EXPOSED: The Political Class are compromised by Devil's Breath Blackmail Drug
By traffickers posing as Paedophile Hunters and Liberationists
A troupe of psychopaths claim to be our liberators
OTSF Sovereign ‘Freedom’ deceiver Insurgents have revealed they have more than 20 years of blackmail material on our leaders. Is this the ‘evidence’ that has led to the betrayal of Australia by our political class to usher in Global Governance/the Great Reset?1
The plan is to control all Australians and take our wealth, resources and property rights so the 1% will, own everything and be happy.2
Elders in numerous communities revealed to me the drug/sex blackmail operation prevalent across Australia. It was a sobering shock to be shunned and silenced after I revealed the evidence to the government.3
Even Andrew Bolt the ‘champion of free speech,’ would not allow me to speak about the corruption and the silencing of the Aboriginal communities’ concerns and the trafficking of children.
I am a whistleblower warning the Australian people of one of the biggest plots against everyday people worldwide. Using Aboriginal people as the scapegoat to usher in our enslavement through Agenda 2030.4
Those responsible for this treachery have attempted to control, discredit, demoralise and entrap, me, the elders and all good Australians. Not going along with this sinister agenda. The relentless attempts to silence us made clear something very evil was behind this.5
Child Trafficking Blackmail Drug - Devil’s Breath (Scopolamine/Duboisia)
The Original Sovereign Tribal Federation (OSTF) cult insurgent insider: in the above video clip, provided details about the “World's Scariest Drug.”6
That is being used as a child trafficking drug for blackmail operations. His account and claims are supported by further research revealing disturbing facts and evidence.
Despite the fact that the drug Devil’s Breath/Scopolamine/Duboisia has little legitimate medical use, Australia is the leader in supplying a drug that controls child trafficking.7 This is supported by law enforcement reports and medical experts.8
The question of why our political class would turn against the people for whom they work, and sell out the country, is hard to understand. Ultimately, this research is an attempt to UN-veil the betrayal to address that question that everyone is asking. How is our political class compromised?
The Epstein child sex trafficking operation is widely known. We cannot deny that our wannabe overlords select corrupt politicians. However, many must be entrapped by a nefarious blackmail operation using a drug that takes away their free will. No one believes that they could all be motivated by evil. This is why this is so hard to come to terms with. Our future will be determined by how we deal with this situation. We must approach this with compassion, and we must give those who are victims in positions of power the ability to break free of their entrapment. We must understand the terrible bind in which they are trapped. We must avoid mob-like revenge, as that only serves those who wish us harm.
Devil’s Breath/Scopolamine/Duboisia is the world's most dangerous drug. If you control it, you control child trafficking, and blackmail operations it's easy to see why that's so. Scopolamine victims call it chemical hypnosis. The victim in the above clip was given the drug and he helped robbers load his valuables into a truck. While he convinced the building security staff he wanted to do so.
The Devil's Breath drug is perfect for crooks since it makes their victims forget everything. Devil’s Breath/Scopolamine can be blown directly into someone's face, and within minutes they are under its full effects. Devil’s Breath/Scopolamine is odourless and tasteless.
With this drug available in Australia and distributed around the world, it is easy to see how they can administer this drug to place our leaders in compromising positions with children. To force them to carry out the agenda of the true rulers.
Traffickers posing as Paedophile Hunters
Beware of false prophets who claim that they are working for victims.
Below we bare all the traces of a troupe hiding their worldwide blackmail operation under the cover of paedophile hunters. These disgusting psychopaths are once again exploiting their victims. As I will demonstrate in the following paragraphs. These victims were denied the right to testify against their accusers before a jury of their peers. Creating a fake court and a fake judge is an insult to the dignity of victims. This is done so they can retaliate against those who were courageous enough to UN-mask this crime.
You will also hear an OSTF insider claim that Ricardo Bosi was blackmailed. Is this how Bosi became a traitor to Australia? The OSTF cult is led by grifter Sasha Stone a UN agent who poses as a paedophile hunter despite repeated allegations of his abuse of women and their children. It is evident that Stone's troupe gets off on hurting things they think are weaker than them. That they are the chosen ones of their inbredness. They are furious that a woman like me is bringing them down. Resulting in Sasha Stone attacking me and an elder for exposing his duplicity and evil agenda. We've got a whole lot of scum behind this biggest crime of the century. We will UN-veil and UN-ravel the betrayal.
