So what that SITTING POLITICIANS got all expenses paid business class trips to London for the ARC launch? Enough already with all these what Australian 'political commentator' and now supposedly journalist Topher Field refers to as "blackpilled trolls". 😉
"The three-day inaugural conference in London’s O2 Arena drew a number of Australian conservatives, with the former prime minister John Howard and opposition Indigenous affairs spokesperson, Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, attracting headlines for their speeches.
A number of other members of the Coalition’s right wing were also present, including Andrew Hastie and James Paterson, along with backbenchers Alex Antic and Matt Canavan.
Former NSW premier Dominic Perrottet was also in the audience.
Updates to the register of members’ interests this week show Joyce was flown business class return between Sydney and London for the conference. The deal also included accommodation and “hospitality” for four nights – all paid for by the Peterson-led group.
It appears the same deal was offered to at least two others. Paterson, who was the first to update his register of interests, declared he had also been gifted a return flight, accommodation and hospitality by ARC to attend.
Nationals MP Anne Webster also declared she was a fully funded guest."
Great work. It's obvious to anyone with eyes to see that the ARC is an organisation that uses eCelebs as a paper-thin cover for war profiteers. From what I can see, it's just more power consolidation and profile elevation. People are tired of having their 'thoughts led' by narcissistic thought leaders. We have what we need in our own nation-states, with God.
If people are not talking about the millions dead and injured from the shots and our human species having their DNA changed from said shots (transhumanism) as their number one priority, they are unserious people. There will be no future - all these clowns are ignoring what is happening, simply grifting during the collapse of humanity.
Yep and in the meantime, one Topher Field (an individual I actually used to respect tremendously on a personal level) would rather "whack the blackpilled trolls" instead of looking at the evidence staring him right in the face (in this article and many others):
My question is, and always will be: why didn't all these journalists present at the conference ask John Howard about the WMD lie that led to the deaths of millions of Iraqis?
Or Scomo about ceding power to the military during covid? (Operation Covid shield - or having all the secret cabinet positions that including doing mining deals behind the back of the ministers).
If all these journalists were there, why didn't they do their jobs? Why are they now calling those of us asking the questions 'blackpilled' and posting insulting memes exactly like government covid propagandists?
They are using the same struggle session techniques as the government covid propagandists - saying we are 'victims of misinformation' and 'just need more information' about the ARC.
Why are they protecting the ARC at the cost of their (now trashed) reputations?
My guess is that these people have 'tired of playing freedom fighter' and have found their out. They want off this ride and yearn for the beautiful conferences and better days. Well, newsflash. There is no out. Civilisation is headed off a cliff. Better find Jesus quick.
Edit: I am reminded of the quote by John Pilger in his work Year Zero about Cambodia and the Anglo-American establishment
“The best investigations are not always the work of journalists.” - John Pilger
The answer to all your questions starting with "why didn't all these journalists..." is quite simple albeit unpleasant. They are NOT JOURNALISTS as you rightly alluded to. At least, not anymore.
I personally asked Topher that exact question. His response? Mumble mumble, I didn’t think it was the appropriate environment. Or words that effect. Nuff said.
It is always the 'appropriate environment' to hold mass murderers to account in the form of asking questions. The ARC created a safe space for war criminals and covid democidaires. This is extremely serious.
That's a key differentiator between ARC (a.k.a WEF 2.0) and the WEF itself.
The WEF has reached a point where anyone who is shown to be associated with them is immediately guilty by merely association.
ARC is not there yet...
My personal opinion (don't have factual research to back it up) is that the infamous 'they' are ready to dump Klaus & Co. to be replaced by Peterson & Co., amongst others.
I was originally a paid subscriber to Malone. However, he abruptly and nastily kicked me off his list of paid subscribers (the only ones who can comment on his writings) when I persisted in asking about social impact markets and more specifically if he would share whether or not he had any investments to that effect. He righteously said that the only earnings he had were from his own work (which we have since learned is arguably false) and said my questions about his position on social impact investing constituted an unacceptable personal attack which warranted his banishing me from his comment section. Even I was taken aback by his hostility and nastiness in response to my inquiry. In hindsight, I can clearly see the tactic he was using. Ironically, it was the same shaming and shunning tactic Dr. Nass used when I dared ask her how it could be that Dr. Malone supposedly was very familiar with the deep state, etc. but claimed to have had no awareness that our DOD was developing and advancing cyborg technology.
