The Truth about Controlled Opposition
Why should you care, who are they and what do we DO about it?
“Appear weak when you are strong.”
Chinese General Sun Tzu in his book “The Art of war” written in the 5th century BC
“They are guarding ALL the doors. They are holding ALL the keys”
Morpheus in the Matrix movie
Just over a year ago, I published the very first article on this Substack. It was the first of two parts discussing my personal journey to awakening.
This is effectively part 3 of that journey and what you are about to read is probably the most important insight I’ve gained since that very first article.
The tweet below which I posted 7 weeks into the Israel-Hamas war outlines this insight in a pretty clear way (hopefully):
Obviously this phenomena is not exclusive to the Middle East.
Here’s how the picture looks for the UK:
In case that’s not enough for you, here’s a more detailed ‘group photo’:
Canada is truly in a league of its own since its complete take over by the Freeland regime supported by its frontman (which is exactly what Trudeau is).
Freeland, other than being a Nazi (for real!), is also a regular attendee at Bilderberg and a member of the WEF board of Trustees which obviously explains this:
It’s a proper ‘business trip’ for her after all…
Freeland is not just a ‘true believer’ in Corporatism (a form of Fascism), or “stakeholder capitalism” as the WEF prefers to call it, but an absolute fanatic about that despite speaking strongly against it less than a decade earlier (you can watch her full 2013 TED talk here).
She is also as intelligent as she is ruthless which makes her one of the enemy’s greatest ‘assets’.
Her public speaking skills, however, are pretty rubbish which is why she has a former drama teacher (and occasional stripper) as her front man.
But why am I telling you all this (which you probably already know) and how is that related to the topic of this article?
Well, the purpose of this introduction is to point out the fact that many of the people you see as opposing those shown above are actually working towards the same end goals…but are using a more devious approach to doing so.
Controlled Opposition
Before we start our journey down the “controlled opposition” rabbit hole, I want to address one of the most common arguments against discussing this topic:
“Why are you attacking people and claiming they are controlled opposition? All you achieve by doing that is splinter the ‘freedom movement’ and create divisions”
My answer to that is comprised of two parts:
There is no “freedom movement” or “medical freedom movement”. Instead, there are people from different backgrounds and different life experiences working together towards achieving a common goal they all care deeply about. This is an important distinction because a movement indicates an effort organised by a centralised leadership which means it can be corrupted and failing that, taken out altogether. We don’t need a centralised structure. Instead, we need a decentralised Hydra where you cut off one head and a hundred more will pop up in its place. I will have more to say about this towards the end of this article.
They are hindering our efforts to defeat the enemy. This is the topic of the next section below.
The tactics of the controlled opposition and why should you care
As I mentioned, the controlled opposition are doing real damage to our efforts to defeat the enemy and win WWIII.
This by itself should be enough for you to be concerned.
The controlled opposition elements are employing two primary tactics in their efforts to undermine our victory against the enemy:
“Flood the zone”
The first tactic is obfuscating the full agenda of our enemy through the orchestrated release of a lot of information.
Some of this information may be outright false while other reveals some actual truths in order to stop other parts of the truth, which are actually crucial for the enemy, from coming out (the infamous “look here but not there” trick).
The latter is a very devious tactic of information warfare known as Paltering/Limited Hangout which I have written about extensively previously:
The diagram below by dpl gives an excellent visual representation of the “flood the zone” tactic:
One good example of the “flood the zone” tactic being deployed extremely successfully is the issue of bioengineering (a.k.a the ‘nanotech’ in the C19 injectables).
While a lot of information has come out about the horrific aftermath of the rollout of the C19 injectables and it is now pretty much common knowledge amongst anyone who is not still fast asleep, many prominent people in the “medical freedom movement” either dismiss as “nonsense” the issue of bioengineering and the potentially existential risk it poses to humanity as we know it, or even call it a “CIA PsyOp” (that one really gets me going…).
Said people will outright refuse to look at any evidence or even discuss it seriously, even when it comes from people who have dedicated their life to studying it and have produced a truly mammoth body of research on the topic.
As a result, 2.5 years after the initial revelations about the structures and advanced artificial organisms found in the injectables first started coming out, this still remains an issue on the fringes of said “medical freedom movement” and people with stories like Ar Zano below are still not being taken seriously enough or even being outright gas lit!
This example is the perfect Segway to the second tactic most commonly used by the controlled opposition elements.
“Running out the clock”
The second primary objective is to buy time and more specifically, push back as much as possible the point that that a critical mass of humanity understands what is actually going on and what the grand plan as well as what the enemy really must have in place before they can get there as opposed to mere distractions that don’t really matter.
Sage Hana called it “running out the clock” which I think is an absolutely brilliant way to put it and I highly recommend the post below where it’s being discussed in more detail:
“Running out the clock” can be simply described as wasting time.
This wasted time manifests itself in the fact that almost 4 years after the start of WW3, we the people effectively have no meaningful wins of any kind other than maybe some relaxation in the mandates which was not as a result of anything we did, but rather due the enemy achieving tremendous success in injecting most of the world’s population with the poison death shots.
No meaningful wins of any kind in the United States:
If you want a great example of how effective “running out the clock” is and how dangerous it can be, you need to look no further than one Anthony S. Fauci, a fella who makes Josef Mengele look like a great humanitarian (bordering on a saint) in comparison.
Then there was this little number Pfizer paid top dollar to be shown during the superbowl ad break:
The CDC also feel completely safe & comfortable to post this only this month instead of running for their lives:
And this is what their current Director is saying:
No meaningful wins of any kind in Canada:
No meaningful wins of any kind in the UK:
British Doctor Dr David Cartland posted this video to Twitter only this month. It speaks for itself and unfortunately sounds exactly like what we used to see on censorship-free platforms in 2021 and 2022…not 2024!
Meanwhile in the UK Parliament…
No meaningful wins of any kind in France:
Just a few days ago, the French Parliament passed a law which will send you to jail for 3 years if you criticize the mRNA injectables.
According to the law, speaking out publicly against mRNA or other treatments which are deemed ‘suitable’ based on current ‘medical knowledge’ can lead to a 3 year prison sentence and up to a $48,400 fine.
No meaningful wins of any kind in New Zealand:
No meaningful wins of any kind in Australia:
This reality simply cannot be allowed to continue in its current state under ANY circumstances. Period!
Next I want to show that some “controlled opposition” elements are wilful participants, while others may not be and are simply being taken advantage of.
The latter is done predominantly through stroking their ego by giving them a lot of publicity through the “mainstream alternative media” which I also cover extensively in this article.
Witting and unwitting controlled opposition operatives
I will provide one example of each in this section and both are some of the most prominent figures to emerge on the ‘freedom scene’ in recent years.
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin is a name you’re almost certainly familiar with.
I definitely am and was extremely impressed by his apparent integrity, high intelligence and impressive (and often dramatic) presentations.
So much so that I even included one of his presentations as the feature video in one of my earliest posts as well as based a section of another post on his revelations (before I knew any better obviously).
However, since then I have learnt a thing or two and have hopefully become more discerning, but this will ultimately be for others to judge.
Dr David E. Martin is almost certainly a witting “controlled opposition” operative.
The reason why I say “almost certainty” is because his actions strongly suggest he knows exactly what he’s doing and why, but as I cannot read his mind, I must leave some room for doubt.
Here is David explaining the rationale behind the logo of his company in his own words after obviously being repeatedly challenged on it:
Are you convinced?
Here is the ‘real deal’ for comparison:
Here is what it means directly from the “horse’s mouth” (Grand Lodge of Ohio of the Free & Accepted Masons):
While there are many symbols associated with Freemasonry, none are more universally recognizable than the square and compasses. It is well-known enough that even those who are not personally acquainted with the fraternity understand the connection when they come across it. Like many aspects of Freemasonry, the precise origins of this symbol are unknown. However, it is thought to have roots in the Medieval stonemasons’ guilds.
Of course, for modern Masons, the square and compasses symbol has a unique, profound meaning. It resides at the heart of Masonic lessons, beckoning all Brothers to live a life that is honest, true, and dignified.
Any traveling man understands that when he sees this symbol, whether on the façade of a Masonic temple, the bumper sticker of a passing car, or a lapel pin of a colleague, he is in the company of friends.
Here is a video of Dr David E. Martin circa 2017 in a promotional video by PwC (a strategic partner of the WEF).
What do you think of his ‘vision’?
It may sound good on the face of it but, as usual with him, what is he actually saying?
Here is him in a 2018 interview to CNBC (official broadcast partner of the WEF’s annual Davos shindig) explaining why he is bullish on GE. The reasons why he is bullish are especially interesting:
Interesting choice of bowtie to go on a major international business channel. Don’t you think?
David is also in the workshop business a-la Tony Robbins although he doesn’t charge quite as much ($2,750 per person or $4,800 per couple for a 4 day workshop/retreat with him, his wife and the ‘team’).
Here is the brochure for his March 2021 workshop with the obligatory testimonials:
“Bringing humanity back into humans” sounds awesome to me but what does it actually mean in this context?
As a ‘spiritual guru’ of the highest calibre, Martin needs the promotional video to match, right?
Well, here is the new featured video Martin has added to his YouTube Channel (which according to his own admission, was never ever censored even in heyday of mass censorship on YouTube during the ‘Pandemic’) in November 2023:
There is a certain geometrical shape which keeps popping up throughout this promotional video in addition to a lot of pyramids:
Is it subliminal messaging or is it simply a matter of:
“The 3 is important in all the work that Kim and I do as it forms the root of Integral Accounting”
I don’t know for sure. I can’t read minds…so you will need to make up your own!
One thing I do know for sure is that the Freemasons (by their own admission, see above) and their other ‘colleagues’ care DEEPLY about certain symbolism and displaying it at any opportunity is not just desired, but is an absolute requirement as you can see here and here and here.
David also released a documentary in 2022 called “American R/Evolution” in which he channels his inner Jefferson (or is it Washington?) presenting his vision for a new America. It seems very elaborate and detailed but I challenge you to articulate in your own words after watching the almost two hour doco (which I did) what he is actually proposing.
I personally couldn’t quite articulate anything beyond just the ‘feel good’ aspect after watching the doco, just like after watching his monologue in the closing scene of Plandemic 2 where he also said that “This is a moment for us to recognise that every decision that is being made today by any of the conspiring parties made perfect sense in each increment when each one of those decision were made”.
I personally much prefer the very first sentence David started his monologue with in that scene…except I’d remove the word “not”:
“This is (not) a time for us to go in a mob frenzy, find the perpetrators and haul them into the town square and pillory them”
Yep. I’ll have that one please, thanks. Where do I sign up?
Maybe the problem is with me and not Dr Martin?
Or maybe it is also the case that Dr Martin is an absolute master in linguistic manipulation.
If the latter is indeed the case then the objective of this controlled opposition operative should make perfect sense as it’s a perfect match to his skillset:
To amplify the importance and danger we all supposedly faced from this thing we know as SARS CoV-2.
According to the narrative pushed by Martin, SARS CoV-2 was a highly dangerous virus developed through gain of function research conducted predominantly in the United States but with support from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China, which acted as a subcontractor of sorts, after such research was technically made illegal in the US.
This was the same narrative peddled by Robert W Malone MD, MSwho gets his own section further down in this article.
There is unfortunately one problem with that narrative that we now know without a shadow of a doubt to be true:
The SARS CoV-2 Virus (assuming it is even a virus or even existed altogether) is NOT highly dangerous at all unless you are frail, elderly or have other underlying health conditions (a.k.a co-morbidities).
If none of the above applies to you then the chance of this thing posing any serious risk to you is only marginally higher than the common cold!
The actual reason for the “this virus can kill us all” narrative (which Martin helped amplify) should be very obvious to you now: PUSH THE C19 INJECTABLES.
More specifically: getting these things into as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.
Now I am not denying for a second that Martin spoke out against the injectables.
He definitely did and very strongly (he would have lost all credibility if he didn’t) but at the same time he was also going on and on (and on!) about the elaborate multi-decade conspiracy to develop a “deadly virus” through GoF research and then release it on the unsuspecting population, including as late as May 2023 in this ‘viral’ (pun absolutely intended) speech at the EU Parliament.
Assuming such conspiracy actually existed, it has obviously failed as the only thing that was actually achieved was fear, not actual deaths from Covid (but plenty of deaths with Covid thanks to some creative accounting….or maybe it was Martin’s “Integral Accounting”), which made it easy to get a big chunk of the population to line up and willingly take it in the arm.
The famous saying attributed to Montaigne in the sixteenth century has NEVER been more accurate and pertinent as it is right now in the 2020s:
“Nothing to fear but fear itself”
For those who weren’t scared enough to take a chance with some experimental injection developed in record time, there were obviously the mandates to ‘sort them out’.
The “Prosecute Now” initiative
David Martin also started a major initiative (according to him at least) of collecting legally admissible evidence and launching criminal prosecutions in Canada and in as many US states as possible.
He promoted it heavily for over 18 months in any opportunity he could and even mentioned in this video from December 2022, that Florida Governor DeSantis was onboard following a meeting Martin described as “very positive”:
People were directed to a special website Martin prepared for this legal campaign where they were encouraged to make submissions to the Attorney Generals in their states, and obviously also donate to the ‘cause’.
The website is but it appears it has been quietly taken offline in late 2023 with the last live version being from November 27, 2023.
Said website also had a document titled “Executive Summary for Litigation of PLANDEMIC Crimes” which appears to have been removed sometimes after April last year (2023)…but hasn’t actually been updated since January 2022.
Nothing sus at all, right?
