We MUST regain our focus!
The consequences are too dire to contemplate if we don't. "Don't look left or right, look UP!"
“Houston, we have a problem”…
Despite what we all thought we’ve learnt about the enemy, their plans and their modus operandi (based on what they themselves told us) during the last 4.5 years of WIII, it seems we are still falling for literally the two oldest tactics in the globalist handbook:
The Hegelian dialectic of thesis, antithesis and synthesis also commonly referred to as: PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION.
This ‘one-two punch’ is the one thing our collective enemy has been doing for well over a millennia. There is NOTHING in their arsenal that they have been using for longer!
And yet we fall for this every single time…E-V-E-R-Y freaking single time!!!
Only a few months ago, we had large scale pro-Palestine ‘demonstrations’ across campuses in the US with counter protests taking the other side.
Anyone who has taken the time to study how the globalists actually operate, would have been able to see immediately that this is orchestrated (on BOTH sides).
Anyone who has taken the time to study who does what within the enemy’s ranks, would have been able to easily pinpoint who is the orchestrating/instigating mastermind.
Someone who has clearly done both and was therefore able to connect the dots almost instantly is
(whose newsletter I highly recommend):The note even included a link to the training material of one of the groups behind these (supposedly spontaneous) ‘protests’: the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights Fellowship.
I have a pretty good eye these days for this type of organisations and know straight away what to look for (namely: who is behind them and where is the money coming from) so a quick glance through their latest annual report was enough:
Given the nature of their activities, it is fairly easy to ascertain which foundations provide this entity with grants (again, assuming you understand how the enemy operates and who does what within their network) but in case you are struggling, refer to the note above.
Another good idea of what this organisation is about can be gleaned through their “resources” page which includes such ‘gems’ as: “Palestine as a Queer Struggle”, “Palestine is a Feminist Issue”, “PALESTINE: A Reproductive Justice Issue” and the “Myth of Citizenship” (where both Israel and the US are described as colonialist powers where the white Europeans subjugated the “native population”).
In case you prefer a more “in-your-face” style proof of who is actually behind this organisation and their ‘activities’, there it is:
Below is a video of Lisa Fithian at work (literally! This is what she does for a living):
Hopefully you are now convinced that
wasn’t just making unsubstantiated conjectures above…and neither was I when I said this:Or this:
Which brings us to the current events in the UK.
The UK religion/race riots
Before we go any further, I want again to bring your attention to my note above in which I am making (again) the definitive statement (not hypothesis!) that this is instigated and is NOT anything ‘organic’.
The reason I can make such definitive statement is not because I am some kind of a genius (far far from it!) but rather because the modus operandi is so obviously the same as what happened in the US only a few months ago!
Anyone who takes the time to observe how the enemy operates would have reached the same conclusion almost immediately.
How did it start?
On July 29, 17 year old Axel Muganwa Rudakubana went on a stabbing rampage at a at a Taylor Swift themed yoga and dance workshop, held at a community studio in Southport, in which Six-year-old Bebe King and seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe were murdered and 9 children and 2 adults were wounded.
Both adults and six of the nine children were left in a critical condition and unfortunately nine-year-old Alice Dasilva Aguiar, succumbed to her wounds and died in hospital a day later.
Everyone else except one child, has since been discharged.
No one (least of all myself) will deny that what happened is HORRIFIC and Rudakubana who has just turned 18 (and is therefore a legal adult who should stand trial as such) should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!
What should also have been immediately clear (but for some reason wasn’t) is that there was an orchestrated attempt to hijack this terribly tragic event to launch civil unrest and religious/race riots.
The exact point this should have been crystal clear and everyone should have stopped and gave some thought to what they were doing was when the claims regarding the suspect's nationality, religion and migration status have been proven FALSE.
Instead, people have again allowed themselves to AGAIN be manipulated by various ‘personalities’ who know (or have been trained by others) how to tap into people’s primal emotions as this video explains:
While the above video discuss two specific ‘right wing/conservative influencers’ who have played a big part in the current events in the UK, it was uploaded in early June so well before the current riots broke out.
It also focuses on the “far right” of politics but EVERYTHING said there is equally applicable to the “far left” side as well, as has been shown to us all during the pro/anti Palestine ‘demonstrations’ orchestrated in the US by Soros & Co.
One of the people who stoked the flames (whether wittingly or unwittingly doesn’t matter) and has never apologised for it was this (Muslim since he converted in October 2022) fella who for reasons I will never understand is perceived by people as some sort of a “conservative/freedom activist”:
Neither Axel Rudakubana nor his family are “Syrian Muslims” nor are they “asylum seekers/illegal migrants”.
Axel and his family are all BRITISH CITIZENS.
Axel was born in the UK and while his parents are originally from Rwanda (not Syria), they did NOT come to the UK illegally and have been living in the Southport area for over a decade (since 2013).
Axel also appeared in two BBC promos when he was younger but there was an immediate attempt in the aftermath of the stabbing attack to erase that from the web (a clearly stupid move as the Internet never forgets).
He was also described as a “quiet choirboy who was unwilling to leave his house” and was formally diagnosed as having “autism spectrum disorder” which fits very much with most other “lone gunman” or “mentally disturbed assailant who attacked without any prior warning” narrative we see almost always in mass shootings and unprovoked and unexpected attacks we see anywhere (but mainly in the US).
What happened next?
One of the teachers in the community centre where the stabbings happened, and was actually injured herself when trying to protect children with her own body, said it best when she said:
“It's terrible, they're taking away all the bereavement of the children, just to fuel their anger.
We can look after ourselves, we don't need anybody to fight for us. It's just not fair.
God knows what the families of the children who were directly involved must think when they see it.
It's terrible. It's embarrassing to the human race.”
If only people listened but there were obviously other things ‘at play’ here.
This was definitely NOT a coincidence and it is obvious that there was a guiding hand and professional assets where deployed (on ALL sides!!) to stoke the flame.
For example, as this piece by
alleges, the English Defence League (EDL), which was (and is) involved in the current events, may have ties to Zionist organisations that go back years.In 2009, EDL members were waving the Israeli flag during a counter-demonstration to a Palestinian rally.
Israel officially wasn’t thrilled about it at the time and the spokesperson of the Israeli Embassy in London condemned that strongly saying:
“It is appalling to see the flag of Israel abused by thugs who stir up violence and tension between communities.
Israel’s flag is a symbol of the 2000 year struggle of the Jewish people against racism and should not be manipulated by racists or extremists of any kind.”
However, as you probably realise by now Israel can (and does) say one thing officially and yet act in the opposite way outside the public eye.
This is obviously not something unique just to Israel. It’s effectively standard operating procedure for almost any government.
Another piece that fits nicely into what is discussed by Kit in the article above is this one by
discussing the connections of one Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, better known as Tommy Robinson, with the same elements as the EDL he was instrumental in creating, and which has a “Jewish Division” in it even though the official stance of Israel towards this entity isn’t very favourable as I already mentioned:This video provides a similar perspective for those who prefer to watch instead of reading:
I’ve also come across this Times of Israel piece from January 2019 (so well before current events) which says the following:
According to a recent investigation by The Guardian, Robinson is being bankrolled by a nexus of international organizations. Many of those groups, it turns out, are part of the American right-wing infrastructure supporting the Israeli cause.
The Philadelphia-based think tank Middle East Forum is one of the British extremist’s biggest sponsors. Daniel Pipes, MEF’s president, confirmed to The Times of Israel that his group has spent roughly $60,000 on three demonstrations defending Robinson’s legal trial
Pipes said that he first met Robinson in December 2017 and was “impressed” by him. He described Robinson as part of a group of people who are “trying to sustain their civilization, trying to keep Europe Europe, trying to keep the West the West. Overall, I think that their effort is sound and needed.”
Robert Shillman, a US-based billionaire who gives frequently to Israeli institutions, financed a fellowship that payed for a position Robinson held in 2017 with a right-wing Canadian website, The Rebel Media.
“The Rebel Media” is also known as Rebel News and its website has the following banner at the very top of its homepage at the time of publication:
If you click on the banner, you are taken to a page that looks like this at the time of publication:
So much for unbiased reporting from this ‘independent’ media outlet. Moving right along.
The “free speech absolutist” also chimed in with a statement that doesn’t really help with calming things down or even lifting spirits…
This was in reply to some Twitter/X ‘influencer’ who attributed the violence to “mass migration and open borders” which I think does have some merit and I touch on later in this article.
Other than the fact (not opinion as per all the evidence I provided here) the self-proclaimed “free speech absolutist” is doing his part to advance the globalist agenda (despite speaking against it supposedly), he also has deep ties with the Zionists (whether willingly or through coercion is unclear):
Where this is going has been decided well in advance!
The ‘recipe’ the enemy uses doesn’t change, neither are the ‘ingredients’.
The only thing that does change are the participants (willing accomplices, patsies and the general public being manipulated).
The video below does an excellent job showing there is a pre-planned agenda being executed by overlaying the words of the UK’s current puppet against various articles showing what this is all ACTUALLY about and highlighting the dates which precede current events by weeks and months (and years!).
Finally, two examples of how truly deranged the UK regime has become:
They have officially pulled all stops and even “Comrade Chairman Mao” would have been genuinely impressed, together with his best mate “Comrade Stalin”.
Next I’d like to include this clip of a colourful guy using some colourful language to illustrate a VERY important point.
I admit I don’t know much about the guy but I am including it because of the message in the video (which is what actually matters).
A similar message but illustrated in a more detailed (and arguably more refined) manner is provided by British army veteran Joe Glenton in the video below:
Next I want to include this clip filmed and posted by Mohammed Abbasi that really warmed my heart.
This is the only sort of messaging we need to see by ALL sides if they truly value freedom for themselves and others.
We MUST stop falling for these obvious traps. The consequences are too dire if we don’t as I explain later on in this article.
In case you haven’t been exposed to my work previously (and even if you were), I want to highlight again one thing that is CRUCIAL to understanding the current world we live in:
There are NO coincidences!
NOTHING major happening in our world is happening by chance!
Here is just one quick example to further illustrate that which also shows there are agitators on ALL sides:
Next, watch closely this ‘protestor’ and the police officer, the ‘protestor’ appears to indicate something to the cop (by touching his ear) and the cop ‘acknowledges receipt’ so to speak with his cap. Watch closely:
I may be seeing things but this is what it seems to me.
To further illustrate the above point (as it’s very very important!) I am including this video posted by John O'Looney, the British funeral director who gained prominence when he revealed the white rubbery structures he started seeing in the bodies of the deceased once the mass rollout of C19 injectables started.
He explains things very simply and succinctly:
Finally, I want to also include a video from David Clews of British independent media platform UNN who absolutely nails it and makes a point I discuss in further detail later in this article:
NOTHING happens by chance. There is an AGENDA!
What better way to start this section than with this video of the cartoonish “Dr. Evil” type character in which he says in no uncertain terms that an “angrier world” is coming.
More importantly: he said that in July 2020. This is over four years ago and before a single injectable has gone into anyone’s arm!
Hopefully you understand by now that this guy is not some smart fella who can see the future.
He is merely a spokesperson for plans and agendas devised by people way way (way!!) above his paygrade!
As an example, the aggressive clampdown on free speech in the UK didn’t start with the current riots or even with the current regime.
