Don't get distracted by PsyOps like I did
Instead, remain focused on the battles that actually matter!

Recently and in the space of the less than two weeks, we have seen several quite dramatic events happen in quick succession.
After taking a bit of a break from following the breakneck speed of breaking news over the last few days and giving myself a bit of time to reflect and think, I am now completely and utterly convinced that all of these events are psychological operations (or PsyOps in short) orchestrated by our common enemy in order to distract us from the important developments and moves they are making which actually do matter.
In case you need a refresher on who the enemy actually is, I have already covered that extensively in this post:
Short Recap on Psychological Operations (a.k.a PsyOps in short)
PysOps is simply another name for Psychological Warfare which is defined by the Collins dictionary as:
The military application of psychology, especially to propaganda and attempts to influence the morale of enemy and friendly groups in time of war
The RAND Corporation, describing itself officially as a “research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous“ but in reality is a major participant in the military-industrial complex with close affiliation with the infamous World Economic Forum (as can be evidenced here) provides a slightly less ‘diplomatic’ definition on their website:
Psychological warfare involves the planned use of propaganda and other psychological operations to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups.
RAND has studied military information support operations (MISO) in many countries and war zones and has provided objective and supportable recommendations to policymakers on methods and tactics to employ or defend against these operations.
Basically, they are openly admitting to being PysOp experts for hire. A PsyOps-R-US of sort!
For the ultimate in-your-face visual explanation of PysOps, it is worthwhile watching a certain video from the 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) of the US Army.
As per their own website:
The 4th PSYOP Group Soldiers are experts in all functional aspects of tactical, operational and strategic level inform and influence operations.
In case you don’t get it, “inform and influence operations” is simply military jargon for PsyOps!
The video below is used by them as a recruitment ad of sort but I’d argue that it is a military-grade PsyOp in itself:
PsyOps are nothing new and as a matter of fact are probably as old as warfare itself.
However, in the age of fifth generation warfare, they are the primary way to wage war and the side which is able to conduct better PsyOps while being able to spot and avert the PsyOps of their opponents, is the one that will win every single time!
Bombs, bullets, airplanes and battleships make absolutely no difference as the ultimate goal of PsyOps is, as was perfectly articulated by the Chinese General Sun Tzu over 2,500 years ago:
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting
Fifth generation warfare is something we all absolutely must familiarise ourselves with as we have absolutely no chance to prevail against an enemy we don’t even understand!
A great comprehensive introduction to this topic can be found in the post below as well as in this lecture:
PsyOps from the last two weeks
Now that we hopefully have a common frame of reference for PsyOps, I want to touch on major PsyOps the enemy has launched over the last two weeks.
I will also openly admit to falling for one of them hook, line and sinker!
The Transgender PsyOp
I believe this particular Psyop is aimed at stoking hatred between transgender people and those that are not as a means of distraction.
This PsyOp has had two major components executed over the last few days.
First component: the ‘attack’ on Kellie-Jay Keen during the women’s right rally in Auckland, New-Zealand
Last Saturday (March 25, 2023) a rally for women’s rights was held in Albert Park in central Auckland (NZ’s biggest city).
The rally was focused on making two points (which should make perfect sense to any reasonable person) which are the rights of women and girls to:
Not compete in professional sporting events against people who are biological males; and
Not to have people who are biological males enter female-only places such as female toilets and change-rooms.
One of the keynote speakers in this rally was British woman Kellie-Jay Keen (known online as Posie Parker).
In the lead up to the rally, New Zealand legacy media went into a bit of a frenzy describing Kellie-Jay as a “Controversial anti-trans campaigner” which resulted in a counter-rally by so called “trans right activists” quickly being mobilised.
One of the leading so called “trans rights activists” behind the counter-rally was Shaneel Lal who has since been officially named Young New Zealander of the Year for 2023. I kid you not!
There he is with current New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins:

Lal who is also a columnist with NZ Herald, one the ‘leading’ legacy media outlets in that country, was instrumental in stoking the flames so to speak prior to and on the day of the rally:

The now young New Zealander of the year also referred to the women attending the rally and their supporters as TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists), a derogatory term first coined in 2018 and awfuly misused ever since.

