even most of them still won’t risk it all… again (many lost their careers, homes, etc during the covid psyop and are scarred). I’m also not fully convinced the powers-that-ought-not-be haven’t prepared for such a financial collapse in their many scenario plans and simulations. One posibility is they will try to initate a collapse of their own in order to provide the excuse for their new programmable currency system (be it through centralised banks or through the big commercial banks).

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Thank you very much for this thoughtful comment. Lots to contemplate on there.

With regards to:

"One possibility is they will try to initiate a collapse of their own in order to provide the excuse for their new programmable currency system (be it through centralised banks or through the big commercial banks)."

This is not a "possibility" imho. It is a 100% CERTAINTY. It WILL happen (100%), the only question is when.

The infrastructure to do so is complete in most of the 'free' world and definitely in Australia where I am. It is literally a matter of giving the order.

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