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Yep and in the meantime, one Topher Field (an individual I actually used to respect tremendously on a personal level) would rather "whack the blackpilled trolls" instead of looking at the evidence staring him right in the face (in this article and many others): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ROhVUlq8dU&t=46s

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My question is, and always will be: why didn't all these journalists present at the conference ask John Howard about the WMD lie that led to the deaths of millions of Iraqis?

Or Scomo about ceding power to the military during covid? (Operation Covid shield - or having all the secret cabinet positions that including doing mining deals behind the back of the ministers).

If all these journalists were there, why didn't they do their jobs? Why are they now calling those of us asking the questions 'blackpilled' and posting insulting memes exactly like government covid propagandists?

They are using the same struggle session techniques as the government covid propagandists - saying we are 'victims of misinformation' and 'just need more information' about the ARC.

Why are they protecting the ARC at the cost of their (now trashed) reputations?

My guess is that these people have 'tired of playing freedom fighter' and have found their out. They want off this ride and yearn for the beautiful conferences and better days. Well, newsflash. There is no out. Civilisation is headed off a cliff. Better find Jesus quick.

Edit: I am reminded of the quote by John Pilger in his work Year Zero about Cambodia and the Anglo-American establishment

“The best investigations are not always the work of journalists.” - John Pilger

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The answer to all your questions starting with "why didn't all these journalists..." is quite simple albeit unpleasant. They are NOT JOURNALISTS as you rightly alluded to. At least, not anymore.

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I personally asked Topher that exact question. His response? Mumble mumble, I didn’t think it was the appropriate environment. Or words that effect. Nuff said.

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I rest my case...

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It is always the 'appropriate environment' to hold mass murderers to account in the form of asking questions. The ARC created a safe space for war criminals and covid democidaires. This is extremely serious.

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That's actually an EXCELLENT point!

That's a key differentiator between ARC (a.k.a WEF 2.0) and the WEF itself.

The WEF has reached a point where anyone who is shown to be associated with them is immediately guilty by merely association.

ARC is not there yet...

My personal opinion (don't have factual research to back it up) is that the infamous 'they' are ready to dump Klaus & Co. to be replaced by Peterson & Co., amongst others.

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I call it like I see it.

That doesn't get me a seat at the cool kids' table I can tell you that much.

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I was originally a paid subscriber to Malone. However, he abruptly and nastily kicked me off his list of paid subscribers (the only ones who can comment on his writings) when I persisted in asking about social impact markets and more specifically if he would share whether or not he had any investments to that effect. He righteously said that the only earnings he had were from his own work (which we have since learned is arguably false) and said my questions about his position on social impact investing constituted an unacceptable personal attack which warranted his banishing me from his comment section. Even I was taken aback by his hostility and nastiness in response to my inquiry. In hindsight, I can clearly see the tactic he was using. Ironically, it was the same shaming and shunning tactic Dr. Nass used when I dared ask her how it could be that Dr. Malone supposedly was very familiar with the deep state, etc. but claimed to have had no awareness that our DOD was developing and advancing cyborg technology.

Over time, for me a pattern has emerged where I recognize that those who early on captured the medical freedom space with their sympathy and credentials (appearing to have come to their senses and thereby validating the citizens who recognized something was amiss) have actually effectively steered the freedom movement into cul de sacs or down lanes that are essential dead ends. Are we winning yet? Jabs still deployed. No accountability. Four years out, hearings given in empty conference rooms. Media still silent to the harms inflicted. I’d say in 4 years for all the “effort” expended and money collected by the thought leaders….very little has changed. And what wins have happened have done little to raise true awareness and have come so late in the game that they have little effect….like the settlement with the FDA relative to Ivermectin. Tre wheels of our imperfect justice system move way to slowly and TPTB can nullify the potential damaging impact of wins given the other levers of power they control. How many of your friends, neighbors and acquaintances are even aware of the lawsuit against the FDA?

The other pattern that has emerged is the “thought leaders” on one hand criticize the NGO’s and the influence of the foundations of the likes of Gates. But they in turn, have gone out and created a parallel structure! And as you have pointed out, follow the money and you begin to understand that TPTB control both sides. One way or another we will be corralled into the future they have envisioned which is digital ID, digital currency, blockchain and digital twins for all, to be managed by the algorithms to perfect our existence….the bottom line or fly in the ointment? Who decides what is the perfect or desirable existence? Who decides what will make the individual happy, or the community healthy?

They would have you believe that stakeholder capitalism and technology is the perfect antidote to what ails us. But notice, they are not lobbying Congress or other legislative bodies to overhaul how fiduciary structure and duties in the corporate structure is defined, adjudicated, determined, etc.

Why? Because that could make them vulnerable to the low life’s, you and I—the average citizens that they have only contempt for. Based on their life stories…they are the wildly successful ones who are enlightened and knowledgeable about how to save the world. And yet, it is their very industries, endeavors, lifestyles, and consumption that lies at the heart of what ails us….that snd the fact our culture has put them on pedestals.

Excellent research, Michael. And while I thoroughly value you providing the receipts….am curious, over the past 3-4 years…have you begun to feel the truth of the matter in your bones? I have even grown weary of the many cul de sacs on substack that do nothing more than waste time and rob me of enjoying or living my life until the door on the digital prison slams shut.

Maybe the best resistance is to get busy living and leave the Peterson’s, Malone’s, Nass’, and others to their narratives.

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I was going to say, the answer is obvious and you answered it yourself THEY ARE NOT JOURNALISTS...

there are very few of them around these days.

most of the work is done now by us plebs who have day jobs and families and lives to run and don’t get paid to do all this investigating.....

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