So basically no one can be trusted! They are ALL bought. Every one of them. So no hope.

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RemovedMar 14Liked by Michael Ginsburg
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Feb 26Liked by Michael Ginsburg

Lots of gold nuggets here! I need to update my section on Vigilant Fox. It’s been a while since I’ve added them, and this article has much more detail on the people involved with this propaganda channel.

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Feb 26Liked by Michael Ginsburg

Thank you so much, Great work. Well done on Miliei. When he said he wanted to tie Argentina to the USD that's when I said 'CIA, working its magic in South America again!'

Also the issue of 'placebo wins' to cool the marks. A lot of that in Australia at the moment. 'Freedom lawyers' saying they are getting 'court wins' to excite people with hopium and elevate their own profiles while burying that in the Agreed Facts clear statements about the legality of the Emergency and mandates and all parties agreeing that the shots were 'good for public health.' https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-domestic-medico-legal

It is the saddest thing I have ever seen. Australians thinking compensation for compliance is 'justice' while the killbox is firmly in place, no one interested in removing the laws that got us here.

Greed is killing us as a country and we are sliding into a very dark time. Liberty is the lowest priority for the vast, vast majority of people. Get rich quick, what can I grab for myself, how can I make a buck, how can I 'get mine.'

Liberty is no longer a priority, people do not know what it is, that it requires sacrifice, and it makes me really sad.

(Also, there are some formatting issues in your article - lots of 'Something went wrong' indicators...I don't want to miss out!)

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Phew, where to start? What do we do with this? I'll come back to it tomorrow. Can't absorb the implications tonight.

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Feb 26Liked by Michael Ginsburg

This piece contains reams of information. Thank you for your monumental efforts. I find almost nothing with which I can disagree.

There are many more individuals in the not a movement who could be named and discussed in detail. Perhaps you intend to do that subsequently. The failure to admit the presence of dangerous NT in the injections is in my mind the most important indicator of controlled opposition/limited hangout status. True resistors should easily link NT and the globalist's public commitment to the IOT and IOB and with it the CBDC/social credit score/total control grid which they see as integral to setting up their OWG.

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I will have to come back to this and have a proper read of it but it looks right on the money.

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OK, lots of different implications to deal with here. I will write up one at a time as they emerge. This is just the first.

First is "why does it matter?". It only matters if we put trust in the authority of another to tell us what to think and what to do. Sure, almost all the big names out there are wittingly or unwittingly controlled opposition but that does not mean we cannot learn a lot from them and even with them.

Most of the time, their duplicity does not matter to me because I can use my ability to discriminate between when they are telling the truth, when they are lying and when they are misdirecting. I tend to naturally react against all attempts to "influence" my mind. Occasionally I am a bit late in realising that something has embedded in my mind that should not be there, but that is really my own fault, where I have not listened to and trusted my intuition. There are people who give me the creeps, so much so, that I cannot watch anything they produce. There are people I like so I am more inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt. While I have the luxury of time, I can recover from my own mistakes.

Where our trust in others actually matters is during a crisis. I experienced a crash in my health in 2022 that left me living in a body I no longer recognised, and with a very poorly functioning brain, to sort out what to do. I did the only thing I could, I found some doctors on Substack and followed their advice. That was a critical mistake, as most of us who got sick can attest to. The advice being proffered by the doctors out there is, at best, misdirection, as it is all targeted at handling a nasty virus, not at handling a cross domain bio-weapon that does not obey the laws of nature. Their "treatments" cost a lot of money that they are now profiting from, and none of it actually stops the onward march of the bio-weapon/s. Anyone now associated with The Wellness Company, I will no longer give the time of day to, because after 2 years of trying everything to address my still declining health, I know they are misdirecting, albeit at a subtle level. This is when it matters; when we cannot sort out fact from fiction for ourselves.

They MUST know that we are dealing with a cross domain bio-weapon, and the only medico (albeit a chiropractor), to my knowledge, who is attempting to address that, is Bryan Ardis. He is the only one who has had a partial cure for what ails me - his nicotine patches brought my brain back from wherever it had disappeared to, so now I am "more inclined" to trust him over the others. But I am still alert to the possibility that he is at the head of the third line of controlled opposition, the first line being mainstream medicine, the second line being the "front-line doctors", and the third line being the weirdos and cooks.

While I was concentrating on something else, I came across a statement in a medical research paper that two particular "healthy" supplements should not be taken together because they neutralize one another. Unfortunately I did not stop to record that reference so it is lost to history. But what it means, put simply, is that ALL the protocols out there that use both those healthy supplements (and they almost all do) are useless. That is how easy it is to sabotage the effectiveness of what you yourself are selling for massive profit.

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Congrats, you broke the internet 😂😂 thanks for including my piece on the funneling of cash between the "nonprofits" - Malone got triggered by our highlighting the Unity Project video where he's bragging about Jeff Hanson (Unity Project funder/founder) funding him - he snapped at Vic Hughes, said that it's a lie - Hanson funds FLCCC, not him😄 Vic restacked Charles' post with spicy commentary.

Spanish is my mother tongue, as the Gringos say. I've listened to Milei, tried to warn my Argentinian friends that he's a gutter/ghetto rat who lacks speaking skills and what we call "culture" - I hate that I was right. "Conservatives" have argued with me that he's a good guy, he's not, he's a ghetto rat.

Why are Conservatives easily fooled? Who are the conmen conning the Conservatives, forcing a version of ESG down their throats? I have the receipts. Seems like the same group that worked with Steve Bannon when he forced the vaccine Frankenstein, Robert Malone, down our throats. Of course RFK Jr. is involved, he's the cryptoist crypto bro, seems Fauxcohontas now wants a part of the action. Catherine Austin Fitts is playing her role well as are Whitney Webb & James Corbett- they're all under RFK Jr.'s umbrella (CHD). Small world!

