Excellent, I have to get to sleep soon but I believe you'll very much like this documentary

"Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick - Full Documentary"


Its 3 hours but outstanding, I cannot recommend it enough as it lays out the framework and reasoning behind the last 3 years.

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Thanks so much for the link Damon. Will definitely check this out!

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Right on Damon ... it's a real eye opener ... I need to watch it again! ~~ j ~~

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This pretty much covers it all! This must have taken you a long time to get it all together.

I appreciate all of this information and the work you’ve put into it and will be sharing it with everyone who will listen.

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Thanks so much. Really appreciate it.

Yea, it's been a long time in the making.

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You did us all proud!

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Fortuitous timing for me, having just yesterday published this related piece:


Great thanks Michael, for this outstanding, comprehensive essay which I will share widely! ~~ j ~~

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I also wanted to share a book with you that is over 100 years old.

People have been brainwashed into believing this stuff they inject into all of us is good for us when it’s actually poison.

Take a look at the book, found it on archive dot org.


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Great find !!!! 👍🏻

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Thank you for posting this incredible article. I just cross posted it to Solution Seeking Substack with the message in quotes below.


Dear Solution Seekers,

Please consider reading this post and sharing your thoughts. Thank you.


Here is Solution Seeking Substack. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/about

Thanks again.

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Thank you Larry! I am honoured.

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You're welcome Michael. I am also honored. Several people have read your article and they all agree that it is excellent. Thanks for all you do.

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Thank you to Larry for pointing me to this amazing article that puts the pieces together in one place. I also just did an episode on child sex slaves. I haven't seen The Sound of Freedom but had a sense something was off, which you and others have validated. Here's mine: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/pedo-sadist-cults-and-anneke-lucas.

You do excellent investigative journalism that does a great job of digging beneath the psy-ops. I'd just recently watched Corbett's Tell-Lie-Vision episode (although I thought it was from awhile ago, maybe reposted?) and I've seen or read many of these references, although Spin was new to me and fascinating.

If you're willing, you might apply your detective skills to Robert Malone and Mattias Desmet. I have 15 episodes to date giving facts and logic to show he's a part, a big part, of the 5th Gen Warfare. Of course he's speaking about it. Like the SoF, the best place to hide is behind the truth. Here's the most recent: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/black-pill-hatfill-and-malone.

And it's interesting that Desmet is from Belgium. That's where the pedo-sadist cult is that brutalized 10-yr-old Anneke. It's said to be the heart (if such a word applies) of that international operation. In my book, How to Dismantle an Empire, I've written about the book, King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild about the horrific atrocities in Belgium's enslavement of the Congo. A shipping clerk, putting bills of lading together, was the one to expose it--rubber coming in, weapons and soldiers going out.

That kind of institutional terror doesn't just go away, imo. I'm absolutely not saying that Desmet is part of that, but his theory--promoted so heavily by Malone he was willing to sue over it--fits the m.o. of diverting attention from the perpetrators. Just my thoughts.

And one more thing to add to your solid statements about WWI and WWII, the role of France and England in fomenting the war to take down Germany as a competitor, something we still seeing today with the blowing up of the Nord Streams. Thank you and thanks Larry!

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Based on your comment above, you might find this video of interest. ENLIGHTENING & RIVETING! Power & blackmail via child sacrifice is REAL! Highly recommend watching more of Ronald Bernard’s interviews (most are with subtitles). He admits that most of the modern “shit” started in the Netherlands yet, historically speaking, it extends back to biblical times.


Another shorter clip of above video providing affirmation of JFK’s famous press corps speech:


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This is a monumental work. Congratulations on pulling all this together so coherently. I've never been exposed to this much of the Big Picture before (I'm sure there's much more...). I think it was very wise to gently bring people into the more difficult material, with plenty of suggestions to remain objective and keep one's mind open. Invaluable advice! (But I know I wasn't able or willing to put it into practice at the beginning of the pandemic. Then, I viewed right wingers as crazy and couldn't listen to them. Now they are my teachers.)

I edit another Substack, and offer this suggestion: Because of the massive amount of information you present here, especially the unusually large volume of links, I think this piece would be more accessible if it were broken down into pieces. e.g., QAnon and pedophilia would have been great standalone cross-post items, referenced here, along with the conclusions.

I noticed a homonym: "The closing titles of the movie are accompanied by remarks from its star Jim Caviezel which illicit [should be elicit] a strong emotional response from the audience, as one would expect." I also found a typo with an extra e at the end of a word, but can't find it now.

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Paltering= Limited Hangout = Half Truths

Half truths are the worst sort of lies, indeed.

All what you say here is perfectly reflected in the episode of the New Testament where Satan tempted Jesus with actual Bible verses... but in an "incomplete" way.

Great job.

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I am just sharing. Might be known to you already

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This Absolutely has the potential to be an ELE (extinction level event) for the human race as we know it. It is definitely not an exaggeration!

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Yes they have no idea what they are doing. They do not for example understand what human consciousness is but are fooling around with it anyway.

As for the TQ alphabeti at the end of LGB, Britain was first to it, NZ & Canada next and Australia last to it. And it's not just the gay community that has noticed it, many of us have. I would put my opposition to it back to 2016/2017. There would be many British who could date theirs to 2 or more years earlier.

I have not read all of your post btw, too long for me right now.