Over time, for me a pattern has emerged where I recognize that those who early on captured the medical freedom space with their sympathy and credentials (appearing to have come to their senses and thereby validating the citizens who recognized something was amiss) have actually effectively steered the freedom movement into cul de sacs or down lanes that are essential dead ends. Are we winning yet? Jabs still deployed. No accountability. Four years out, hearings given in empty conference rooms. Media still silent to the harms inflicted. I’d say in 4 years for all the “effort” expended and money collected by the thought leaders….very little has changed. And what wins have happened have done little to raise true awareness and have come so late in the game that they have little effect….like the settlement with the FDA relative to Ivermectin. Tre wheels of our imperfect justice system move way to slowly and TPTB can nullify the potential damaging impact of wins given the other levers of power they control. How many of your friends, neighbors and acquaintances are even aware of the lawsuit against the FDA?
The other pattern that has emerged is the “thought leaders” on one hand criticize the NGO’s and the influence of the foundations of the likes of Gates. But they in turn, have gone out and created a parallel structure! And as you have pointed out, follow the money and you begin to understand that TPTB control both sides. One way or another we will be corralled into the future they have envisioned which is digital ID, digital currency, blockchain and digital twins for all, to be managed by the algorithms to perfect our existence….the bottom line or fly in the ointment? Who decides what is the perfect or desirable existence? Who decides what will make the individual happy, or the community healthy?
They would have you believe that stakeholder capitalism and technology is the perfect antidote to what ails us. But notice, they are not lobbying Congress or other legislative bodies to overhaul how fiduciary structure and duties in the corporate structure is defined, adjudicated, determined, etc.
Why? Because that could make them vulnerable to the low life’s, you and I—the average citizens that they have only contempt for. Based on their life stories…they are the wildly successful ones who are enlightened and knowledgeable about how to save the world. And yet, it is their very industries, endeavors, lifestyles, and consumption that lies at the heart of what ails us….that snd the fact our culture has put them on pedestals.
Excellent research, Michael. And while I thoroughly value you providing the receipts….am curious, over the past 3-4 years…have you begun to feel the truth of the matter in your bones? I have even grown weary of the many cul de sacs on substack that do nothing more than waste time and rob me of enjoying or living my life until the door on the digital prison slams shut.
Maybe the best resistance is to get busy living and leave the Peterson’s, Malone’s, Nass’, and others to their narratives.
I always thought peterson to be a dumny doll to lead us, the victims, to an even worse /fake place parallel survival "island" of fake solutions. Even his tears looked fake and make upped. He is a well dressed attractive FAKE, who seemed to lure us into our own delusional need to be protected desperately by successful looking, well spoken, literate, manupilative actors like peterson. Controlled opposition.
So the WEF and Klaus (the left hand) spouts woke 'climate nonsense' while ARC and JP (the right hand) are all over the net with anti woke climate denial and ridicule of environmentalists. Job done; doubt about (irrefutable) climate change is created and green policies damaging to industry are abandoned by voters and therefore politicians.
As you rightly say the left and right hands know what the other is doing; and they're both funded by big tech, big oil and big animal ag/pharma/agro chemicals.
Exactly right. Just like here in NZ, BigChem funds and controls the narrative about the $multi-million aerial poisoning, AND the (fake) ‘poison-free’ volunteer network of claimed to be ‘sustainable’ trapping. The only thing we can do to combat this facade, is to detach ourselves completely from these PPP and other pseudo Gov-controlled entities and because independent.
The Skeptics are a good forum to join up with Ursula. Might have to use a sock puppet though, they're not very skeptical (Siouxsie is a member, in fact I met her about 9 or 10 years ago).
"Our goal in this article is to expose the false impression that these ‘philanthropists’ and ‘entrepreneurs’ are altruistic in their intentions - the objectives of these hedge funds, private equity funds, finance houses and banks is to make a profit. These globalists are highly skilled at profiting and profiteering from poverty. "
Wow! Apparently your worldview is so advanced that you can see there's no such thing as philanthropy, and anyone expressing philanthropic notions must be taken down. And anyone who doubts your noble cause should have to wade through a lengthy "exposé". What an insightful POS.
It's not our "worldview". It is something which has been PROVEN again and again (and again) over the last few years especially. Happy to provide examples...
Most (if not all) of the large scale organised "philanthropy" DOES indeed have nefarious intentions behind it. This is not an opinion but rather a fact.
This is especially the case when it also involves a PPP (private-public partnership).
But why do you feel the need to smear people whose thoughtful rebellion against the decline of critical thinking and moral clarity happens to have struck a chord with so many others that they now have strong platforms? Do you really think that Weiss and Peterson are in it for the money?