International Tribunal of Natural Injustice (ITNJ)
The ‘paedophile hunter’ cult leaders are so guilty and determined to stay hidden that they have established a pseudo-law court. Designed to capture and silence the testimony of the child trafficking victims involved in their blackmail operations. It consists of a phoney judge and UN agents.
Sasha Stone founded the ITNJ pseudo-law Court along with a fake judge named Walsh of Brannagh. Who was thrown out of the practice of law in Australia after joining the OSTF pseudo-law cult.9
The 'court’ gathers dirt on victims to prevent successful future criminal prosecutions. Where everyone gets to know the truth and no one is sent to jail. The primary goal is about the forgiveness of paedophiles and child murderers.
Blood contracts
In a ‘court’ that claims to represent the interests of cult victims. Blood contracts are an integral part of the fake court, red fingerprints are used to sign the foundational documents. These blood fingerprints can be seen on the door of Parliament House before they lit it on fire in a failed trigger event for their ‘purple’ revolution for global governance.
Sasha Stone
Stone is a psychopath. He has on camera displayed these tendencies numerous times. Particularly on his show titled "Genocide in Australia S.O.S!" Spreading OSTF Mark McMurtrie and Bosi's big lie about the Australian Defence Force genocide calling for foreign forces to invade 'Racist' Australia. Stone's lunacy reached a new low when he declared fake claimer Mark McMurtrie would become the next Australian Prime Minister.
Stone came from influence and has a lifelong association with the UN.10
Stone is involved in the New Earth Institute, a UN front for Agenda 2030. They are brainwashing traumatised people to sign fake UN New Earth Treaties.
Stone also comes from a ruling class lineage. His father, Sir Walter Adams, was director of the London School of Economics and deputy head of the British Political Warfare Mission in the US. Shockingly, Stone's abuse of women and children is abundant on the internet, including an account of Stone grooming a six-year-old girl. Why would these dubious characters set up this fake court to silence and cancel victims? Sasha Stone claims to be a paedophile hunter is this to cover up his own abuse of children?
Riccardo Bosi
Bosi leads this insurgency. A troupe of phoneys, fakes and bullies.
Bosi is a failed politician. He is a retired Defence Force member who brags about selling Australia's military IP to foreign countries.11
Bosi called on the military to gather arms to join his insurgency to overthrow our government, clearly treason. It failed.12
Credible claims of child blackmail on Bosi are on record. Does Bosi belong to a traitorous troupe of nobility claiming to be paedophile hunters when abusing children, or is he being directed because he is compromised?
Why hasn't Bosi handed over the LNP's child blackmail material to the police? In order to prevent justice from being delivered to victims, disgusting psychopaths like Bosi and McMurtrie and their traitorous troupe claim that the ends justify the means to allow their lies. Bosi prevents justice from being served. Why hasn't he handed over the LNP's child blackmail material to the police?
Mark McMurtrie
Mark McMurtrie claims he wants to liberate Australia. Then he is on record saying “he wants every Australian to rot in the ground.”13
OSTF insurgency troupe includes fake claimer, Mark McMurtrie an aristoc-rat pretending to be an Aborigine.14
McMurtrie, claims to have "four filing cabinets of child abuse blackmail evidence" against the LNP. It appears he has influential friends. McMurtrie summoned John Howard's chief of staff Arthur Sinodinos, to testify on his behalf in a $33m lawsuit against the Australian taxpayers. McMurtrie filed claiming Aboriginal funding was promised but never received for his airport hangar business.
In order to discredit Labor Party MP Franca Arena, did Mark act in the interest of his Liberal Party friends in high places? Franca Arena was publicly humiliated and lost all her credibility after Mark Murtie failed to provide the evidence he promised. In the aftermath of the conniving conduct by the fake paedophile hunter McMurtrie, Franca Arena was subjected to a parliamentary misconduct hearing. Since the Wood Royal Commission in 1995 until today, McMurtrie effectively silenced the victims and whistleblowers who have spoken out against paedophiles in positions of public trust.
