You favorable describe and quote several individuals above, including RFK Jr., David Martin, (by implication) the maker of the Plandemic series, among them, who you have now turned against and denounced as controlled opposition. Interesting. Does skepticism and critique inevitably turn inward on itself? Can humanity even survive without trust? Is rigorous skepticism--however well justified--too toxic for humans to handle year after year?

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Thanks so much for your very thoughtful comment!

Yes, I obviously still had a lot of "awakening" to do at the time I wrote this, which wasn't that long ago in the grand scheme of things.

This is why I wrote at the very beginning of my article about controlled opposition that this is effectively part 3 of my journey to awakening.

No guarantees there won't be part 4 either as I am starting to realise that awakening is a never-ending process and that it's all about the journey and never about the destination (as there isn't one really).

Thanks again for your comment 🙏.

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Jun 2Liked by Michael Ginsburg

Greetings. I am enjoying your writing.

In your coverage of the Great Reset you refer to the WEF article reprinted in Forbes and then, as insurance, give a link to the Wayback Machine - that link is defective; at the moment, https://web.archive.org/web/20161125135500/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/shopping-i-can-t-really-remember-what-that-is/ works

Thanks for all your work.

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Thank you for the updated link. Much appreciated!

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