Here is just one example from January this year in which the UK regime literally ordered law enforcement to police “thoughts & prayers”:
Fairly sure that George Orwell wrote “1984” as a warning or a parody. He had no intention for it to be used as an instruction manual!
It is crucial we all understand that the REAL enemy is NOT:
“liberal” or “conservative”;
White, black or yellow;
Jew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist of Rastafarian (more on that later); or
In favour or Western or Eastern/BRICS hegemony but instead THEIR hegemony/world domination.
As far as the REAL enemy is concerned, we are ALL (every single man, woman and child who is not part of their ‘club’) “useless eaters”.
VERMIN to be exterminated!
This is not me voicing an opinion or making conjectures. They told us that themselves many many times and in no uncertain terms!
Here is one (very famous) example:
Here is another (less famous) example (with the most pertinent part shown here):
If you thought the above is a ‘bit’ extreme, you’ve seen nothing yet:
The ultimate endgame of this agenda has always been the same. It has never changed, only been adapted to technological and political changes.
The ultimate endgame is to:
Kill off the majority of the human population; and
Enslave the rest by turning them into compliant drones (similar to the Borg from the Star Trek franchise).
I discuss that in more detail here if you’re still not fully across it.
As I already said at the start of this article, the two methods the enemy has used the longest for advancing their agenda are:
There are lots of ways to achieve that but ultimately the objective is the same:
Turn people against each other so that the threat posed to the enemy by our OVERWHELMING numerical superiority is diffused.
This is also obviously the reason why the enemy is so obsessed about depopulation. Our numbers are a threat!
It’s close to impossible to control and subjugate Billions. 500 million (as per the ‘goal’ outlined in the Georgia Guidestones) is much more ‘workable’.
This note by
explains things in a way that really resonated with me:Especially this part:
Like the Brits in India or the European Coalition in Africa, the more broken and divided a society becomes the more the people at the top act with impunity, to the point they don’t even hide it
Again, many ways to achieve that but ultimately the objective is the same:
Force a pre-planned chain of events which will lead to the enemy’s desired end.
explains it really well in this video in the context of the UK riots:Maajid also wrote a lengthy post about the current events in the UK which is worth checking out:
This agenda is not executed just in the UK
If you happen to still think after the events of the last four years that this is localised to one country with a particularly rogue/deranged regime, I’m afraid you need to catch up on the basics.
To start with: one of the most commonly used terms used to refer to our collective enemy is GLOBALISTS. Pretty big hint there I think.
If that’s still not enough, have a look starting from page 18 of this document.
Now that you are caught up with the basics, let’s go for a little ‘world tour’ focusing on my home country of Australia (there will be examples from more countries later on):
"Stop looking left & right. look UP!"
This section is the primary reason why I have published this entire piece so this would be the time to really pay attention.
They say a picture (and especially a meme) is worth a thousand words:
Here is one pertinent point made by David Icke:
Icke also did this segment on his streaming service which I think is right on the mark (you can watch on Rumble):
said the above at the end of this tweet and it really resonated with me:Now before you start thinking I am ‘shilling’ for Maajid, David or anyone else in this article, I want to make it clear that this is not about one person or another.
What you think of these people or anyone else (myself included) is irrelevant!
Personalities don’t matter. Only the TRUTH does!
Working on the above principle, it is hard to deny that what Maajid and David both said in the context of the current events is the TRUTH!
I said something very similar myself awhile back (way before the current events):
And in case you prefer a ‘video demonstration’:
As David Clews rightly said in the video above, it is the REGIME (whether ‘left’ or ‘right’ leaning supposedly) which is orchestrating this for the benefit of advancing the nefarious endgame I discussed above.
The BEST way to “divide & conquer” is over things people either can’t control or which get them highly emotional (and ideally BOTH)
Read the above again and make sure you understand. It’s a KEY point!
There are many examples of things people can’t control such as their parents and siblings but the example I want to specifically highlight is:
There are also many examples of things which get people in a highly emotional state such as their favourite sport team, ‘celebrities’ they idolise, political candidates they plan to vote for (probably because they haven’t internalised any of the memes above) but one especially potent example is:
RELIGION (their own or that of others).
We have seen BOTH of the above play a key role in the current events in the UK and it wasn’t necessarily because of the people themselves but due to those orchestrating this (i.e. the regime on behalf of their masters) instructing their agitators to focus on that, or simply choosing agitators who are that way inclined ‘naturally’ (i.e. racists and bigots).
Currently in the UK it is all about the “Muslims” (religion) and anyone looking like a “migrant” in a European country (dark skinned or with middle eastern/Arab appearance i.e. ethnicity) and this former GB News (a media outlet with some very nefarious connections indeed) ‘personality’ doesn’t help things when he posts stuff like that:
Whether wittingly or unwittingly, he is doing a great service to the REAL enemy and their agenda.
These two ‘attack vectors’ of ethnicity and religion have not been chosen by accident obviously.
People have been primed for this for years. You may know this as “The Great Replacement Theory”.
The weaponization of immigration
The terms “The Great Replacement” or “replacement theory” have almost certainly originated from various UN publications, chief amongst them is a document released in March 2000 by the Population Division in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UN.
The title page of the full document looks like this:
The very next page makes it a bit clearer what this is all about:
Here is what the UN said on their own website when this report was released:
Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to prevent population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
United Nations projections indicate that between 1995 and 2050, the population of Japan and virtually all countries of Europe will most likely decline.
In a number of cases, including Estonia, Bulgaria and Italy, countries would lose between one quarter and one third of their population. Population ageing will be pervasive, bringing the median age of population to historically unprecedented high levels. For instance, in Italy, the median age will rise from 41 years in 2000 to 53 years in 2050. The potential support ratio -- i.e., the number of persons of working age (15-64 years) per older person -- will often be halved, from 4 or 5 to 2.
Focusing on these two striking and critical trends, the report examines in detail the case of eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union).
In each case, alternative scenarios for the period 1995-2050 are considered, highlighting the impact that various levels of immigration would have on population size and population ageing.
This may seem at first like reasonable type of work for an organisation like the UN to undertake through its Population Division but as we now know hopefully, the UN is a major part of the globalist power structure and EVERYTHING they do is aimed at serving their globalist masters and not the people of the world (always! no exceptions…ever!).
The UN and their myriad agencies (like the WHO) can be quite good at obfuscating the true intentions of their plans but as the agenda has progressed, it has either become harder for them to hide what they are actually doing or they have been instructed to stop doing so in order to fulfil one of the most important obligations in the enemy’s religion/belief system: “revealing the method”.
In 2017, the International Organization for Migration, which is one of the UN’s agencies, published a document which has made it fairly clear that migration is NOT about addressing “population decline and population ageing” but is rather part of a much bigger agenda whose name you are likely familiar with by now: AGENDA 2030.
The document is 156 pages long but I didn’t really need to go anywhere beyond the foreword. Everything was made crystal clear right there:
In September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, and migration features prominently in this Agenda, a remarkable development considering that migration was absent from the Millennium Development Goals.
The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) political declaration breaks new ground by recognizing the “positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth” and the “multi-dimensional reality” of migration.
Migration is inserted in several goals and targets, in particular through a dedicated target on “facilitating orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people” within goal 10 on reducing inequalities.
The situation of migrant workers is addressed in the goal on decent work and economic development. Trafficking is called the “modern day slavery” that should be abolished, and the situation of trafficked women and children is given special recognition.
Migration is also of relevance for targets on sustainable cities and resilience in the face of climate change.
It is no longer possible to see human mobility just as background context for development, or even worse, as a by-product of lack of development. Rather, with the SDGs, migration is an important contributor to sustainable development.
The International Organization for Migration is, in consequence, a significant actor in the implementation of migration-related SDG objectives.
Everything is right there for all to see provided you know what to look for and especially the special key words used across the board for agenda 2030.
As explained by Aman Jabbi in this episode of the
podcast, it is fairly easy to understand what each of the SDGs is actually about by inverting their publicly stated intention.Here is the specific section discussing SDG #10 on “reducing inequalities”:
It’s not about “replacement” but rather all about “mobility”
Now, despite what some people may think, the weaponization of migration is NOT about replacing one religion with another or one race with another.
Notice how the new 2017 document has DROPPED the term “replacement” completely and instead uses the term “mobility” instead.
The ultimate objective is to ‘shuffle’ people around the world in order to weaken their connection to the place they live in as well as their common culture/heritage/value system (which may or may not include religion) through permanent mobility.
This will not just result in internal conflict and strife that will serve to destabilise nation states but also create an amorphic mass of people who don’t really know anymore who they are and what they stand for, resulting in little to no connection to the places they live in and weakened local communities all over the world.
This line of thought stems directly from the fact (not opinion. They told us that themselves!) that the GLOBALISTS (hint hint) see both:
Nation states; and
Strong bonds within local communities
as the top obstacles towards a one world government.
Think about it logically for a second:
If the population of the UK or Ireland or France (you get the idea) is replaced and becomes predominantly Muslim instead of Christian or brown/black instead of white, then a new nation is effectively created as a result.
Such nation will likely have a new cultural and political identity of its own and the people may be equally determined (if not more so) to maintain that.
For example: if the UK becomes a majority Muslim country under Sharia law, a new national (and religious) identity is established.
The objectives of the GLOBALISTS (hint hint again) are not served by that!
The 2017 document by the International Organization for Migration only mentions the word “replace” twice in its 156 pages:
“Migrants are particularly vulnerable when economic, social and environmental
disasters strike (SDGs 1.5 and 11.5), as they are often considered as an
easily replaced workforce in economic crises and left out of environmental disaster preparedness and response plans.” ; and
“Moving out of a local context also means that site-specific knowledge
is lost, and that it might not be replaced, at least in the short term, by
an equal level of understanding of the context of destination”
Does this look to be about replacing one group of people with another to you?
“Mobility” on the other hand is mentioned over 150 times in the document and most of it refers to “human mobility” or “population mobility”.
There is an entire chapter there in which Armenia is mentioned as a “case study” and if you read between the lines, it’s pretty obvious what this is actually about:
The article examines how this process has been kick-started in Armenia through an SDG nationalization project.
Firstly, the SDG framework is helping Armenia highlight its most significant labour mobility challenges. These include ongoing issues, such as labour rights and remittances, and other vulnerabilities such as labour trafficking.
Additional challenges include addressing drivers of Armenian labour mobility such as skills matching, and tackling emerging tasks such as refugee labour market integration. Through a national consultation process using the SDG framework, Armenia could critically examine, relate and prioritize these issues in accordance with national development objectives.
Secondly, the SDG framework is helping Armenia improve data collection and usage on labour mobility. Through a comprehensive data review and adaptation exercise, Armenia is developing a set of tailored indicators to measure progress against selected labour mobility targets.
SDGs are tools to improving Armenian capacity to craft evidence-based labour mobility policies and nationally manage labour mobility issues in the future.
The goal is not replacement. The goal is permanent mobility of people across the globe.
This makes perfect sense if you are working backwards from an end goal of the entire world being ruled by one government and people being moved at will to where said government decides they should be at any particular point in time.
As discussed in the short clip above, it will also serve the goal of impoverishing everyone and making people more reliant on the globalists and their one world government (the infamous “you’ll own nothing and be happy”)!