Regarding the ARC video, you wrote "It is structured very much like the WEF promos with similar ‘uplifting’ music and stock footage, plus ‘inspiring’ buzzwords at key points."
I just watched them both and was struck not by similarity of presentation style, which is pretty standard and widely used, but by the dramatic difference in content. WEF's is thoroughly technocratic, while ARC's is focused on human values and a rejection of the nihilistic notions that are robbing so many of hope. I'm saddened that erudite people are fostering a bleak outlook. No human venture is perfect, but I can't find any value in demeaning a strong effort to promote positivity. Relentless negativity is killing us.
We may seem ‘negative’ but actually, there is joy to be had in rejecting the GloboCap entities and embracing authentic, local groups like the People’s Health Alliance.
Exactly. The World Council For Health are also doing great work in my personal opinion... although I do think they should not have used the word "world" or anything to that effect in their name. Too much of a negative connotation associated with that now imho.
I don't object to critique, and Peterson certainly doesn't either. But the article's conclusions are displaying the negative outlook that diminishes more than enlightens. Following the money is a useful investigative procedure, but implying that the project is about making money is a disappointingly narrow perspective that distracts from a broad understanding.
I think the industry funded WEF conspiracy of depopulation and climate change being a hoax to control our every move was deliberately fed to medical freedom and most have sucked it up. This led to support for oil and animal ag in the face of overwhelming negative evidence and the creation of the industry funded ARC and JP who spout climate denial nonsense with tired old tropes.
We're not in danger of being controlled by the WEF nor ARC. We (the US at its vassals) are controlled by industry and US neocons as we always were.
The only way for green policy to work is to make them economical by promoting peace and to go big; just what China is doing. Massive government investment making it the biggest producer of electric vehicles and a transition economically viable. Fortunately the Chinese are not controlled by WEF, ARC nor neocons. A bright future awaits us when we crawl out from under the US thumb and make a place for ourselves in the multipolar world.
Wow! This "exposé" has drawn out some high-level conspiracy thinking. And the "green" warpage of critical thinking shows the power of propaganda to keep most people from checking the climate doom mantra against the data. Efforts to encourage critical thinking and independent thought face a steep hill in countering the claims of "overwhelming negative evidence". Belief is all you need; data can go hang.
China has increased its use of coal in the last decade, not decreased it. In fact coal is probably irreplaceable in some industries, such as producing steel.
Hi David, thanks for commenting. Can you explain why you might think that Peterson has a legitimate claim to any 'thoughtful rebellion'? Out of interest, what exactly do you think he thinks he might be 'rebelling' against?
It started with opposing compelled speech, something our "progressive"-dominated federal government imagined to be a good thing. He began to see a hunger for guidance in effective living and making moral choices, a hunger that was especially apparent in young men perplexed and disheartened by a society that too often regarded them as inherently problematic. As he began speaking outside his normal university lectures, he soon found a growing audience, further strengthened after the publication of '12 Rules for Life'.
Considering that he was in Canada's socialist party when a young man, being called a conservative now certainly suggests rebellion against and rejection of socialist dogma (as well as a shift in the political spectrum).
Peterson is a deep thinker well-versed in what psychology research has learned about human nature, which he frequently references in challenging ill-founded notions.
ARC forum - A Roman Catholic Forum? (I'm just kidding, that link doesn't seem to be there)
The Chandler brothers have been a long time gone from NZ, are they not based in Dubai these days? They grew up in Hamilton, maybe ask Ursula to ask around. Chandlers was a music chain back in the 80s. Not billionaire material though.
Jordan loves himself. He'll be the death of them. Also John Howard didn't just take the guns off Australians he also just happened to be in Washington DC when 9/11 happened. Not saying that he organised it (LOL) but he's a better candidate for that than Bin Laden.
You can be damn sure if more than 3 cell-phones congregate at one location NSA turns on its ears, if it sounds like something important they send in a member to infiltrate and agent provocateur, that's why when the real resistance hookup they never carry mobile tracking devices and just like the hells angels you take in no members unless you grew up with that person as a kid;
When you see these huge groups form and they have cucks like Maloney and Jordan leading them your GAYDAR should go on high, your about to get fleeced and/or ass fucked;
Anything that starts with ‘The Truth.....’ is highly suspect right out of the gate. Not everything is a conspiracy. I know that’s hard to digest in our current climate but it has to be yelled from the highest rooftops.
I understand your concerns and they are even somewhat warranted but I urge you to look at the facts we present and judge for yourself.
We tried to avoid as much as possible mixing any opinions or potential personal bias we have in this piece and tried to stick as much as possible to raw data and facts which can be independently verified relatively easily.