The meeting of these two groups progressed as you’d expect after the ‘Phenomenal’ work by young New Zealander of the year 2023.
On the day of the rally, Kellie-Jay was ‘attacked’ on her way to the stage and another trans ‘activist’ by the name of Eliana Rubashkyn poured tomato soup on her .

The organizers of the women’s rights rally were not impressed with the fact that NZ Police did nothing and just allowed it to happen and rightfully so.

Following this incident, Kellie-Jay announced that she will be leaving NZ immediately as the local police can’t guarantee her safety.
Furthermore, the Prime Minister of New Zealand himself refused in a press conference following these events to assure that this despicable behavior will be investigated and the trans activists behind the ‘attacks’, including Eliana Rubashkyn and the young New-Zealander of the year 2023 be prosecuted.

What we are left with is the two photos at the top of this post which in my opinion, demonstrate more than anything that the whole thing is a PsyOp.

Why I think that’s a PsyOp?
I’ll let the tweets I’ve put out on the matter speak for themselves:

As far as “Eliana Rubashkyn”, I am 100% convinced he/she is an entirely made up person with an identify and ‘life story’ that was constructed in the most professional manner by people who do this for a living!

I will openly admit to initially falling for this PsyOp myself and giving the masterminds behind it what they wanted (namely: hatred towards Trans people):

I’m not proud of the above Tweet but have chosen to not delete it to hold myself accountable to not fall for things like that so quickly and gullibly.
This is the Tweet that triggered me. I’m not putting it as an excuse but rather as an example how pervasive the “trans PsyOp” has been over the last few days.

Second component: the shooting attack at Nashville
A mere two days after the events in New Zealand, another mass shooting event happened in the US unfortunately. This time in Nashville.
The shooter took the lives of six innocent people, three of them children and it was quickly revealed that the shooter was a former student at the school: 28 year old Audrey Elizabeth Hale.
Soon the news emerged that Audrey who was born female has transitioned to be male and was going by the name Aiden following her transition.
Other more disturbing information also came to light. Specifically:
The shooter had no criminal record, no history of violence and wasn’t know to police.
The shooter was undergoing treatment for some mental health issues immediatelly prior to the attack with the local chief of police in Nashville stating that: “She was under care, doctor’s care, for an emotional disorder. Her parents felt that she should not own weapons.”
The Mayor of Nashville stated that “This was very planned and numerous sites were investigated.” A bit strange for someone with no history of violence, don’t you think?
Less than 20 minutes before the shooter opened fire at the school, a message was sent (supposedly from the shooter. Let’s give that the benefit of the doubt) via Instagram to Averianna Patton who used to be a teammate of the shooter at the basketball team when they were both kids. Averianna, who is now a radio host (i.e. a media personality) in Nashville hasn’t had any contact with the shooter since they were kids and was not even aware the shooter had transitioned to be a male. The message read: “One day this will make more sense. I’ve left more than enough evidence behind. But something bad is about to happen,”
The shooter went to Nossi College of Art & Design in Nashville and worked as a freelance graphic designer. A Collegue classmate of the shooter said that the shooter had a “child-like obsession with staying a child.”
I can keep going on but I think you’re getting the picture that something doesn’t quite add up here.
Why I think that’s a PsyOp?
Ok, so first I want to preface by saying that this is absolutely tragic.
Also, unlike some people online, I will never claim for a second that the whole attack was staged/faked and nobody died in that Nashville school on that day.
That is just cruel and insensitive to the families grieving for their innocent loved ones!
However, I will say that there are some unusual aspects about this attack and specifically the shooter:
How would a person currently under the care of a physician for a mental disorder was able to obtain a semi-automatic rifle and a huge amount of ammunition?
How would a person with no history of violence and no experience in law enforcement or the military be able to meticulously plan an attack, including detailed maps and ideal entry points drawn, as was found by police?
Why would this person send a message out of the blue to someone they haven’t been in any contact with for many years who also happens to work in the media?
Why was a detailed ‘manifesto’ found following the shooting, supposedly prepared by the shooter?

