OMG, I just saw your comment over on Greg Reese's substack and you have given me hope that others will wake up. I'll read this post later.

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I'm somewhat suspicious that a bunch (4) of Mossad agents were at Nugget Point at the time that Tarrant was shooting up Christchurch mosques. They certainly presented as such. If not Mossad then they would have had to have been from an Israeli Corporate or University, unlikely I figure.

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Don't know much about that I must admit but let me tell you something about one 'Eli Rubashkyn': He has a Spanish accent but with clear Israeli undertones, especially when he says the word "New Zealand". I am telling you as an Israeli and a native Hebrew speaker that it is blatantly obvious! Have a listen:


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Nugget point was a personal observation. Never made the news.

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Nothing about this person makes sense at face value. His entire Wiki entry is completely nonsensical and is clearly entirely made up.

In all likelihood, him being granted 'refugee' status in NZ (coming from a country which was not at war at the time) was a joint Mossad/NZSIS operation to implant a professional provocateur to be used for future operations....such as the women's march.

I covered that in more detail in this section:


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Mike Harari was exposed by Dimitri Khalezov as the 911 operation's mastermind. He provides damning evidence but sadly his testimony will never be allowed to come out That said, I believe Khalezov is not an innocent actor here, but was probably involved in weapons sales along with his good friend Victor Bout. Dimitri started to "sing" when he became a patsy of the Israelis and was double-crossed. Dimitri went into hiding for awhile and while I do not believe eveything he says, his involvement with Harari before and after 911 as well as his description of the nuclear demolition scheme of WTC is very compelling. No other 911 narrative explain the events better. Unfortunately most of his interviews and material around Harari is heavily censored so it is hard to find.

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Interesting but I find it hard to believe a single person could have masterminded a false flag operation of this magnitude. Also, harari was 74 years old in 2001. Do you have any evidence/information at all to corroborate this?

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A quick google search found this ...


... but Dimitri did a lot of interviews back in the day. Again, I think this guy isn't as innocent as he makes himself out to be and most likely tried to profit from arms sales to the Israelis when the soviet union was dissolved. His close relationship with Victor Bout and Mike Harari makes him suspect to me.

I dont trust Khalezov 100% just as I do not trust Sasha Latypova 100% but they both have much truth to say due to their respective involvement in ther fields, and should be heard. (kudos to you for standing up to her on her stance on transhumanism however, unsubscribing to her is not wise in my humble opinion. My motto is listen to everything but trust no one) Have you seen the documentary "Age of Transitions"? It is excellent.

As for Dimitri, I will try to find his interviews but unfortunately so much of it has been scrubbed. I wish I could find the Khalezov interview where he discusses other known buildings that are retrofit with the same nuclear demolition device. I do recall him mentioning the Sears tower in Chicago and the UN building in NY. The UN building, if it too is sabatoged will reinforce the idea that Dimitri's testimony is credible but no such act as yet has occured.

As for WTC, the nuclear demolition scheme was something I also heard about from an interview with one of the original architechts, but I can no longer find this podcast either. That guy was really strange and spoke about the occult significance of the number 11 and how Rockefeller refused to add a support bridge across the two structures to stabilize it. If you can help me find that interview, I would appreciate it. This is what I found on google: https://gastronamus.proboards.com/thread/2717/paul-laffoley-wtc-architect-911

I will post more information with some of the research I have come up with over the years as I too try to find the truth no matter where that truth leads...

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Good postin' -- but...Rabin / Oslo were also an OP I'm sad ta say... both sides no-good-niks includin' NetAnYoohoo who wuz likely behind the take-out of Rabin--all players... we wuz all "had."

I'm relearnin' history myself--this wuz an eye-opener (not a proud one):


Quite. The. Earful.

So... I think we agree that the real puppets runnin' Israel inta the ground (includin', it seems, ALL of Mossad) fer the sake of Globalist Greater Israel (inc.) are world players an' could give jack-all 'bout us chews who are now in the crosshairs of Left, Right an' Center (yup, even the reasonable ones are now goin' defcon3 on us). Talk 'bout sacrificial lambs (nous) 'cept we're all ownin' nothin' (nor are we heppy) so we cain't mark an X on our doors cuz the landlord that owns the joints ain't gonna like it.

