What is this all about?
Welcome to Actionable Truth Media. A new kind of Independent Media for a new kind of world.
The third decade of the 21st century has proven to be unlike any other in known human history. The term “unprecedented times” gets used a lot, and also misused unfortunately.
However, there is no denying that we are truly living in some of the most turbulent times in recent human history (and maybe ever): A global Plandemic, wars (and rumours of wars), natural disasters, severe political turmoil and other calamities appear to have all converged simultaneously.
Many people described what is happening in the world right now as "fifth generation warfare" as it evolved from the previous four generations.
In the era of fifth generation warfare, the battlefield is the MINDS of the common citizens which means everyone is a participant, even if you never signed up for it and even if no war was declared officially.
Because of that, it also means that nobody gets to sit this one out. There is no ‘bench’ so to speak.
Even if you’re not interested whatsoever in taking part, the other side still sees you as the enemy and will wage its “unrestricted warfare” against you nevertheless.
The most potent defence and weapon we have at our disposal to fight the unrestricted warfare against ordinary everyday civilians that is fifth generation warfare, is knowledge and not just any knowledge but knowing what is actually happening in the world, also known as the TRUTH.
“Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
However, knowing the truth isn’t enough!
As the English biologist and anthropologist Thomas Huxley said:
"The great end of life is not knowledge but action".
Knowing what is happening is a good start but if each and every one of us doesn’t ACT on this knowledge and encourages everyone else to do the same, our adversaries will still win and significant harm will be done.
Unlike a lot of other independent media platforms, this one is not here to just tell you the truth and provide supporting evidence as to why it really is the truth.
No, here at Actionable Truth Media, the approach is slightly different:
It’s not just about revealing the truth, which is the basic tenet of every media outlet, but also to suggest concrete action steps you can take, now that you know a particular truth.
While big picture stuff like the ‘pandemic’, government overreach, central bank digital currencies and pressing geopolitical matters such as Russia/Ukraine, the Middle East and China/Taiwan are definitely being covered and discussed at length, they are approached first and foremost from the angle of how it affects you the individual, your immediate family and friends and most importantly: what you can DO about it.
It may be confronting, challenging and even distressing at times but one thing is guaranteed: it will not be boring!
As you will quickly realise Actionable Truth and this newsletter are not quite like your local evening news or even some of the other independent media, who don’t mind engaging in a bit of ‘fear porn’ and clickbait.
The approach taken here is different!
Presenting information that is potentially very upsetting and even outright disturbing, without suggesting a concrete course of action to deal with it can be demoralising.
When one takes action, it gives them a sense of agency which is very important for one’s emotional and even spiritual wellbeing… so taking action is what Actionable Truth is all about!
If that sounds good to you and you’re interested in coming along for the ride, subscribe now so you get every new post as it’s published as well as full access to the archives.
The truth will set you free…but only if you ACT!
Another way you can support this work and the the mission to “propagate the truth like a MANTRA”, is through a one-off financial contribution which is greatly appreciated