If that’s not enough to get alarms bell ringing, take a look at this account by Charles Wright of dealing with Martin’s “Prosecute Now” ‘team’:
Smells very much like a ‘bait & switch’ to me or an elaborate exercise at wasting resources with the most important one being time (a.k.a “running out the clock” as discussed above).
What do you make of this? Let me know.
Further reading for those who want to keep digging
There have been several researchers over recent years who have done excellent investigations into David Martin.
I recommend the ones below by R!CKYRANTS &
:If you want to go even deeper down the Martin rabbit hole, then I recommend a report prepared by researcher Omar Jordan, which is definitely the most extensive investigation anyone ever did on Dr David E. Martin to the best of my knowledge.
You can download this 70 page report below or from here:
This ultimate encyclopedia by Mr. Jordan about anything and everything David E. Martin also covers extensively someone who has become a close associate of Martin and the one most responsible for bringing him to the forefront of the “freedom movement”:
The creator of the Plandemic series, Mikki Willis.
Willis is a rabbit hole all to itself which I am not going to cover in this article so you’ll have to read Jordan’s report for the full picture.
What I will highlight though is the video below which Jordan links to from his report. It features Willis discussing his personal account of September 11, 2001.
This is how Mr. Jordan describes it in page 3 of his 70 page report:
Now, you are free to believe that this person is recounting an honest and true story about his experience on 9/11, with absolutely no judgements from me.
But if you have studied 9/11 thoroughly, then you know without a doubt that this story is a lie. If you haven’t, then you must rely on your intuition.
No further commentary from me.
Prof. Mattias Desmet
Mattias Desmet is I believe a great example of an unwitting controlled opposition operative (Eva Vlaardingerbroek is another great example).
Prof. Desmet gained prominence in the “freedom movement” during its early days following his very eloquent articulation of a phenomena he described as “mass formation” which was also heavily featured in his 2022 book called “The Psychology of Totalitarianism”.
Prof. Desmet gave a lot of interviews in the lead up and following the release of his book (which is still available for purchase on Amazon and other ‘mainstream’ platforms. None have censored it) where he argued that the wholesale violation of human rights and the denying of basic freedoms during the Plandemic, and especially during the lockdowns, was only possible due to people losing en masse their ability to think critically and independently as a result of “free floating anxiety” and social isolation, which was further amplified by the lockdowns and the constant and unrelenting “indoctrination propaganda” spewed by legacy media during that time.
Basically, it was a form of mass hypnosis/psychosis.
This sounds on the face of it as a very accurate and timely assessment to make and it gave Prof. Desmet a lot of publicity at the time.
Unfortunately, it seems it has also resulted in Prof. Desmet falling into the same “mass formation” trap which hindered his own ability to think critically and independently:
If you don’t understand what I am talking about in the context of Prof. Desmet’s remarks on Musk above, the “free speech absolutist” has his own lengthy section in this article which will hopefully make it clearer for you.
More importantly, it seems like Prof. Desmet’s assessment of humanity falling into “mass formation” was also inaccurate although I personally think it was an honest mistake without any malicious intent behind it.
Instead, what was actually happening was a process of “Mass Atrocity”.
This is a very important distinction because in a mass formation, the leaders (in politics, health and law enforcement) are also victims of “free floating anxiety” and “indoctrination propaganda” and are supposedly ‘hypnotised’ themselves.
This means they can argue they didn’t know what they were doing during that time and even that they were not of sound mind when they made the decisions which harmed so many people.
This is likely a valid legal defence in a court of law…or a special tribunal for crimes against humanity!
The article below delves deeper into this and explains why it is important to make the distinction between “Mass Formation” (which Prof. Desmet claims took place) and “Mass Atrocity” which is what actually happened.
The video below is an adaptation of the above article and does an excellent job explaining the distinctions by quoting passages from Desmet’s book and comparing them to what was actually taking place.
Two specific examples I want to highlight are that:
Not everyone was ‘hypnotised’ through “mass formation” and there were plenty of dissenting voices from day dot which only grew louder as the madness progressed and escalated; and
The leadership of the political and health establishment knew exactly what they were doing (and even why) and were absolutely NOT ‘hypnotised’. This is evidenced, amongst other things, by the fact many of them never followed their own health advice around ‘social distancing’ and masking with many of them also avoiding taking those very same injectables they were pushing on everyone else (or as the first rule of any drug dealer states: “never get high on your own supply”).
Ed Snowden: another unwitting controlled opposition operative?
I want to start by saying that I was quite hesitant about including this section in the article you’re reading.
Edward Snowden is someone I still respect greatly (and maybe even admire) and I still strongly believe his revelations in 2013 changed the world for the better.
I even did a big post to mark the 10 year anniversary of Snowden coming out with his explosive revelations about the industrial scale of mass surveillance of three letter agencies of the US government, spearheaded by the NSA:
However, late last year I came across this post by Mr. E which was published two years prior:
The gist of the post is the fact that a lot of the ‘privacy solutions’ Snowden has endorsed and recommended over the last decade (and especially for investigative journalists) seem to be funded by an organisation called The Open Technology Fund (OTF) which is an initiative of the US government.
Specifically, an agency now known as the US Agency for Global Media (USAGM) which amongst other things, used to operate the propaganda radio station “Voice of America”.
I had a look myself at the projects which received funding from OTF (i.e. the US Government) and you can find the results of my investigation in the summary below:
What I want you to take away from this section is not necessarily that Snowden is working willingly and knowingly with the enemy but that he may have lost his ‘edge’ over the last 10 years and is not as discerning as he used to be.
Therefore, I suggest you treat his advice and recommendations accordingly. This is what I personally intend to do going forward.
The ‘right wing/conservative’ Politicians
One of most pronounced and prevalent trends to emerge following the madness of the lockdowns and the mandates was a strong “anti-woke” sentiment.
People were overwhelmingly blaming the left wing of politics (a.k.a “woke”) for what has transpired during that time and many (including myself I must admit) have ‘shifted right’ in their political views leaning towards the “conservative” side of politics.
However, when you think about it in a cold and rational manner, you will likely see (just like I did) that it is complete and utter nonsense!
Think about it for a second:
Many countries in the supposed ‘free world’ actually had “conservative” governments during the heyday of the madness with the UK and Australia being prime examples…not to mention the US.
In the US, it was the Trump administration that locked down Americans and commissioned the rollout of the deadly injectables through the infamous “Operation Warp Speed”.
Trump, who is now running for a second term (and will be elected/selected), has never expressed any regrets for the actions of his administration during that time.
On the contrary, he is still adamant that his administration did a “fantastic job” with its response to the ‘Pandemic’.
If you are still of the opinion that Trump is the one who will “Save America” this time around, I suggest you read this section of one of my past articles.
It contains no opinions, only fully referenced facts…but you will still need to keep an open mind to absorb it.
The Trump campaign is definitely positioning him as America’s saviour which is blatantly obvious to anyone looking at what’s going on in a detached manner, which is something I am hopefully capable of doing as I am not American and therefore don’t get an actual say on the matter.
There is also a continuation of a nod towards the QAnon ‘movement’ (which is definitely a PsyOp) from the Trump 2024 campaign team.
‘Conservative’ politicians, just like their ‘liberal/woke’ counterparts can and do bait & switch on their constituents after they are elected/selected.
Just look at Italy.
Another trend which accompanies the rise of “Conservative” politicians around the world, is the rise of various organisations and ‘think tanks’ which position themselves as having ‘anti-woke’ ideology which stands in stark contrast to the likes of the WEF for example.
One prominent example of this which has ‘scooped up’ a lot of “conservative” politicians is ARC.
The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship
This outfit has put prominent Canadian Psychologist and “conservative” media darling Jordan Peterson as its front man in an effort to quickly gain prominence and legitimacy, which appears to have been successful judging by the amount of “conservative” politicians (both past and present) who showed up to its official launch late last year and/or are sitting on its advisory board.
Their predominant messaging is around ‘anti-wokeism’ and a return to “conservative values” which many people find appealing these days as discussed above.
Unfortunately, it’s a complete ruse as discussed at great length in this joint investigation I did with my colleague Ursula Edgington, PhD:
ARC has also taken a very strong stance against ESG (which is definitely not just complete nonsense but outright dangerous concept) in order to gain legitimacy.
This leads us to another ARC which seeks to rebrand ESG instead in order to get rid of the ‘baggage’ associated with this term which has become completely toxic for many people (and rightfully so!).
The Alliance for Responsible Capitalism
Yep, there is another ARC!
This one is not comprised of anyone who can be remotely described as “conservative” but is instead seeking to obfuscate the negative aspects of ESG by simply rebranding them to a different term: “Responsible Capitalism”.
The Alliance For Responsible Capitalism describe themselves on their website as:
We are forward-looking business leaders creating a movement at the intersection of corporate political influence and climate policy.
Did you get that…because I definitely did not!
Thankfully, the excellent video below by Neil McCoy-Ward explains it much better and also reveals the actual people behind this second ARC:
The video below is showing one of the primary funders and people at the helm of the Alliance for Responsible Capitalism explaining why it’s time to “dustbin” the term ESG and what it should be replaced with instead.
Her last name says it all. I have nothing further to add.
Next I want to focus on one specific example of such a “conservative/pro-freedom” politician who has made his ‘grand entrance’ recently.
The New President of Argentina
This article is pretty long so it’s time for a musical interlude:
Did you enjoy this oldie by The Platters?
More importantly: did you pay attention to the lyrics? If not, go and play the above video again. Every word matters.
The “Argentinian Trump” and self-described libertarian has burst onto the global scene thanks to performances such as this that have gone viral on social media, and especially on Musk’s Twitter/X:
You can probably see how many people will find his style appealing. I will openly admit I was impressed myself when I first came across this segment.
“Finally, a guy who says it like it is. How refreshing” I thought to myself.
Milei won the Presidential elections to the great delight of many conservatives and libertarians and formally took office in December last year.
Below is a quick summary of Milei’s rise to power. I normally prefer these days to avoid giving extra views to legacy media outlets but this one has some very pertinent footage which helps me to convey a certain message (see below):
The main takeaway I’d like you to take from the above two videos is that Milei is first and foremost a great showman…especially in front of a TV camera.
This is something the enemy absolutely loves in an ‘elected leader’ which is why they had a former reality TV star as US President (as well as an actual Hollywood actor as President in the 80’s and another as the ‘Governator’ of California…although he probably won’t “be back”).
Heck, they have two of them right now: a former drama teacher in the role of Prime Minister of Canada and a comedian in the role of President of Ukraine (after playing that exact same role in a TV series. You just can’t make this stuff up!).
While the word “clown world” comes to mind, the joke is unfortunately on us!
I digress. Back to Milei.
Canadian entrepreneur Curtis Stone made some prediction about how Milei’s Presidency will look like and so far it seems he was spot on:
The following listing (which has been there for years but has recently been updated to reflect the new title of their guy) will probably not come as a surprise to you:
Just to further prove to you that Milei’s ‘association’ with the WEF goes back many years, here’s a note on his involvement in 2014 (10 years ago):
Here is a photo of him attending in 2014 taken directly from the official WEF Flickr account:
Milei’s first actions as President
As soon it was clear that Milei won the Presidential election, he celebrated by waving a flag. However, it wasn’t the flag of Argentina (although the colours are somewhat similar).
While still President-elect, Milei went to the US where he met Biden’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan as well as this guy with whom he appeared to be very friendly indeed:
One of the very first things Milei did after being sworn into office was to get his appointed “climate diplomat” to announce that Argentina will remain a signatory to the Paris Climate Agreement.
This is despite the fact Milei made numerous comments in the past where he referred to ‘global warming’ as a hoax.
The next thing he did as President was to withdraw Argentina’s application to join the BRICS which was already formally approved with Argentina due to officially become part of the BRICS less than a month later on Jan 1 this year.
At the same time, Milei reiterated his intention to privatise Argentina’s pension system (which hasn’t worked that great at all in other Latin American countries) and abolish Argentina’s Central Bank.
The latter sounds great until you realise what Milei want to replace it with which is the US Dollar, putting Argentina firmly back in the US’s sphere of influence and beholden to its Federal Reserve (a private for-profit central bank).
Another thing Milei did within a few days of taking office is to sign a decree introducing over 300 reforms without any of that going through Parliament.
Now while many of these were necessary and long overdue and while he also may have had the authority to do so as President under Argentinian law (I think, I don’t know much about Argentina’s constitutional law), what he did next was just a ‘bit’ concerning, especially for a self-described Libertarian.
Many everyday Argentinian’s took to the streets to protest the comprehensive reforms including the one removing most restrictions on the sale of real estate in Argentina to foreigners.
How did Milei respond? Well, definitely not in a very ‘libertarian’ way. Let’s just put it this way.
On December 14, Argentina’s ministry of nation security (effectively the equivalent of DHS in the US) issued the following official directive:
My Spanish is not great (to put it mildly) so here is the translation courtesy of Jose Vega:
Doesn’t seem very “libertarian”, does it?
Following the issuance of this directive, The Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) has voiced concerns saying that:
“The measures attack the right to protest and criminalize those who demonstrate and persecute social and political organizations.”
“Bullrich (Milei’s security minister) announced that the government will punish the participation of girls, boys and adolescents in the protests. In this way, it criminalizes mothers and fathers who demand better conditions for their families and excludes those in charge of their care.”
Now in case you think (like I did initially I must admit) that CELS is some leftist organisation opposing Milei purely on political grounds, their website says the following:
Argentine human rights organization founded in 1979 during the last military dictatorship. It promotes the protection of human rights and their effective exercise, justice and social inclusion – both nationally and internationally.