I also have a post on the shutting down of the US in 2020 - by state. I'll include the Executive Orders that ushered in Communism in the state that is China's 3rd largest trade partner. Of course it's a state run by a trifecta of Country Club Republicans, fake Christians (twins of Mike Pence), where the LEOs were given permission to fine & arrest us if we didn't social distance or wear masks - but as Malone says, mistakes were made! It was a dry run and we failed miserably.

I'm so glad you discovered the brave doctors from California- they're on the spreadsheet I shared with you. I have asked why they weren't heavily funded by Kirsch & Hanson. Now I know why. They can't be bought, they're dedicated to their patients and actually saving lives. They are the real heroes- and they're adorable. How refreshing, they're not grifters.

Thanks for a great post! You should pin it. There's awesome research in it, congrats.

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Michael, what’s your view of World Council for Health, and Tess Lawrie. They seem ok to me, but so did Steve Kirsch for a while. I’m asking on behalf of PS, also.

Something I noticed with Peter McCullough’s consulting fees-he has received them from Sanofi, a company which makes insulin. How do I know this? My son is type 1 insulin dependent diabetic. (Most likely from childhood vaccines).

Dr Ana confirms many injectables contain nanotech. I see you have stuff from OUTRAGED in your article, they are onto it. Dental anaesthetics, general anaes. other vaccines, you name it!

Another company that makes insulin is NovoNordisk. I am working a contingency plan, but you can see the dilemma, shedding as well.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Hi Michael, I read the part about not paying taxes etc. I get it. I see that a lot of people don’t think it will work in the comments.

I bet these are the same people who have been in marches, rallies, etc. And maybe a lot of these people are those with guns and ammo, and we don’t want a violent solution, but these people could have made a big difference, if they were willing to take a chance, to say “we’re not going to take it”. But this didn’t happen, maybe because of Jan 6th. People ended up in gaol.

Maybe people are too scared to do anything as they may end up in gaol. Or dead.

Well, what’s going to happen if we all do nothing? People will end up dead, or brain dead slaves.

I get what you’re saying-basically defund the gov’ts cos they’re not doing what they should be doing. And exit WHO/UN/WEF. The problem is that nobody will take up your suggestions, as they’re scared no one else will do it. They don’t want to be the only ones.

Well, I don’t want the world that these evil people want us to have. So I have to help do something.

Is there some way we can get people to affirm that they will with hold taxes, not pay them etc. Not many people will say out loud they will do this with the censorship laws coming in the way they are. People are getting scared to say stuff. Scaredy cats.

In Australia, most people who know anything say how brave our “freedom senators” are. But the senators don’t say anything about nanotech in the vaxes and other injectables. Do they know? Senator Rennick (I know he’s getting kicked out soon) seems to know science stuff, but does he know about nanotech? These great senators of ours, have been saying good things, and going to rallies, meet and greet days etc, but what have they achieved? Really, not much. I know they’re outnumbered. I get newsletters from most of them, saying things like CDBCs are coming, sign this petition. So I have. And all that that has probably done is made me a target.

I’ve seen the videos of rogue cops, of nice cops who don’t really want to do this but it’s my job, I have to feed my family. What’s going to happen in the near future? I know you know. And I know. That’s why I want to do something tangible. Or we will all be dead or slaves.

Now, I say this to everyone-I’m nearly 62 years of age, female, got a crook back, my husband also has a crook back, our adult son has autism and type 1 insulin dependent diabetes-he has no pancreas. Some horrible childhood vaccines gave him these conditions.

But I am ready to do something, anything I can. Reading and writing stuff and marches and freedom rallies have not worked. I do take my hat off to the brave Canadian Truckers and associates. But what happened when Castreau froze their bank accounts? They did all that good work, but ran away because of the money? Or maybe being shot at? I’m not going to run away. I still take my hat off to the truckers and allies, and all the protesters in Europe, with their tractors and manure etc. Is the same thing going to happen in Australia? Cos we’ve got the same bad deal.

I’m Christian, I try to be-it’s hard. But a lot of people are going to have to GROW A PAIR, or we’ll all perish.

Michael, I’d better stop there. I can see this working, but it seems some people need someone else to hold their hand. (BTW, did you ever read the Green Book?-is it any good if you read it?)

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Feb 29Liked by Michael Ginsburg

Unfortunately there's “no more heroes any more” , Trump will be chosen, or newsome, best buddies……

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I think you are worse than controlled opposition. You are sent by thé agitprop departement

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Mar 7Liked by Michael Ginsburg

This is good, but I understand why some of those who have commented have been left feeling dispirited and see no hope. "Money talks, bs walks"...is still true. One thing to emphasize (and is mentioned a few times) is that people *can* change, just from incremental exposure to what is really going on, so they are not in fact wholly influenced by their past, nor are they necessarily thinking and acting in the same way as they did in the past: Tucker is a case in point, in my opinion. I think his past paradoxically enables him to see more clearly now, and watching him is like watching an awakening consciousness, despite his still ridiculous 'quizzical look' persona. I also endorse everything you've said about RFK Jr: fatally compromised by his sex addiction (a factor never, or hardly ever, mentioned in the legacy or alternative mainstream). This possibly applies to "100% Trump" as well.

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Masons , Jesuits all manipulating behind the scene.

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Liked by Michael Ginsburg

I only wish Tucker wasn't so appealing with that good-natured, boyish face of his. So easy to get taken in again and again. All the others you cover here, are easy to agree/admit to. Oh well. The truth, and nothing but the truth is always and ever the only thing that truly sets us free.

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