This is an important distinction and a common misconception as evidenced by what the Hungarian PM is saying in the video below. Listen carefully:
Mr. Orbán is saying mostly very important and truthful things (quoting directly what Soros himself said in his ‘opinion piece) BUT he has put his own twist on things right at the end when he said:
“Against all the Christian and nation-based political forces and how to eliminate and push aside all the Christian Conservative national-based political leaders”
I don’t know if that was intentional or not (after all, he is a populist politician who has openly admitted to being a big fan of Trump) but as soon as you bring religion (or ethnicity) into the equation, many people stop thinking rationally and will not go and see for themselves what was actually said by Soros.
Now don’t get me wrong: I am not saying this in defence of Soros but rather as another example of how people bring religion and/or ethnicity into the equation in order to make a point (whether wittingly or unwittingly) when it is not warranted and even counterproductive.
Mr. Orbán is taking a populist view which is becoming increasingly common: that it is specifically Christianity and/or white people that are under attack. Others are taking it further by saying that it is the Muslims or the Jews (or both in cahoots) trying to “destroy Christianity”.
He has also made a connection between being “Christian” and being “Conservative” indicating that the two are intrinsically linked.
Now, let’s have a look at what Soros has actually written in his 2015 ‘opinion piece’:
Here are the six components of a comprehensive plan:
First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly – a principle that a qualified majority finally established at last Wednesday’s summit. Adequate financing is critical. The EU should provide €15,000 ($16,800) per asylum-seeker for each of the first two years to help cover housing, health care, and education costs – and to make accepting refugees more appealing to member states. It can raise these funds by issuing long-term bonds using its largely untapped AAA borrowing capacity, which will have the added benefit of providing a justified fiscal stimulus to the European economy. It is equally important to allow both states and asylum-seekers to express their preferences, using the least possible coercion. Placing refugees where they want to go – and where they are wanted
Second, the EU must lead the global effort to provide adequate funding to Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey to support the four million refugees currently living in those countries. Thus far, only a fraction of the funding needed for even basic care has been raised. If education, training, and other essential needs are included, the annual costs are at least €5,000 per refugee, or €20 billion. EU aid today to Turkey, though doubled last week, still amounts to just €1 billion. In addition, the EU also should help create special economic zones with preferred trade status in the region, including in Tunisia and Morocco, to attract investment and generate jobs for both locals and refugees. The EU would need to make an annual commitment to frontline countries of at least €8-10 billion, with the balance coming from the United States and the rest of the world. This could be added to the amount of long-term bonds issued to support asylum-seekers in Europe.
Third, the EU must immediately start building a single EU Asylum and Migration Agency and eventually a single EU Border Guard. The current patchwork of 28 separate asylum systems does not work: it is expensive, inefficient, and produces wildly inconsistent results in determining who qualifies for asylum.
Fourth, safe channels must be established for asylum-seekers, starting with getting them from Greece and Italy to their destination countries. This is very urgent in order to calm the panic. The next logical step is to extend safe avenues to the frontline region, thereby reducing the number of migrants who make the dangerous Mediterranean crossing. If asylum-seekers have a reasonable chance of ultimately reaching Europe, they are far more likely to stay where they are. This will require negotiating with frontline countries, in cooperation with the UN Refugee Agency, to establish processing centers there – with Turkey as the priority.
The operational and financial arrangements developed by the EU should be used to establish global standards for the treatment of asylum-seekers and migrants. This is the fifth piece of the comprehensive plan.
Finally, to absorb and integrate more than a million asylum seekers and migrants a year, the EU needs to mobilize the private sector – NGOs, church groups, and businesses – to act as sponsors. This will require not only sufficient funding, but also the human and IT capacity to match migrants and sponsors.
Now read the above and compare it carefully to what is said in the foreword to the 2017 UN document (published only two years later) which I have provided above.
Can you not see this is EXACTLY THE SAME??!!
This is NOT about replacing Christianity (or any other religion) with another or replacing white people (or any other ethnic group) with another.
This is about shuffling people around to destroy any resemblance of national identity and amalgamating nation states into supranational entities (“a single EU Asylum and Migration Agency and eventually a single EU Border Guard”).
It is worth noting that Viktor Orbán himself was in 1988 a member of a Central-Eastern Europe study group financed by the Soros Foundation. A year later, he received a Soros scholarship to study British liberal political philosophy at Pembroke College in Oxford University.
As this 2017 opinion piece alleges (so well before the current events), Orbán may simply be an opportunist who brings up religion and ethnicity in order to advance his political career…which has clearly worked well for him.
Being the clearly astute political player that he is, he also made a seamless transition from a liberal to a nationalist.
Now before you get all fired up and call me a “leftist”, let’s have a look at Orbán’s record over recent years.
Has he taken ANY actions to remove his nation from the WHO or the UN, the EU or any other globalist institutions?
Sure, he has spoken strongly against some of these entities but Orbán is not just some guy or even a politician saying things in an attempt to get elected. He has been the sitting Prime Minister of Hungary since 2010 (as well as a stint between 1998 and 2002).
He could (and still can) actually DO stuff to change things in terms of his country’s subservience to various globalist institutions. Has he done that in the last 14 years?
Even when the EU’s top court declared in 2021 that Hungary broke EU law by refusing to take in migrants, Orbán didn’t make the most obvious move that would have actually been in the interests of his people by telling the EU to go jump and just get his nation out.
This is something that is quite feasible for Hungary (just like it was for the UK at the time of Brexit) due to the fact it hasn’t joined the European Monetary Union (EMU) and does not use the Euro, instead keeping its national currency the Forint.
Despite that, Orbán reiterated as late as November last year that “Hungary needs to change the EU, not leave it”.
Recently, Orbán got into another spat with the leadership of both the EU and NATO (of which Hungary has been a member since 1999) over his state visits to Moscow and Beijing aimed at brokering an end to the war in Ukraine (a very very worthwhile endeavour if you ask me).
Did Orbán try and assert the sovereignty of his nation over these technocrats and their globalist masters by voicing any intentions to leave either the EU or NATO?
As the saying goes: “You will know them by their fruits”…
As far as Soros, he is not anti-Christian more than he is anti any other religion. He openly described himself as:
“He identifies himself as an atheist. respects all faiths and religious practices. He believes that people of faith and faith communities contribute to the public’s understanding of pressing social issues and often add a principled, moral aspect to debates that are too often dominated by politicians, statistics and polling.”
In 2007, he described himself on his official website as:
I am not a Zionist, nor am I am a practicing Jew, but I have a great deal of sympathy for my fellow Jews and a deep concern for the survival of Israel.
His Open Society Foundation gave plenty of money to Israeli groups while also funding “anti-Israel charity accused of Hamas terror ties” for which Israel’s ambassador to the UN specifically called him out for.
Soros funded the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe as well as an organisation called “Muslim Advocates” in the US and at the same time gave plenty of money to various Christian groups while also managing to somehow become a “Jewish Symbol” in his spare time despite saying that ”Jews and Israel Cause Anti-Semitism” (where he reinforces the notion that Jews and the State of Israel are one and the same).
Despite being an “atheist” and non-practicing Jew by his own admission, he encouraged his son (and heir apparent) Alex Soros to have a bar mitzvah and even immigrate to Israel if he was “serious about being Jewish”.
He is also a major donor to the Wikimedia foundation, operators of Wikipedia, arguably one of the biggest purveyors of misinformation and disinformation in the world today.
What you can hopefully see now is that Soros is a master manipulator with excellent ability to play ALL sides against each other and he is especially fond of using religion and ethnicity as a means to his (and his masters) desired end:
The end of ALL nation states and ALL national identities.
Anyone making this about one particular religion against another or one particular ethnic group against another (i.e. one is good and the other one is bad) is literally serving the Soros agenda.
Soros and his masters have a very clear vision in mind as to how their endgame looks like.
If you want an easy to understand demonstration of their ‘vision’, this video describing Earth 200 years into the future as depicted in the SciFi TV (and book) series “The Expanse” is probably a good way as any.
Another good example is the world as it’s depicted in the 2013 SciFi movie Elysium:
The two things that are common to both of the above depictions are that:
There are NO countries/nationalities; and
There is a MASSIVE divide between the “haves” (who are a tiny minority) and the “have nots” (who are everyone else).
It does NOT depict a world in which:
One of the existing religions dominates over another; or
One particular ethnic group dominates over others or subjugates them.
It is very important we all understand and always keep in mind what the enemy is actually trying to achieve and what end goal they are working back from because it is close to impossible to defeat an enemy you don’t even understand!
This also ties in to what we can (and probably must at this point) DO in order to actually stop them. I touch on that towards the end of this article.
“Invasions” should not and cannot be tolerated
One of the most basic tenets of a sovereign nation is that it decides for itself who is allowed to settle within its borders and on what terms.
This can include a decision to not allow immigration altogether or only allow immigration of people who are of a particular religion or race. For example, Australia had an official “White Australia” migration policy enshrined in law since federation in 1901 and until 1966.
One can argue whether this is moral and fair but I think it’s impossible to deny that it is a decision a truly sovereign nation is entitled to make.
The only thing I would add is that if a nation decides that they are not willing to accept people of a certain racial or religious background as immigrants, they also have the moral obligation to not do anything to destabilise the countries and places where such people live.
One thing that most people can agree on these days is that a nation should not allow people who came illegally to settle there.
This is an issue of legality, morality but most importantly: SOVEREIGNITY.
The Hungarian PM, as well as the Polish PM, are absolutely right to resist calls/dictates from some bureaucrats in a Supranational body (EU or the UN) to accept migrants against the will of their citizens and are also absolutely right to deport any people entering illegally.
Saying that, the unequivocal support of Ukraine by Poland is one thing but actually supplying it with weapons weakens in my opinion the argument of its government that the refugee problem created by this war is not their concern.
Most of the major European governments are not taking a strong stance against illegal immigration. If anything, they encourage it and this is clearly by design given the migration policies see little to no difference when an ‘opposition’ party comes to power.
In the UK specifically, the current PM said the following only a few months ago when he was campaigning as a justification for allowing people who came to the UK illegally (in what is technically an invasion) to apply for asylum:
At the moment, 100% of those arriving in this country are staying for life at the taxpayer’s expense.
For years, the system in this country has operated on the basis that if someone claims asylum, they are processed. Does anybody seriously think that not processing the claims, when now record numbers are coming across the Channel, is operating as a deterrent?
"I don't accept that the only answer to this conundrum is what we do when people have arrived.
"Just because the government has lost control of the borders at the Channel, I'm not prepared to take the same route"
Right, so one would assume that the guy will take measures to REGAIN control of the borders at the Channel if elected, right?
That would be the case if Starmer had the wellbeing and sovereignty of his nation at mind but obviously that is NOT the case…as was the case for all his predecessors (regardless of what ‘team’ they are on). Strong borders and strict enforcement of immigration laws is not in the interest of their (true) masters.
Therefore, this news from two days ago should be of little surprise to anyone:
The article also states:
The total number of arrivals to the UK in small boats in 2024 now stands at a provisional 18,342.
That is 13% higher than at this point last year, when 16,170 had crossed.
But it is 3% lower than 2022, which was 18,978 at this stage.
The highest on a single day this year was on 18 June, when 882 people crossed, while the second highest was 711 on 1 May - both before the general election on 4 July.