Anywayz, meat is bein' outlawed so who kin afford lamb let alone the "prime" leg? In brief: they/zey want us dead!

My new old hot take is chews were herded inta Israel like cattle lookin' fer pasture (a leetle milk an' honey too). Not that we don't have a very legit connection ta the land, (imo chews do!) but y'know Balfour wasn't exactly a fan of the chewish people...so sadly, the entire startup wuz a mess (an' also too socialist by half), all done behind the "becks" of good, decent, unsuspectin' chews. But all that don't matter ta the puppet masters--they knew it wuz "temp'rary" -- a Punch n' Judy show with chews bein' punched an' then punchin' back-- all a paper backdrop an' facade ta serve who? Black Nobility? Crown? Don't matter--blame the chews anyway!

So those that settled in the holy land (some'a my fambly fer sure) were led like moths ta a candle, the Cabal is patient. Now's their "moment"--"CABAL TeeVee!" Staged, scripted, they'll take the money an' run.

I'm near-certain "they" didn't just "let" Hamas do it's doity deeds--they orchestrated the entire thing, soup ta nuts. Powder blue shirts wuz just men paid ta do their chobs (killin' their own? I know it's a hard pill ta swaller but true I think...)

No way skinny-ass dudes in flip flops with handgliders precision targeted this orchestrated movie (with real deaths natch), 'er disabled cell phones like that... all a "play" (in all senses)

As I write, IDF boys are droppin' like flies on an absurd mission bound ta fail. It's like suicide --ironically very non-chewish / very non "self preservation"--these tactics are about destroyin' yer own team, not 'bout survival. Sacrificin' yerself on the altar ta fight an impossible battle is like takin' the clot shots--cannon fodder! Maximum casualties on BOTH sides is desired. Thus imo Israel boosted Hamas JUST so they could take out fertile young men in the IDF (like that's 'bout all young men in Israel except the ultra Orthodox) an' that feeds into the depop agenda nicely. Nu, they couldn't use drones an' select like precision surgery only Hamas leaders--they have to mass kill innocents (their own too)? Of course not!, their tech kin pick out a stuck chunk of pita in a wayward incisor--this is all a DEATH MATCH to destroy half the world chewish population an' git every feelin' human outside Israel ta WANT TO destroy the rest... SIGH.

This pains me ta say it but the aim is ta kill us all (again) so let's (over-)eat. An' those that just want peace (an' quiet) are also targeted. The only chews not hated are them that denounce their faith/chewish identity... Ron Unz gits a pass... Henry Maklow... the rest of us--chopped liver. ('cept mebbe Max Blumenthal... he's a card carryin' anti-zionist... but today they tell us all we'ze "chosen" fer destruction...)

Michael Yon jus' said in an interview with Mike Adams (notta friend of the tribe) that he'll have to hide chews cuz everybuddy's out ta kill us an' sadly he wuzn't kiddin'--chews now again blamed fer everythin' includin' boils on hineys. I'm seein' it in the comm-mints as well as the postin's.

So as many of us decent humans who heppen ta have a soiten heritage are learnin', Israel has never been a chewish state--only a facsimile that seemed ta be a beacon of light but which we now know as Luciferase. Zionism is therefore regrettably bein' compared ta Satanism (insanely but it's out there) so by this false equation Zionism no longer means JUST a homeland fer chews which is how EVERY chews I've always known sees it. Period. Guess we all missed the briefin'... It shouldn't be a doity woid even if some of the founders (both chewish an' non) were doity dealin'...

Thank gawd our grandparents / great grandparents (who only knew--as you once did--Zionism to be that safe haven, pogrom-free...) didn't know this nooz that we all were screwed AGAIN-- as they'd all've died of heart attacks even if they watched their cholesterol (which is now good not bad but that's an'uther story).

So all this leads to a qvestion... while the world is all callin' fer the blood of chews, cheerin' on Hamas, an' goin' full tilt anti-zionist (the only chews given a pass gotta be full tilt anti-zionist), an' doin' so in miniature/microcosm on Substack--ta save our tushies they all want us ta denounce NOT just war criminal NetAnYoohoo /BBGun 'er his team a murderin' mauraders--but all of Israel for now, for then, forever. OY.