In its early years, CELS fought for truth and justice for the crimes committed under State terrorism. At the end of the 1980s, it expanded its agenda to include human rights violations committed under democracy, their structural causes and their relationship to social inequality. CELS’ actions are aimed at shoring up the democratic State, public policy advocacy, expanding the effective exercise of rights, supporting victims and the search for justice.
Sounds like people worth listening to. Don’t you think?
Milei never responded but one of his coalition partners did and wasn’t quite diplomatic about it saying: “Prison or bullet”.
More importantly, the actual results of Milei reforms don’t seem to be achieving the desired results. As a matter of fact, they are doing the exact opposite:
This fish starts to smell a bit bad, don’t you think?
If not, take a look at this:
A few weeks before Milei won the elections, the Argentine National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) which is the equivalent to the FDA in the US, approved a new Argentinian-made C19 ‘vaccine’ for general use.
As if we needed another one…
Did Milei do anything to stop his people getting injected with even more poison (albeit locally made this time)? NADA.
Things only get worse from here…
Milei’s first ever trip overseas as President was to the WEF 2024 annual meeting which I will discuss shortly.
Milei’s second trip overseas as President (and the first official state visit) was to Israel during which he officially announced that Argentina will move its embassy to Jerusalem mimicking a move made by Donald Trump but that happened in obviously very different circumstances.
Let’s just say a move such as this at this time and given what is going on in the Middle East right now is questionable at best.
While Milei is not Jewish, he made it very clear that he has deep feelings towards the Jewish people and especially towards Israel.
After wailing at the very appropriately named “wailing wall” (Judaism’s holiest site), Milei then proceeded to dance with local Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem.
Without getting into too much politics, let me tell you as a Jewish person and former Israeli, these people are absolute nut jobs….if not outright dangerous.
But wait, there’s more!
On the first full day of Milei’s official state visit to Israel, he visited Israel’s Holocaust Museum Yad Vashem (hand & name in Hebrew) during which he gave a speech which started in something that to the trained ear cannot be interpreted as anything but this:
Have a listen for yourself:
Milei has ventured where only the most extreme Jewish supremacists dare to venture, stoking the flames of a literal holy war in the most explosive place on the entire planet!!
In case you don’t quite understand what I am referring to, the prophecy says that the third Jewish Temple will be rebuilt where the second one once stood, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
There is just one ‘tiny’ problem: said Temple Mount is currently the home of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest place to Islam.
If the third Jewish temple is there, it means by definition that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is NOT…
In case you think this is a misinterpretation of Milei’s words, here is the full speech where Milei has said a few other things that are ‘somewhat’ problematic in the context of the current Israel-Hamas war and which definitely do NOT contribute towards calming things down and advancing peace.
One of Milei’s closest and longest serving advisors is Rabbi Shimon Axel Wahnish, who heads ACILBA, an Argentine-Moroccan Jewish community based in Buenos Aires and who Milei appointed as Ambassador to Israel in one of his first acts as President.
Finally, Milei appears to have had a big change of heart regarding a fellow Argentinian: Pope Francis.
Milei referred to the current Pope as an "imbecile" and “the devil's man on earth” (which I personally think is not far off the mark) but will now meet him during a state visit to Italy and has also invited him to visit the “homeland”.
Bizarre or a genuine attempt to make mends and be “Presidential”? You decide.
‘Alternative’ currencies to the Peso are A-OK….provided it’s the US Dollar
I mentioned already Milei’s plan to ‘retire’ the Argentinian Central Bank and its Peso (which is not a bad idea in itself) and replace it with the US Dollar (which is an outright terrible idea on every aspect).
He also announced plans to allow provinces within Argentina to issue their own “alternative currencies” and allow such currencies to compete against each other.
Now that sounds a lot more “Libertarian” to me. Well done President Milei!
Actually, spoke too soon:
When the northern province of La Rioja announced plans to create its own currency because it effectively ran out of money to pay its public service, Milei’s interior minister sent a letter to La Rioja’s government warning that issuing its own currency was illegal and could endanger future funding for the province.
As the saying goes: Only judge them by their DEEDS…and the verdict isn’t looking great so far.
Here is what Professor Richard Werner, a man who can speak on these matters with ‘some’ authority (and who famously blew the lid on how the WEF tried to recruit him as a Young Global Leader and warned against the grave threat posed by CBDCs) had to say on this move by Milei.
If you want to read a bit more about Milei and his questionable antics before and after coming to power, this article provides a good summary.
Milei at WEF 2024
The ‘libertarian saviour’ of Argentina attended the 2024 edition of the annual Davos shindig, hosted by ‘Schwabenator’ & Co., in his first major overseas trip as President of Argentina.
The most obvious question to ask will be: WHY?
If he is supposedly vigorously opposing the “collectivists” and the “leftards”, why would he go and speak at a gathering of people promoting “stakeholder capitalism” which is corporatism, a form of fascisms, which is as much about collectivism as Communism.
Speaking of communism, the Founder & Executive Chairman of that organisation has a very interesting memento in his office:
After asking the most obvious question of why Milei is even there, let’s look closely at what he said.
Below is the speech Milei gave at Davos in full, including the very warm introduction by ‘Dr Evil’ himself (the action starts from minute 4 onwards):
I encourage you to watch the full address for yourself (it’s only 24 minutes long in total) so you can make your own mind but in case you don’t have the time to do so, let me give you a few pointers.
The speech starts in a relatively benign way with Milei speaking strongly against collectivism (Does he realise where he is and what that place is all about?) and excessive government intervention and coercion through excessive taxation and regulation.
This all sound great although the below should probably get your attention:
The troubling bit (from my perspective at least) starts 19:27 minutes in when Milei is talking about the “concentrated structures of the economy” (i.e. monopolies) and says:
“However, without increasing returns to scale functions, whose counterparts are the concentrated structures of the economy, we couldn’t possibly explain economic growth since the year 1800 until today.
Isn’t this interesting? Since the year 1800 onwards with population multiplying by eight or nine times, per capita GDP grew by over 15 times so there are growing returns which took extreme poverty from 95% to 5% .
However, the presence of growing returns involves concentrated structures. What we would call a monopoly.
How come then that something that has generated so much well being for the neoclassical theory is a market failure? Neoclassical economists think outside of the box. When the model fails, you shouldn’t get angry with reality but rather with the model and change it.
The dilemma faced by the neoclassical model is that they say that they wish to perfect the functioning of the market by attacking what they consider to be failures but in so doing they don’t just open up the door to socialism but also go against economic growth.
An example: regulating monopolies, destroying their profits and destroying growing returns automatically would destroy economic growth.
In other words, whenever you want to correct a supposed market failure inexorably as a result of not knowing what the market is or as a result of having fallen in love with a failed model, you are opening up the door to socialism and condemning people to poverty.”
Interesting take there by Milei, don’t you think?
When you read the above (and especially the bolded parts), one can easily be made to believe that Milei endorses monopolies and the Wall Street mantra of “greed is good”.
But wait, there is more!
Milei ends his speech with the following call to the ‘business leaders’ he is speaking to at Davos, which are predominantly from big finance, big tech and the ever expanding big Pharma:
Therefore, in concluding, I would like to leave a message for all business people here and for those who are not here in person but are following from around the world. Do not be intimidated either by the political caste or by parasites who live off the state. Do not surrender to a political class that
If you make money, it’s because you offer a better product at a better price, thereby contributing to general well-being. Do not surrender to the advance of the state. The state is not the solution. The state is the problem itself. You are the true protagonists of this story.
And rest assured that as from today, Argentina is your staunch, unconditional ally. Thank you very much and long live freedom. Damn it!
Either Milei is living in some kind of alternative reality or (which I think is much more likely), he is simply playing his role as the “Great Pretender” (check the video above to refresh your memory with the lyrics if you need to).
Remembering who Milei is speaking in front of and who he is addressing that is not in the room (which are definitely NOT small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs), let’s have a look at what he is actually saying focusing on the bolded parts above:
“If you make money, it’s because you offer a better product at a better price” - in a truly free and well functioning market that may be true but that is definitely NOT the case in a market dominated by monopolies of large multinationals. That’s not a free market. That’s corporatism (a form of fascism).
“thereby contributing to general well-being” - that’s complete nonsense. Do you feel your well-being is better because the market in your country is dominated by large multinationals, who only became more powerful as small business was decimated due to the imposition of lockdowns during the ‘Pandemic’? That’s not a free market. That’s corporatism (a form of fascism).
“Argentina is your staunch, unconditional ally.” - Milei is basically saying to these corporate vultures: Come right in. We are ripe for the taking. That’s not a free market. That’s corporatism (a form of fascism).
“long live freedom” - Hear hear Mr. President but what you’re advocating is corporatism (a form of fascism) which is literally the exact opposite of freedom!
Once again, Richard Werner, sums the above perfectly:
This video of a recent encounter during CPAC 2024 between current President Milei and former (as well as the upcoming) POTUS Trump is the perfect way to end this section in my opinion as it ties in perfectly everything I wrote above with regards to the ‘right wing/conservative’ Politicians:
Someone wants to help Benny Johnson out and tell him what's really going on?
The “Medical Freedom Movement”
This section was especially unpleasant to research and put together, to put it mildly.
It also might be the most unpleasant for you to read (or not, if you already knew this awhile back, unlike me).
For me personally, I can point out the exact date and the exact circumstances where I became convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that something is not quite right (again, to put it mildly) about what is commonly referred to as the “Medical Freedom Movement” and many of its selected/self appointed leaders, including many people who I personally considered as heroes up until then.
The reason I can pinpoint it so accurately was because I posted this the moment this realisation has hit me:
I’ve been reading and watching a lot of material in the weeks and even months leading to this realisation so it’s not like I read this one article and was suddenly convinced.
However, this article posted by
a few days prior has sealed the deal for me so to speak by connecting all the pieces of information that were floating in my brain already into one coherent thought:Immediately after reading the above article I also came across another one in Sage’s Newsletter which was written a few months prior and showed how many of the so called ‘heroes’ of the ‘movement’ had deep financial ties (which are the kind that never lies) to the absolute worst of the worst (of the worst!) within the enemy’s ranks:
One of the things that has baffled me most about the ‘leadership’ of the “Medical Freedom Movement” is how they either completely ignored or worse yet, outright dismissed the gravely serious issue of bioengineering (a.k.a the ‘nanotech’ in the injectables, which is a more problematic term but that’s a discussion for another time).
I wrote a lengthy piece on this topic in the middle of last year which I’ve spent close to a month researching:
I also included a call out to most of said ‘leadership’ at the end of the above piece, tagging people specifically if they happened to be on Substack (which almost all of them are).
Towards the end of last year (I believe it was literally the second last day of 2023), I had an interaction with another certain prominent figure in the “movement” on this very same topic of Bioengineering and while she disagreed with my viewpoint (which she is absolutely entitled to do and is probably more qualified in this area than me, or at least that’s what I thought at the time), her stance has quickly turned quite hostile and even outright bizarre.
I thought initially that it was just something about my wording or approach that ‘triggered’ her so much but then I noticed that she was giving anyone who raised this topic essentially the same treatment (or worse) as well as attacking people who have dedicated their lives to researching this topic, all while refusing to even look at any of their work (which is freely available for anyone to look at).
As an example, here is an account of the interaction
had with that very same person:I will openly admit that said person has done tremendous work around exposing the fact that the C19 injectables were developed as DoD “countermeasures” rather than medical therapeutics of any kind (and all credit to her for that!) but unfortunately when it comes to the topic of bioengineering, she is not just dismissive but is outright hostile.
Make of it what you will.
Dr Ryan Cole, another prominent figure of the ‘movement’, has also been dismissive of this threat but in a much more devious way:
He attempted to misrepresent it first in a way which has made it much easier for him to dismiss it as well as mock anyone who took this topic seriously:
Before we go any further, I want to address again the notion that “criticism divides the movement".
As far as I’m concerned, saying that at this stage of the game (almost 4 years into WW3), is exactly the same as the infamous saying: "trust the science" (or “trust the plan” for that matter).
There is NO “movement”! There is a resistance comprised of individuals with different backgrounds and life experiences all working towards one goal.
Most of the selected or self-appointed leaders of the “medical freedom movement” (some of whom made their ‘grand entrance’ during a particular event in Washington DC discussed in the next section) have failed miserably in their duty as medical professionals by not looking at the actual data coming out from hospitals and other sources which indicated that SARS-CoV-2 may have simply been a rebranded flu or even a complete hoax!!!!
Instead, they chose to jump onboard the “deadly virus” narrative further amplifying the fear (intentionally or not, doesn't matter) and thus legitimising the draconian measures taken by governments and their “public health” authorities.
This podcast episode also touches on the above with some good summary about the multiple issues with the “medical freedom movement”.
One final important thing to mention in this section is the topic of the finances of a lot the organisations in the “medical freedom movement”.
This is a big and very convoluted topic all to itself and I therefore will not go down that rabbit hole in this article.
Someone who has done that remarkably well is
in the excellent article below and specifically this section relating to the various organisations that now play a prominent part in the “medical freedom movement”.All I can say as a preview is that it’s not pretty…not at all!
Now let’s have a look at the one event which I believe was the ‘official arrival’ of the “Medical Freedom Movement” on the scene.
The “Defeat the Mandates” Rally: the birth of the “Medical Freedom Movement”
Just over two years ago, on January 23, 2022, at the peak of winter in Washington DC, a big rally was held at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial under the title:
The date of the rally was chosen to align with similar events scheduled elsewhere under the banner of “The Worldwide Rally For Freedom”.
