Nov 17, 2023·edited Nov 17, 2023Pinned

So what that SITTING POLITICIANS got all expenses paid business class trips to London for the ARC launch? Enough already with all these what Australian 'political commentator' and now supposedly journalist Topher Field refers to as "blackpilled trolls". 😉


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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Michael Ginsburg, Ursula Edgington, PhD

Great work. It's obvious to anyone with eyes to see that the ARC is an organisation that uses eCelebs as a paper-thin cover for war profiteers. From what I can see, it's just more power consolidation and profile elevation. People are tired of having their 'thoughts led' by narcissistic thought leaders. We have what we need in our own nation-states, with God.

If people are not talking about the millions dead and injured from the shots and our human species having their DNA changed from said shots (transhumanism) as their number one priority, they are unserious people. There will be no future - all these clowns are ignoring what is happening, simply grifting during the collapse of humanity.

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Fuck, man, editing? Please!

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Michael Ginsburg, Ursula Edgington, PhD

I expose Jordan Peterson before and I fully appreciate your article.


Problem creators I call them... creating problems to subvert humanity...

Gaslighting Humanity into a dark Future of totalitarian control


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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Michael Ginsburg, Ursula Edgington, PhD

Thank you for your very important research and journalism..... re-stacked with a note. 🌺🥰🤗🤓🇬🇧👁🦦

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Michael Ginsburg, Ursula Edgington, PhD

I always thought peterson to be a dumny doll to lead us, the victims, to an even worse /fake place parallel survival "island" of fake solutions. Even his tears looked fake and make upped. He is a well dressed attractive FAKE, who seemed to lure us into our own delusional need to be protected desperately by successful looking, well spoken, literate, manupilative actors like peterson. Controlled opposition.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Michael Ginsburg, Ursula Edgington, PhD

So the WEF and Klaus (the left hand) spouts woke 'climate nonsense' while ARC and JP (the right hand) are all over the net with anti woke climate denial and ridicule of environmentalists. Job done; doubt about (irrefutable) climate change is created and green policies damaging to industry are abandoned by voters and therefore politicians.

As you rightly say the left and right hands know what the other is doing; and they're both funded by big tech, big oil and big animal ag/pharma/agro chemicals.

I hope that you can see what is going on.

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"Our goal in this article is to expose the false impression that these ‘philanthropists’ and ‘entrepreneurs’ are altruistic in their intentions - the objectives of these hedge funds, private equity funds, finance houses and banks is to make a profit. These globalists are highly skilled at profiting and profiteering from poverty. "

Wow! Apparently your worldview is so advanced that you can see there's no such thing as philanthropy, and anyone expressing philanthropic notions must be taken down. And anyone who doubts your noble cause should have to wade through a lengthy "exposé". What an insightful POS.

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Liked by Michael Ginsburg, Ursula Edgington, PhD

ARC forum - A Roman Catholic Forum? (I'm just kidding, that link doesn't seem to be there)

The Chandler brothers have been a long time gone from NZ, are they not based in Dubai these days? They grew up in Hamilton, maybe ask Ursula to ask around. Chandlers was a music chain back in the 80s. Not billionaire material though.

Jordan loves himself. He'll be the death of them. Also John Howard didn't just take the guns off Australians he also just happened to be in Washington DC when 9/11 happened. Not saying that he organised it (LOL) but he's a better candidate for that than Bin Laden.

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Anything that starts with ‘The Truth.....’ is highly suspect right out of the gate. Not everything is a conspiracy. I know that’s hard to digest in our current climate but it has to be yelled from the highest rooftops.

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Thanks for the summation. Your view is even darker than I thought.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Ursula Edgington, PhD

Wow. Thankyou. Mind blowing stuff.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Michael Ginsburg

Is the ARC related to the new American Renaissance Movement 🤷‍♀️

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Michael Ginsburg, Ursula Edgington, PhD

Thanks Michael for this article, I read and listened to it twice. (I’ve only just discovered you)

The more I learn about the links with all these corrupt organisations, people in positions of authority even down to celebrities, I draw a conclusion that we the people can not stop any of this ever happening and we will be fully controlled, (movement, money, food, work, forced medicated etc).

What I also see is there is no path out of it or anyone suggesting or trying to get us out of it, lots of people saying god will prevail, but as a non religious person, i believe religion is not a real game changer in this path.

Nor not complying won’t ultimately help when they control your money.

During your research have you come across any hope for us at all?

Here in the UK life is pretty bad and getting worse by the day.

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Yes alternative media and the pompous World Council for Health have been captured from the very beginning. We've also been fooled by fossil fuel and animal ag/pharma/agrochemical industries that there's a conspiracy of evil doers trying to stop us flying, travelling, using oil or eating animal products.

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Your comment runs contrary to your own Substack posts. Any particular reason for that?

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