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I see you have been suspended on X/Twitter and still remain suspended. That's all the validation I ever need to know you are legit! ;)

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Yes my most recent suspension was about 3 days ago (I've been suspended upwards of 20 times). I might write a longer post on the process. About to appeal to the Better Business Bureau to see if they can help.

Suspension this time was for "kill yourself, dodo" which was not meant as a literal suggestion but rather something along the lines of "keep being stupid".

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Looking forward to reading that post. Have subscribed to your stack.

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Whilst most are falling for the Hollywood's psyop version of sound of freedom, watch Australia's version of sound of freedom instead. This is a true testimony of Fiona Barnett at the International Tribunal for Natual justice.


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Mind blowing stuff! Wow! Thanks for sharing

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You may want to add a new section to your article, right after the Q psy op - The flat earth derangement

It’s a spin off from the MAGA Q Trump insanity

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Thanks for the suggestion but is it actually a Paltering operation? What bigger truth do you think it is trying to obfuscate? Furthermore, is there ANY element of truth to it at all? It must have both in order to 'qualify' as a Paltering operation specifically.

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It’s a perfect blend of religious and new age trump era Q malarkey. It spins the possibility that Bible ( the multi mistranslated popular version of it ) was correct in assuming flat earth and the existence of firmament- that makes religious cults ecstatic knowing how right they were all along

Then it takes the assumption that nasa faked everything from moon landing going back to heliocentric “lies” of our most well known scientists 300-400 years back- because they were Freemasons. Therefore every time you see a globe and a compass and an arch depicted in the commissioned paintings of the numerous well known / scientists /astronomers etc , one must completely ignore their accomplishments because of freemasonic influence. This theme of

“ we have been lied to “ - is taken to absurd lengths . Since most who believe in this have had some exposure to the government agenda and very little scientific background they fall for this quickly and completely . This causes a divide and conquer rift which is often the goal of such psy operation . The reasonable people who are trying to seek the truth may find it but it is attached to Flat earth balderdash that makes the insane look well adjusted which gives them doubt if they want to awaken any further.. What normal individual would believe in FE? Well if this information is fed to you in the package with freemasonic doctrine ,vaccine facts, cult symbolism , pizzagate, pedo lqbtq+++ agenda , gates , Fauci, truths and half truths a lot of people would sink into the bottomless pit of FE insanity as they did for imaginary Q psy op. And others would abandon the search as it would seem comical.

Hope I made a bit of sense , sorry my English is abominable!

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Just as example I was watching a video about Jordan Maxwell ! I am a big fan of symbolism and pagan artifacts. In any case, the video took a good chunk of Maxwell quotes in pieces, and then it did this -https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8MsypAU/

e book for sale that uses Maxwell to hint flat earth model . Maxwell has never once even suggested the earth was flat . Quite the contrary. This was obvious and misleading

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Another example https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8MsPHfn/

Here another thinly veiled psy op

This one is actually calling FE theory a psy op - but notice how : it tells you that those not believing in Q are psy op agents !!!

Limited hangout ?

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That was a powerful admission with a tactical error - Putin is nothing but a KGB NWO plant

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Anyone still thinking that Putin is the good guy here or a saviour for traditional family values clearly doesn't understand how the enemy operates.

Other than the fact they MUST tell you in advance what they are going to do before they do it, the other primary tactic they have employed for centuries (at least since Napoleon) is controlling ALL side of each and every conflict (ALWAYS! NO EXCEPTIONS).

As Morpheus put it best in the first Matrix movie: "They guard ALL the doors. They hold ALL the keys".

Putin specifically is a young global leader graduate by Schwab's own admission...as is Xi!

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Excellent work. Has shades of the Feargus Greenwood book “180” which is a powerful scholarly tome. You have given a great summation of the last 100 years with relevant highlights throughout although the omission of 9/11 is curious for a few reasons. Greenwood’s book starts there and returns throughout.

The Bill Cooper quote is bang on and is also my general position these days. By this token, this of course means that you too can and should be considered a potential foot soldier for Team Depop/NWO/enslave humanity until proven otherwise. By definition, everyone is a potential Big Club member now, working towards the Actual Plan courtesy of the funny handshake “humanitarians”.

As Mike Yeadon is fond of reminding us almost daily, no-one is coming to save us. And as a friend who grew up under a brutal communist regime likes to say, as did his parents and grandparents, it won’t stop till there’s blood in the streets.

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Don't expect anyone to trust me. As a matter of fact, I actively discourage that.

Trust facts and figures after you verified them independently...not people.

As far as 9/11, it wasn't a Paltering operation because NONE of the conclusion in the 9/11 commission report were even remotely close to being the truth.

I wrote a detailed post about that event as well.


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This is extremely dangerous to our democracy

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I've added your article to my QAnon graph:


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Much appreciated

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Excellent post!! Worth revisiting multiple times and sharing with thoughtful souls.

I respectfully disagree that "a mass awakening" is taking place, but then 'mass' is a relative term. I know quite a few people who have been red pilled these past few years.. yet again.. I know plenty more people who simply refuse to face the obvious truth staring them in the face: corporate / legacy media can NEVER be trusted because they ALWAYS lie and PALTER, while pushing the evil agendas of the "ruling class" (i.e soulless devils in human form).

"Listen to Fucking Everyone, Read Fucking Everything and Believe Absolutely Fucking Nothing... Unless You Can Fucking Prove It in Your Own Fucking Research!.. And Then come to Your Own Fucking Conclusion!"

- William 'Bill' Cooper

Such a lovely quote

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