The primary organiser of this event was the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation created by
with other prominent organisers being the Children’s Health Defense created by , Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) whose President and Chief Medical Officer is , Global Covid Summit who has and Ryan Cole as members of the “Faculty” and the of which is a co-founder.Popular conservative online personality turned freedom activist JP Sears was the MC with The Highwire with Del Bigtree acting as the official livestream partner, with all other organisers also providing extensive coverage through their respective platforms (which is to be expected) .
The rally also created its own dedicated channel on Rumble just as the self-described “censorship-free alternative to YouTube” was in the midst of a meteoric rise in popularity.
Here is an image with all the major participants:
Many of those were already very prominent in the “freedom” and/or “conservative” circuits by that time (almost two years into this shit show) and those who weren’t quickly gained prominence after it.
Below are a few representative images from this clearly professionally organised and highly orchestrated event (which is not a bad thing in itself, don’t get me wrong):
The two images below are especially good representation of the professional staging of this event:

A small ‘army’ of professional photographers and professional stage equipment with no face nappy in sight.
Well done team! I mean that genuinely. Don’t know about all these white coats with beanies and snow jackets though…
has made the very astute observation below and as soon as she made it, everything clicked into place for me immediately (thanks Laura)!I found the speech given by
especially impressive and remember thinking at the time that it literally sounded Presidential.Now, I wonder who actually wrote it because I find it hard to believe it was given as an off-the-cuff remark…
What is more important however, is the doctors who were NOT invited to that rally by its organisers and were NOT mentioned even in passing…and even more importantly, WHY?
One specific example I want to highlight is that of Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi.
The two highly experienced emergency care physicians from Bakersfield, California, held a press conference in APRIL 2020 (2020!!!!!) where they said this:
You can watch the full hour long press conference with these two doctors HERE where you can also easily download it for further distribution (which it absolutely deserves!).
As you can probably imagine, this press conference from these medical professionals received the exact treatment you’d expect from their professional association, local legacy media, national legacy media and YouTube.
Now remember: this was April 2020, a mere month into WW3!
Half of the ‘free world’ were in lockdowns of various brutality, the injectables were nowhere to be seen and the overall public trust of medical professionals was still as high as it ever was (and maybe even higher)!
Have you ever heard of these people before today?
If so, kudos to you because I definitely did not up until a few weeks ago!
Just imagine how different the world may have been today, almost four years later, if what these doctors said back then received more publicity at the time?
We almost certainly would not have had the injectables and even if we did, their uptake (even through coercion and mandates) would have been much lower!
Just imagine how many lives could have been saved!!
Has anyone prominent in the “movement” ever mentioned these people or invited them to a rally, a conference or to speak on their podcast?
If not, WHY NOT?
You can ponder on the answer for yourself but to me it’s pretty clear: they were not designated as part of ‘approved’ group of gate keepers who were earmarked to be part of the biggest “here and no further” (a.k.a Paltering/Limited Hangout) operation in history!
The Wellness Company and its dubious connections
The Wellness Company (TWC) came out of nowhere in mid 2022:
Since then, it has become an absolute business juggernaut capitalising in perfect timing on people’s disdain of anything and everything to do with the medical establishment and their narrative of traditional pharmaceutical-based medicine (and rightfully so!).
It has also ‘scooped up’ many of the biggest names in the “medical freedom movement” to its ranks and recruited most of the biggest ‘influencers’ in both the “medical freedom movement” and the “mainstream alternative media” (to be discussed later in this article) which signed up as affiliates (whereby they earn a commission from the sales they bring in) or advertising partners (whereby they are simply paid for mentioning TWC products on their shows and in their emails), or both.
Here’s just one prominent example:
Kind of important to mention that you are being interviewed because the company you work for has paid the interviewer for that, don’t you think?
Speaking of the interviewer, I also have some concerns regarding her as well.
It seems that the trend to only disclose an affiliation with TWC on their own terms (if at all) is a recurring theme in the “medical freedom movement” and they don’t like it when others ‘jump the gun’ on that so to speak.
As an example, Karen Kingston blocked me merely due to the fact that I pointed out she has a commercial partnership with The Wellness Company and did a post (now behind a paywall) which seemed to be dedicated solely to promoting their Black Friday Sale.
Business for TWC has clearly been very good as they embark on a very aggressive growth strategy which includes spending six million dollars on ads with the now publicly-listed “Censorship-free alternative to YouTube”, Rumble.
I understand why TWC’s founder
tagged Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski in his post above but didn’t understand initially why was also tagged.Then I came across this:
And this:
It makes sense now.
Here is TWC’s “Chief Medical Board” whose names you are probably well familiar with:
This is the Canadian version of it:
Now, I accept and acknowledge that many of these people have faced serious professional repercussions for speaking out against the madness and have lost major parts (or even all) of their livelihoods and needed to find new ways to make a living.
Nothing wrong with that! I’m in the same boat myself.
Interestingly though, in the case of Dr Peter McCullough, it seems he still managed to somehow receive almost 21K personally and over 128K in “associated research funding” during 2022 from big pharma, including some of the absolute worst of the worst:
I will leave it to others to decide whether the above raises an eyebrow or not but the next one definitely and absolutely does.
As this absolutely excellent investigation by Kristin Elizabeth &
revealed, TWC’s founder Foster Coulson and some of its past and present leaders have pretty shady pasts and connections.This is well and truly a deep rabbit hole which also ties in Tim Ballard of the “Sound of Freedom” fame and Kristin & Liam have done a truly phenomenal job in putting all this together.
Here is just a small ‘teaser’:
Now that you’re hopefully interested enough, I strongly encourage you to go and read the full article for yourself. It is profoundly comprehensive and well structured. An absolute MUST READ!
Finally for this section, it also appears that Dr McCullough’s colleague on TWC’s medical board, Dr Drew Pinsky, still feels that C19 “vaccines” may be appropriate for the “elderly” in some circumstances.
The next two sections are dedicated to two specific names who have become some of the prominent faces of the “medical freedom movement” and who both have some pretty 'shady’ pasts and connections, to put it mildly.
These are
& .The article below by
serves as an excellent ‘warm up’ to set the scene.Dr Robert Malone
Before we go down the rabbit hole that is Robert W Malone MD, MS, I want to give you an “executive summary” of sorts courtesy of Charles Wright who figured it all out all the way back in October 2022 and summarised it eloquently and succinctly when he said:
He's not even opposition as far as I'm concerned
And I agree! After doing a deep dive into Malone over the last few weeks, I am also left with the conclusion that he never really opposed the enemy and their agenda.
For me personally, my alarm bells started ringing when I saw this video as part of the promotional campaign preceding the release of the third instalment in the Plandemic series by Mikki Willis.
What serious medical professional, scientist and scholar who supposedly understands deeply the tactics of fifth generation warfare (and even gave a public lecture on it) will EVER allow himself to be portrayed like this?
“Surely he can see this is not just embarrassing but may also outright discredit his work” I thought to myself.
Well, now I know he probably wasn’t worried the slightest as the actual objectives of his ‘work’ are quite different than what what I thought they were…
I will get into those shortly but if you don’t want all the details and prefer to just get a brief overview of the most troubling aspects about Dr Malone before moving on to the next section, the two short videos in the two posts below should do the trick.
You probably won’t even need to read the words that Charles Wright wrote to accompany them:
Seen enough?
If so, feel free to move on to the next section.
If not, here’s another good one:
Now, join me for a tumble down the Robert Malone rabbit hole. Remember to hold tight and keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times…
Is Malone against all COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ or only the ones he can’t make money of?
The self-proclaimed “inventor of mRNA technology” (a claim which is problematic in itself especially given it was worked on for over 30 years) gained his prominence as a ‘medical dissident’ (to later be formally ‘inducted’ into the “medical freedom movement” hall of fame) with this “opinion piece” from August 2021 in “America’s newspaper” (also archived here):
Malone then became a ‘superstar’ of sort after he went on the Joe Rogan podcast in December 2021 where he expressed similar concerns but also dug deep into a topic he clearly considered he has a lot to say about and maybe rightly so as we’ll soon discover: Psychological Operations (or a PsyOps).
He also discussed extensively the concept of mass formation which was actually coined by Mattias Desmet as already mentioned at the start of this article.
YouTube has censored the episode a mere three days later, only giving Rogan’s interview with Malone even more prominence (as should be the case whenever someone is getting censored/de-platformed).
That’s all well and good but then how do you explain this:
Malone took part in “Vaccine Summit 2021” (held virtually between September 20-22 that year under the banner of “next-generation vaccines treatment and diagnostics that save lives") which describes itself according to its own website as:
Delivers unlimited opportunities for making business deals, product enhancements, cutting edge solutions for improving and elevating the company’s business and partnership.
The conference provides a unique platform for all the leading industry professionals, institutional investors, capitalists, corporate investors and business development executives to have private One-to-One meetings with elite business representatives which increase the chances of marketing in this networking world.
The above should hopefully make it crystal clear what this conference is all about: SELL VACCINES!!
Malone presented on day 3 of the conference (as can be evidence by the full agenda) a product he was an advisor for (for which he was no doubt collecting a fat fee) made by an Indian pharma company called Reliance Life Sciences.
The product Malone was presenting was called RelCovax, described in the official agenda document as: “a second-generation multivalent SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate designed to meet global vaccination demands”.
The video of Malone’s presentation at the conference was uploaded to his YouTube channel four days later on September 26, 2021 (and a month after the Washington Times piece) but has since been made private. I wonder why.
However, as usual, the Internet Never forgets.
Check out this link to the archived video or this reupload on Rumble where you can listen to Malone pitching the “vaccine” he is involved in developing.
Sound a bit sus? It gets worse!
Reliance Life Sciences which is the company behind RelCovax (where Malone is an adviser) is “part of the Promoter Group of Reliance Industries Limited”.
Reliance Industries Limited is a proud strategic corporate partner of the World Economic Forum:
As you’d expect, their Founder & Chairman Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani is also a member of the WEF himself:
But that’s not all Mukesh is!
He is actually also a member of the WEF Board of Trustees, together with other ‘upstanding’ members such as Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland, BlackRock chairman Larry Fink, head of the IMF Kristalina Georgieva and one ‘environmentalist’ Al Gore:
So we are expected to believe that Malone, a self-professed ‘expert’ on the World Economic Forum and its tentacles spanning the globe, did not pick up on the fact he was taking money from a guy sitting on the WEF board of trustees as can be evidenced by anyone with an Internet connection?
Maybe he genuinely wasn’t aware and decided to make this video on his YouTube channel private when he found out.
Happy to give him the benefit of the doubt although I know many will not.
Either way, this is not where the rabbit hole ends unfortunately.
Before we move on to other aspects of the Malone rabbit hole, let’s take a closer look at what the RelCovax SARS-CoV-2 ‘vaccine’ Malone was pitching on behalf of a member of the WEF board of Trustees actually is.
As this excellent article highlights, here is how this ‘vaccine’ was created according to a scientific paper written by its creators:
“We have developed a dual RBD and nucleocapsid (N) subunit protein vaccine candidate named RelCoVax® through heterologous expression in mammalian cells (RBD) and E. coli.
The RelCoVax® formulation containing a combination of aluminum hydroxide (alum) and a synthetic CpG oligonucleotide as adjuvants elicited high antibody titers against RBD and N proteins in mice after a prime and boost dose regimen administered 2 weeks apart”
Let’s take a closer look at the bolded term Heterologous expression:
When putting the above term in my search engine of choice, its Summarizer feature gave me the following:
Heterologous expression refers to the expression of a gene or part of a gene in a host organism that does not naturally have the gene or gene fragment in question.
This technology allows for the product formation of otherwise silent secondary metabolite biosynthesis pathways and the expression of mutants or combinations of genes not found in nature, making model fungi an ideal platform for synthetic biology.
The purpose of heterologous expression is often to determine the effects of mutations and differential interactions on protein function.
Heterologous expression of plant genes involves identification of genes and transfer of the corresponding DNA fragments to hosts other than the original source for synthesis of the encoded proteins.
This technology is widely used for large-scale purification of plant proteins from microorganisms for biochemical and biophysical analyses.
Based solely on the above and without being a vaccinologist (I’m definitely not), does that sound like something you’d like to be injected with?
The Wikipedia article on Heterologous expression also states:
Depending on the duration of recombination in the host genome, two types of heterologous expression are available, long-term (stable) and short-term (transient).
Long-term is a potentially permanent integration into the gene and short-term is a temporary modification that lasts for 1 to 3 days.
After being inserted in the host, the gene may be integrated into the host DNA, causing permanent expression, or not integrated, causing transient expression.
I’m no expert but that sounds a bit like gene therapy to me…promoted by a guy who credits himself for “inventing” another type of gene therapy (mRNA).
More on Malone and gene therapies shortly but first let’s have a look at the other bolded term from the scientific paper written by the creators of RelCoVax® (which Malone consulted to and is now pitching to “institutional investors, capitalists, corporate investors”):
Synthetic CpG oligonucleotide
I will not say much on this and will instead just direct you to two scientific papers. One was published in 2007 and one in 2018 (so well before current events):
Before we move on, you may also be interested to know that the E. coli RelCovax uses as part of the “heterologous expression” can also be used as a biological weapon.
Sold! I’ll take three (in each arm), thanks….
Malone REALLY likes gene therapies it seems
Back in 2005, Malone was named as one of the inventors on a patent for “Lipid-mediated polynucleotide administration to reduce likelihood of subject's becoming infected”.
“reduce likelihood of subject's becoming infected” sounds pretty good, right?
Well, not all is at it seems….