In response, the now PM Starmer vowed to:
“smash the gangs" by creating a new Border Security Command to tackle people-smuggling gangs bringing migrants across the Channel.
If you think he will actually do that or that such a “Border Security Command” will actually tackle that issue then I have a secret stash from a Nigerian price to offer you for a nominal ‘handling fee’…
The regime in the UK are under orders from their true masters to allow the invasion (which is exactly what it is) to continue uninterrupted in order to facilitate “labour mobility” (i.e. constant supply of cheap workers with no rights and no ties to their local communities) as per the “Migration in the 2030 Agenda” document I discussed above.
This is happening regardless of which side of politics they are officially on as can be evidenced by the fact the previous “conservative” regime had exactly the same approach.
While the UK regime is allowing the invasion, in the US it appears that the regime is actually facilitating and encouraging that for the purpose of creating a “standing army” of hostile forces in its midst:
This is not just nefarious, this is high treason and a valid reason in my unqualified opinion for states along the southern border to secede due to the fact the federal government is failing to meet its constitutional obligation under article 4, section 4 to “protect each of them against Invasion”
“It’s the Jews!”
I was contemplating whether to include this section here despite it being very relevant to the topic of this piece.
This is due to the fact I could be perceived as having a bias on the topic due to me being Jewish myself (supposedly, it’s complicated as I’ll discuss shortly).
However, I have eventually decided to go ahead and have it in here because I have experienced over the last few weeks or so an almost equal amount of instances of being called a:
“Zionist shill”/”Hasbara Cuck”; AND
“Self hating Jew” and even an “anti-Semite” on two occasions (which further illustrates this term has lost all meaning). This one is the latest (and probably one of the best) examples.
This makes me feel fairly confident that I can discuss this topic in a balanced way and without personal and emotional biases.
The reason why I feel this topic needs to be discussed in this piece is because it is obvious that there is an AGENDA on this issue as well and said agenda is essentially the same one as the targeting of Muslims and other LEGAL migrants in the UK riots: creating friction that will lead to civil strife and civil unrest, followed by a clampdown by the ruling regime.
The Agenda is executed through “far right” or “Neo Nazi” agitators but the masterminds are neither and as a matter of fact, these agitators may be quite surprised (to put it mildly) when they discover who is actually pulling their strings, assuming they even care.
These agitators are being used to advance an agenda due to their pre-existing biases which also exist (albeit to a lesser extent) within large parts of society, whether rightly or wrongly.
I remembered seeing on Twitter a few months ago someone talking about an orchestrated agenda by the globalists to incite hatred against Jews.
I didn’t quite remember who it was but I thought I may have liked or saved that tweet.
Took me awhile to go through all my likes and bookmarks on Twitter in order to find it but eventually I did find it and it was
again who tweeted this back in early May (over three months ago):That’s two out of two for Maajid in just a few months and that’s pretty impressive in my book.
Judaism is unusual
As a person technically belonging to this group, I will be the first to admit it is quite an unusual and unique concept and here’s why:
Being Jewish is perceived to be both a religion AND an ethnicity or cultural identity.
You can be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or a person with no religion at all and be of any ethnicity without it creating any confusion in most cases.
However, things become a bit more complicated if you are a Jewish. Most people will categorise you as being of a certain ethnic heritage, not just a religion.
For example:
If you were a person of Asian or African or Indian appearance, most people will not be overly surprised to hear that you are Christian or Muslim or even Agnostic or Atheist for that matter.
However, many will be fairly surprised if you say you are Jewish.
The reason for that is due to the fact that most non-jews (and even many Jews) have a certain idea in their head about the physical appearance and characteristics of a Jewish person.
I’m sure you’ve heard terms such as: “you look/don’t look Jewish” being used.
This not just in terms of certain clothing a Jewish person is expected to wear (e.g. a yarmulke) but even things like their skin colour and the size/shape or their nose.
This is probably the point I would be called an “anti-Semite” by many if I wasn’t Jewish myself.
Do you see where I am going with this? Do you agree that these are only applicable in the context of the Jews?
This is what I mean when I say Judaism is unusual in the sense it is perceived to be both a religion AND an ethnicity or cultural identity.
Same goes with the term “non practicing”:
If you say you are a “non practicing Jew”, most people will understand what it means in the sense that you are of Jewish heritage (i.e. ethnic or cultural background) but don’t practice the religion.
However, if you say you are a “non practicing Christian/Muslim/Hindu” most people will understand that as you used to practice that religion but no longer do (i.e. a FORMER Christian/Muslim/Hindu).
I don’t know for sure how and why this has happened over the years but I suspect it may be in large part due to some of the norms within Judaism itself which complicate the understanding of whether being Jewish is a religion or ethnicity.
Specifically, Judaism has an unusual way to define who is Jewish which is:
A Jew is someone born to a Jewish Mother.
That’s it!
Whether that mother practices any aspects of the Jewish religion or not is immaterial. Same goes for the child.
If that Mother’s own mother was Jewish, she is Jewish according to Jewish religious dogma and so will be all her children.
For any of her children who happen to be female, their children will also be considered Jewish even if they never practiced any aspects of the Jewish faith as either young girls or adult women…and regardless of the religion of the man they have children with.
The only exception is converting to a different religion.
If the mother converted to a different religion before giving birth, her child will not be considered Jewish by some Jewish sects while others will still consider the child to be Jewish because it wasn’t the child’s decision to convert.
If a child (whether male or female) born to a Jewish mother converts to another religion later on as an adult, then they are no longer Jewish according to most Jewish sects and are considered “destroyed” (“Meshumad” in Hebrew).
This is the case even if they have never practiced any aspects of the Jewish religion prior to converting to another one.
As you can see, Judaism has some peculiarities in it which explain why it is perceived as more than just a religion but also ethnicity. After all, it is your parents that determine your ethnicity and it is something you are born as and is therefore outside your control.
While Judaism does offer a conversion path for non-Jews to become Jewish, it is not a very easy process at all and is definitely not something that is actively encouraged (except maybe by some sects of reformist Jews).
Judaism does not have any missionary aspects in it like some sects within Christianity (e.g. Mormons), Islam and other religions. I challenge you to find even a single instance in recorded history where the Jews themselves have embarked intentionally to spread their religion to the “gentiles” and convert them to Judaism in large numbers.
There is one example of an entire group of people who converted to Judaism (allegedly) and I will discuss it shortly but it was not due to any intentional effort or campaign by the Jews themselves.
Therefore videos such as the one below, which are very common on platforms such as Twitter/X, Odysee and various “right wing” platforms (Gettr, Gab) are complete and utter nonsense and assuming this guy is really Jewish (which I seriously doubt), he clearly has no idea what stance Judaism has on conversion which is especially surprising if he is indeed an observant Jew, as his appearance suggests:
To me the video above looks very much like a propaganda video/PsyOp created with the intention of vilifying Jews. What do you think?
Furthermore, someone who converted to Judaism (as opposed to being born to a Jewish mother) will be treated as a Jew but will also be labelled a “convert” (“Ger” in Hebrew for males and “Giyoret” in Hebrew for females).
Also, there are various interpretations in Judaism on whether the child of a “Giyoret” is automatically considered Jewish or whether they have to undergo a conversion process of their own.
The “Ashkenazi” Jews & the Khazars
This also can easily be an article of its own and many academics of various disciplines have dedicated their entire career to studying this, publishing many papers and books on the topic.
It is a consensus amongst most religious and genealogy scholars that the majority of Jews today are Ashkenazi with the figure ranging between 65 and 75 per cent of the global Jewish population.
This has actually gone down from as high as 92% of global Jews considered Ashkenazi in 1930. The primary reason for the reduction being attributed to the large amount of Ashkenazi Jews killed during the Holocaust.
The term Ashkenazi originates from an area in what are now Germany and Northern France which was referred to in Jewish culture as Ashkenaz:
The term Ashkenaz comes from the Jewish Bible (a.k.a. the Old Testament) and refers to a biblical character named Ashkenaz, who according to the bible, is the first son of Gomer, who himself is the grandson of Noah.
Even though the term Ashkenaz originally referred to a location in what is now Germany and Northern France (as you can see in the map above), it now applies to all European Jews.
This includes me despite neither my parents nor grandparents (nor great grandparents) being from there. Instead, they were all born in what is now Belarus which is located between Poland, Ukraine and Russia.
To further complicate things, despite very significant efforts made over the years to try and ascertain the actual genealogy and genetic origins of Ashkenazi Jews using proper scientific means, there is no definitive consensus on the matter to this day.
For example, a study led by Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England, concluded that Ashkenazi Jews are mostly genetically identical to the Europeans they lived amongst and thus their ‘Jewishness” comes primarily due to conversion.
The study conducted by Richards and his colleagues was done quite well because it:
Focused on the genetic material passed to a child only from their MOTHER as this is what determines whether a person is Jewish or not based on the long established Jewish religious dogma; and
Used DNA samples not only from people known to be Ashkenazi Jews.
Richards and his colleagues analyzed mitochondrial DNA, which is contained in the cytoplasm of the egg and passed down only from the mother, from more than 3,500 people throughout the Near East, the Caucusus and Europe, including Ashkenazi Jews.
The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages.
Many of these “other European lineages” have vanished 4,000 years ago.
These findings were essentially identical to the results of another study conducted a few years earlier by an Israeli team from the Rambam Medical Centre in Haifa, in collaboration with the Technion medical school, which is arguably the most ‘prestigious’ medical school in Israel and is highly regarded all over the world (whatever that means for a profession which has become so mired in controversy now).
Their findings were that:
Four “founding mothers” who lived in Europe a thousand years ago were the ancestors of two fifths (40%) of all Ashkenazi (European origin) Jews.
The remaining 60% were found to have much more heterogeneous genetic origins.
They reached this conclusion after comparing DNA sequences from nearly 2000 Jews with those of 11,500 non–Jews in 67 different populations around the world.
The lead researcher in this study was Professor Karl Skorecki who was also the one who in 1997 discovered a DNA marker which shows that most modern day Jewish men of the priesthood caste (known as the “Kohanim” who are often identified by last names such as Cohen, Kahan/Kagan and Katz) are descendants of a single common male ancestor. The reason why this is significant is because although the maternal line determines whether a person is Jewish or not, it is the paternal line which determines whether a person is part of the Jewish priesthood.
This is just one example of some of the bizarre aspects of Jewish religious dogma. This is obviously not unique to Judaism but due to the self-insulating nature of Jewish communities over many years, it has resulted in some major issues which linger to this day.
If that wasn’t complicated enough for you already…
Enter the Khazars
In 1976 Arthur Koestler published a book which caused a ‘bit’ of controversy, to put it mildly:
You can download the book for free from here if you want to read it for yourself.
In his book, Koestler alleges that what is known as the modern “Ashkenazi Jew” has not originated from the biblical land of Israel nor from the Europeans.
Instead, the book claims that the genetic origins of the “Ashkenazi Jew” are traced to a medieval empire in the Caucasus comprised of people of Turkic origins known as Khazaria, the location of which is shown below:
According to Koestler’s claims (which have been repeated by many others since), something happened (exactly what is unclear although the most common theory is that it was forced upon them by the neighbouring Russian empire) which resulted in the Khazars having to choose between one of the three Abrahamic faiths as their official state religion.
