Bold and maybe even controversial claim. I know. However, let’s unpack it in a bit more detail.
The dictionary definition of “Terrorism” is as follows:
The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.
When looking at the definition above and some of the actions by various US government agencies, the accuracy of this statement becomes self-evident in my opinion.
Massive network of biological weapons labs and facilities all over the world
There is now overwhelming and irrefutable evidence that the US Government operates a covert network of highly secretive facilities for the development and manufacturing of military grade bioweapons in contravention with all international conventions it is a signatory to.
Such facilities exist not just on US soil but all over the world.
It is now pretty much common knowledge that the US had (and probably still has now) a vast network of bioweapon labs in Ukraine which have operated since at least the Maidan revolution of 2014 but probably a lot longer.
There is so much information and evidence on this now that it is quite overwhelming to be honest. Below are some great resources to help you catch up:
While Ukraine probably has more of these labs than any other place outside the US, such bioweapon labs are definitely not just restricted to that country.
They are spread all over the world but it appears the US government has a preference to having them in unstable parts of the planet such as the Middle East and Africa as well as any country directly bordering Russia.
Here is one example of such country bordering Russia other than Ukraine:
Intentional roll-out of tools of mass genocide and genetic manipulation, including on their own people
I covered the topic of the COVID-19 injections in this massive exposé which went as deep down the rabbit hole as was possible based on the information the collective human family had at the time of its publication in late February this year.
This exposé also covered extensively the highly advanced nanotechnology and other synthetic biology contained and/or enabled by these injections and its irrefutable connection to the US Department of Defence and its various agencies such as DARPA.
You can read it for the full details but in case you’re only coming across this topic for the first time and want a quick but comprehensive intro, check out this 23 minute long video.
In the four months since, huge volume of new and very disturbing information about the technology inside these injections has come out.
In case you think this is only a recent phenomena, check this out:
If that wasn’t bad enough, below is a declassified consent form from 1955 for a project the US Department of Defence called “Project Whitecoat” which involved the intentional infection of "healthy volunteers" with Q Fever.
While the participants technically volunteered, they definitely were not informed of the potential risks involved and as such could not possibly provide informed consent which is a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code created a mere 6 years earlier.
Violation of the Nuremberg Code is not some minor issue. It is war crime/crimes against humanity by definition!
Mass surveillance of the people of the world, including those who are US citizens
The CIA, NRO and first and foremost the National Security Agency (NSA) operate a global electronic surveillance network of almost unimaginable proportions which can and does target US citizens without their knowledge or consent.
Personal word from the heart to any US Citizen reading this
Nothing in this post is meant as an attack against you!
You have all been kept in the dark about the actions of your government and those who actually run it (a.k.a. “the deep state”). I visited the US many times and have always found everyday people to be very hospitable, friendly and generous.
You are not the enemies of humanity but your government and those behind it unfortunately are. This transcends specific administrations, Presidents and political parties.
It is not a Democrat issue more than it is a Republican issue. Think about who was in the White House on 9/11 and then also think about what his father (another Republican President) was involved in during his time in the CIA, including very likely the assassination of a sitting US President on US soil, in full view of thousands of people and in broad daylight!!
It was the same slain President who probably summed up best the way your nation can at least start its journey out of this terrible predicament it is currently in:
“I will splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds"
As you celebrate your independence day next week, ask yourself this:
Are we truly an independent nation? Are we still really “the land of the free and the home of the brave”?
In my opinion, the United States of America has become the ‘belly of the beast’ when it comes to true and pure evil on a global scale and in order for our world to emerge from this global darkness which has enveloped us, the effort to reclaim our planet from the enemy must start in the US.
You as Americans are the tip of the spear in this global war by humanity to regain its freedom. What you do (or don’t do) in your own country will determine our collective fate!
The ‘Gospel’ of (Ron) Paul
On February 12, 2009 (less than a month after the start of the Obama Presidency), Congressman Ron Paul delivered a speech on the floor of the US house of representatives which I personally think will go down as one of the most important speeches of the 21st century.
Its importance will likely be not just because of the huge response it got when it was first delivered but also because of how prophetic it ended up being. The ominous warning the now private citizen Paul ended his speech with has an entirely new context to it now which makes this speech even more relevant and powerful right now than when it was first delivered over 14 years ago.
May god bless the people of the United States and may you all become free once more. As long as you are not free, the rest of humanity can’t be either!
This US citizen agrees. And it's not just bioweapons. It's the absurd "defense " budget and 800 overseas military bases. If they don't poison you, they can blow you to bits.
What is this gene that we keep alive from generation to generation to strengthen it from generation to generation instead of weaken it from generation to generation to eliminate it so we can move on.
Spot on governor. When your rulers are terrorists then anarchy become freedom.
This US citizen agrees. And it's not just bioweapons. It's the absurd "defense " budget and 800 overseas military bases. If they don't poison you, they can blow you to bits.
What is this gene that we keep alive from generation to generation to strengthen it from generation to generation instead of weaken it from generation to generation to eliminate it so we can move on.
The question of "nature vs nurture" is a very interesting question.
I personally don't know the answer.