Malone doesn’t really oppose the WHO
In the video embedded in this post linked to at the top of this post, Malone had this to say about the World Health Organisation:
Historically we set up the WHO and it was partially an intelligence operation. It gives us access to all kinds of information and it's another vehicle of us controlling an exerting our national influence on the world stage through the UN.
That's the honest truth. OK? I deal with these guys. It's just how the world is.
Why do we continue to have the relationship?… I mean, the World Health Organization can be useful to us.
If it didn't exist, we would have to recreate something like it because there does need to be global coordination.
Does that sound like Malone is in strong opposition to the WHO, a group of genocidal psychopaths who pose an existential threat to the entire human race?
Also, he is definitely telling the truth when he is saying “I deal with these guys” as you can see in this video.
But wait, there’s more!
On March 12, 2020, Tedros the terrorist delivered “opening remarks at the Mission briefing on COVID-19” where he outlined a four pronged strategy for dealing with what he described as “the global COVID-19 outbreak can now be described as a pandemic”:
Prepare and be ready: “Prepare your people and your health facilities”
Detect, prevent and treat: “You can’t fight a virus if you don’t know where it is. That means robust surveillance to find, isolate, test and treat every case, to break the chains of transmission.”
Reduce and suppress: “To save lives we must reduce transmission. That means finding and isolating as many cases as possible, and quarantining their closest contacts.”
Innovate and improve: “we must all find new ways to prevent infections, save lives, and minimize impact”
Well, what do you know: Malone also has a four pronged strategy for tackling COVID. Here he is explaining it in his own words:
Ok, so this is Malone’s four pronged strategy in his own words:
Use the vaccine for those at highest risk, such as the elderly; (!!!!)
Provide early treatment to help keep people out of the hospital using repurposed drugs;
Provide tools for individuals to test whether they have Covid (with specific mention of RATs who he himself acknowledges have a high “false positive” rate); and
Provide tools for individuals to assess their own risk in the form of mobile apps;
Does that sound similar to what Tedros suggested in March 2020? Sounds pretty close to me.
With regards to these “repurposed drugs”, the most obvious example is Ivermectin which I also thought was a miracle drug until very recently when I discovered that it can have pretty serious adverse effects as well including “Serious Neurological Adverse Events” as this paper from 2018 (so well before current events) discusses.
Another potential “early treatment” option Malone (and also Peter McCullough) mentioned is monoclonal antibody treatment which was approved by the FDA under EUA in November 2020 and which was administered in special centers opened in Florida as an initiative by local governor Desantis.
When asked about this in September 2021 (referring specifically to the initiative by Desantis), Malone said this:
Yes, very expensive and he set up infusion centers. I think that’s a great credit. So that is an option. But that means if you’re in the field, you’ve gotta drive out to one of these centers, get all the approvals and everything else.
(To Malone’s credit, he also had this to say about Ivermectin in the same sentence: “A lot of folks hear that ivermectin, by the rumor mill, is effective. And in my opinion, the truth be told, there are a lot of studies that are not definitive. They’re underpowered in many cases, not often done in emerging markets of ivermectin. “)
You know who else is a great proponent of monoclonal antibody treatment?
Here is what he had to say in 2018:
Monoclonal antibody therapies have also made incredible advances in the last couple of decades, leading to several products for cancer and autoimmune diseases.
During the Ebola outbreak in West Africa several years ago, researchers were able to identify and test a promising combination of monoclonal antibodies to treat infected patients.
I don’t know about you but ANYTHING Gates speaks of favourably, I personally am automatically against without doing any further research.
(Don’t wanna give you any ideas Bill but if you wanna get rid of me, maybe start touting how good breathing is for you).
Malone has deep ties to big pharma as well as the defence and intelligence establishment
This section could easily be its own very lengthy article (or even a 27 page report) and many have done such articles covering various aspects of Malone’s multitude ties with unsavoury elements.
This section is mostly a repository of sort of the excellent work done by other people with very brief commentary from me.
Before we get to that though I want to show you all the contracts (as well as their values) Malone was involved in getting from both big pharma and the US government in the period between 2011 and 2016, almost all of which were for ‘vaccines’:
One needs to wonder how likely it is that a person who benefited financially so handsomely from the Pharmaceutical industry and the defence establishment will actually go about destroying them and cutting off the hand which has fed him so handsomely.
Maybe that’s the reason for these two very ‘interesting’ tweets by Malone from June and December 2021:
There is also a detailed CV of Malone floating online which I have chosen not to link to because I cannot independently verify its authenticity and it also contains what appears to be personal contact information.
One element of Malone’s career which I can definitely verify is that in March 2019, Clinical Network Services (CNS), acquired a year earlier by American Contract Research Organisation (CRO) Novotech, appointed Malone as “Principal Consultant in its Washington D.C. office”:
In 2022 (when I assume Malone was no longer there), one of Novotech’s clients, a Korean outfit called SK bioscience has received approval from the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (KMFDS) for a C19 injectable called “SKYCovione” described as:
“A self-assembled nanoparticle vaccine targeting the receptor binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein for the parental SARS-Cov-2”
Ok, that sounds a bit ominous. It gets worse!
It also says that:
The development of SKYCovione™ has been supported by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).
I’ll stop here.
Next, I’d like to present this excellent post which touches on many of Malone’s somewhat problematic connections and past views (to put it mildly):
Next, a post by La Gata Politica discussing an instance where Malone admitted (seemingly inadvertently) to being part of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) described as “both a defense agency and a combat support agency within the United States Department of Defense (DoD) for countering weapons of mass destruction”
Next two articles by
discussing Malone’s involvement with a company called Nanotherapeutics, Inc. which probably explain his reluctance to talk about anything remotely related to the issue of Bioengineering (a.k.a. the “nanotech” in the injectables).The company’s website appears to be undergoing a revamp at the time of publishing but the LinkedIn page describes them as:
The Company has expertise in pre-clinical and clinical development, formulation optimization, and cGMP manufacturing of biopharmaceutical products and medical devices. The Company's proprietary platform technologies can be used with all drug types, ranging from small molecules to proteins and vaccines.
Many of our diversified products have multiple indications ("dual-use") with potential in the areas of infectious diseases, CNS, oncology, vaccines, and biodefense. Over the past several years, we have focused our efforts on meeting the US government’s interests to develop safe, effective medical countermeasures against certain biological and radiological threats.
This work with the US government can be described as ‘somewhat exotic’.
And Malone helped them get some truly enormous contracts from the government. How enormous? Try 10 billion!
Another great resource if you want to dig deeper into Malone’s deep ties with both defence and Pharma is this excellent article by Kelleigh Nelson in which she also quotes some ‘interesting’ statements Malone made on the Joe Rogan podcast episode I already mentioned above:
“I’ve been involved in every major outbreak since AIDS; this is kind of what I do. I’ve won literally billions of dollars in federal grants and contracts. I’m often brought in by National Institutes of Health to serve as a study section chair for awarding $80 to $120 million dollar contracts in vaccines and biodefense.
“I’ve spent countless hours at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), at the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meetings. I have multiple friends at the CDC and I work closely with the defense threat reduction agency and it’s one of my favorite clients, teaming partners. I work with the chem biodefense group; there’s other branches but this is not the branch that funded the Wuhan Labs; that’s another branch of Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).
“I’ve got many friends in the intelligence community so I’m kind of a pretty deep insider in terms of the government. I know Tony Fauci personally; I’ve dealt with him my whole career. Then we had this particular outbreak, and I was tip of the spear on bringing the Ebola vaccine forward that we now call the MerckEbola vaccine. I’m the one that got Merck involved.”
The Unity Project
Malone is one of the co-founders of The Unity Project whose tagline is: “Uniting efforts and amplifying voices to secure our Medical Freedoms and Parental Right”.
The leadership of the Unity Project mirrors almost exactly all the big names of the “Medical Freedom movement”, most of whom have made their ‘grand appearance’ during the “defeat the mandates” rally as discussed above:
A name which is less familiar but much more interesting is the person who is both the CEO & COO of the Unity Project:
Let’s have a look at two of the “purpose-driven organisation” Laura worked for in the past (by the way, calling Konica Minolta or CoreLogic “purpose-driven is a bit rich but whatever):
Ambry Genetics is part of REALM IDx, Inc. and describes itself as:
“Excels at translating scientific research into clinically actionable test results based upon a deep understanding of the human genome and the biology behind genetic disease. Our unparalleled track record of discoveries over 20 years, and growing database that continues to expand in collaboration with academic, corporate and pharmaceutical partners, means we are first to market with innovative products and comprehensive analysis..”
That’s the sales pitch but the reality is that they are building genetic databases that they make available to their many many (many!) collaborators including the ClinVar database of the US government.
Oh yes, they also like to have a “Patient for Life” (which Pharma company doesn’t, right?):
One thing Ambry are not very good at is keeping the sensitive genetic data they collect from getting hacked.
The other “purpose-driven organisation” the CEO/COO of Malone’s Unity Project worked for previously is Quantgene, another genetic data company proudly proclaiming on their website:
“We Kill Cancer” and they do that using “intelligent genomics” according to the slick promo video on their homepage.
Wow. Now that’s what I call a “purpose-driven organisation”!
In their ‘spare time’ however, when Quantgene are not “killing cancer”, they also like to make bucket loads of money from doing genetic sequencing of Covid ‘variants’ and selling PCR tests.
It definitely pays well being “purpose driven”…especially if you also have a product which allows hospitals to also become “purpose driven”.
Malone sure knows how to pick ‘em, doesn’t he?
Finally for this section, in May 2023, The Unity Project held an event in California called the Wine Country Conversations where Robert and his wife held “an exclusive and intimate event with some of today’s most important voices in the fight for free speech and sovereignty.”
The event was described as:
“A fun and informative afternoon with Dennis Prager, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Jill Malone, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Curtis Hill and Laura Sextro.” (bolded names are all part of the Unity Project).
During his talk, Malone mentioned that two years prior, as he was staying in a motel in Monterey California, he received a call “out of the blue” from a guy who wanted to donate him a very large sum of money (so large in fact he was embarrassed to say it publicly supposedly).
The ‘generous benefactor’ was Jeff Hanson, co-founder of American Healthcare REIT which is:
“A leading sponsor of public healthcare REITs that currently manages an international portfolio valued at $4 billion, positioning the firm as the largest privately-held healthcare real estate investment firm globally”
American Healthcare REIT’s $4.6 billion portfolio is made up of about 300 senior housing and care, hospital and health care buildings in 36 states and overseas in the UK.
So let’s think about this together:
If you are the “largest privately-held healthcare real estate investment firm globally” and have “300 senior housing and care” buildings, is it better for your bottom line to keep people IN or OUT of hospitals & aged care homes?
Why would Hanson call Malone “out of the blue” saying he “really likes” what he’s doing and give him a donation so large that Malone was “embarrassed” to say how much it actually was….and didn’t mention it until two years later?
Charles Wright has the full rundown on this fascinating story:
Malone doesn’t play nice with others
The kind fatherly figure (who kinda looks like Santa in a suit but that’s just me) isn’t always as friendly as his public persona may portray.
Dr Mike Yeadon posted the following on his Telegram channel:
I am going to do this only once. I don’t like criticising others in the fight. But I’m criticising Dr Robert Malone.
You decide if that’s warranted or not.
I decided on day 1 of realising there were people speaking out who aren’t on our side that I’ve more than enough on my plate to waste energy attacking others. And I’ve stuck to it. Who am I to judge others motives? “Let he who is free of sin cast the first stone” & all that.
But we’re in a very dangerous position. You will know from my many interviews and posts that, having worked for decades in “rational drug design” within big pharma and from my initial training in mechanistic toxicology that it is quite obvious that the materials falsely called vaccines are designed intentionally to cause harm.Dr Malone has not questioned me on that, and while I’m well aware of my much lower position on the pecking order of publicity than Robert, I believe my allegations are so striking that he must be aware of them. I’d welcome a chance to discuss this with him.
My specific concern right now is that Dr Malone is berating FDA about absent oversight of quality control and safety of these products. Many people may find it odd that I’m disturbed by this line of public argumentation.
There’s no doubt about it.
Therefore, all this posturing about failings of FDA is theatre. They’re not in charge.
Anyone claiming to be for the people against the monsters, for that’s what they are, who continues the fiction that there’s been a pandemic, fails to acknowledge that ALL the “measures” from lockdowns to “vaccines” are without merit, is at this stage a crook.
Right, onwards.
Don’t believe. Resist. Get as ready as you can. Speak out.
Best wishes,
Ps: thank you to the follower here who did as I had asked and posted a comment below Dr Malone’s latest article (I couldn’t as only paying subscribers can). I didn’t get a good reception.
Here is the comment that was posted on Yeadon’s behalf by one of Malone’s paying subscribers (as only those can comment on Malone’s Substack) as well as Malone’s reply. You be the judge:
The original comment appears to have been removed but Malone’s reply is still there as well as this ‘interesting’ comment.
The reason why I describe it as ‘interesting’ is because it is a well known and documented fact that the FDA did NOT approve the C19 injectables in the US as they were not developed as therapeutic products but rather as “medical countermeasures” under the authority of the department of defence.
Malone appears to also really like suing. However, he is not suing Pfizer, Moderna, the FDA, CDC, NIAID or Fauci.
Nope. He prefers to direct his resources towards making defamation lawsuits against other members of the resistance standing up to the collective global tyranny being imposed on us all.
He does that even when the judge presiding the case advised him that his lawsuit is without merit and “might fairly be deemed frivolous and awarding attorney fees is appropriate”.
