Why many people ended up in hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic
Many doctors and leading health authorities seemed to have refrained from addressing the elephant in the room: microbial self-camouflage leading to delayed and exaggerated first-line immunity.
First-line immunity is not some kind of an insignificant immune type that depends on the quality of adaptive immunity to function well.
On the contrary, first-line immunity ultimately shapes the quality of adaptive immunity, although both immune types play critical roles in defending the body against faults and toxins.
First-line immunity is called that way because it plays a role of protecting life at least as important as many of the doctors and nurses in the first-line hospital departments, who were meant to think critically and save lives, without listening to politicized scientists and department heads.
The long period of time of no symptoms marks the high ability of the virus to camouflage itself, temporarily suppress the interferon system and allowing it to replicate without restriction, until the virus reaches the lower respiratory tract in a high load and suddenly stimulates a widespread production of Type I and Type III Interferons, which resulted in a sudden production of many pro-inflammatory cytokines and in a production of a sudden, exaggerated inflammatory response in critical areas of the respiratory system (the so called Cytokine Storm).
Overall, the asymptomatic stage does not mark a preparatory stage of the disease, but on the contrary, a lack of an immune preparation during critical stages of viral load increase.
Given that SARS-CoV-2 brings a particularly higher effect of “immune confusion”, it is mainly the problem of how the immune system responds, rather than how the virus can be lysed.
Likewise, this could be a matter of improving the human immune terrain more than a matter of weakening the germ.
One approach could involve the training of the interferon system to become fast-paced and sensitized in front of microbes with increased evolutionary abilities of self-camouflaging and first-line immune evasion.
If the human host has an intelligence, the microbe also has an intelligence, and if the microbe has an intelligence, that means the human host’s intelligence can be calibrated and raised to the level of clear health dominance in the environment.
Both SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 viruses lead to the onset of diseases that are often “autoholoimmune” in nature.
“Autoholoimmune” is a term that describes a disease that involves both anti-microbial and anti-”self” immune responses.
This may also raise a few eyebrows with regards to the origins of SARS-CoV-2 which even legacy media is now saying came from a lab.
If HIV-1 genomic fragments have been sneaked into the SARS-CoV-2 genome before its accidental or purposeful lab-leak, then it would make some sense that COVID-19 also produces significant autoimmune reactions frequently as well.
Patients in latter stages of the infectious disease could be offered immunomodulatory and some immunosuppressive therapies to decrease the intensity of inflammatory responses (some being autoimmune reactions), whilst patients in early, mild stages of the disease, as well as people in pre-symptomatic stages and the uninfected could be given a oral or nasal form of low-dose glycosylated Type I and Type III Interferons to specifically prepare the cellular immune system to detect and lyse the virus before it produces proteins responsible with silencing it.
Information about boosting the interferon system has been available since the middle of the 20th century.
Yet, the world has been failed by a system that seeked to fulfil a selfish, anti-human agenda that involved shifting financial, political and social order, and possibly a reduction of the present world population.
The next question is, how can we find ways to reverse the divisive actions of the legacy media and flawed scientific perspectives?
The first and most important step is to acknowledge that the truth is located where there is a balance; somewhere in the middle.
Just because the disease is real, it does not mean the experimental “vaccines” are safe and effective.