Hopefully we succeeded but I'll let others be the judge on that.
I’m fairly certain that there is not one person in the public sphere that will not have some sort of taint or scandal associated with them, whether it’s warranted or not. Such is the chaotic nature of the info landscape and the tribal nature of the populace. Perhaps ARC is not benign or benevolent by your read, what do you propose should be done to find a healthier narrative for the silent middle?
Exactly. Is there any social enterprise that can't be "debunked" if you try hard enough? We're now able to see that even education in, especially, elite universities and even many public and private schools of all levels has been contaminated with indoctrination that fosters division. Where's the value in demeaning an effort to foster critical thinking as "controlled opposition"?
We have already explained comprehensively ‘why it’s not’. Now you need to engage with your counter argument by answering the simple question above. That is how adult conversation works. If you are unable to answer it, then we can’t help you any further.
It’s entirely clear to me through your writing that you amplify that most hyperbolic version of things. This may have started off from a genuine place but the danger is once you gain some following, that’s the red meat everyone is looking for and you, yourself, have become utterly captured and provide it, uncritically.
Thanks Michael for this article, I read and listened to it twice. (I’ve only just discovered you)
The more I learn about the links with all these corrupt organisations, people in positions of authority even down to celebrities, I draw a conclusion that we the people can not stop any of this ever happening and we will be fully controlled, (movement, money, food, work, forced medicated etc).
What I also see is there is no path out of it or anyone suggesting or trying to get us out of it, lots of people saying god will prevail, but as a non religious person, i believe religion is not a real game changer in this path.
Nor not complying won’t ultimately help when they control your money.
During your research have you come across any hope for us at all?
Here in the UK life is pretty bad and getting worse by the day.
You’re right, the UK is looking pretty bad from afar - Ive been here in NZ for 10 years - and will undoubtedly get worse. Personally, I think the only way to cope is to build stronger and stronger local networks. Be as self-sufficient as you possibly can with the help of like-minded neighbours. Like you, I’m not religious, but spiritualism helps, along with nature. I’m writing more about the ARC/Legatum rabbit hole, if you want to follow us on that journey? Knowledge is power, as they say, and freedom only comes when we understand what exactly has gone wrong over the years. Kia kaha.
I absolutely refuse to accept under any circumstances that there is nothing we the people can do. I wouldn't be doing what I do if I thought that.
The human race is undergoing a 'forced evolution' of sorts and while the enemy wants this evolution to be of the physical sense (i.e Transhumanism), I personally think that the evolution that will need to happen for us to win WW3 (which is exactly what we're in now) is a mental & spiritual evolution (not necessarily a religious one but that's perfectly fine as well if that's part of it for you).
I also think this is not the first time ever in the history of our species that we have gone through this process of 'forced evolution'.
In a practical sense, I think the positive future of our species can be summed up in one word: DECENTRALISATION.
I wrote in detail what this means in practical sense in my opinion here:
I also want to highlight this video I end that article with which I think is especially pertinent and sums up my views on this perfectly. It's less than 3 minutes.
Yes alternative media and the pompous World Council for Health have been captured from the very beginning. We've also been fooled by fossil fuel and animal ag/pharma/agrochemical industries that there's a conspiracy of evil doers trying to stop us flying, travelling, using oil or eating animal products.
So what that SITTING POLITICIANS got all expenses paid business class trips to London for the ARC launch? Enough already with all these what Australian 'political commentator' and now supposedly journalist Topher Field refers to as "blackpilled trolls". 😉
"The three-day inaugural conference in London’s O2 Arena drew a number of Australian conservatives, with the former prime minister John Howard and opposition Indigenous affairs spokesperson, Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, attracting headlines for their speeches.
A number of other members of the Coalition’s right wing were also present, including Andrew Hastie and James Paterson, along with backbenchers Alex Antic and Matt Canavan.
Former NSW premier Dominic Perrottet was also in the audience.
Updates to the register of members’ interests this week show Joyce was flown business class return between Sydney and London for the conference. The deal also included accommodation and “hospitality” for four nights – all paid for by the Peterson-led group.
It appears the same deal was offered to at least two others. Paterson, who was the first to update his register of interests, declared he had also been gifted a return flight, accommodation and hospitality by ARC to attend.
Nationals MP Anne Webster also declared she was a fully funded guest."
Nothing to see here. Move right along....
Joyce? As in the 'I couldn't keep my dick out of my receptionist at the cost of my family' Joyce?
Cool! That's a prosperous new world I'm frothy for....