Malone decided to push on nevertheless (maybe he is not the one actually picking up the tab for the lawyers) and the final outcome was exactly as expected:
What are your thoughts on Malone now?
Are there reasons to be concerned or am I just making unwarranted allegations against someone who is doing great work (and maybe even a true hero)?
Let me know.
Steve Kirch
This guy managed to become one of the most prominent faces of the “medical freedom movement” despite not being anything remotely related to medical.
I don’t know exactly how that happened but I suspect it may have had ‘something’ to do with the fact that he has a lot of money which he splashed on the “movement” and its various activities, with the “defeat the mandates” rally, of which he was the primary “money bag”, being the prime example.
and I actually had a brief direct interaction which I thought was cordial except Kirsch ‘did a runner’ (as we call it in Australia) upon further questioning:That’s where our brief interaction has come to an end…
Mr. Kirsch has been involved in things that are not exactly “medical freedom”…or freedom in general for that matter
Steve Kirsch is the “big tech” guy you may have never heard of (or at least I didn’t) until he became part of the “movement”.
He was one of the co-inventors of the optical mouse and then got really busy and did extremely well in the 1990s when he created a document processing company he sold to Adobe in 1995 and a search engine (called Infoseek) he sold to the Walt Disney Co (I kid you not) in 1999, just before the tech bubble burst a few years later.
Infoseek was Kirsch’s ‘big exit’ as Disney paid him 1.7 billion (+ change) for it. The Infoseek acquisition proved to be a complete dud for them and they sold whatever was left from it for only 81 million just a year later. Ouch!
Well played Mr. Kirsch but here’s where things start to turn ‘a bit’ dark.
In 2011, Kirsch started a company called OneID which was one of the first providers of a digital ID product.
A year later in 2012, Kirsch and OneID launched their product with the objective of replacing usernames & passwords as a means to log into websites, with a digital ID!
Remember, this is 2012 so 12 years ago!
OneID had one of its stated goals to be in full compliance with the “National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace” (NSTIC) launched by the Obama administration in April 2011 and had four guiding principles which on the face of it seem benign but hopefully you know what a digital ID is really about (if not, read this).
Another ‘interesting’ venture started by Kirsch in 2019 was an outfit called M10 which helps banks run their own private blockchains.
One of the specifically stated use cases of M10 product offering is CBDCs:
Yea baby!
There’s also this:
Mr. Kirsch wants to save lives…with the help of some ‘interesting’ partners
As this article mentions:
When COVID-19 struck earlier this year, Steve recognized both his disadvantages as an immunocompromised man and his opportunity to make a difference as a man of means.
He had already seen the efficacy and the practicality of using pre-existing drugs and applying them toward other maladies, and so founded the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) – the only organization in the world focused on finding the most promising drugs and treatments that, when given sufficiently early, can reduce hospitalization and death rates.
Good on you Steve. What a great humanitarian you are!
Let’s keep reading:
“I started looking for opportunities to apply my expertise in a field where it was needed, where other people weren’t covering it.
World leaders have promised nothing for outpatient trials, and the short-term way to attack a virus is to discover a drug or drugs that are already on the shelf today.”
Not sure what “expertise” of his Steve is referring to here exactly but ok. Sounds noble I guess given this was July 2020 when no ‘vaccines’ were yet available.
Let’s keep reading:
The organization supports grantees through funding, improving study protocols, advertising trials through op-eds, newspaper and TV interviews, and finding ways to manufacture drugs faster and at lower cost.
The bolded part is starting to make me a bit uncomfortable but I guess you need to find trial participants somehow…especially during lockdowns.
The fund is managed by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, which will disburse grants that are recommended – in coordination with research being undertaken – by CETF’s Scientific Advisory Board.
The initiative has drawn grant proposals from top scientists, including cancer genomics pioneer Bert Vogelstein and Michel Nussenzweig, whose research has led to the development of innovative vaccines against infectious disease and new treatments for autoimmunity.
Yea baby!!
Just in case you think this is a typo or a mistake, Kirsch’s CETF issued a press release on October 6, 2020 which said:
The COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF), which is administered by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, a 501(c)(3) organization created to ensure the rapid and successful completion of outpatient clinical trials of existing drugs that lead to effective early treatments for COVID-19, today announced the results of a recently funded outpatient clinical trial at Washington University in St. Louis that examined the viability of fluvoxamine in patients with mild COVID-19. The trial results indicated that fluvoxamine, if given early in the course of COVID-19, significantly reduced the likelihood of hospitalization.
"Today, with all the focus on vaccines, we are neglecting to adequately fund research on the most promising existing drugs for treating this virus," said Steve Kirsch, CETF founder. "COVID-19 will be with us for a while, so in addition to the vaccine studies, we should be focusing on testing drugs such as fluvoxamine, camostat, GS-441524, and doxazosin. Preventing serious illness and death should be the goal, and repurposed drugs can be rolled out quickly to the benefit of millions worldwide. “
The words “most promising” were hyperlinked in the original press release as you can see for yourself and I copied the link as-is.
When you click it, it will lead you to this page which is a dead end, just like the rest of the CETF website now.
However, as usual, the Internet never forgets so let’s take a look at what “promising drugs” were on that page at the time of the press release:
The Forbes article mentioned previously also mentions Remdesivir saying:
The organization is also raising funds to support COVID-related trials of remdesivir, a broad-spectrum antiviral developed by Gilead Sciences
If the name Remdesivir doesn’t ring a bell to you then you really must have been on some other planet because this poison masquerading as a “broad-spectrum antiviral” was one of the top killers of people admitted to hospital with COVID (and after they died, the hospital put down “COVID-19” as their cause of death)!!
Here’s some legacy media coverage (which is on the tamer side as you can imagine):
And here is some more truthful reporting that isn’t holding back:
Here’s the personal story of
whose brother Ricky was MURDERED in hospital by using Remdesivir:There are many other stories of similar accounts regarding Remdesivir which you can easily find for yourself.
Mr. Kirsch held some ‘interesting’ views not that long ago
In 2007, Kirsch published an essay on his website with the very ‘optimistic’ title: How it will end.
Here’s an ‘interesting’ paragraph from that essay where I bolded some of the most ‘interesting’ terms:
If we are going to save humanity from extinction, we had better be doing something about these 3 issues:
global warming
the accelerating decline of every single major ecosystem
All of these trends are getting worse. None have been reversed at a global scale.
He also had this thing to say in that very same essay, channeling his inner Al Gore:
Ostensibly, we will die due to the effects of global warming.
By 2100, according to the IPCC consensus report, there is a 5% chance that the average temperature of the planet will rise by more than 6.4ºC. That's in the report, clear as day, but nobody talks about it because only a few people understand exactly what that means to our planet.
If you prefer to listen instead of read, Housatonic has done an excellent job doing a ‘dramatic’ reading of Kirch’s essay while providing some very pertinent commentary in the video below:
At this point you may say:
“Hey, we all believed stupid things in the past. People learn from their mistakes and one should not judge a person solely by his past actions.”
And you’ll be right!
I definitely also believed that global warming/boiling/cooling/climate change will kill us all not that long ago and was a longtime voter of the Greens party but will now openly admit to anyone who will listen (and also many who couldn’t care less I must admit), that I was a complete and utter moron and had absolutely no idea what was the real agenda at play here.
Kirsch has never distanced himself from any of the claims he has made in his 2007 article (to the best of my knowledge at least) and the website of his foundation still has to this day the following statement:
But wait, it gets worse!
Mr. Kirsch may still hold such ‘interesting’ views NOW
The segment in the video below is taken from Episode #76 of Kirch’s Podcast titled: Whose Military Made Covid?" first aired on May 11, 2023 and starts 34:44 minutes in.
During his discussion with Sasha Latypova, he has made some interesting comments regarding one BILL GATES saying that:
"He’s Very Smart. He's quite brilliant and very impressive"
He also said his projects are "humanitarian".
The discussion turned quite bizarre afterwards with Kirsch trying to contradict his own previous statements about Gates by claiming he is aiming to maintain the objectivity the ‘mainstream media’ won’t…while also making some face gestures he probably did not intend to be captured on camera (watch closely).
There is obviously also the bit where Kirsch challenges Latypova saying that if Gates’s ultimate objective was “to depopulate”, there are much more ‘efficient’ ways to kill lots of people quickly because he talked to:
“People who know…who said there are things far far more dangerous than this”
The entire exchange is disturbing (albeit in a very surreal way) in my humble opinion but I will let you be the judge for yourself.
I tried to keep this segment from the over hour long interview as short as possible but couldn’t really make it shorter than 14 minutes without also losing some of the context potentially, which is crucially important in discussions such as this, as you can imagine.
The above video can also be viewed on Rumble & Odysee (where you can download it freely for further distribution if you wish).
So, what are your thoughts of Mr. Kirsch now? Let me know.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The former Democrat turned Independent 2024 Presidential Candidate is “controlled opposition” in the most literal sense.
It is my belief (which is shared by quite a few others) that he is literally being forced to say and do things that are actually against his will.
This is very concerning for a Presidential candidate but obviously one can only imagine what the result of it may be if he becomes the second Kennedy to occupy the oval office.
I considered initially to have
featured in the next section discussing the “mainstream alternative media” due to him being the founder of Children’s Health Defence, whose CHD TV is an alternative media powerhouse, but decided against that for two reasons:I do not want to implicate CHD itself with the actions of its founder. CHD has done some great work producing very important documentaries (such as this one and this one) but should probably do a better job vetting its staff going forward, especially if they are in key positions; and
RFK Jr. is one of the leading faces of the “medical freedom movement” both before and since the “defeat the mandates” rally and is also closely connected to both Malone & Kirsch (who is one of the primary backers of his Presidential bid).
RFK Jr has expressed some troubling views in the past
Let’s start with the fact that RFK Jr. has expressed views in the past that are very different than what he is stating publicly today.
RFK Jr. on ‘Vaccination’
Look. Many people changed their minds on ‘Vaccination’ over the last three years (myself included). I get it!
It’s interesting nevertheless to hear this from the founder & chairman of one of the most prominent ‘anti-vax’ organisation in the world today.
Moving on.
RFK Jr. on ‘Climate Change’
Here’s an ‘interesting’ article from almost a decade ago:
The following quote from the above article is especially ‘interesting’:
Those who dispute the “consensus” on manmade climate change “are doing the Koch brothers’ bidding and are against all the evidence, saying global warming does not exist,” RFK stated. “They are contemptible human beings.”
Here is a video of RFK Jr saying the above (and a lot more) in case you’re not sure:
Here’s another video of RFK Jr. advocating the benefits of a “smart grid” where the ‘authorities’ can shut off your power remotely (for the ‘greater good’…):
I’d argue that where he said the above is as ‘interesting’ as what he said…if not more!
Again, RFK Jr. may have changed his personal views on ‘climate change’ (just like I did) but looking at the environmental policy on his official campaign website, I came across the following:
We will incentivize the transition of industry to zero-waste cycles and clean energy sources, and forge agreements with other countries to implement these policies throughout the global supply chain. These first two policies will vastly reduce the toxic waste, industrial poisons, and pesticides that make people and ecosystems sick.
We will protect wild lands from further development, by curbing mining, logging, oil drilling, and suburban sprawl. We will become a global advocate for rainforest preservation and marine restoration. We will rethink development policies that promised economic growth while ignoring ecological sustainability, and ended up delivering neither.
Look, I am not saying for a second that our current path when it comes to the environment is sustainable long term but as we hopefully all learnt, sudden shocks to the existing system, without a viable alternative already in place, is reckless and even outright dangerous.
We have also seen how a global supply chain can be problematic, to say the least. This is why we must move from a global supply chain to self-sufficiency and decentralisation.
RFK’s stance during the current Israel-Hamas War
When close to 3000 Hamas terrorists invaded southern Israel on October 7 last year, I was delighted to see that there were people who could clearly see what the top priority was: stop the escalation immediately before things get past the point of no return.
You can see examples for this here, here and here.
I also made similar plea a week into the war because as a former Israeli who spent half his life there and served in the IDF, I knew how bad things can get in that region and how quickly if there is no immediate de-escalation.
I also knew that the official story that “Israel was caught by surprise” is completely bogus and outright impossible as I’ve discussed at great length in this piece:
What did RFK Jr. do?
Well, he definitely didn’t follow the advice of his slain uncle and instead said this, less than a week into the war:
‘Interesting’ speech (especially given the timing), don’t you think?
I wonder how well this speech reconciles with RFK’s official campaign policy on peace, on which he even has a campaign video in which he referred to the famous speech of his slain uncle containing advice he completely chose to ignore in the speech above?
(By the way, it seems like the RFK campaign really likes to make videos that are heavily ‘inspired’ by those used by his slain uncle).
Things have only gone downhill from there…
‘Interesting’ statement there Robert and as an Israeli, let me tell you that you have no clue what you’re talking about!
The CIA World Factbook states that as of 2011, 30% of the people in the Gaza strip specifically (so excluding the west bank) lived in poverty. This number has risen significantly since then based on multiple sources (such as this one and this one).
Whether this is Israel’s fault or not is open for debate but saying that the Palestinians “are the most pampered people in the world” is a ‘bit’ rich, especially coming from a guy who is a member of what is the closest thing the US has to a royal family. Moving right along.
Here’s another claim made by RFK Jr.:
Just like the other one, it is not just completely false but the exact opposite is true:
If neither of the above got your alarm bells ringing (or you simply don’t care about all that Israel-Palestine ‘stuff’), hopefully the next one will:
A simple question one might ask at this point is: WHY? Why is RFK Jr. taking such a one-sided stance in this conflict?