Within a day of the shooting, stories started floating in legacy media about the fact the shooter was rejected by their family following their transition and that members of the Trans community in Tennessee were scared for their lives fearing reprisal attacks.
I don’t have definitive proof but I do have a very strong suspicion that the shooter was somehow psychologically manipulated to carry out the attack and then supplied with the means to do it (guns and plans) and a cover story was also carefully prepared to explain why the attack took place.
It is widely known that various elements within the US intelligence and military establishment conducted extensive experiments in mind control.
If that’s the first time you hear this and think I should take off my tinfoil hat, you may want to look into a program the CIA and Pentagon ran as far back as the 1960s called MK Ultra.
The official stated objective of the program was mind control and conditioning subjects to perform actions against their will.
This is not a ‘conspiracy theory’ but rather an absolute historical fact and the program was covered extensively by both alterantive and legacy/mainstream media. There were even proper academic papers written about the program and the findings that came out from it.
One of the most powerful aspects of MK Ultra was the Monarch Mind Control method which is a well structured and well researched suggestive programming technique with six well-documented stages to achieving the desired outcome:
Just like with the incident in New-Zealand, the objective here is to create strong animosity between the Transgender community and the rest of the population with the ultimate goal to distract from plans currently underway by the enemy which actually do matter to them.
The Trump Indictment PsyOp
Ok, so that’s a big one and a truly unprecedented event!
For the first time ever in US history, a former U.S. president is facing criminal charges, including supposedly 30 counts relating to business fraud and the payment of ‘hush money’ to a porn star by the name of Stormy Daniels so that she keeps quiet about the ‘dealings’ she had with Trump in the lead up to the 2016 Presidential elections (which Trump won obviously).
Now, this is a HUGE breaking story that is still developing faster than I ever have a chance to track so I won’t even try except putting this 6 minute clip in which conservative commentator Glenn Beck gives his take on the significance of this development and what could potentially happen next.
Why I think that’s a PsyOp?
Ok, so to be absolutely clear, there is a very specific element to this story that I think is what the PsyOp is (and was also alluded to by Mr. Beck in the video above): the TIMING of this.
The Trump Indictment is not some natural disaster or even a man-made event that has to happen at a specific time (e.g. an election).
Regardless of whether Trump did or did not commit these (or any other) offences and regardless of whether a former US President and a current candidate for the upcoming elections should be indicted in such a manner, one must ask:
The timing seems a bit sus given how close it is to Trump formally announcing he will run in the 2024 Presidential elections but even more importantly, given the recent big developments in the two areas that actually do matter and do deserve a very close and intensive public scrutiny.
The enemy’s moves that ACTUALLY MATTER
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
I have covered this topic and the dire implications for us all if that goes through in this post:
Since I first published this post, the enemy has made great strides in their efforts to enslave us all through the rollout of CBDCs and the digital IDs that enable it.
Here are just two examples (but I could give a whole lot more):
In the US, the Federal Reserve has officially announced that their FedNow system will be launching in July this year with the “certification of participants” commencing in April.
FedNow, despite what the official press release may say, is a prelude to a digital dollar issued, managed and cleared exclusively on the Fed’s own network.
In other words: a CBDC.
Calling it anything else is just like trying to put a lipstick on a goat and then try to enter it to a beauty pageant.
With FedNow in place, the Federal Reserve will have full and complete visibility over any transaction, in any amount, made by anyone for any purpose with anyone else (individual or business) in the United States.
Are you ‘excited’ yet?
The team at Redacted did a great piece on this providing further context:
Meanwhile in Australia, The CBDC pilot is already currently underway and is expected to finish at the end of May with results published by mid-year.
Also in Australia, ANZ Bank, one of Australia’s “big 4” banks, has announced their branches will no longer handle cash and all cash withdrawals and deposits should be done through their ATMs (which are rapidly diminishing).
This is the first such move by an Australian bank with an extensive branch network and I have zero doubts many other Australian banks will follow suit, including the other three of the ‘big 4’ unless ANZ faces a massive customer backlash for this decision with people simply closing their accounts and going elsewhere.
I hope it happens but I am not overly optimistic if I am being totally honest. Maybe you’ll do it after reading this post…one can only hope.
While this is all happening, many major retailers in Australia have already gone fully cashless like this absolutely despicable Activewear brand:

Australia’s major supermarkets still accept cash (for now) but are making it increasingly difficult to use it by increasing the number of self-serve checkouts (who mostly don’t take cash) at the expense of staffed checkouts.
The W.H.O global takeover
As you may be aware, the World Health Organisation is currently in the advanced stages of a global takeover of the sovereignty of its member countries.
This is done through the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) as well as the Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response accord (a.k.a “the pandemic treaty”) currently being concocted, predominately in secret.
These moves by the WHO will enable them to introduce a global and mandatory digital vaccine passport as well as introduce and mandate over 500 new vaccines by the year 2030 under their Immunization Agenda 2030.
The IHR and especially the pandemic treaty also gives them extensive powers to declare a global pandemic (even if there is little to no people dying or even getting sick) and then basically completely take over the healthcare systems of member countries and dictate to them what they should do on day to day basis.
Even Bill Gates, a man with no medical training or knowledge whatsoever, has ‘assured’ us all that the next Pandemic is coming and that “this one will get attention this time”.
If there is one thing we’ve all learnt very well since the start of this decade is that when Gates speaks about coming Pandemics, we should all listen carefully because the man guesses nothing, he KNOWS… and is almost certainly deeply involved in the ‘rehearsals’!
I have interviewed Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts about the Australian perspective and the local attempts for Australia to formally exit the W.H.O or #AusExitWho as it’s known online.
If you are Australian, this is a MUST LISTEN but even if you’re not, this will give you the context for similar initiatives in your own country as the process is essentially the same.
According to this recent interview I’ve comes across, the situation as far as the W.H.O and their global takeover may actually be even a lot worse than initially thought in the sense that we don’t have nearly as much time to stop this as we may have thought.
We may only have until November this year to get our countries out of their WHO membership before the amendments to the IHR which have already gone through become legally binding!
These are the ONLY matters that really matter right now.
Everything else is noise!
The rollout of the COVID-19 injectables and especially making them mandatory is without a doubt the biggest crime ever in human history!
It is the biggest democide ever committed…by a very wide margin!
We already did a very big exposé about the harm caused by the injectibles and the very sinister agenda behind them so I will not get into it again here.
Those behind this unimaginable crime MUST & WILL be held to account!
However, the injectables are the past now and what’s done is done. We cannot turn back time, only try and repair the damage that has already been caused and punish those responsible in the manner they deserve (which in my personal opinion leaves us only with one option).
However, the threat from the CBDCs and the WHO takeover is very much still in the present and therefore can and must be stopped!
The psy op is evident 24/7 - every “event” sparking outrage is pretty much staged. Our wars are staged. Terrorist acts are staged and controlled. Racism is staged. School shooting are carefully staged with perpetrators groomed by govt agents. Our leaders are puppets. The noise in the news the carefully excreted stories for predictable outcomes. Take every single event the media focuses on especially the ones intended for “outrage” and research different news outlets and videos- u will notice evidence that both sides get unloaded from the same bus so to speak. Just as Right vs Left illusion we have been fed ad naseum.
eli rubashkyn is also known as Sasha Rubenstein. His boyfriend is Israeli and to me looks very much like a NZ Green Party MP by the name of Ricardo Menendez. I have no idea if that's more than a resemblance but Ricardo & Ely/Sasha were photographed together around time of Posie Parker tomato attack. But Ely/Sasha's backstory seems to play out to me, I found no Israeli background (wasn't looking for it). He did get a pharmaceutical degree in Columbia but then bio goes a bit crazy when he travels to Hong Kong claiming to be refugee.