Due to Khazaria being wedged at the time between Christian empires and Muslim empires, they decided that the smartest move they can make politically was to choose neither and go with Judaism instead.
Genetic science has advanced significantly since Koestler’s book was published in 1976 and multiple attempts have been made to test these claims using DNA.
While many studies have shown that in pure DNA terms, the Ashkenazi Jew has no traces of Turkic origins, there is at least one study I found in my research which suggests that there is a genetic link between one subgroup of Ashkenazi Jews (specifically those from Eastern Europe) and the Khazars.
This study was published in December 2012 by Eran Elhaik who is an Israeli-American geneticist and bioinformatician and an associate professor of bioinformatics at Lund University in Sweden. He was also at some point the Chief Science Officer at an ancestry testing company called Ancient DNA Origins.
Below is the abstract of the study in full. You can access the complete paper HERE:
The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries and has yet to be resolved.
The “Rhineland hypothesis” depicts Eastern European Jews as a “population isolate” that emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly.
Alternatively, the “Khazarian hypothesis” suggests that Eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century.
Mesopotamian and Greco–Roman Jews continuously reinforced the Judaized empire until the 13th century. Following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo–Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo–Khazars.
Thus far, however, the Khazars’ contribution has been estimated only empirically, as the absence of genome-wide data from Caucasus populations precluded testing the Khazarian hypothesis.
Recent sequencing of modern Caucasus populations prompted us to revisit the Khazarian hypothesis and compare it with the Rhineland hypothesis.
We applied a wide range of population genetic analyses to compare these two hypotheses.
Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis and portray the European Jewish genome as a mosaic of Near Eastern-Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries, thereby consolidating previous contradictory reports of Jewish ancestry.
We further describe a major difference among Caucasus populations explained by the early presence of Judeans in the Southern and Central Caucasus.
Our results have important implications for the demographic forces that shaped the genetic diversity in the Caucasus and for medical studies.
So the link between Khazars and Jews is a matter of scientific debate. This is actually of personal interest to me given I am an Eastern European Jew myself but it may not be so much for you.
Researchers also can’t seem to agree on whether the Ashkenazi Jew has any genetic links to the biblical holy land.
For example, this 2013 study concluded that:
In contrast to the previously suggested Eastern European origin for Ashkenazi Levites, the current data are indicative of a geographic source of the Levite founder lineage in the Near East and its likely presence among pre-Diaspora Hebrews.
This is in contrast to other studies (such as the one led by Martin Richards I mentioned above) which suggest that in genetic terms, the Ashkenazi Jews are indistinguishable from the Europeans they lived with.
The 2013 study which suggested the Ashkenazi Jew does indeed have genetic links to the “holy land” used a method which other researchers suggested was inappropriate due to the way ‘Jewishness’ is determined in Jewish religious dogma which is through the MOTHER whereas the study focused on the paternal line (i.e. the FATHER).
The study relied on the genetic marker, first identified by Professor Karl Skorecki in 1997, I mentioned previously which revolves around the paternal line:
Previous Y-chromosome studies have demonstrated that Ashkenazi Levites, members of a paternally inherited Jewish priestly caste, display a distinctive founder event within R1a, the most prevalent Y-chromosome haplogroup in Eastern Europe.
Here we report the analysis of 16 whole R1 sequences and show that a set of 19 unique nucleotide substitutions defines the Ashkenazi R1a lineage.
While our survey of one of these, M582, in 2,834 R1a samples reveals its absence in 922 Eastern Europeans, we show it is present in all sampled R1a Ashkenazi Levites, as well as in 33.8% of other R1a Ashkenazi Jewish males and 5.9% of 303 R1a Near Eastern males, where it shows considerably higher diversity.
Moreover, the M582 lineage also occurs at low frequencies in non-Ashkenazi Jewish populations.
In contrast to the previously suggested Eastern European origin for Ashkenazi Levites, the current data are indicative of a geographic source of the Levite founder lineage in the Near East and its likely presence among pre-Diaspora Hebrews.
What I am trying to say with all of this is that it is unclear what a “Jew” actually is in genetic terms and because “Jewishness” is determined not by whether someone practices the religion or not but rather the ethnic (i.e. genetic) origins of the mother (and not whether she herself practiced the religion or not), the waters have become very muddied indeed.
While it is very easy to determine if someone is an observant Jew based purely on whether they follow the Jewish religious dogma or not, it is harder to definitively determine (based on actual genetics) if Ashkenazi Jews (which are the overwhelming majority of what is known as Jews today) are of Jewish ethnicity.
The confusion doesn’t end here because there are obviously many instances around the world (and especially in Israel) where Ashkenazi Jews have intermarried with Sephardi or Mizrahi Jews whose ethnic origins and genetic ties to the “holy land” are much less ‘cloudy’.
A child whose mother is Sephardi or Mizrahi Jew almost certainly has genetic ties to the “holy land”…but so are many of the Palestinian Arabs (whether Muslim, Christian or Druze).
What happens then if the mother is Ashkenazi but the father is Sephardi or Mizrahi..and also has the genetic markers which tie him to the Jewish priesthood?
This can easily do your head in if you try to get to the bottom of it!
Many professional researchers have dedicated their entire careers to this and can’t agree ultimately on the fundamental answer to “what is a Jew?” when looking at it in ethnic terms (which is how the Jewish religious dogma itself does it).
Bottom line is:
How can you pin something on a group of people that is effectively impossible to define using the rules they themselves define themselves by and which are all about ethnicity/genealogy.
This is without even getting into the discussion of whether it is even fair and reasonable to generalise an entire group of people based on the actions of some of its members…especially if said people belong to that group merely because they were BORN into it!!
Jewish religious dogma has some nefarious aspects in it (like many other religions)
This is also easily an article in itself but I would like to bring the Talmud as an example because it is regularly being used these days to portray all Jewish people as inherently evil.
To start with, there are actually two Talmuds:
The Babylonian Talmud which was compiled by the Israelites who were exiled to Babylon after the destruction of the first temple (a.k.a. Solomon's temple); and
The Jerusalem Talmud (sometimes also referred to as the Palestinian Talmud) which was compiled by the Israelites who remained in Judea (which is one of the estimated origins of the term “Jews”).
Each were written at different times time and while they share certain similarities, they were produced in very different circumstances.
The authors of the Babylonian Talmud were of higher standing in the Israelite/Jewish community of the time and also had access to more resources which resulted in longer and more authoritative text than the Jerusalem Talmud.
The Babylonian Talmud also features more heavily (and in greater detail) “Amoraic statements” by Rabbis who lived between the early third and the early sixth centuries CE in Babylonia and were influenced heavily by its religion and mysticism.
Because it was the Babylonian Talmud who was considered more authoritative, some of the concepts discussed in these “Amoraic statements”, and which were new to the orthodox Jewish thinking at the time, ended up spreading widely.
The following quote from this article explains it quite well I think (Bavli is Babylonian in Hebrew while Yerushalmi refers to the Jerusalem Talmud):
The Yerushalmi, produced in a place under Hellenistic control, reflects Greek influences, both in its language and in its content.
Traditionally, the Bavli has been considered the more authoritative of the two Talmuds.
This privileging of the Bavli reflects the fact that Babylonia was the dominant center of Jewish life from talmudic times through the beginning of the medieval period.
The first codifiers of halakhah (Jewish law), based in Baghdad in the eighth through 10th centuries, used the Bavli as the basis of their legal writings.
Reflecting the prevalent attitude toward the Yerushalmi, the Machzor Vitri, written in France in the 11th or 12th century, comments, “When the Talmud Yerushalmi disagrees with our Talmud, we DISREGARD the Yerushalmi.”
You can learn more about the two Talmuds, their origins and the part they play in Judaism in this video, which explains this highly complex topic in quite simple terms:
If you want to dig even deeper, this video is dedicated to the Jerusalem Talmud while this one is dedicated to the Babylonian Talmud.
The important bit I want to highlight regarding the Talmud before moving on is expressed best in this sentence from the above quote:
The first codifiers of halakhah (Jewish law), based in Baghdad in the eighth through 10th centuries, used the Bavli as the basis of their legal writings.
So think what is actually being said there:
If the first people to ever formally codify Jewish Law, did that based on the writings in a book that was heavily influenced by the Babylonian religion and its associated mysticism, which we know has some very problematic aspects in it (e.g. child sacrifice), this has affected the Jewish customs and beliefs since that time which is the 8th to 10th century.
That’s a long time ago!!
This is also not something that is unique to Judaism.
The Scofield Bible is a great example of how Christianity was duped into accepting some pretty evil ideas as part of its religious dogma. It has also resulted in a lot of Evangelical Christians becoming ardent supporters of Zionism and the state of Israel.
I want to finish this section with this excellent video by
discussing the concerns and also misconceptions about the Talmud:Jewish religious dogma has been hijacked by opportunists and evil doers (like many other religions)
The discussion about the Talmud leads me directly to this very important point made by Michael O’Bernicia in the context of the current events in the UK:
The above is also the perfect segue to this segment from an interview Michael gave to
in late 2021 and in which he managed to drop more truth bombs than I could count in just three minutes! Have a listen and decide for yourself:Shabtai Zevi (who still has streets and even neighbourhoods named after him in Israel) was an opportunist, con man and maybe even a madman.
He was also a Jewish person (unfortunately) who had the audacity to declare himself as the MESSIAH because of the ramblings of some other guy….and probably also because he was completely full of himself and loved the idea!
Not only that but a huge chunk of the Jewish population at the time actually accepted him as their “Messiah”.
This is a story that sounds like it has been taken from an episode of the Twilight Zone but it’s actually very real indeed (unfortunately):
Many have suggested over the years (including David Icke in this talk) that it was the legacy of the Sabbatean-Frankists that brought about another great crisis in Judaism:
The rise of Zionism which can best be described as Political (as opposed to religious although those aspects have also definitely become part of it over the last four decades or so) Jewish supremacy….orchestrated mostly by people who have no affinity whatsoever with Jewish traditions and customs (often by their own admission)!
Judaism Vs Zionism
This could also easily be an article in itself and I am actually working on one right now but I will give you somewhat of an executive summary in this section.
Many people conflate Zionism with Judaism (whether intentionally or not) and even make statements that reinforce the perception that a Jewish person can never be as loyal to their country as members of other religions or ethnicities because their first and foremost loyalty is (and always will be) to the “Jewish State” of Israel.
While some people do that in order to portray all Jews as people who cannot be trusted, others do that while professing their love (and even admiration) to Jewish people, often while at the same time professing their admiration and respect for the state of Israel, further reinforcing that a Jewish person and the state of Israel are one and the same.
While some non-Jews do it for their own religious reasons or to advance the fulfillment of certain prophecies in the New Testament, others are simply opportunists doing that for political reasons.
Here is one good example of the latter involving a former (and almost certainly the next) US President and who now has almost a cult-like following amongst the “conservative” crowd in America:
In case you think this is old news because it’s from 2019, here’s a little something from the last few days where Trump spoke at a “Stop Antisemitism” event together with one of his major sponsors (She is no “donor”. A donor gives money without expecting anything in return).
How can any Presidential candidate attend an event where the flags of ANY other nation other than his own are openly and proudly displayed??!!
You too can get the leading candidate for President of the United States to pull your chair for you and wait patiently for you to sit down if you have a spare 100 million to ‘donate’ to his campaign!