Is it because this is what he truly believes in (which is troubling) or is there something else at play here (which is potentially even more troubling)?
Why is he taking a position that is at odds with his own campaign adviser and is clearly hurting his chances of getting elected?
This leads me directly to the final point I want to touch on regarding RFK Jr.
I strongly suspect RFK Jr. is subject to BLACKMAIL
I believe Whitney Webb is on the money here especially given she has literally written the book on “Jeffrey Epstein” where she shows across two volumes that:
The primary objective of operation “Jefferey Epstein” was to collect control files for the purpose of future blackmail; and
The operation was orchestrated primarily by the Israeli Mossad. This is something confirmed by others as well.
Keep the above factoids at the back of your mind as you watch this short clip:
I personally find this entire topic of Epstein too distressing to delve into so will leave you with an article and two videos going deeper into this topic (if you wish to do so):
All of the above leads me to the following very unpleasant conclusion that RFK Jr. is “controlled opposition” in the most literal meaning possible of this term.
This I believe is the person specifically assigned to ensure RFK Jr. does as he is told:
In case you don’t know who that is:
Here is how Brave’s AI assistant describes this person:
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, also known as "the most famous rabbi in America," has been described as one of the most influential Jews in the United States and the world.
He has been praised for his outspokenness and has been named one of the 10 most influential rabbis in the United States by Newsweek and one of the 50 most influential Jews in the world by The Jerusalem Post.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has an orthodox love for Latter-day Saints and has been known to defend them after church members violated a policy prohibiting posthumous baptisms of Holocaust victims. He has also praised the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' emphasis on family, its largely lay ministry, and its zealous proselytizing efforts.
Interesting guy….don’t you think? His daughter also happens to be in the “Kosher sex toys” business.
Not sure how far back the connection between Shmuley and RFK Jr. really goes but it became evident and very public when Shmuley came to the defence of RFK Jr. in July last year after RFK Jr. was accused of being an antisemite despite him denying it and claiming he was misunderstood.
Since then, it seems that RFK Jr. has been at Shmuley’s beck and call saying the things Shmuley approves of:
And speaking at seemingly random events organised by Shmuley’s organisation (which seems to have a lot of other ‘celebrities’ on board):
If you have any doubts that someone is literally controlling RFK Jr, I think the following will leave no doubt in your mind:
Check out the video I mentioned above and you be the judge:
Being the son of RFK and the nephew of JFK doesn’t automatically mean ‘Kosher’
(pun absolutely intended)
It is important dear reader that you don’t make the same mistake I did and judge a person on their family ‘pedigree’.
While both RFK Jr’s dad and uncle did a lot of good deeds and were murdered in very tragic circumstances, they were no saints by any means.
It’s also important to keep in mind that having Kennedy as a last name doesn’t automatically make you a good future POTUS.
Other than being America’s ‘unofficial royal family’, the Kennedys are also one of the illuminati bloodlines as discussed by Fritz Springmeier in his seminal 1995 book.
The above may explain this ‘interesting’ video released by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation and featuring the grand-kids of JFK and George H.W. Bush discussing the Profile in Courage Award which in 2014 was awarded by the Foundation to Former President George H.W. Bush.
Think of the historical irony for a second:
The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation gave a ‘courage’ award to the guy who was very likely one of the masterminds behind the assassination of JFK.
What’s a little assassination between friends, right?
RFK Jr. loves the “mainstream alternative media”…and they love him back!
Check out this ‘interesting’ exchange:
This is the perfect segue to the next (and final) group of controlled opposition I cover in this article.
‘Alternative’ Media
I’d like to start this section with a quote:
Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government - Edward Bernays
If you’re not sure exactly what the master manipulator Bernays, who was heavily inspired by the writings of Gustave Le Bon and his own double uncle Sigmund Freud, refers to in the term “invisible government”, he makes this very clear in his 1928 book called Propaganda (yes, he literally wrote the book on this topic):
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”
A lot of these “men we have never heard of” (and obviously plenty of women too), are those behind the scenes (editors, writers, producers etc) of what is referred to as “mass media” or ‘mainstream’ media.
I personally don’t like either of these terms because, as the graph below clearly shows, their level of trust by the general public is collapsing and as the light blue graph below indicates, this trend has escalated significantly since the start of the current decade.
I wonder why…
An obvious outcome of people not trusting ‘mass/mainstream’ media is that they no longer support them by giving them what every media outlet craves most: attention.
An immediate direct result of that is that many ‘mass/mainstream’ media outlets are either downsizing, shutting down altogether or being gobbled up for cents on the dollar by opportunists (where in the case of Legatum specifically, may also have quite nefarious intentions).
As trust and attention plummets for the legacy media (which is my preferred term for them), a trend which I am entirely convinced is permanent and irreversible, the time of the “Alternative Media” has arrived and it is quickly becoming the new “mass media”.
As an aspiring member of the Alternative Media myself, I subscribe wholeheartedly to our collective ‘battle cry ’:
Unfortunately, things are not as simple (are they ever?).
“Alternative” does NOT equal “Independent”
In order for a media outlet to be completely 100% independent, they cannot rely for their survival on governments, advertisers, or even sponsors (corporate & otherwise) because if they do, there is always a risk that this will create a conflict of interest when doing a particular story and when (not if) that happens, the “Money Bags” will always (always!!!) have the final say.
Many of the biggest names in the Alternative Media, do not unfortunately meet the 100% independent definition I discussed above and have ownership structures that are somewhat similar (if not outright identical) to legacy media.
Another trend that seems to become more and more common is that a lot of alternative media platforms are going public.
The first big name in the alternative media space to go public is Rumble, the self described “censorship-free alternative to YouTube”, which was (and very likely still is) backed by Peter Thiel, who is a Bilderberger, Transhumanist, Founder & Chairman of major intelligence/defence contractor Palantir Technologies and member of the original “PayPal Mafia” together with Elon Musk (who gets a lengthy section of his own in this article).
Rumble has become a public company in September 2022 and a year and a half later, its biggest institutional shareholders look like this:
See any problem?
Another entity worth looking into in this context is the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which is the parent entity of Truth Social, amongst other things.
In December 2021, TMTG announced a major partnership with Rumble:
TMTG today announced that it has entered into a wide-ranging technology and cloud services agreement with Rumble Inc.
As part of the partnership, Rumble will deliver video and streaming for TRUTH Social.
TMTG and Rumble are also in exclusive negotiations for Rumble to provide infrastructure and video delivery services for TMTG’s Subscription Video On-Demand product, TMTG+.
President Donald J. Trump, Chairman of TMTG, commented:
“As part of our mission, TMTG continues to align with service providers who do not discriminate against political ideology.
Therefore, I have selected the Rumble Cloud to serve as a critical backbone for TMTG infrastructure.
TMTG has already launched Truth Social on the Rumble Cloud for invited guests only, and the initial Beta launch has been excellent.
America is ready for TRUTH Social, and the end to cancel culture.”
TMTG is now effectively dependent on Rumble and Rumble’s ownership structure has changed ‘somewhat’ obviously since they have gone public 9 months after this agreement was entered into.
Looking at Rumble’s current shareholding structure, you’ll see that 29.5% of the shares are still held by “Insiders” which are the company’s management and original backers (of which Peter Thiel is one).
That means that the other 70% are fair game and can be gobbled up by anyone with the means to do so (like Vanguard & BlackRock).
But wait, there’s more!
TMTG itself is also planning to go public using a Special-Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) which is the same path Rumble took originally to become a public company (their SPAC was administered by their current biggest institutional shareholder Cantor Fitzgerald).
The SPAC that will ‘house’ TMTG as a publicly listed company is called Digital World Acquisition Corp. and their institutional shareholders look like this currently (so before the transaction has completed and TMTG has gone public):
The ‘usual suspects’ are nowhere to be seen yet but that was also the case with the SPAC that ended up becoming the publicly-listed Rumble.
When that happened, the biggest institutional shareholders changed a fair bit.
Will that also happen with a publicly-listed TMTG?
March 25 update:
The public listing of TMTG is now a done deal and will happen within the next week or so.
I also uncovered some aspects about Digital World Acquisition Corp that are ‘interesting’, to put it mildly.
I personally feel that the only way an alternative media outlet can remain truly independent is if its interests are perfectly aligned with those of its customers and those customers (i.e. those who provide it with revenue) are its readers/viewers/listeners.
The selling proposition is very simple:
I give you the truth no matter what and you provide me with the means to keep doing that.
The more of the alternative media that operates like this, the more truly independent media outlets we’ll have…and if any of them start pushing spin instead of the truth, they lose their financial backing and die.
Some “Alternative Media” personalities either don’t understand what their job is or wilfully choose to ignore it
Some big names in the “alternative media” space start to sound more and more like executives in legacy media or like people who either forgot or don’t quite understand what their actual job is.
One perfect example is “Alternative Media” personality David Rubin, who co-founded Locals (with seed money provided by Tulsi Gabbard amongst others) together with Israeli tech entrepreneur Assaf Lev who is now, following the acqusition of Locals by Rumble, also formally part of the Rumble Executive Leadership team.
Rubin said this earlier this month:
This is the bit that really grabbed me:
“Otherwise all of those people who are on the way are gonna be like: wow, look at these freaking people. They can’t even agree on anything….
As these people wake up, let’s give them a home that they can walk into that is nice and clean and orderly”
Huh? Say what?
With all due respect Mr. Rubin: since when is media in the housing business?
It’s definitely NOT your job (or mine for that matter) to give anyone a “home”, not to mention one that is “nice and clean and orderly”.
There are many definitions of what the actual job of media is but this one from JFK’s famous 1961 speech is the one I think reflects it best:
Not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants"--
but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion
Nothing there about providing a “nice, clean and orderly home” as far as I can see…
Unfortunately, this condescending (and even somewhat ‘elitist’) attitude seem to become more and more prevalent in the alternative media space as more and more people choose to refer to them in order to understand what is really going on in the world (and rightly so if I may add).
I personally am of the opinion that people who have reached the point where they choose to get their news, information and even entertainment from alternative media are at a stage of awakening which enables them to clearly make up their own minds and all they ask for is factual information that is truthful, complete and accurate.
Providing that is my ONLY job. I am not here to make anyone feel good, bad or indifferent and definitely not here to give anyone a “nice, clean and orderly home”!
Interestingly enough, I had an ‘interesting’ response from Mr. Rubin when I’ve put this comment to this tweet of his.
Moving right along…
The MAM (Mainstream Alternative Media)
The person I first saw using this term was David Icke who many would argue is part of that group himself.
Quite a few people have voiced concerns over the years about Icke being controlled opposition with some of the most comprehensive work in this space provided in the video below as well as this one.
There have also been some accusations made that Icke ‘borrowed’ some ideas he expressed in his books over the years (including his latest one called “The Dream”) from others without giving proper credit/attribution.
One specific one that was pointed out to me is this book from 2006 and I could definitely see some resemblance.
Either way, from my perspective, David Icke has been spot on on a lot of things over the decades including on the ‘Pandemic’ where he was sounding the alarm literally from day dot and alerting to what the actual agenda is, which proved to be extremely accurate as you can see here, here, here and here (all of these are from March 2020).
He also called out the “fake vaccines” pretty early on and never shied away from discussing openly the bionegineering (a.k.a nanotech) aspects of them and how they tie in to the overall Transhumanist agenda.
His Ickonic platform appears to rely predominantely on subscriptions to its streaming service which is conducive to maintaining independence as far as I can tell.
I also looked at the records of his UK media company as well as his own personal holding company and couldn’t see anything nefarious or unusual that jumped at me. If you think I may have missed something, I’d greatly appreciate a heads up.
He also didn’t shy away from calling out bad behaviour by others in the “Mainstream Alternative Media” and especially one Elon Musk who I will discuss shortly.
However, it seems that at least some of it was in an effort to get those other people to get him on their shows for a “debate” (an approach that proved successful as I discuss in one of the next sections about Alex Jones).
The thing I am most disappointed with David Icke though is that both him and his media company are paying for a blue tick on Twitter/X:

Icke has been one of Elon Musk’s most outspoken critics and even now is often mocking those in the “Mainstream Alternative Media” space who “bent the knee” to Musk or chose to ignore his clearly transhumanist agenda.
And yet, he gives his company money?
One could argue that it was a commercial business decision to increase reach for his posts, participate in the Twitter/X monetisation program for “creators” or simply prevent others from impresonating him or his media company.
That’s all fair enough but I’d argue that given Icke’s impressive research chops (supposedly), he should have picked up on some aspects of the process of getting “verified” on Twitter/X these days and getting said blue tick that are much more troubling then merely giving Musk your hard earned.
I’ll discuss those (and much more) in the next section but before I do, I’d like to also present you with two pieces of content if you wish to do some further digging into this topic.
One is this video made all the way back in 2017:
The other is this excellent piece by investigative journalist
:The above piece includes this diagram created by Canadian Polly St. James, a researcher I’ve grown to respect:
I’d like to say for the record that while I do respect Polly’s research chops a fair bit, I do not agree with the inclusion of all the people in the diagram above and when I challenged her on one in particular (in what I thought was a polite and courteous manner), her response wasn’t quite what I expected:
Oh well…
Elon Musk
I will openly admit this was an enjoyable section to research and write. This is because Elon Musk is such an obvious bad actor, exposing him is actually enjoyable.
Here’s a little something to ‘get you in the mood’ for this section:
Greg Reese has an excellent 5 minute video about Musk’s history and family connections which I consider mandatory viewing as it covers the most troubling aspects about the man currently at #2 of the Forbes richest person list:
As mentioned in Greg’s video above, Musk is a member of the “PayPal Mafia” (Peter Thiel is another member) who are all still at the top echelons of big tech to this very day. They are involved in anything and everything, and none of it is good!