They want us ta do a mea culpa an say all chews are fake. (An' punch a fist fer bein' anti-zionist...eek)

No can do. I'd like ta denounce jus' the baddies an' not throw out the baby with the bathwarter but there are MANY liftin' up that baby an' tryin' ta force us ta punt it outta left field (the baby bein' Israel... a new country, a small country...a currently blighted by not altogether worthless "being")

I ain't willin' ta go there.... Callin' a spade a spade don't mean ya give up cards fer good. An' you? (sorry fer the long "think"...)

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There is ZERO doubt in my mind that the PRIMARY objective of Zionism was to corral (figuratively as well as literally) as many of the Jews as possible in Israel so that they can be wiped out more easily.

The people who were the figureheads and funders of Zionism from day dot were either not Jewish at all (e.g. Rothschilds) or Jews who hated everything orthodox Judaism stood for (e.g. Theodor Herzl).

I lived half my life in Israel so as you can imagine, this is not an easy realisation to reach...but it is the TRUTH nevertheless.

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Yes yes, I saw you saw that. BUT zionism as most "good chews" in Israel and the diaspora see it means just a homeland (because many of us had ancestors kicked out--or worse--of every other country we could name an' then some--given re-namin' of many lands over time) SO my question is a bit 'bout nomenclature b/c by denouncing Zionism-the-Con which conned good chews who knew bupkiss about Balfour an' less 'bout Jabotinski.... inta thinking this was "their land" an' a safe harbor yer denouncin' in the same breath Zionism-the-Ideal that so many good folks fell for in earnest. (My fambly fer sure--an' all were honest temple-goin' moral folks--I helped wrap the coins we collected fer Hadassah--an' many good Christians too--some are friends.) Minute ya say anti-zionist (even tho' we know it was a con from the start), yer denouncing good people who do not remotely understand the term an' how it was weaponized from the begininnin' ...

I've been tryin' ta ask folks who don't wish defcon3 on regular chews ta not say "anti zionist" b/c most zionists have no idea that's the name of a criminal op--as you know better'n I would... It's betw. a rock an' a hard place but I worry given what I'm hearin'--it ain't pretty.... b/c MOST make no distinction an' think (now) the only "good zionist is a dead zionist" ta mist-quote Laura Ingalls Wilder...

New label needed... not sure what tho!

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I am ANTI-Zionist because I realised that Zionism wants to KILL Jews like me who just want to live in peace and get along with their neighbours based on mutual respect and the "live and let live" principle.

Since leaving Israel, I had friendships with Arabs and Iranians and plenty of Muslims in general and it was never an issue.

The vast majority of humans just want to live their lives in peace and as they see fit.

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yes yes I git it but I'm suggestin' that if you use that term most will not understand you don't wish for all chews ta be wiped out even tho' that wuz the plan of the cabal.... it's the term that gets ya inta the right clubs now... (I know yer not usin' it that way yerself)

Anybuddy that sez they're anti-zionist is embraced as bein' one of the many (many!) that agree chews are evil greedy folks, satanists gawd ferbid, an' deserve ta be slaughtered from river ta sea or wiped off that face of the Earth (I read this stuff daily, not on purpose mind ya)- AND of COURSE you don't think this at all but MANY "anti-zionists" DO! Thus the term has become a dog-whistle fer jews-haters... not fer thinkin' folks that are ashamed of what some bad chews did in our name AND to "us"...

I'm against all the baddies behind the concept of zionism that 100+ years ago wanted ta round up an kill every "chew" on the planet ta take us all out--what's goin' down now, just as Alfred Pike predicted (!), but I'm "for" savin' every decent chew in Israel an' in the diaspora an' the problem is that many (many!) good folks--good "chews" an' zionist christians-- STILL call themselfs zionist b/c it means ta them whut it meant 100 years ago to these normies i.e. the chews on the street--a homeland... Period.

IMO "Antizionism" as a term is just as weaponized as "Zionism" is--both have MANY meanin's among jews an' friends of jews BUT those wantin' ta see "us" dead (an' many their are) have co-opted the first one...

I reached out b/c most anti-zionists I'm seein' online really do want the chews ta disappear-- I like whut ya write an' git a sense you are not ashamed (nor am I) of yer heritage an' not wantin' harm to come ta the jews wherever they be, however they worship, to "pay for" what their corrupt leaders are doin' "in their name" an' at their peril! (ourn)

I wring my hands at this because zionist describes most chews... it's the term, not the horrible folks behind the "movement" which is all a tragedy now knowin' what I know...