And in case you think an administration by the ‘opposing’ party will stop this nonsense, have a read of this:
Also more recently, the US House of Representatives passed a bill that expands the federal definition of “anti-Semitism” to the one created by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
This is a major problem because the IHRA definition of “anti-Semitism” includes the following:
“Targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity”.
This definition is so problematic I don’t even know where to start but here are the main points I can think of:
What does “targeting” entail? Where exactly is the line between legitimate criticism of Israel and “targeting” which will now be illegal under US federal law?
Is there any difference between criticism of Israel by Jews versus Non-Jews? Is it a matter of a Jewish person like myself voicing criticism legitimate whereas criticism by a non-Jew is “targeting” and thus an offence? If so, how does that align with various legislation to prevent racial and religious discrimination, not to mention free speech (a constitutional right in the US)?
What does “Jewish collectivity” actually mean and what are the implications for Israeli citizens who are non-Jews, some of whom (like Druze and Bedouin) serve in the IDF while some other Israeli citizens who are Jewish don’t (e.g. the ultra-orthodox)?
Does it mean that “targeting of the state of Israel” translate to targeting the “Jewish collectivity” as well?
The fact this bill was passed only a few months after the Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed a resolution formally equating Anti-Zionism to Anti-Semitism has rightfully raised an outcry claiming foreign interference in the US legislative process.
This seems to have been well and truly corroborated now with the passing of the bill adopting the IHRA definition of “anti-Semitism” because there is significant evidence suggesting that the IHRA’s definition was not something they came up with independently but rather was influenced (if not outright written) by the Israeli Mossad, an intelligence agency of a foreign country!
Not only is it unacceptable (imagine is said foreign agency was the Russian FSB or Iran’s Kuds force of the IRGC) but it also creates a completely ridiculous situation in which a Jewish person who is speaking out against Zionism is now also technically an anti-Semite under the law.
This is why I am saying that following these moves by the US Congress, the term “anti-Semitism” is something that has lost all meaning and should no longer be used. In my opinion, it should be completely erased from the language, just like the term “vaccine” (or “safe & effective” for that matter).
The relationship between Judaism and Zionism is not easy to explain in simple terms but the best way I can think of doing that is to compare it to Christianity versus the Ku Klux Klan or even the infamous “Sons of Jacob” in the fictional (so far and hopefully stays that way) Republic of Gilead in the Handmaid’s Tale.
Both the KKK and the fictional “Sons of Jacob” used Christianity and its religious dogma to achieve their own nefarious political objectives.
While they appeared Christian to the outside observer, they were anything but.
Zionism is like that with Judaism: it uses Judaism and its religious dogma to achieve their own nefarious political objectives and they do that not just for their own benefit, but primarily for the benefit of the masters they serve.
While they pretend to be Jewish or are technically actually Jewish (due to the peculiar way Judaism defines who is part of its ranks and who isn’t as I explained above), they either don’t care about Jewish religious dogma at all or are actively and intentionally trying to subvert it, just like the Sabbatean-Frankists discussed in the previous section.
I am not going to get too much into the origins of Zionism and the political ideology and objectives behind it (as that will be discussed in great detail in an upcoming article) and instead will provide this short clip of Haim Weizmann who said this in 1937 when he was the leader of the Zionist Movement:
This person later on became the first President (i.e. ceremonial head of state) of the State of Israel!
Next, the leader of the Zionist movement in Palestine and the ‘founding father’ (and first PM) of the State of Israel answering a question in a 1970 interview on why Eichmann was pursued by Mossad and brought to Israel for trial while other Nazis were not, even though their whereabouts were well known:
If you think this is pretty bad so far (especially if you happen to be Jewish), we are only getting started.
Whether you have or haven’t heard of the “transfer agreement” already, this video from 1984 will give you a whole new perspective on this major historical event (a perspective I can genuinely say was never even mentioned throughout my entire 12 years of schooling in Israel):
Some sects in Judaism were always in fierce opposition to Zionism as they consider it as an “ungodly” endeavour and even an abomination.
The most prominent Jewish sect which is vehemently against Zionism is Neturei Karta (“Guardians of the city” in Aramaic) who consider that the existence of a Jewish state is a rebellion against God as it did not occur with divine intervention following the arrival of the Messiah.
This sect openly and actively advocated for the "peaceful dismantling" of the state of Israel with one of the reasons being that they believe its very existence prevents the arrival of the Messiah (the real one, not another fake one like Shabtai Zevi).
Here is one of its most prominent leaders explaining the issues his group has with Zionism and why they stand in fierce opposition to it:
Since the start of the genocide in Gaza following the horrific events on October 7, members of Neturei Karta, as well as other anti-Zionist Jewish groups and individuals (who are technically “anti-Semites” now I guess), had interactions with Zionist Jews (and especially Israelis) which have been quite ‘interesting’.
After all, it is a bit challenging to call a person an “Anti-Semite” when they are dressed like this:
Speaking of October 7:
Since the horrific events of that faithful day, the Zionist regime in Israel has engaged in a very deliberate and aggressive psychological campaign against their own people to ensure their continued support for what the IDF did (and is still doing now) in Gaza.
This campaign has been extremely effective as can be evidenced by the image below as well as this excellent report by The Grayzone (some of the footage is highly disturbing so YouTube has put an age restriction on it which means you will need to be logged into your YouTube account in order to watch):
This intense indoctrination is built on some pretty solid ‘foundations’ as I can attest to personally myself as someone who has lived in Israel for over two decades (and served in the IDF like most Israeli Jews):
The above video said something very important towards the very end which I would like to expand on a little bit further (and will expand a lot more in my upcoming piece):
Israel can only exist as a Jewish state if it manages demographics to maintain a Jewish majority
It is fairly common knowledge now that Arab Israelis (i.e. Palestinians who hold an Israeli citizenship) are prohibited from doing certain things that are allowed (and even encouraged) for Jewish Israelis.
Specifically: helping relatives from outside Israel to immigrate or marrying non-Israelis.
Israel will be delighted if a Jewish Citizen will encourage their family members (and even friends or anyone else provided they are Jewish) to immigrate to Israel in what is referred to as “making Aliyah”. However, it is flat out prohibited for Israelis who are not Jewish to bring any of their family members over or bringing a spouse (who is not Jewish) from overseas to live in Israel.
That’s fairly known but what is not as well known is the fact (not opinion) Israel is willing to go to great lengths to guarantee an ongoing Jewish majority.
This includes “nudging” Jews living in the diaspora to “make Aliyah” even if they have no particular interest to do so.
The method of choice for “nudging” Jews is through fear by stoking divisions between the Jews and their non-Jewish neighbours or even outright false flag terrorist attacks on Jewish targets.
One example of that is what happened in Iraq in 1950/1, only a few years after the State of Israel was formed.
The Iraqi Jews had excellent relationship with the Arab population and lived in peace for centuries. They were not interested whatsoever to leave their comfortable lives in Iraq and come to a place they knew very little about and had no particular affinity with...so they were 'nudged'.
If the above sounds far fetched to you then let me tell you that my mum used to work many years ago with a colleague who openly admitted to being part of the operation in Iraq to ‘encourage’ the Jews there to leave their homes and come to Israel.
He said that he felt he had the moral right and even duty to ensure the fledgling new nation maintained its Jewish majority, especially after the significant casualties during the war of independence in 1948.
Make of it what you will.
Finally, I want to drop this little piece from 2018. This person is not from one of Israel’s “far-right” Jewish ultra-nationalist parties but rather from Netanyahu’s own Likud Party:
Notice how this fella uses the term “race” instead of nationality.
That is as much the face of Jewish supremacy as the current lot of Ben-Gvir and Smotrich. No difference whatsoever!
I cannot possibly do this section justice without reminding everyone who is ultimately behind the creation of the State of Israel.
In case you don’t know, I will let him tell you that himself in his own words!
For detailed analysis of the Rothschild dynasty and proof (with receipts) that they are not actually Jewish, check out the video below:
Now, can we please all CALM THE EF DOWN and stop with the “Gas the Jews” (or anyone else for that matter) chants or with glorifying the murder of innocent civilians (whether Jew, Muslim, Christian or Rastafarian)?
It benefits no one except the ACTUAL enemy.
This part is not complicated to figure out. It really isn’t!!
What we must DO now?
To start with, we need to stop allowing ourselves to be distracted by NONSENSE and falling for the oldest tricks in the book (like literally!).
We MUST evolve beyond that because if we don’t, we are DONE (ALL of us!).
As the famous saying goes:
Evolve or Perish!
I’m much more keen on the first part of the above quote. How about you?
Another thing we all must do immediately is to learn to think for ourselves instead of regurgitating views expressed by some religious leader or even worse, some ‘influencer’ (who is almost certainly PAID for their ‘efforts’).
Case in point:
Again, this is not rocket science. It’s common sense 101!
Let go of internal divisions and past violence and grudges
It’s important to understand that what is happening right now is nothing new or unique.
It’s just another campaign of “Ideological Subversion” as discussed by Yuri Bezmenov in this famous 1984 interview (which you absolutely should watch if you have never seen it, or refresh your knowledge even if you have):
The one thing not emphasised enough in the above interview is the fact that the psychological warfare tactic of “Ideological Subversion” is not something the KGB invented.
They may have perfected or refined it, adapting it to modern political environments of western democracies, but they definitely didn’t come up with it from scratch.
The way you combat Ideological Subversion (as also discussed by Mr. Bezmenov in the above interview) is through:
Being able to identify it is taking place by being aware of its four stages;
Remaining united as a society and a nation despite the onslaught; and
Understanding who the enemy that is doing said “Ideological Subversion” actually is!
This makes things worse:
So does this:
Ultimately, and despite what you may have been told or led to believe, most normal people don’t want to spend their lives killing each other as it doesn’t benefit them personally whatsoever (to put it mildly).
You may find this ‘shocking’ but it is the truth. Have a listen:
If you watch the above two videos, you’ll see that none of these people profess their love for the other side. Instead, they are being pragmatic understanding that neither side is going anywhere and it’s in their own personal interests to let go of past grudges and learn to live together in peace.
They all realise that they don’t need to be friends or even like each other but that doesn’t mean that they also need to be at each other’s throats forever as nothing is gained by that!
Again, this is not rocket science!
Most normal people can also realise they’ve been duped or admit they’ve made a mistake and do better:
This includes me!
I have made public statements in the past which alluded that the children of those that are leading the global onslaught against us all should be prevented from procreating (or worse) in order to cut the bloodlines of the ruling elite.
I now realise how wrong it was on my part to say that and apologise unreservedly.
As indoctrinated and damaged these children may be, they cannot and should not be punished for the crimes of their parents and other family members, provided they were not involved in any way themselves.
I also could not possibly agree more with what
is saying here:As well as what he wrote here:
As a former Israeli, what
wrote here resonated with me on a very deep level indeed:I cannot possibly think of a better ‘armour’ than “truth, freedom & love”!
My personal interpretation of this is best reflected in the iconic Israeli song "A song for peace” (“Shir La Shalom” in Hebrew).
The song was first performed in 1969 by The Nahal Military Band of the IDF during the War of Attrition between Israel and Egypt and featured the soloist Miri Aloni who has since become a leading peace activist.
