Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023Pinned

This analysis by Mouin Rabbani regarding the current ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is an excellent follow-up read which I highly recommend! https://normanfinkelstein.substack.com/p/mouin-rabbani-thoughts-on-the-truce

If you feel brave enough to go even deeper down the rabbit hole, the following will be a good place to start but be warned that it WILL be highly (highly!) distressing...especially if you are Israeli or a fan of Israel. https://substack.com/@michaelginsburg/note/c-43858262

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May 18Liked by Michael Ginsburg

An excellent piece Michael....

This synagogue of Satan is just that ..

The freemasons/illuminists/Zionists...

They are admittedly Luciferians.

They appropriated the real Jews identity and bastardized it for their God Lucifer.

Read Pike's plans for three world wars

See how the first two played out...

Look around at the world today.

See if the third one is coming together.


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Yep. Very familiar of that one. Greg Reese did a good video on that last year:


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May 18Liked by Michael Ginsburg

I love Reese.. He does the best short form work that is easily digestible for the masses in the modern meme/30 second attention span society.

Now, to just get them to watch.

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Damn you Ginsberg. I’m trying to de-escalate my reading list and I found you.


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May 8·edited Sep 21Author

Sorry not sorry 😉

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Wow, what a quality compilation -- excellent stuff, Michael! Thanks also for linking to Corbett's analysis on Hamas's history -- about to check that also...

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Israel's 911 indeed, complete with the inside job and foreknowledge. Qui Bono?

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The 3 pieces of evidence you provide as proof of "Conspiracy FACT 3: Israel DID create and fund Hamas" do not adequately support your claim. At best, they indicate the IDF at times found Hamas useful. There's nothing I could see in those 3 pieces of evidence proving Israel "created" Hamas.

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How about: "Israel shaped the formation of and essentially created the modern iteration of Hamas. It is perfectly reasonable to believe their assertions that they created the original version as well."

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Yep. Plus also the FACT that during a meeting of the Likud Party in March 2019, Netanyahu (who was also PM then) said:

"Anyone who wants to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state must support strengthening Hamas"

Not sure what more would you like me to provide that will "adequately support my claim" but if there is something more you need, please let me know and I will try to source it for you.


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The comment was, correctly, saying that your chosen references didn't prove that the idf "created" hamas all those years ago. To adequately support that claim, you'd need to link the Israeli arm of the global military industrial complex to the creation of one of its many controlled opposition operations - Hamas. Difficult to do irrefutably. Hence the suggested edit. The "modern iteration" is provable as fact.

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Ok. Fair Point.

Here is a reference from 2018 so cannot be considered as 'tainted' by the current conflict:

"Listen to former Israeli officials such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”)

“The Israeli government gave me a budget,” the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government (which is ISRAEL) gives to the mosques.”


Does that qualify as proof that Israel DIRECTLY created Hamas?

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Shipler wrote that Segev told him that he "had financed the Islamic movement as a counterweight to the PLO and the Communists" -- that's the quote directly from the book. Even if that's true, that just means one guy gave money to some Muslim extremists; it doesn't mean Israel created Hamas.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023Author

Ok, sorry but with all due respect now you're just being silly.

1. The Israeli government gave him a budget. He wasn't just "some guy". He was the HEAD of the Israeli military authority ruling the Gaza strip at the time.

2. The military government (which he is the HEAD OF) then gives this money to mosques for the express reason of creating a "Palestinian Islamist movement" in Gaza...which we know as HAMAS.

I'm not really sure how I can possibly make it any clearer...

It's literally the same modus operandi in which the US government DIRECTLY created Al-Qaeda because it provided the MONEY to Osama Bin Laden and his mujahideen in Afghanistan which later morphed into Al-Qaeda after the soviets were kicked out of the country.

Whether Israel knew exactly what it was doing when it created Hamas is up for discussion and debate but the fact it DID CREATE HAMAS is not.

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Bibi's statement could easily mean an opportunistic use of an already existing Hamas, which is not creating it.

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Great, but the evidence doesn't show that.

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Natanyahu and others have been documented describing Hamas as an asset.

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