I believe she was his parliamentary media adviser but yes. That Joyce.
Can you explain exactly which comment, and why you feel this way??
Great work. It's obvious to anyone with eyes to see that the ARC is an organisation that uses eCelebs as a paper-thin cover for war profiteers. From what I can see, it's just more power consolidation and profile elevation. People are tired of having their 'thoughts led' by narcissistic thought leaders. We have what we need in our own nation-states, with God.
If people are not talking about the millions dead and injured from the shots and our human species having their DNA changed from said shots (transhumanism) as their number one priority, they are unserious people. There will be no future - all these clowns are ignoring what is happening, simply grifting during the collapse of humanity.
Yep and in the meantime, one Topher Field (an individual I actually used to respect tremendously on a personal level) would rather "whack the blackpilled trolls" instead of looking at the evidence staring him right in the face (in this article and many others):
My question is, and always will be: why didn't all these journalists present at the conference ask John Howard about the WMD lie that led to the deaths of millions of Iraqis?
Or Scomo about ceding power to the military during covid? (Operation Covid shield - or having all the secret cabinet positions that including doing mining deals behind the back of the ministers).
If all these journalists were there, why didn't they do their jobs? Why are they now calling those of us asking the questions 'blackpilled' and posting insulting memes exactly like government covid propagandists?
They are using the same struggle session techniques as the government covid propagandists - saying we are 'victims of misinformation' and 'just need more information' about the ARC.
Why are they protecting the ARC at the cost of their (now trashed) reputations?
My guess is that these people have 'tired of playing freedom fighter' and have found their out. They want off this ride and yearn for the beautiful conferences and better days. Well, newsflash. There is no out. Civilisation is headed off a cliff. Better find Jesus quick.
Edit: I am reminded of the quote by John Pilger in his work Year Zero about Cambodia and the Anglo-American establishment
“The best investigations are not always the work of journalists.” - John Pilger
The answer to all your questions starting with "why didn't all these journalists..." is quite simple albeit unpleasant. They are NOT JOURNALISTS as you rightly alluded to. At least, not anymore.
I personally asked Topher that exact question. His response? Mumble mumble, I didn’t think it was the appropriate environment. Or words that effect. Nuff said.
I rest my case...
It is always the 'appropriate environment' to hold mass murderers to account in the form of asking questions. The ARC created a safe space for war criminals and covid democidaires. This is extremely serious.
That's actually an EXCELLENT point!
That's a key differentiator between ARC (a.k.a WEF 2.0) and the WEF itself.
The WEF has reached a point where anyone who is shown to be associated with them is immediately guilty by merely association.
ARC is not there yet...
My personal opinion (don't have factual research to back it up) is that the infamous 'they' are ready to dump Klaus & Co. to be replaced by Peterson & Co., amongst others.
I was originally a paid subscriber to Malone. However, he abruptly and nastily kicked me off his list of paid subscribers (the only ones who can comment on his writings) when I persisted in asking about social impact markets and more specifically if he would share whether or not he had any investments to that effect. He righteously said that the only earnings he had were from his own work (which we have since learned is arguably false) and said my questions about his position on social impact investing constituted an unacceptable personal attack which warranted his banishing me from his comment section. Even I was taken aback by his hostility and nastiness in response to my inquiry. In hindsight, I can clearly see the tactic he was using. Ironically, it was the same shaming and shunning tactic Dr. Nass used when I dared ask her how it could be that Dr. Malone supposedly was very familiar with the deep state, etc. but claimed to have had no awareness that our DOD was developing and advancing cyborg technology.
Over time, for me a pattern has emerged where I recognize that those who early on captured the medical freedom space with their sympathy and credentials (appearing to have come to their senses and thereby validating the citizens who recognized something was amiss) have actually effectively steered the freedom movement into cul de sacs or down lanes that are essential dead ends. Are we winning yet? Jabs still deployed. No accountability. Four years out, hearings given in empty conference rooms. Media still silent to the harms inflicted. I’d say in 4 years for all the “effort” expended and money collected by the thought leaders….very little has changed. And what wins have happened have done little to raise true awareness and have come so late in the game that they have little effect….like the settlement with the FDA relative to Ivermectin. Tre wheels of our imperfect justice system move way to slowly and TPTB can nullify the potential damaging impact of wins given the other levers of power they control. How many of your friends, neighbors and acquaintances are even aware of the lawsuit against the FDA?