The song was always quite popular since it was first performed but in 1995 something happened that gave it an entirely new meaning…and effectively made it an anthem of everyone in Israel who craves peace!
Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin was singing it (or at least trying to) on stage, together with Aloni herself, during a peace rally that was held in Tel-Aviv in support of the Oslo accords signed with the PLO.
Rabin was assassinated (officially by a “right wing Jewish extremist” although that official story is complete nonsense, as they usually are) less than half an hour later and a piece of paper containing the lyrics of the song stained with his own blood, was found in his jacket pocket.
Speaking of the lyrics, while they are repetitive, they are also extremely profound in my opinion.
Their basic premise is that the dead are singing from their graves urging the living to let go and stop killing each other…and instead sing a song for peace.
As you can imagine, there are many many versions of this song made over the years but this one from a 1978 musical, featuring the life of members of an IDF military band while on tour, remains my absolute favourite.
I’ve added English subtitles so that you can understand the lyrics of the song (which as I said, do get quite repetitive at some point):
Here is another video I’d like to include. This one, filmed in 2018 in Haifa where I grew up, speaks for itself and needs no intros:
After I’ve hopefully given you a “feel good” dose, it’s time to get back to reality.
All these songs praising peace are great and I agree with every word BUT it is unfortunately impossible to deny that we are CURRENTLY AT WAR after an unprovoked attack from a very well resourced and extremely determined enemy, who will stop at NOTHING in order to achieve their objectives of exterminating most of us and forever subjugating those who are left.
We can debate when this attack started exactly and through which means but I think no one who is aware of what is happening in our world will deny that we are under attack!
Which leads me to the next thing we must DO now.
We MUST take the initiative instead of only being defensive
It is close to impossible unfortunately to win a war of any kind (or even a sporting tournament) solely through defensive tactics.
Sooner or later, we MUST take the initiative from the enemy’s hands and stop merely reacting to the various offensive moves they are making against us.
In simple terms: WE MUST ATTACK!
As this potent segment from the 1981 movie “My Dinner with Andre” (which you can watch in full here) illustrates:
We have built our own prison and keep it going; and
There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide
If we don’t attack and instead keep ‘playing defence’ or each of us tries to run away somewhere or somehow (for example: by solely focusing on building parallel systems or getting another Passport), it is CURTAINS for us all!!
Make no mistake about it!: The enemy WILL come after us one by one because our mere existence as free people is a threat to them.
The question is how do you attack effectively in the era of fifth generation warfare and do so against an enemy who
very astutely (imho) defined as having:Centralized control of Money, God and Guns through the three autonomous regions of The City of London, the Vatican and DC.
I’d argue that the control over the first one (Money) plays a big part in why the same enemy also has control of the other two.
So what do we do about it?
In simple terms:
While organised religion (and the dogmas it propagates) also plays a big part in that, I am of the opinion that the primary reason why it still does so to this day is due to that very same money which funds and propagates it.
In case you didn’t know, organised religion is BIG business…and very lucrative from a commercial perspective due to it being tax-exempt in most places.
This is not me having a go at organised religion (or religion in general). This is me stating a fact.
Now let’s get back to the money aspect, and more specifically: the global financial system which revolves entirely and exclusively around fiat currencies backed by nothing other than maybe the ability of governments to extract money from their citizens at gunpoint, also commonly known as taxes.
But it’s not just taxes (extracted effectively at gunpoint)!
The major aspect of the global financial system which gives it power are not actually governments and their fiat currencies.
What keeps the whole thing running is fractional reserve banking practiced on the basis of said fiat currencies.
I won’t get into a long explanation of what fractional reserve banking is as there is lots of information on that you can easily find online but will just say that it is government-sanctioned COUNTERFEITING.
While government sanction (and even encourage) the practice of fractional reserve banking, it is something very different that keeps it all going:
We MUST stop PARTICIPATING en masse!
If we actively, intentionally and smartly embark together (that’s crucial!) on a campaign to destroy the global banking system, the whole house of cards comes down and the “centralized control of Money, God and Guns” ends!
This is easier to do than you may think due to the inherent weakness of a banking system built entirely on a SCAM:
This coordinated offensive does not require violence and bloodshed…but does require each of us to be willing to make some personal sacrifices…as well as be willing to be UNITED, work together and be ready to defend individuals from any repercussions!
The video above presented some specific examples and while I don’t necessarily agree that they will be the most effective means to achieving the desired outcome (i.e. collapsing the global banking system), I absolutely agree with the spirit of what this gentleman says.
The one specific thing I do agree most with the gentleman in the video above is that a “run on the banks” can and should be weaponised.
There is just one major problem: the banks in cahoots with the government can easily impose limits on cash withdrawals or suspend them altogether (most likely under the guise of “protecting the integrity of the banking system”).
The thing I think we need to do instead is make all the banks technically insolvent. If you are familiar with how fractional reserve banking works, you will obviously know that all banks are actually insolvent already and have been for a long time.
This is the basic premise which makes fractional reserve banking possible after all: they can lend more (much much more) than the amount they have in deposits.
Furthermore, they can not just make obscene profits from lending money they don’t have but also bundle up these loans and on-sell them to others in what is commonly known as mortgage-based securities (MBS).
The biggest buyers of MBS are other banks, fund managers and the government.
As we have seen during the GFC, if MBS goes bad due to high rate of default, it can easily bring down the entire global financial system.
Now this may sound like a scary concept to you but think of it this way:
Why did governments around the world (and especially in the US) go to great lengths to BAIL OUT the holders of these MBS (whose biggest holders I outlined above)?
Do you think it was to protect the interests of the PEOPLE?
The GFC was the result of greed by the very same institutions that enable the global control grid and everything it entails: medical tyranny, surveillance, gender ideology and first and foremost: WAR!
As painful as it may be initially for us all, isn’t it in our best interests to actually collapse the whole thing?
Sure, it sounds very much like another version of the “Samson Option” but I’d argue that there are not many other good options left on the table and by “good” I mean those that do NOT involve an outright civil war and storming the Parliaments.
As we all hopefully understand now, our ruling regimes:
Are READY for that; and
WANT that!
Now I want to pre-empt comments about how many guns are there in the hands of people in the US and elsewhere by saying this:
Let’s get real here. Do you think the people can prevail in an outright firefight with the regime and their planes, drones and missiles?
Furthermore, in a scenario such as this, it is effectively a certainty that the enforcer class (those who are still human as opposed to robots/AI) will side with the regime.
We have seen that play out in the UK recently but also in Israel after October 7. The enforcer class continued to follow orders despite overwhelming evidence that the highest levels within the regime committed treason against their own people.
Furthermore, the enforcer class was a victim of what were probably the most draconian injection mandates by their regimes and have experienced more injuries and death than any other sector, except maybe the medical staff.
Again, there is now overwhelming evidence easily accessible to anyone that the Injectables caused unprecedented carnage everywhere they were rolled out.
And yet, the enforcer class continued to follow orders (sure, some resigned while others were unfortunately injured or died) but those who remain continued to follow orders and will almost certainly continue to do so.
This is without even discussing various kinetic and psychological means the regimes can (and have) deployed against the people when they attempted a frontal assault.
I have come to the realisation that in an outright ‘firefight’, we are ‘outgunned’ (albeit not outnumbered).
Therefore, we must think like the enemy thinks and use their own systems against them!
Stop paying mortgages (as well as other loans) to collapse the current banking system
I’ve written before at length on why I think we should stop paying taxes but since then have come to the realisation that this will not be enough as that by itself will not collapse the global fiat-based financial system.
Instead, we must collectively and intentionally undermine the very basis of what allows fractional reserve banking to exist, which is not solely a license from the government to create counterfeit currency.
The primary reason for why fractional reserve banking was introduced was to allow banks to make more money (at our expense).
However, this is predicated on the banks (as well as the institutions who bought MBS from them):
Being able to collect on those loans and failing that, take the underlying asset (a property in the case of mortgages).
Now, while various paper assets like stocks, bonds and other securities, can be taken at a push of a button, there is a bit more effort required when it comes to a physical asset like real-estate.
Furthermore, I would argue that real-estate is one of the hardest physical assets to actually take, as in physically take possession of, due to the fact it is much more distributed than something like gold or other precious metals.
Most people with significant precious metal holdings keep them in centralised vaults located in specific locations.
Real-estate, on the other hand, is spread all over the place and in order to actually take it, someone needs to physically come to where each property is located, kick the occupants out and change the locks.
The lender that foreclosed on the property will then move to sell it in order to get back the amount they lent against it in the first place. If there is no market to sell it to because mortgage delinquencies are pervasive and widespread, the lender loses out.
If the lender loses out too much, they go down. If many lenders go down, the banking system in that country collapses.
If the banking system collapses in many countries at the same time, the global financial system collapses.
Sure, that may sound scary and will almost certainly involve great pain but you must understand that the enemy plans on doing that as well!
They just want to do it on their terms and at a time of their choosing.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the now infamous “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”. However, this is nothing more than a slogan as it doesn’t say anything about HOW that will actually be achieved.
The “how” part is them collapsing the global financial system themselves in order to replace it with something else. That something else is CBDCs.
This is not my opinion. It’s a FACT!
They told us themselves that the current (fiat-based) monetary system is coming to an end and will be replaced with something else.
That something else is programmable currency issued by central banks (a.k.a. CBDCs).
Before they “great reset” us all, they are very likely to use the current system (which they fully control obviously) to completely strip us of all our paper assets which obviously also include any currency units in our bank account.
This is what former hedge fund manager David Webb described in great detail in his book as “The Great Taking”:
If you don’t want to watch the full 71 minute long documentary (you should though, it’s very important!), this shorter video covers most of what is discussed in the video above.
Now, property is obviously not a paper asset. It’s a physical asset you either live in or rent out.
However, the proof that you own a certain property is documented in a piece of paper known as a “Title Deed”.
In many places around the world there has been a significant move underway to digitise the land title system and while that in itself doesn’t change the fact you still own the property ‘on paper’, that can quickly change if the digital data is corrupted for some reason (e.g. a ‘cyber attack’).
Even if you have a physical paper copy of your title deed, it no longer has in most instances any security features that will enable to verify its authenticity and you remain reliant on the central digital database (i.e. the regime!) in order to be able to prove that you own the property.
Can you see the issue here?
Even this ‘fact checking’ piece, published to refute some claims that the mere digitisation of title deeds in Australia affects your property rights, has implicitly acknowledged that if said digital data is unavailable (or becomes corrupted for some reason), there could be issues:
This [digital] system did away with the need for the paper duplicate title deed. It was no longer needed because there was no original title deed any more. Land registration has always been about recording data
These are only procedural changes to reflect that titles are no longer paper documents, which sometimes leads to changes in practice, but not legal substance.
Paul Babie, a University of Adelaide property law expert, said ownership of a title was:
“A concept, not a piece of paper. That concept is ownership, and that allows an owner to do things with what is owned, including, in the case of land, building on it, leaving it to one’s children.
“Over the course of the history of the Anglo-Australian land law, [title has] been represented by dirt, then deed, then certificate of title, and now in digital form.
“There was controversy at each of those moments when a change occurred, but those changes changed nothing of the reality of ownership.”
Sorry Prof. Babie but a situation in which the ONLY way to prove ones ownership (a fundamental requirement in a civilised society) is through a centralised digital database controlled by the government is NOT just a “procedural change” in my book!