We have to come to terms with this. We have a government that is acting against our interests. Covid provides proof of this. They have allowed foreign billionaire crooks to control our country.
Bosi and Mark McMutrie have said on a number of occasions they want to behead and hang paedophiles. What if they used Devil’s Breath to compromise these politicians? Then they are shown a picture/footage of child abuse blackmail material they have no memory of. Then told to comply or be ruined or worse they are threatened with mob-style justice.
In Sasha Stone’s opinion, democracy is the biggest hoax. The OSTF wants us to abandon representative government. They want us to turn against the Australian Defence Force and Police. Is it to push us toward signing these OSTF UN treaties by these UN actors? Is it part of a strategy to achieve through treaties for UN communal Native Title land and enslavement? Sasha Stone said in the below clip that sovereignty was the most important thing to be focused on.
They want to push us into phoney sovereign first-nation treaties for UN global governance. UN agent Fiona Reynolds, who funds OSTF through her Intention One Earth Foundation, explains their exit treaties:
"We owe them gratitude and support for assisting all people to see the legal fiction in which we have all been subsumed and to offer us all an exit, ie to treaty with "our" Elders in our own locations and thereby come under the aegis - literally the shield of support - of the OSTF.15
OSTF troupe claims to liberate Australians have threatened my life and the elders' lives for their UN communal Native Title land sovereignty agenda for UN global governance. Their plan is based on abusing Aboriginal people and children while pretending to be paedophile hunters and liberationists.
Josephine Cashman, A Message to Our Rulers: dispatched on 4th June 2023 to all federal representatives: The silence of our leaders reveals their cowardice, compromise, or complicity, 27 July 2023,
Josephine Cashman, 0.001% Wealthiest Families want to ... Own the other 99.99%, August 2023
Josephine Cashman, I uncovered a child trafficking & drug supply network, And the government and media went after me, 18 July 2023,
Josephine Cashman, I uncovered a child trafficking & drug supply network: And the government and media went after me, 16 July 2023,
Josephine Cashman, UN actors on the left and right of us: Why I fight, 15 July 2030,
World's Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive): VICE went to Colombia to check out a strange and powerful drug called Scopolamine, also known as "The Devil's Breath." It's a substance so intense that it renders a person incapable of exercising free will. The first few days in the country were a harrowing montage of freaked-out dealers and unimaginable horror stories about Scopolamine. After meeting only a few people with firsthand experience, the story took a far darker turn than we ever could have imagined:;;
Duboisia produces high-grade commercial quality of Devil’s Breath/Scopolamine in Australia, see: Scopolamine was the first drug to adopt the name "truth serum" first promoted by Dr Robert House in the early 20th century. As a date-rape drug, it is also used in motion sickness medications. Nazis used it in interrogation during World War II:;;
Quazi Imam, M.D. Board Certified in Psychiatry. Board Certified in Addiction Psychiatry. Board Certified in Geriatric Psychiatry. Board Certified in Forensic Psychiatry. Former Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY. Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, Harvard Medical School Trained. Scopolamine: Is This Mind-Control Drug the “Most Dangerous” in the World? “Devil's Breath”: Urban Legend or the World's Most Scary Drug?, 12 September 2022,,it%20while%20under%20its%20influence.
“Walsh of Brannagh” heads the International Tribunal of Natural Injustice (ITNJ, claims to be a Duke of Ronceray, a Sir without a Knighthood, and an 80-year-old+ pensioner living in an aged care facility in Melbourne. Walsh was banned from practising law in Norfolk Island and Victoria in 2017 and found in contempt of court in 2021:
According to Stone’s biography has headed the UN Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization from 2010-2016 UN-IREO:
See the video here:
Mark McMurtrie is a fake claimer who is from the Campbell clan: in 1714 - John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll, appears uninvited at the Privy Council and tilts the balance in favour of the Hanoverian succession upon the approaching death of Queen Anne. As a result, of the Act of Succession of 1701, the throne passed to her nearest Protestant relative George Louis, German Georg Ludwig, Elector of Hanover, the great-grandson of James I. When German George arrived in England, he knew little about British politics, nor could he speak very much English.