The other pattern that has emerged is the “thought leaders” on one hand criticize the NGO’s and the influence of the foundations of the likes of Gates. But they in turn, have gone out and created a parallel structure! And as you have pointed out, follow the money and you begin to understand that TPTB control both sides. One way or another we will be corralled into the future they have envisioned which is digital ID, digital currency, blockchain and digital twins for all, to be managed by the algorithms to perfect our existence….the bottom line or fly in the ointment? Who decides what is the perfect or desirable existence? Who decides what will make the individual happy, or the community healthy?
They would have you believe that stakeholder capitalism and technology is the perfect antidote to what ails us. But notice, they are not lobbying Congress or other legislative bodies to overhaul how fiduciary structure and duties in the corporate structure is defined, adjudicated, determined, etc.
Why? Because that could make them vulnerable to the low life’s, you and I—the average citizens that they have only contempt for. Based on their life stories…they are the wildly successful ones who are enlightened and knowledgeable about how to save the world. And yet, it is their very industries, endeavors, lifestyles, and consumption that lies at the heart of what ails us….that snd the fact our culture has put them on pedestals.
Excellent research, Michael. And while I thoroughly value you providing the receipts….am curious, over the past 3-4 years…have you begun to feel the truth of the matter in your bones? I have even grown weary of the many cul de sacs on substack that do nothing more than waste time and rob me of enjoying or living my life until the door on the digital prison slams shut.
Maybe the best resistance is to get busy living and leave the Peterson’s, Malone’s, Nass’, and others to their narratives.
I was going to say, the answer is obvious and you answered it yourself THEY ARE NOT JOURNALISTS...
there are very few of them around these days.
most of the work is done now by us plebs who have day jobs and families and lives to run and don’t get paid to do all this investigating.....
Fuck, man, editing? Please!
Excuse me? What are you referring to please?
I expose Jordan Peterson before and I fully appreciate your article.
Problem creators I call them... creating problems to subvert humanity...
Gaslighting Humanity into a dark Future of totalitarian control
You called it early Fritz. Kudos!
Thank you for your very important research and journalism..... re-stacked with a note. 🌺🥰🤗🤓🇬🇧👁🦦
I always thought peterson to be a dumny doll to lead us, the victims, to an even worse /fake place parallel survival "island" of fake solutions. Even his tears looked fake and make upped. He is a well dressed attractive FAKE, who seemed to lure us into our own delusional need to be protected desperately by successful looking, well spoken, literate, manupilative actors like peterson. Controlled opposition.
So the WEF and Klaus (the left hand) spouts woke 'climate nonsense' while ARC and JP (the right hand) are all over the net with anti woke climate denial and ridicule of environmentalists. Job done; doubt about (irrefutable) climate change is created and green policies damaging to industry are abandoned by voters and therefore politicians.
As you rightly say the left and right hands know what the other is doing; and they're both funded by big tech, big oil and big animal ag/pharma/agro chemicals.
I hope that you can see what is going on.
Exactly right. Just like here in NZ, BigChem funds and controls the narrative about the $multi-million aerial poisoning, AND the (fake) ‘poison-free’ volunteer network of claimed to be ‘sustainable’ trapping. The only thing we can do to combat this facade, is to detach ourselves completely from these PPP and other pseudo Gov-controlled entities and because independent.
The Skeptics are a good forum to join up with Ursula. Might have to use a sock puppet though, they're not very skeptical (Siouxsie is a member, in fact I met her about 9 or 10 years ago).
"Our goal in this article is to expose the false impression that these ‘philanthropists’ and ‘entrepreneurs’ are altruistic in their intentions - the objectives of these hedge funds, private equity funds, finance houses and banks is to make a profit. These globalists are highly skilled at profiting and profiteering from poverty. "
Wow! Apparently your worldview is so advanced that you can see there's no such thing as philanthropy, and anyone expressing philanthropic notions must be taken down. And anyone who doubts your noble cause should have to wade through a lengthy "exposé". What an insightful POS.
It's not our "worldview". It is something which has been PROVEN again and again (and again) over the last few years especially. Happy to provide examples...
Most (if not all) of the large scale organised "philanthropy" DOES indeed have nefarious intentions behind it. This is not an opinion but rather a fact.
This is especially the case when it also involves a PPP (private-public partnership).
But why do you feel the need to smear people whose thoughtful rebellion against the decline of critical thinking and moral clarity happens to have struck a chord with so many others that they now have strong platforms? Do you really think that Weiss and Peterson are in it for the money?
What I think is irrelevant. The article is all about FACTS which anyone can (and should!) go and verify for themselves.
The Truth does not care the slightest what you, I or anyone else thinks. It's just is.
