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"We Are Ready" Rally Gold Coast, Australia

This rally took place on May 20, 2023 to coincide with the annual Bilderberg meeting

Two weeks ago today, I attended my local “We are Ready” event on the Gold Coast.

My local event was a freedom rally that took place right on the state border between the Australian states of Queensland and NSW in the twin-towns of Coolangatta in Queensland and Tweed Heads in NSW (which stands for New South Wales).

My experiences and impressions of the day events are outlined in the video above which you can also find on Rumble and Odysee. I want to give credit to Roobs from Roobs Flyers, a colourful and much loved member of the local Freedom movement in southeast Queensland and northern NSW, whose videos I included in my coverage.

As I wrote previously, this rally was part of a large global initiative and the specific date was chosen on purpose to coincide with the annual meeting of Bilderberg.

If you don’t know what Bilderberg is, I’ve explained it here in great detail:

Coolangatta & Tweed Heads: a town divided for 2 years

The rally took place right next to the border marker which marks the boundary between the Australian states of Queensland (QLD) and New South Wales (NSW)

Queensland/NSW border marker

The town of Coolangatta is on the QLD side and is part of the Gold Coast city council. The town of Tweed Heads is on the NSW side and is part of the Tweed Shire Council.

Despite the fact that these two towns are technically in two different states, they are in all practical terms, a single metropolitan area with residents on both sides always moving freely between them as well as the surrounding areas, and with the economies of both towns structured and actually dependent on the free and unhindered transit of people and goods.

Furthermore, the free transit of goods between the different Australian states is something that is specifically protected by section 92 of the Australian constitution.

Despite that, the Queensland state government has somehow managed to put a physical barrier in all border towns with NSW (including the Coolangatta/Tweed Heads area) claiming this is necessary in order to “protect the Queensland community from the spread of the virus which is widely circulating in NSW”.

They got away with having these barriers in place for almost two years (on and off) which, as you can imagine, was absolutely devastating for the local residents and the local economy and resulted in many heartbreaking and even outright chaotic scenes in the makeshift ‘border crossings’.

Furthermore, the requirements for residents of NSW to be able to enter QLD became increasingly more onerous and outright ridiculous, especially given these were imposed on Australians travelling around their own country!!

The speakers at this rally

The Gold Coast event had an eclectic group of speakers from all walks of life with some names being well known nationally in Australia, and oven internationally.

Debra Yuille

The MC was Debra Yuille, an incredible lady, longtime freedom fighter and Senate candidate for Queensland in the 2022 federal elections and who has now dedicated herself to stopping the power grab by the World Health Organisation.

Dr. William Bay

The suspended Dr. William Bay is one of the most prominent activists in the medical freedom movement in Australia and the leader of Queensland People’s Protest.

Since he first started his medical career, Dr. Bay always focused on the welfare of his patients, as well as his own and most importantly, on upholding the updated Hippocratic Oath as formally adopted by the Australian Medical Association in 2006 (so quite a while back!).

Since then, every single medical Doctor in Australia has sworn to:

  • I solemnly pledge to consecrate my life to the service of humanity;

  • I will practise my profession with conscience and dignity;

  • The health of my patient will be my first consideration;

  • I will maintain, by all the means in my power, the honour and the noble traditions of the medical profession;

  • I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;

  • I will maintain the utmost respect for human life;

  • I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, EVEN UNDER THREAT.

  • I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.

I don’t think this oath can possibly be more clear and it has never been more relevant than in the 2020s!

Despite that, I am sad to say that a significant majority of the medical doctors in Australia have failed to uphold the sacred oath they have made, and especially the “Even under threat” bit above as they capitulated to the threats by AHPRA (the government agency regulating the licensing of all medical professionals in Australia).

Not Dr. Bay though!

Since he first spoke publicly against the COVID-19 injections in June 2022 and then two months later, directly challenged his fellow doctors during their annual conference, as well as Australia’s chief medical officer, to tell people the truth about the COVID-19 injections and stop their rollout immediately, AHPRA has acted swiftly (within less than 10 days) and suspended his license to practice medicine!

Since then, AHPRA’s stance towards the now suspended Dr. Bay has become much more aggressive and outright vindictive and you can hear all about it in the video at the top of this post featuring the full speech this very brave medical professional gave at the rally.

A mere few days after this rally took place, Dr. Bay was arrested by Queensland Police while demonstrating in front of the AHPRA office in Brisbane supposedly for “disturbing the peace” (apparently a cafe owner nearby complained that the good Doctor was making too much noise with his megaphone).

As Dr. Bay was detained by the police, they tried to get him to sign bail conditions which prohibited him from ever coming within two blocks of the AHPRA office in central Brisbane in the future.

Dr. Bay refused to sign without even flinching and as a result spent the night in a police holding cell.

The next morning, he was brought in front of a judge who released him immediately and unconditionally while scorning the police prosecutor for wasting his time with such a frivolous and clearly unwarranted arrest.

Dr. Bay left the police station victorious and vindicated and went straight back to where he was arrested the day before to keep protesting.

Paul Seils

Paul Seils is a financial planner and strategic business adviser turned freedom activist.

He also happens to be a great country singer who in September 2021 released a single called “Hold The Line” which quickly went viral all over the world and became one of the global anthems of people fighting for their medical freedom and bodily autonomy, something that up until two years ago was thought to be an absolute given!

Paul gave a speech about the dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and then performed his global hit song live.

You can watch both in the video at the top of this post.

Dave Oneegs

Dave Oneegs is a fitness and wellness coach turned freedom activist.

His message to Australians can be summed up as:

"Get off your knees, Australia. We were not born to live in fear.”

I couldn’t agree more!

During the May 20 rally, Dave gave a speech that really resonated with me about the importance of tuning out and taking a break from the fight to focus on your own physical and mental wellness, especially given this is a marathon and the road to the complete and unconditional victory against the enemy is (and will continue to be) long and arduous.

Here is his speech in full:

Forest of the Fallen

This was without a doubt the most emotional aspect for me in this rally!

The “Forest of the Fallen” is an initiative that first started in Australia in late 2022 with the goal of creating a visual tribute for the people who were injured and killed by the COVID-19 injectables.

Informed Choice
Forest of the Fallen: Putting names and faces to the numbers of dead and injured from COVID jabs
Watch now (3 min) | When the VaxXed Bus was in Victoria back in November, the Polish group, Solidarity, lent us their sticks as they called them. These were about 60 or so A-4 laminated posters on tomato stakes depicting stories of Australians who had reacted to COVID jabs. Everywhere we displayed them, people came up to read. Everywhere they read, they cried or were moved…
Read more

This was done in order to put names and faces to the victims and due to the fact there was a complete media blackout by the legacy media of these injuries and deaths.

These “Forests of the fallen” have quickly spread all over the country and now there is even a crowdsourced map of where these ‘forests’ are at any given point in time as well as an Odysee channel where you can find videos from these simple yet highly moving memorials.

Because these videos are on Odysee you can download them easily and share them around.

I’ve seen a few of these tributes previously in my local area and they were all great and highly respectful to the victims and their families but nothing has moved me as much as the “Forest of the Fallen” erected to coincide with the “We Are Ready” rally I attended.

This was due to:

I am thankful to the Tweed Heads council as well as the NSW Police for allowing such a display in such a poignant location which the average Australian considers as outright sacred.

You can see my footage from the Forest of the Fallen in the video at the top of this post.

Lest we forget but even more importantly: NEVER EVER AGAIN!!

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Exposés & Investigative Reporting from the Land Down Under. Public Interest Journalism from Actionable Truth Media by Australians and for Australians.
Michael Ginsburg