Sep 28Liked by Michael Ginsburg

They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



Here is a 9 min. video that explains the idea 



Ways you can help Raise Public Awareness 



Ways you can Take Action 



With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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Empowerment grouping. It's known to be part of Mountaineering especially on expeditions running high rates of risk. On one such trip, decisions for summitting or not were made on two occasions one by an individual and another a group of two cooperative members. The expedition members were all empowered. Three summitted. Me being one of the three. When you climb above 22,000' any well read set of mountaineers know the hazards. The last who summitted was met by me. It was astonishing to see him go right past me continuing off the trail. You can empower a group to make personal and survival decisions, but with any empowered group, ultimate responsibility would be with the leader. Few embrace that task where the best leader and executive really needs to lead by example.

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Michael, you’ve written on Sept. 13th 2024 that you can’t see substack surviving Australia’s Combatting mis/dis information Bill 2024, so should Aussies like me pay to be in your substack huddle for a year?

It isn’t really much money to spend, and the Bill may not get through-there’s a lot of pushback, as you’d know, so at the moment, I’m happy to pay the small amount.

Just one question-when you ask how frequently should the huddle meetings be, one of the options is bi weekly-maybe a dumb question, but does that mean every fortnight, not twice a week?

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I don't think you should be making a linkage between whether Substack will be accessible in Australia and whether you choose to join the Huddle or not.

Can't see how the two are related but maybe I am missing something so feel free to clarify what you mean.

Yes, Bi-weekly means fortnightly. I used that term because people in North America may not be familiar with the term fortnight.

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I just thought that if substack doesn’t survive in Australia, that I may not be able to get to the huddle because it’s on substack.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Author

Oh, ok. I see where the confusion stems from. Thanks for clarifying.

The Huddle will take place through another platform and not Substack. The recordings will be distributed through Substack but if Substack is blocked in Australia (or anywhere else), I will find other means to get the recordings to those that are part of the Huddle.

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Sep 30Liked by Michael Ginsburg

Ok thanks Michael, I get it now!

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Gonna sign up now, or at least, very soon!

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