The financial web behind ARC shows definitively (as Ursula and I have hopefully proven) that what they SAY they are is NOT what they ACTUALLY are.
Regarding the ARC video, you wrote "It is structured very much like the WEF promos with similar ‘uplifting’ music and stock footage, plus ‘inspiring’ buzzwords at key points."
I just watched them both and was struck not by similarity of presentation style, which is pretty standard and widely used, but by the dramatic difference in content. WEF's is thoroughly technocratic, while ARC's is focused on human values and a rejection of the nihilistic notions that are robbing so many of hope. I'm saddened that erudite people are fostering a bleak outlook. No human venture is perfect, but I can't find any value in demeaning a strong effort to promote positivity. Relentless negativity is killing us.
We may seem ‘negative’ but actually, there is joy to be had in rejecting the GloboCap entities and embracing authentic, local groups like the People’s Health Alliance.
Exactly. The World Council For Health are also doing great work in my personal opinion... although I do think they should not have used the word "world" or anything to that effect in their name. Too much of a negative connotation associated with that now imho.
David it's not sacrilege to critique Jordan Peterson. I'm quite fond of doing the same.
I don't object to critique, and Peterson certainly doesn't either. But the article's conclusions are displaying the negative outlook that diminishes more than enlightens. Following the money is a useful investigative procedure, but implying that the project is about making money is a disappointingly narrow perspective that distracts from a broad understanding.
I think the industry funded WEF conspiracy of depopulation and climate change being a hoax to control our every move was deliberately fed to medical freedom and most have sucked it up. This led to support for oil and animal ag in the face of overwhelming negative evidence and the creation of the industry funded ARC and JP who spout climate denial nonsense with tired old tropes.
We're not in danger of being controlled by the WEF nor ARC. We (the US at its vassals) are controlled by industry and US neocons as we always were.
The only way for green policy to work is to make them economical by promoting peace and to go big; just what China is doing. Massive government investment making it the biggest producer of electric vehicles and a transition economically viable. Fortunately the Chinese are not controlled by WEF, ARC nor neocons. A bright future awaits us when we crawl out from under the US thumb and make a place for ourselves in the multipolar world.
What makes you think China is not controlled by the WEF? You do realise that both Xi and Putin are young global leaders, right?
Xi is an "Agenda contributor" no less.
Wow! This "exposé" has drawn out some high-level conspiracy thinking. And the "green" warpage of critical thinking shows the power of propaganda to keep most people from checking the climate doom mantra against the data. Efforts to encourage critical thinking and independent thought face a steep hill in countering the claims of "overwhelming negative evidence". Belief is all you need; data can go hang.
China has increased its use of coal in the last decade, not decreased it. In fact coal is probably irreplaceable in some industries, such as producing steel.
Your conclusion starts out with demeaning Weiss and Peterson. Why is that? Your insinuations are opinion.
Hi David, thanks for commenting. Can you explain why you might think that Peterson has a legitimate claim to any 'thoughtful rebellion'? Out of interest, what exactly do you think he thinks he might be 'rebelling' against? incidentally, I've just published another post with further info about Legatum (ARC) here:
It started with opposing compelled speech, something our "progressive"-dominated federal government imagined to be a good thing. He began to see a hunger for guidance in effective living and making moral choices, a hunger that was especially apparent in young men perplexed and disheartened by a society that too often regarded them as inherently problematic. As he began speaking outside his normal university lectures, he soon found a growing audience, further strengthened after the publication of '12 Rules for Life'.
Considering that he was in Canada's socialist party when a young man, being called a conservative now certainly suggests rebellion against and rejection of socialist dogma (as well as a shift in the political spectrum).
Peterson is a deep thinker well-versed in what psychology research has learned about human nature, which he frequently references in challenging ill-founded notions.
Still waiting for an answer to my question, in light of the evidence we have summarised about the ARC claims. ?
ARC forum - A Roman Catholic Forum? (I'm just kidding, that link doesn't seem to be there)
The Chandler brothers have been a long time gone from NZ, are they not based in Dubai these days? They grew up in Hamilton, maybe ask Ursula to ask around. Chandlers was a music chain back in the 80s. Not billionaire material though.
Jordan loves himself. He'll be the death of them. Also John Howard didn't just take the guns off Australians he also just happened to be in Washington DC when 9/11 happened. Not saying that he organised it (LOL) but he's a better candidate for that than Bin Laden.
There is a Catholic Church connection - via the End Fund. See todays post from me.