Musk is also a fan of Carbon Tax as a solution to save us all from ‘climate change’:
Here’s Musk talking about himself (one of his favourite topics) a fair few years ago and any potential competition he may have:
What do you think about the “Free Speech Absolutist” now?
Btw, have you noticed the massive jump in Musk’s net worth between 2019 and 2020 and then again from 2020 to 2021 as shown in the above video?
Notice how he also refers to himself as “we”?
‘Interesting’ isn’t it?
Things only get worse from here…
The takeover of Twitter
Musk became officially part of the “MAM” when he bought Twitter in October 2022. At the time of that purchase, Twitter’s biggest shareholders were as follows:
Elon Musk with 79% of the company’s shares;
Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal (whose family are very close to the top of the global pyramid of power) with 5.7%;
Oracle’s founder Larry Ellison (who has more money than one Bill Gates) with 3.0%. Oracle is a WEF Corporate Partner and Ellison himself gave almost 34 million to one Tony Blair to push ‘vaccines’ (with plans to give more) through his relaunched “charitable foundation” which is used for all the usual purposes, none of them good!
Twitter co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey with 2.9%; and
Two VC firms were also onboard with Sequoia Capital (2.4%), and Vy Capital (2.1%).
However since the restructuring of Twitter under the umbrella of X Holdings Corp, the ownership structure is unknown and Musk clearly intends to keep it this way.
Nothing to see here. Move along now.
Furthermore, Musk has expressed some very troubling views and statements before he took over Twitter:
Musk has also made plenty of such troubling views and statements after he took over Twitter.
This one is pretty up there on the “troubling” scale:
Also, if you happen to think censorship does not happen now on Twitter under the reign of the “free speech absolutist”, check out the below:
Shortly after taking over Twitter, Musk appointed a new CEO: WEF executive chair and longtime legacy media insider, Linda Yaccarino.
Once the WEF insider came onboard, the infamous “Freedom of Speech, Not Reach” policy has been introduced which in layman terms can simply be described as shadowbanning.
For a bit more detailed explanation of how this policy works in practice, here is an explanation directly from the horse’s mouth (Musk’s AI bot on Twitter):

I think it is quite accurate to describe Twitter 2.0/X as a PsyOp just like CJ Hopkins did in his post below. Specifically, it is a Paltering/Limited Hangout PsyOp as mentioned at the start of this article.
Not looking great so far, right? It gets worse.
Au10tix and its connection with Musk’s X?
Here’s a screen you get as part of the verification process which is a prerequisite of applying for a blue tick (which is a paid service) on Twitter/X now:
In case my intention in including the above image is not clear, I refer you to what it says on this page under the heading: “Does X Retain This Data or Share It with any Third Parties?”:
X does not directly retain this data.
We share face data with a third party, Au10tix, who acts as our data processor. Au10tix processes and stores the data as detailed above.
Who is Au10tix?
Well, if you absolutely must know, Au10Tix is an Israeli identity verification company founded in 2002 and its CEO is a guy called Ron Atzmon who has an ‘interesting’ background, counts amongst his other clients the likes of Uber, PayPal, Bird, and Payoneer and is the advanced stages of negotating an ‘exit’ that will make him a very rich man indeed.
This article by a Lebanese independent media outlet does a good job outlining the concerns:
“The problem is that AU10TIX, the company chosen to process users’ personal data, is based just outside Tel Aviv. This could complicate access to account verification for citizens of Arab countries that have not normalized their relations with Israel. Notably, many services with close links to Israel are banned in Lebanon, as there is no peace agreement between the two countries.
For Hadi Khoury, an IT expert, the concern is understandable. “The personal data processed by this X subcontractor includes data of a sovereign nature. An identity document is a sensitive document. This raises a number of questions: is this company capable of keeping personal data secure? Is it aware of its responsibilities and its duty to notify in the event of a data leak?”
Then, the article makes the following claim which has gone somewhat viral on that very same Twitter/X:
However, the article does not provide any evidence to back this claim and I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere else that Atzmon served in unit 8200.
His LinkedIn profile is stating that he was a Platoon sergeant in the Israeli Navy between 1992 and 1995 which indicates he has only served the three year mandatory military service every male in Israel does (it’s two years for women).
If he was indeed in unit 8200, he would not hide it as a technology entrepreneur because it will only add to his credibility and appeal to potential investors and partners.
Most importantly, the article has made a pretty basic error which can easily be avoided by doing a simple search:
Unit 8200 is NOT part of Shin Bet. It is part of the IDF’s military intelligence directorate.
Furthermore, no one who served in Unit 8200 ends up spending only three years in the military. They all have to serve extra time to ‘compensate’ the IDF for the extensive training they undergo.
Where the Shin Bet connection does come in though is through the fact that Au10Tix is currently a fully-owned subsidiary of ICTS International, a company which provides security for many airports around the world and has amongst its original founders people who have worked at Shin Bet.
In addition to that, Ron & his brother Gil are board members of ICTS International, as is their dad. There is also at least one Au10Tix staff member who did serve at Unit 8200, which is to be expected for pretty much any Israeli tech company.
Therefore, the overall concerns around the commercial partnership between Au10Tix and Musk’s Twitter/X are definitely warranted.
The ‘Super App’
It is a well documented fact (including according to Musk himself) that rebranding Twitter to X isn’t just about paying homage to his favourite letter of the alphabet (which also has deep occult meaning) but also the first step to turn the social media platform into the “everything app” similar to what WeChat is already right now in China.
We all know how ‘well’ that’s working for the people in the “People’s Republic” and yet here is Musk in his words saying what a great idea it will be to “copy WeChat” for the rest of the world:
Musk is a passionate Transhumanist
Next let’s discuss Musk’s major foray into Transhumanism with Neuralink and its “Brain-Machine Interface”:
This is the ‘promo video’ Neuralink created in order to recruit participants for their clinical trial. It’s pretty freaky if you ask me but I’ll let you be the judge for yourself:
Neuralink appears to have had a major ‘breakthrough’ at the end of January this year:
Is it a breakthrough though?
Was Musk’s company the first to ever put such an implant in a human…or is it simply the first one to do so openly?
This is what I personally think of that (apologies for the bluntness):
And here is what Maajid Nawaz thinks….and I agree wholeheartedly with that as well!
Musk has also been sounding the alarm about the dangers of “hyper intelligent AI”, including in this April 2023 interview with Tucker Carlson (who will be discussed in the next section), shortly before Carlson’s ‘sudden departure’ from Fox News:
Despite that, he created an AI company himself and then goes and incorporates his own AI chatbot into Twitter, which is also suspected of using OpenAI’s ChatGPT model to train its Grock AI.
But that is not the worst foray of Musk into AI. He is also a big fan of coupling it with high dexterity “humanoid robots”. Check this out:
And here is Musk himself celebrating his ‘creation’ being on the move:
Compare the pair:
If you think this is mere hyperbole and can’t see “Optimus Gen 2” being used predominantly (or even exclusively) for military or police use, then maybe you are not as ‘awake’ as you’d like to think you are:
You know already what is the primary reason for the existence of Hollywood, right?
Musk is one of the biggest defence contractors in the military industrial complex!
It is very important to mention that Musk’s SpaceX is currently one of biggest beneficiaries of the US Government (including DoD, NASA and the CIA) when looking at overall total value of contracts awarded to that company:
When it comes to SpaceX specifically, here is a quote from its origin story according to Wikipedia (I kid you not):
According to Robert Zubrin, Mars Society's founder, he provided Musk contact to aerospace engineer Jim Cantrell as a technical adviser for the society's Mars Gravity Biosatellite project.
From there, Musk, Cantrell, along with a few other engineers worked on Mars Oasis, a project that aimed to grow a plant in Martian soil as a publicity stunt for garnering interest to Mars missions. Mars Oasis project is independent from the Mars Society.
Musk and his team travelled twice to Russia, once in October 2001 and another in February 2002 with president of In-Q-Tel capital firm Michael D. Griffin, to obtain a refurbished intercontinental ballistic missile to launch Mars Oasis.
Both attempts failed – the missiles were outrageously priced by the ISC Kosmotras at $8 million per missile when queried, and the team was concerned that the price would go up even higher after the deal had been finalized. Reportedly, this is because Musk and his team were not regarded highly by the Russians.
After the second failed attempt to procure a missile, the Mars Oasis plan was abandoned and Musk pondered the feasibility of building a rocket himself.
As he learned more about the United States space industry, in retrospect, Musk realized that the Mars Oasis mission would more likely lead to an unsustainable Mars program, similar to how the Apollo program operated. According to Musk, the crucial component for a sustainable Mars program is a low launch cost.
In early 2002, with that realization, Musk met with aerospace engineers at a hotel in Los Angeles International Airport to discuss founding a space launch company, with reportedly some having scoffed at the idea.
In April, from that group he invited five that could join the company as early employees: Michael Griffin, Jim Cantrell, John Garvey, Tom Mueller, and Chris Thompson. Griffin, Cantrell and Garvey declined the invitation, while Mueller and Thompson became the company's first and second employee respectively.
You’ll notice I bolded the name Michael Griffin. This is on purpose and here’s why:
At the time of his initial trip to Russia with Musk, Griffin was the President and COO of a venture capital firm called In-Q-Tel (now rebranded IQT) which, according to their own website is: “the independent, nonprofit venture group created and funded by the CIA”. This is common knowledge and you may have already known this.
Just over three years later in April 2005, Michael Griffin was appointed as Director of NASA.
A year later in 2006, Griffin’s NASA awarded SpaceX its first major contract: $396 million to provide crew and cargo resupply demonstration contracts to the International Space Station under what was called then the “Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS)” program. This despite SpaceX having no prior experience in successfully executing such missions.
As of FY 2022, SpaceX is the second biggest service provider to NASA (based on total value of contracts) and second only to CalTech which operates the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
Late last year (October 2023), SpaceX was awarded a 70 million dollar contract with the US Space Force (and this is just for the first year) for something called Starshield which is effectively a supercharged version of Starlink for military use.
The very obvious question to ask at this stage is: How can Musk be considered to be opposing the national security apparatus/deep state when he is one of its biggest beneficiaries when considering the one thing that never (ever!) lies: MONEY.
Enough with this Musk Adoration Syndrome / Mass Formation!
In my humble opinion, you need to be extremely gullible at this stage to still consider Musk as being one of the “good guys” and post stuff like that (notice the blue tick):
Instead, I’d really like to see more of this (notice there is no blue tick):
What do you think? Let me know.
Tucker Carlson
The former Fox News Mega Star has only become bigger since he was ‘fired suddenly’ (pun intended).
Many people who consider themselves “wide awake” still consider Tucker for some reason as a champion of freedom, the common working people and “conservative values”.
If you’re one of those people, I hope this section will help you snap out of it but as usual, you will need to keep an open mind and look at the material I present below at face value.
To get in the mood so to speak, I’d like to present some remarks made by Tucker during the 2012 US Presidential Campaign (in which Ron Paul was one of the candidates).
I’d like to credit
for uploading this video to their Odysee channel which made it very easy for me to source it and provide it below for your ‘viewing pleasure’:At this point you may say:
“Ok, so? This was awhile ago. Maybe he woke up since then and realised the truth about 9/11…as well as many other things”.
Fair enough. Let’s get back to the present.
Carlson was a speaker at the latest “Davos of the Middle East” shindig
The World Governments Summit describes itself as:
A global, neutral, non-profit organization dedicated to shaping the future of governments. The Summit, in its various activities, explores the agenda of the next generation of governments, focusing on harnessing innovation and technology to solve universal challenges facing humanity.
Since its inception in 2013, the Summit has championed the mission of shaping future governments and creating a better future for humanity. The past editions of the Summit have successfully established a new model to collaborate on an international playing field to inspire and enable the next generation of governments.
If nothing seems overly concerning to you in the above, I invite you to compare this with the about page of the WEF.
If you need something a bit more ‘in your face’, the list of “Partners” of the World Governments Summit should do it:
Here are some of the “members”:

Ok, so why is Carlson who is supposedly championing freedom, the rights of common working people and “conservative values”…and is supposedly awake speaking there?
Here are two short tidbits from the remarks of two of Tucker’s fellow speakers at WGS 2024 starting with Tedros the terrorist who has attended every year since he became the boss of WHO (you know who’s the actual boss, right?):
And how can I forget ‘Dr. Evil’ himself reading the exact same lines he’s been given all the way back in 2015:
This guy is such a caricature isn’t he? I almost find it hard to believe this is a real person.
Another ‘interesting’ talk during WGS 2024 was this one by Sriram Krishnan:
If you don’t know who this guy is, even his Wikipedia entry will do.
Here is the most ‘interesting’ part:
General partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz.
He previously led product teams at Microsoft, Twitter, Yahoo!, Facebook, and Snap
In 2022, Krishnan announced that he was working with Elon Musk on the rebuilding of Twitter following Musk's acquisition of the company.
There were also rumours that Musk may appoint him as Twitter CEO which obviously have proven to be false.
And now, let’s welcome our ‘hero’ to the stage:
Now hopefully you don’t still think at this stage that Carlson didn’t know exactly where he was speaking and what this organisation is all about, especially being such a media veteran, right (right?)?
I am not sure of the exact reason for his attendance there other than he was obviously paid to speak there as part of his “Sworn Enemy Tour” which is part of his new media empire.
However, my theory is that he is simply ‘building relationship