Is it in yours?
We have all seen with the recent global outage caused by CrowdStrike what a “procedural change” can actually mean in real life.
Bottom line, what is discussed by David Webb in the “The Great Taking” can easily apply to real-estate as well when the entire title system is fully digital and centralised in the hands of the government or a few large companies or entities.
Saying that digitising property titles to the extent that “titles are no longer paper document” and there is “no original title deed” is NOT another instance where “these changes changed nothing of the reality of ownership”.
This is not me trying to spread doom and gloom. These are facts as anyone who ever worked in information security can attest.
This is an example of one relatively minor incident which happened with the biggest e-conveyancing platform in Australia:
In case you don’t come from an information security background, unauthorised access to an email account can easily result in the attacker being able to access any system said email address has a login for (provided there is no two-factor-authentication in place which there wasn’t for PEXA at the time of that incident) by resetting the password.
Here is an example of how the digitisation of land titles (with no paper originals being kept) can facilitate sophisticated fraud that is not easy to protect against:
Now keep in mind that in both examples above, the regime wasn’t ‘in on it’ so to speak. In the example discussed in the video above, the guy was caught, convicted and sent to prison.
Now imagine if the regime is not just complicit but the actual instigator of manipulating or destroying Title Records!
Let THAT sink in…
Ok, so I stopped paying my mortgage. Now what?
Firstly, hold your horses!
It is important to understand that this can only work if it is done as a collective effort by your local community.
This will not work if it is done by isolated individuals because:
It won’t be enough to collapse the system; and
The banks will simply foreclose
People need to:
Band together;
Agree to ALL stop paying; and
Commit to protecting each other’s properties if and when those tasked with foreclosing actually show-up.
All three must be in place before each person actually stops making mortgage repayments.
With regards to point #3 above, people need to have a very clear plan on how they will protect each other’s properties if someone shows up to foreclose.
This can include barricading it through various means, forming a human shield around it or even things like parking a heavy vehicle in front of it to prevent access.
Either way, it cannot involve the use of firearms or any outright violence because that will almost certainly result in a SWAT team showing up fairly quickly and a potential bloodbath for all involved.
As this campaign becomes more widespread, the risk of that is reduced because the resources of both those doing the foreclosures and the enforcement class will become exhausted.
This is why I emphasise again that this MUST be a group effort at a local community level (your neighbourhood and street at the very least).
The article below paints a very interesting picture of what can potentially happen next and how the idea of mortgages can be turned on its head to finally benefit the people instead of the banks:
Undermine the digital ID agenda by scaring people from having their personal information online (or using online services altogether)
This is a very ambitious goal but the good news is that it is actually easier to achieve because:
It doesn’t require mass participation like the point above; and
There is already a proven ‘recipe’ on how to do something like this.
As I wrote in my piece on CBDCs:
Because CBDCs are 100% reliant on the digital ID infrastructure, digital IDs are the primary bottleneck for its implementation.
This means that if the implementation of a digital ID is stopped, CBDCs are dead in the water.
Therefore, we MUST KILL any attempts to introduce a digital ID, or at the very least delay them for as long as possible!!
The globalist digital ID agenda has progressed a fair bit even in the short time since I wrote the above in March last year, and is accelerating in various nations in the so called ‘free world’ to such an extent that I am starting to think that we are quickly running out of time and more extreme measures are now needed, in order to stop this ‘locomotive’ before it’s too late.
While you may think what I am about to suggest is highly unethical (which is perfectly fine and even reasonable for you to think), I still ask that you keep an open mind and read through.
Time to unleash scare tactics and weaponise FEAR against those who are most susceptible to such approach
Every human is susceptible to scare tactics. After all, fear is the most potent human emotion to tap into as I discussed multiple times already in this piece.
We have seen so many examples of this tactic being used against us all during the ‘pandemic’ that it’s impossible for me to even outline them all although I especially like this meme providing a mash up of sorts of several tactics used in recent years:
There is also little doubt that the enemy considers this tactic to still be very effective for the new impending ‘pandemic’. Whether they are right or not remains to be seen.
However, there is a certain group of people who are the most susceptible to this approach at this point.
This group is referred to by many as “Normies” although I personally prefer the less catchy definition of people who don’t quite get what is actually going on.
Whatever you may think of these people, they are definitely still a big chunk of society and therefore MUST be engaged in my opinion in order to achieve OUR (rather than the enemy’s) objective of stopping digital IDs.
This is because if the actual uptake of digital IDs by the ‘normies’ remains very low, despite any coercion by the ‘authorities’, it will make it effectively impossible to roll out CBDCs.
As I said before, these people respond best to FEAR so this is what we must use which is not that hard.
Specifically, we must plan, fund and execute propaganda campaigns aiming to highlight that:
Personal private information can NEVER EVER be secure on the Internet, no matter what measures the government or the cybersecurity industry deploys, or what promises they make.
The ultimate aim is to:
Get the ‘normies’ TERRIFIED of having their private information online and know for a fact that no one will be able to protect it or them from the consequences of a breach.
The best way to achieve that is not through rational arguments and factual information but through emotional messaging by pumping out a barrage of ‘horror stories’ about hacks and data breaches, focusing on personal stories of the people who have fallen victim to such incidents, especially if they trusted the government to keep their data safe but have now been left in the lurch.
This is not hard and does not require making up such stories from scratch. There is plenty of real news and real stories which can be weaponised and packaged up professionally as fear campaigns.
As someone with a professional background in both information security AND digital marketing, I can assure you such approach can be extremely effective.
Anyone who has ever done any form of marketing (and especially digital marketing) knows that fear sells!
Just have a look at what The Wellness Company is doing right now:
All that needs to be done is:
Create professional fear campaigns showing people that their personal information can NEVER be safe online no matter what;
Deploy such campaigns where the ‘normies’ pay attention such as the big tech social media platforms…or the evening news on legacy media; and
Rinse, repeat and amplify (including through the use of bots and fake accounts)
There is plenty of truthful information which can be used that just needs to be repackaged so it taps into emotions rather than rational thinking.
Here is just one example (this one is from the US):
Here is another (from Australia this time):
Such factual information can be easily repackaged to a highly effective FEAR campaign in the hands of a skilled copywriter and videographer.
As a ‘stretch goal’, we can also aim to scare people away from using online services in general and especially online banking. We can even take it one step further and terrify people from buying anything online or making any online payments (for anything).
Again, while you may think this is challenging to achieve, we have plenty of truthful and factual information to work with, including from the banks themselves.
As an example, here is a message that was read to me recently by a customer service agent when I called a certain Australian bank after my card was blocked due to some “suspicious activity”:
Again, stuff like that can easily be repackaged into highly effective FEAR campaigns on mediums such as commercial radio using audio mash-ups of real messages from actual banks, together with some dramatic music and scary voiceovers!
You may think the above is unethical or just plain wrong and you are perfectly entitled to think that but let me ask you this:
Do you want to be ethical/righteous or do you want to WIN?
You can make your own choices but I have definitely made mine…and it’s not being righteous!
I am very interested to hear your thoughts about any of the tactics I discussed above or any of your own that you feel may work better.
Ultimately, while I have spent time and effort to think and articulate the above tactics, I am not ‘married’ to any of them. The only thing I care about is the OUTCOME which is:
The permanent destruction of the enemy’s control grid and the means which enable them to wage war against us (now and at any point in the future).
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
If you understand our current predicament and what is truly at stake here then this article is now over for you as I have nothing further to add.
If you still think I am being a ‘bit extreme’ or need some material to help convince others, read on.
What is actually at stake?
In case you’re not quite up-to-date on current events, Tedros the terrorist just declared another “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (a.k.a. PHEIC):
And right on cue:
We all understand how this works now (right?) and what happens next. This is ‘Plandemic 101’ stuff.
There is however one big difference between August 2024 and March 2020 which is that the governments of the ‘free world’ have given themselves (as well as the WHO) significantly more powers to do some pretty horrific things.
One extreme example is the “land of the long white cloud”, better known as New-Zealand:
This graphic provides a good summary of the powers the regime in New Zealand already has right now:
Here is the full document itself directly from the New-Zealand Department of Health Website:
If you don’t want to look through the government document, the article below provides good coverage:
While that is happening, the enemy is RUSHING through their CBDC agenda as fast as they possibly can:
At the same time, the global campaign to turn human beings into Borg drones is entering some truly terrifying stages as discussed in the articles below and in this 2.5 hour broadcast from only yesterday in which
and discuss some of their latest findings.The bigger picture
While it’s important to highlight the specific attacks currently underway, I think it is also equally important to keep an eye on the bigger picture and how all these individual attacks come together to achieve the enemy’s strategic objective and end goal of killing the majority of us and subjugating those who are left.
Here is a quote from a recent piece by
explaining where the enemy is focusing their efforts next from a strategic perspective:In September 2021, the Secretary-General released his report, Our Common Agenda, which called for accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the commitments contained in the UN75 Declaration.
Our Common Agenda also called for a Summit of the Future to “forge a new global consensus on readying ourselves for a future that is rife with risks but also opportunities”.
The Summit of the Future website says the outcome of the Pact for the Future will be “a world – and an international system – that is better prepared to manage the challenges we face now”. The Pact for the Future is likely to be another piece of the shift towards a world governed by unelected internationalist politicians.
During the Summit of the Future, UN member states are also likely to vote to radically alter the UN itself — what some are calling UN 2.0 — and the very nature of how nation-states make decisions regarding the future of the planet.
If you want more information, this follow-up piece is a good place to start:
James Roguski has also covered some aspects of the upcoming “Summit of the Future” in his signature factual, comprehensive and hype-free way.
His post below is highly highly recommended:
You cannot “coexist” with people who want you DEAD:
You also can’t “coexist” in a world and society which has become profoundly sick as the opening ceremony of the latest Olympic games and the Algerian Boxer controversy have clearly demonstrated.
You cannot coexist with a cancerous tumour hellbent (literally!) on killing you!
To allow me to continue this work and expand it further and in pursuit of the mission to “propagate the truth like a MANTRA”, your financial contribution is greatly appreciated.
I believe it would also help if the real boogeymen were identified individually verses referring to them as the cabal, the deep state, the Zionists, etc. Do we really believe that gates, soros, barry, musk, and the like are calling the shots or are they simply visible, effective tools?
Took me a while to read it but that was an excellent article, taught me some things I didn’t already know and I even got a shoutout.
And I totally agree. Like the end of many crumbling empires we now have two main groups (left wing woke v right wing anti woke for simplicity) with the people in the middle (ie branded the “conspiracy theorists”) getting hated on for trying to bring people together by pointing out our common enemy (the system) is lying to us and we should stop fighting one another.
Even families are being torn apart now. Mostly because a “conspiracy theorist” or “wokey” thinks a bit differently to them. Add in all the religious stuff you excellently explain and we have the mother of all tinderboxes.
You may find this interesting. It’s from one of the authors of “don’t look up”, David Sirota:
“There’s optimism in the idea that in our tribalized politics somebody would say, “Wait a minute, I am being lied to, and this is not acceptable.” Right now it feels like we are locked in this forever battle between one set of politicians and their followers, and another set of politicians and their followers. And no one wants to look at inconvenient truths that may dispel or debunk what the leader is saying.”