You can be damn sure if more than 3 cell-phones congregate at one location NSA turns on its ears, if it sounds like something important they send in a member to infiltrate and agent provocateur, that's why when the real resistance hookup they never carry mobile tracking devices and just like the hells angels you take in no members unless you grew up with that person as a kid;
When you see these huge groups form and they have cucks like Maloney and Jordan leading them your GAYDAR should go on high, your about to get fleeced and/or ass fucked;
Anything that starts with ‘The Truth.....’ is highly suspect right out of the gate. Not everything is a conspiracy. I know that’s hard to digest in our current climate but it has to be yelled from the highest rooftops.
I understand your concerns and they are even somewhat warranted but I urge you to look at the facts we present and judge for yourself.
We tried to avoid as much as possible mixing any opinions or potential personal bias we have in this piece and tried to stick as much as possible to raw data and facts which can be independently verified relatively easily.
Hopefully we succeeded but I'll let others be the judge on that.
I’m fairly certain that there is not one person in the public sphere that will not have some sort of taint or scandal associated with them, whether it’s warranted or not. Such is the chaotic nature of the info landscape and the tribal nature of the populace. Perhaps ARC is not benign or benevolent by your read, what do you propose should be done to find a healthier narrative for the silent middle?
I don't profess for a second to have all the answers (or even some of them) but here are my suggestions from earlier this year:
Exactly. Is there any social enterprise that can't be "debunked" if you try hard enough? We're now able to see that even education in, especially, elite universities and even many public and private schools of all levels has been contaminated with indoctrination that fosters division. Where's the value in demeaning an effort to foster critical thinking as "controlled opposition"?
How is ARC "an effort to foster critical thinking" exactly? Can you please explain it to me like I'm 5?
How is it not?
We have already explained comprehensively ‘why it’s not’. Now you need to engage with your counter argument by answering the simple question above. That is how adult conversation works. If you are unable to answer it, then we can’t help you any further.
It’s entirely clear to me through your writing that you amplify that most hyperbolic version of things. This may have started off from a genuine place but the danger is once you gain some following, that’s the red meat everyone is looking for and you, yourself, have become utterly captured and provide it, uncritically.
Thanks for the summation. Your view is even darker than I thought.
Wow. Thankyou. Mind blowing stuff.
Is the ARC related to the new American Renaissance Movement 🤷♀️
Now that is an EXCELLENT question!!
Is David Martin affiliated with them by any chance? Do you happen to know?
I don’t think so .. I will look at Venus info
Thanks Michael for this article, I read and listened to it twice. (I’ve only just discovered you)
The more I learn about the links with all these corrupt organisations, people in positions of authority even down to celebrities, I draw a conclusion that we the people can not stop any of this ever happening and we will be fully controlled, (movement, money, food, work, forced medicated etc).
What I also see is there is no path out of it or anyone suggesting or trying to get us out of it, lots of people saying god will prevail, but as a non religious person, i believe religion is not a real game changer in this path.
Nor not complying won’t ultimately help when they control your money.
During your research have you come across any hope for us at all?
Here in the UK life is pretty bad and getting worse by the day.
You’re right, the UK is looking pretty bad from afar - Ive been here in NZ for 10 years - and will undoubtedly get worse. Personally, I think the only way to cope is to build stronger and stronger local networks. Be as self-sufficient as you possibly can with the help of like-minded neighbours. Like you, I’m not religious, but spiritualism helps, along with nature. I’m writing more about the ARC/Legatum rabbit hole, if you want to follow us on that journey? Knowledge is power, as they say, and freedom only comes when we understand what exactly has gone wrong over the years. Kia kaha.
Thanks for your kind words.
I absolutely refuse to accept under any circumstances that there is nothing we the people can do. I wouldn't be doing what I do if I thought that.
The human race is undergoing a 'forced evolution' of sorts and while the enemy wants this evolution to be of the physical sense (i.e Transhumanism), I personally think that the evolution that will need to happen for us to win WW3 (which is exactly what we're in now) is a mental & spiritual evolution (not necessarily a religious one but that's perfectly fine as well if that's part of it for you).
I also think this is not the first time ever in the history of our species that we have gone through this process of 'forced evolution'.
In a practical sense, I think the positive future of our species can be summed up in one word: DECENTRALISATION.
I wrote in detail what this means in practical sense in my opinion here:
I also want to highlight this video I end that article with which I think is especially pertinent and sums up my views on this perfectly. It's less than 3 minutes.
Yes alternative media and the pompous World Council for Health have been captured from the very beginning. We've also been fooled by fossil fuel and animal ag/pharma/agrochemical industries that there's a conspiracy of evil doers trying to stop us flying, travelling, using oil or eating animal products.