Four years ago today everything changed and the world as we knew it till that day has come to an end.
However, most of us (myself included) didn’t realise that at the time.
On that Wednesday that “will live in infamy”, an Ethiopian terrorist, bankrolled by an American billionaire who also happens to be a psychopathic mass murderer, has convened a press conference where he made an address which started as follows:
In the past two weeks, the number of cases of COVID-19 outside China has increased 13-fold, and the number of affected countries has tripled.
There are now more than 118,000 cases in 114 countries, and 4,291 people have lost their lives.
Thousands more are fighting for their lives in hospitals.
In the days and weeks ahead, we expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths, and the number of affected countries climb even higher.
WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction.
We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.
And the rest as they say, is history…
Another important thing most of us didn’t realise (again, myself included) is that another world war had just started!!
However, this world war was nothing like its two predecessors or unlike ANY other conflict seen before in known human history.
Four years have passed so it’s an opportune time to take a look at how our collective war effort is going.
The WHO has never been more powerful than right now!
In June last year, Tedros the terrorist and his merry band of psycho control freaks (as well as the much bigger control freaks they ultimately serve) have scored a major win in WWIII while many of us were still focusing on how we managed to “defeat the mandates”.
At the same time, they also kept the ‘pedal to the metal’ rushing to implement the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ (or the “Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response accord” as it’s actually called) and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
While several countries raised concerns about said amendments, NONE have announced a departure from the WHO…and all the traitors who sold out their nations and fellow citizens are still in their roles.
It seems like Tedros & Co. (a proud Gates subsidiary) have realised that they may struggle to get the majority they need to pass the accord (i.e. ‘Pandemic Treaty’) and have therefore decided to focus on getting the IHR amendments through instead as they can achieve the desired outcome (permanent global enslavement) through a much less onerous process.
has managed to get his hands on the final draft of said amendments to the IHR (which don’t even need a formal ratification process by the member states) and he is very concerned.If he is, you should be too!!
The Injectables are still “going into arms” (or at least available)
Every single nation (without exception) in the English speaking world as well the vast majority of the so called ‘free world’ still have the injectables available to “go in arms” for those who haven’t had enough yet.
The legacy media is also still encouraging everyone to take one.
Here’s an example from Australia from about two weeks ago where the current guideline is “a booster shot every 12 months”:
That’s the only part of the above video which actually made any sense:
Even Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, the supposed hero of the mandates era (and former Presidential candidate) still hasn’t banned them:
The gaslighting continues unabated
Below is a reply to an FOI (Freedom Of Information) request submitted to New Zealand’s drug regulator:
Meanwhile, the New Zealand Film Commission has approved $800,000 in public funding for a documentary on former PM one “Dame Jacinda Ardern”.
Not sure what you have to say about that (especially if you happen to be kiwi) but here’s what I (a non-Kiwi) think:
Not that Australia where I live is any better.
Here are two very recent stories from my own home state!
The definition of Insanity
There is a certain definition of insanity famously attributed to Einstein which I really like:
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."
Whether Einstein was really the one who first coined it or not, I think you’d agree this is a pretty good one and was never more appropriate than right now.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is in full swing
Donald J. Trump (a.k.a “45”) has all but secured his nomination as the Republican presidential candidate in the US, as I predicted.
This, despite continuing to make some pretty troubling statements, to put it mildly…
In case you still happen to be a victim of the Trump Derangement Syndrome, hopefully this section from one of my past articles will help you snap out of it.
If you’re more of a visual person, maybe this will help instead:
Meanwhile, the “Freedom Movement” just had its ‘victory party’
Surely we must be ‘winning’ if our ‘movement’ is having a victory party, right?
If you don’t believe me we are ‘winning’, look at all these ‘great’ media outlets going out of their way to provide coverage:
We are so ‘winning’ that we’ve managed to build an entire “parallel economy” where instead of the ‘woke’ ESG scores, we can spend our money at all these great businesses that are “Verified Freedom Loving”.
Amongst said businesses who are verified to be “freedom loving” are some truly ‘great’ options such as The Wellness Company and even our own dating site:
(Both owned by the same people!)
So how do we ACTUALLY win?
Well, for starters we MUST really internalise this:
This also doesn’t apply to just Americans but to all of us and I explain why here:
Ultimately, it’s time we emerge from “Plato’s Cave” and take our fate (both collective as well as individually, as both require the same approach) into our own hands.
What does it look like in practical terms?
I’ve covered that several times before but here are again a few examples that are very easy to understand (albeit maybe not as easy to execute):
We stop paying taxes
We launch general strikes
We damage the system which enables the enemy to wage war
(and if necessary, destroy it altogether!)
We decentralise EVERYTHING
A decentralised system may be less efficient to start with but it also acts like a multi-headed hydra which cannot be killed or even stopped.
This article articulates the concept very well:
And this one highlights potential pitfalls to be aware of:
Continuation of the current approach is NOT an option!!
Other than it being insane, it is becoming increasingly demoralising seeing no meaningful results to all the suffering and sacrifices we have all made as we enter the fifth year of WWIII.
It is definitely not my intention to add to the demoralisation with this post!
Instead, it is an attempt to look honestly and objectively where we stand four years in and assess whether the current approach is working (spoiler alert: it is not!).
Maybe we all need to remind ourselves what is actually at stake here and how things will look like if we lose:
Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Worse
To allow me to continue this work and expand it further and in pursuit of the mission to “propagate the truth like a MANTRA”, your financial contribution is greatly appreciated.
Lol today we both wrote about the same theme, from different perspectives. Anniversaries are like that.
It is good to see that others know that the WHO is run by a TPLF terrorist. Finally!