I git ya wanna stick ta yer term... just sayin' it's bein' used ta hurt more jews than help.... sadly... a double-edge sword fer sure... (won't bend yer ear more, thanks fer yer replies!)

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You make good points. Genuinely.

Much appreciated.

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wull my pleasure--we who know that chews wuz hornswagged gotta giant landmine ta navigate but navigate we must (MSM ain't gonna do it) while avoidin' this mess all blowin' up in the face of all good chews the world over who are under the crosshairs by association with the baddies. (Nobuddy blames the Chinese for Mao's crimes but as ya know--all chews are blamed for the crimes of Epstein, Weinstein, Sunstein (Cass) an' of course NetAnYouhoo et all)

The hand-wringin' ignorant well-meanin' chews the world over need help as they cannot even envision / conceive the travesty done in their name, the bitter pill we've already swallered (they're still stuck on "mistakes were made/damn Hamas" an' "save the hostages" both of which are suicidal scripted missions an' feed right inta the cabal's plan. These decent but deluded no more kin comprehend their country, their leaders (chews no less! "a shonda" for us all...) have thrown 'em under the bus--all chews under the bus--no more can they grasp this concept than they kin imagine the clot shots issued by their trusted leaders were intended ta kill 'em dead. Outright.

AND on the other side we gotta convince like the entire whirled that many good chews are mortified whuts bein' done in their name -- that many if not most appalled at the hostile ugly rhetoric that's crafted by the ADL via Madison Avenue (literally!) ta incite hate against us (but of course too many are afraid ta speak up OR afraid of legal action such as goin' on in Israel fer those questionin' the narrative--AND that YET, in spite of some rotten eggs (not the majority by far!) most've us are indeed good eggs, decent folks, tolerant, kind, helpin others, torah abidin' no matter however "frum" or just decent. Many don't believe good chews exist -- we don't wanna join their "party" either!

Right now EVERY ill in the world is bein' blamed on us--as a whole--if ya've been spared yer lucky. Meantimes, Rabbi Chananya Weissman is a good 'un ta listen too--an' Rabbi Michoel Green here in the US. Both understand but neither wades inta the well-attended substack warters where both the swamp an' the "not a movement" thrive, two sides ready fer permission to finish off whut Adolph AND the rotten bankers (Schiffs, Warburgs, an' of course the red shields...) did. TO US. (Oh an' don't git me started on the deniers--they're multiplyin' like bunnies...)

Ta wrap it up, don't give 'em what they're callin' for--the words THEY wanna' hear, the words we use count--it's our blood they are askin' for, make no mistake--here in AmeriKa fer sure (while claimin' incredibly, the blood libel no less--which has me gobsmacked--yes, folks believe this fully... former Brooklynite here--"the tunnels!" the mattress, what they imagine...what they believe.. etc) Peace out!

I'll share any idears ya git ta inform the deluded but not a cave ta the "ant-eze" either--got my crackpot thinkin' cap on too!

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Pretty accurate assessment by this Israeli Jew:


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Accurate now yup but I fer one don't wanna let that "stand" (this man seems so resigned he's depressin' me!)--how horrible if that is our posterity (more like our posterior!)--an' only that horror were the legacy left when SO much good in the world has been done, much worth celebratin' vs this shame done in "our name" without askin', without a vote, without a chance ta say NO no no, it's wrong STOP. This jus' cain't be the last word even if the illuminatti bastard wan't exactly that--the "pernt" per Pike (ugh) is ta erase ALL religions. If Judaism goes, Christianity based upon it topples next an' then we're all in trouble--seculars too. AI dystopia fits in that wedge. There are puhlenty of old skool zionists (by old def--just wantin' a safe home period...) who ALSO fully know this is wrong an' are speakin' up at their peril. This is not our torah, this is not our values, this is now how we wish ta be remembered-- I will not let a murderer an' hiz fiddlers 3 be my mouthpiece.

That's truly letting our enemies call the shots an' define "us"--that's truly givin' the cabal what they want. So yup, this man tells it like it "iz" but not (hopefully) as it shall be (I sure as heck hope!)

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